Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1949, p. 5

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>â-  ^ '^ >r * -f^ ^ f 4 ; â- Â»Â». >t A ^ -s >^- v« -N ^ *- > •f -1 f » X t ;i A .-Vi A I T ^ â- Â» 1 •A T- -T >^ -< -s ^ ^ .*>. A -t- » â- -%•â-  ^ ;^. '^ . t- t )• -r ^ -1 *» *> ^ '^ If- â- ^ ^ -1 "^^ /^ >^t A ». -5 ,i if ^. â-  „" ^' #* -^ â- ^ j^. ^ â€" < I*'- A .* i A ^ â- *â-  -^ >â-  7" t I- •S A A > A T is -» ^ -^ A A A A 5 1 . J 1 r THE FX.ESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, March 9, 1949 Second Grade Cream Prices Are Lower We would like by this means of aotifyiag our Cream Patrons to take extra care of their cream. Starting Tuesday, March 1st, there will be a difference of 26 cents between first and second grade cream. We would like to suggtst just a few import- ant points about the care of your cream, se as you can reap every cent possible : (1) B« sure that aU utensils are clean and scalded. ROCK MILLS MI'' i.'^t "e If >"'!•,£' (2) (3) Do not leave milk •r cream sitting around the barn, so as to abiorb the stable flavors. (4) Do not mix hot cr«fl«H with the cold. (5) Stir can each time you empty cream into the can. (6) Keep cream in a cool place. ;: Flesherton Creamery I Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario *•><~><K~>•><~:•♦<><-:~><•e~>^-KK♦♦4~x•<":~x•<K•*>♦•M••v:~v:~:~:~*M^.:~x«^ rORONTO LINE NORTH Mrs. P. Rice of CoHingrwood apant •Uie past week with ker parents, Mr. Bod Mrs. F. Brown. Mt. and Mrs. Clarence AIoox and family were Surday visitors with Vr. and Mrs. Bert Porteous, near Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller of Walkerton spent a few days at the home of the former's father, Mr. Alex. Miller. Mrs. Fred W. Brown was a recent Tisitoi- with her daughters in To- ronto. Congrnituiations to Mr. Rnd Mrs. Alex. Miller who were married recently. A number in this vicinity are hav- ing their building.^ wired for the in- stallation of hydro. CEYLON VICTORIA CORNERS World Day of Prayer was observ- ed by the Inistioge ladies in the home of Mrs. Walter Xicholls on Friday afternoon, March 4th, with 14 ladies tiiking part in the worship. The young people of Inistioge are holding their mid-March meeting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Croefcford, Saturday evening, March twelfth. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Kil- boume Magee entertained Mr. and M!rs. Clinton Magee and son of Max- •»-ell, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee, Eugejiia. Miss Peggy Linton is home from •Owen Sound on three weeks' vacation from "banking" duties. Sunday, Feib. 2Tth, guests in the home of Hugh Bymstead included -the latter's sister, Mrs. Lional Gib- bons of Meaford. Mr. Max Fletcher and Mr. Ward Dobson and daughter, Shirley, of Markdale, and last Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Schopf and fam- ily, Messrsj Sandy Brown and Gor- don Wilson and Miss .A.nme Bum- •tead, all of Mbrkdale district. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton and Pouglas motored to Owen Sound on Wednesday evening to attend tlu 45th wedding anniversary reception! In honor of Mrs. Linton's parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. Mrs. Bumstead accompanied the Linton's to 0«-en Sound and spent the evening with her sister, Mrs. , Sadie Breese. FEVERSHAM Mi-s Mary Mills, Reg.N., spent a few days at her home here, prior to comn\encing her new work in the Owen Sound hosipilal. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hemphill and family of Ceylon visited on Sunday with Mh-- Dan McKensie and Miss Kate McKenrie. Messrs. Chas. Perigee of MaVton i.nd Harvey Perigee of Toronto vis- ited their si,iter, Mrs. H. Alexander. Mr. and Mlrs. Joe Tate and Lee of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mr.-*. Jim Robertson. Mis. C. ^. l^ong returned home with them. Uae The Advance Small .^dvt.^. ir buying or selling. Mr. Wm. McArthur of Nanton, .A.lta., was a recent visitor wi*h Mrs. .Aiua MacMiilan and Fred Chislett, and called on his school 'pate, I. B. Whittaker and Bert Irwin. The euchre club had a very suc- cessful evening Thursday, wtien ten trbles were in play. The prize for the ladies was won by Mrs. Percy Sims, and C:vrman Plester had high score for the men. The next euchre is this Thursday, March iOth. Mrs. Geo. Campbell returned home !ast Tuesday, after spending some ; time with her son at Turtle Lake. j Visitors over the week end with ! Ml- . M. Plester were: Mr. and Mrs. ' Rv.>bt. Watson and daughters, Ellen, .-\da and Bernice, Russell Lewis, Wm. Nieholiim .{nd Delbert P!ester, all of Toronto. Miss Jean McMulIen sti Toroni; spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMuIlen. Misses Frances and Marion Coll- inson of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Collinson. The Ladies' Aid will meet .March 'lord at the home of Mrs. Douglas Reid. Please note change of date. Mrs. .\rchi!bald of Chven Sound -.vas a ret-ent visitor with Mrs Cteo. Snell. The Daitunn Punniture ComptBy quit buying^ logs mi Saturday, as &e yard is fiUsd and they h»«ent any room for storing more antU th«y comnence sawiiiK. Mr. aad Mm. VfUha CcAMim and three youngest childaen of Travera- ton and Mr. and Mirs. Harold Clark and Bradley of CoUiogwood were guests Wednesday of last week witfe Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark, the oc- casion bsine' Dick's birtihday. A lorely fowl supper was enjoyed. We join in wishing Dick many more re- turns of the day. We are sojry to report Mrs. Ned Croft very ill at her home here, hav- ing sutfered a stroke la^t week. Her family have all beem at her bedside, and her sitaer, Mrs. Harold Osborne, of Dundalk has been with her for a few days. Miss Helen Betts of Q-wen Seund speat the w«ek end with" her parsats, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts. V.'h,.e i'il.ii.a, â- .'."ee.i ^vn TT-iiiday, Cecil Beitts had the misfortune to heve one fall on the hydro wires, breaking two of them, and again an Satujday the same thing occurred, putting the line out of •omaiasion, v.-hen there was no power for sever- al hours. The repafr gang was soon on the scene and repaired the dam- aged wires and power was restored ai>out 7:30 that night. (Intended for Last Week) March came in stormy and cdder. Here's hoping it goes out milder. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Croft visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. George Os- borne of Dundalk. Mr. Clarence Chard has t>een nars- ing a very sore hand, he has had quite a severe case of ringworm. We hope it will soon clear up. Logs have been coming into the mill here very fast the pa^t week, and the yard is almost filled. Mr. Manr>ie Dobson made a business trip to CoUingwood, Lindsay, and To- ronto last week. Messrs. Jim Duffield and Art Innis of Durham, made a trip to the mill lart week in connection with some re , pairs having to be made. The parts ^\ere sent to Durham on Monday to get the wxjrk done, BUCKINGHAM .(lBt«iHled for Last Week) Mr. RosaeU Cameron returned to hia home on Saturday, baTing apMiit the past t;hree montiia with bis uncle, Mr. Dick Cameron, at Southamfiton. The eoehre club met at t^e hoiine of Alfred Havton, when foQr tablaa were in play. Mr. Boss Robinson I luid Kr. Gene Bleakley took prixes for iie men and Mrs. A. Kolph mat' Mrs. L Houtfh for the ladies. Mr. W. J. Bannerman returned frotn Toronto Saturday, where he spent the past week with hie bro- th«-, Adam, who was in hospital there and who has no^v returned to the borne of his sister, Mrs. M. Con- ron, at CoUingwood. For the convenience, the euchre club met this week a week earlier than usual, at the home of Anteld Rolph, whea three tables were plaj'- ed ad prices went to Mrs. Lloyd Hougk and Mrs. A. Hawton, Mervin Hawton and A. Hawton. i ii J ._. ,ii.i. err. .1 : giad to learn that Mr. Duncan Flet- cher of Gibraltar is ptasi-essiag farv- oi-abiy in CoUingwood hospital from injuries received when he fdl on the ice a week ago. Mr. E'.-ison Elliott is recovering from pneumonia at his home on the lOth line. Mrs. Cha-. Grummett, Reg.N., was attending him. Mrs. John Elliott of Maxwell ia at the home of hert sister, Mrs. Thjs. Elliott who, we are sorry to kmw, is r.ot very well at present. Mrs. Harry Udell spent iTst week ^^â- ^th her daughter, Mirs. Wm. Mc- Arthur, in Qwiin Sound. Massey Harris mgk %Miity Fa Pm>7 Ovw m Y. Ililmiinta Ymmr GttuwBtos •( STOCK ON HAND 3 Tractor PUwv: I, 3-farT*w ada 2 3-farrow Meavy Oaty 7-fMt SUC-taeth Trsatar Ci 3 Seu Tractor Dine Harrawat 1 M-piate and 2 H-piato 4-fMt 6-ptaU One-way Disc aa ataeL 2 9*ta aiiin<hti_ l«-f*et fertilizM' Sawer on niMMr 2 New Biadars I aMi T- 2 Sets 3-8ecti«n Spring Harrows 2 1 -furrow WaUair TVact»r Power Tak*-«tf Mewer f-feet cat Rite- Way Ebavy Datv S-furt«w Wattdac Pktw far harses HaBmer Mills G Ma Grinders Cieam Separatara, hand or elaatrie â€" Tsar Wst bey for abaa sWaiming, laag rerrica aad initial cost Caa d it^ck an kaa4â€" ' 600 ft. aapacitT (»S.M: 860 lb. capscat^ IllLM LITTER CARRIERS WATER T.\NKS W'e have in stock beth Pedlar and BeaMy Litter Carriers W^ater Bowls 6-ft. and 8-ft. caliper t^earins water taaki STOVES asd HEATE-RS M«a»rT Rafi^e $145.0« «o*d Cheer $US..5t P^aaess Pat StM.M a»Te Jew -I $1Si.l 'ens VALLEY ROAD SOUTH t ; (Intended for Last Week) Once again it seems that spring j time is near, as the crows are heard • again in the valley. Mr. Francis Ellis and girl friend of Rockl\-n visited Mr. and Mrs. Merle Weber on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .A.rt Idle of Durham, aecompanied '>y 'Mr. and Mrs. John W'okens visited Mr. Idle at Clarks- burg on Sunday. Mr. Fred Wickens and daughter, and I?UECTRTC APPI lAXCES We have Grshan, Renfrew and Sath,bjiu! Raagettcs: alse an fa- •eptionaHy niee !»ppearing Raage wi<l '^.K. opea rietaent. a laiil standard of quaBfry througfcoot at ^'Z^..^^. We invite yea to ceatpare thene Haes far (c.-uha ^nd iiriee. plus depeadable serriee. Easy aad Beatty Electric Washers J. M. STAF 0»:D FEVERSHAM, Ontari. 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partridge of j Irene of Me:\foi-d visited -Mr. I Hespler were recent visitors with his j Mrs. Cliff Ward on Sunday. I parents Mr. and Mrs. Ehvood Part- Tlie wood-buzzing machine has ruige. Miss. Jeanette Hass, teacher here, spent the vv-tek end at her home in Fleslierton. 1 STEPHEN'S CORNERS Mr. Geo. Fen-wick left on Simday for Toronto, where he will train for the Police Force. We wish him the best of luck in his ventxire. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Fisher en- tertained their friends to a euchre party Friday night, when there were 14 tables in play. The proceeds were $15175, which is in aid of the Snow Club. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Timson and little daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Diirvey and little son of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Timson. Mr. Roy Fenwick attended the horticultural convention in Toronto Oh Thursday adn was presented with the trophy as a reward foi- the trees planted as a windbreak last spring on his farm. Congratulations. Mr. Robt. Fenwick of Islington spent the week end at his home. LADY BANK Mr. John Robinson has a gang of men in the wildcat swamp taking out timber. Misses Edna and Nomia Maxwell I'f Toronto spent a few days at their pi; rental home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poole gave their home to the neighbors for a .social evening on Friday. .â- Ml enjoyed the games and contests and the splend- id lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graham and two sons of Barrie spent Sunday Sunday with Mr., and Mirs. Jack Graham. Mrs. Steve Sutton of Flesherton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GAR.MENTS Now is the time to order- a new j Spirella foundation garment for Spring. Made from individual mea- surements. A wide range of the htst materials available from which to choose. MRS. A. E. BELLAMY Phone 2ftM Flesherton come in and is doing: a rushing ' '.is'ness. Mt. Win Weber is muck improved, having been on the sick list for the p:ist two weeks. j Mr. and Mrs. Merle Weber, accom- panied by .Mrs. D. W'right, visited Mr. and Mrs. .\lan Short of Fever- .>iham recently. Mrs. Wright re- mained for a longer visit. Mrs. Atkinson had the misfortune to fall on the ice recently, striking her fiead and bie:iking a bone in the back of her hand. Her hand is in a cast for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Art Idle at IHirham recently. Miases Donelda Sayers of Sing- hampton and Goldie jftkiason. Rock '•nils, are spending a few iayj vntl- the former's sister, Muriei Sayers, at the home of Mervin Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Poole of Coll- , ir.gwood visited recently wfth Mi^ ! and Mrs. Harold Fen-wick. ' We extend our sympathy to the : Hawkins family in the passing of ' their aant, Mrs. Squire, at Mark- dale, and also to >n-. and Mrs. Wm. ' Stephens on the death of flieir in- ; i';iiit daughter. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lawler were; Mr. and Mrs. Art Lawler and family and Floyd ' I-;nvler of Durham. Mrs. G. Lawler •It" Flesherton, Mr. and Tlrs. Clarence ' Winters of the 3rd line and Miss Evelyn Gallaugher. Jl'rs. f. .-Vilen I'rom near DjBdalk 'ti:is returned to her home, after as- â- >:sting at the heme of Mr. Wm. ; Siephens. Little Helen and Jean Stephens are visiting awhile with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkinson, at Rock Mills while their mother is recuperating there. Farm Forum will be held at the home of Harold Fen-wick this week. A boxing trainer savs t^at fast foot work is most iniport^int in fight- ing. It comes in handy, also, in not fighting. Order* taken for amounts of 12.5 books or over THE ADVANCE OFFICE FLESHERTON V .oV -*!,. . i i:^ ' - -S; This year the Red Cross Must have More Money A -c^t % More coll for Red Cross The Red Cross must be prepared for all eventu- alities. Year after year the demand for Red Cross services grows. Millions of dollars have been spent in flood, fire and other disasters, to aiding the stricken and homeless. More Outpost ^S^^^'^ More Blood Hospitoh ^^-4,1^ Oonor Services .fe' 15 iSkiT' %^ Throuj;hi>ut Canada, the Red Ooss opcr-aies 75 Outposi Hospitals and 2 Crippled Chil- dren's Hospitals. More are beinjt buiU and inore are needed. Last year over 70.000 patients were served hv Outpost Hospital.s. Province by Province ihe Red Cross is open- ing its Free Blood Transfusion Service. l"ntold lives h.ive been saved by this great organization. But more funds -are needed to ex- pand and maintain this humanitarian work. Red Cross Aids Veterans Red Cross provides many services tor vet- erans in Hospitals. Other Red Cross aaivi- lies include: Junior Red Cross; Swimming and Water Safety; Nutntioa Services; First Aid and Home Nursing; Women's Work Acti- vities etc. VtH/r REP CeaSSmomgy /s Backet/ up Hi 6y ^usancfs a fw/unfeer tvorkers *THE RED CROSS NEEDS 5 MILLION DOLLARSâ€" 4 â- s :i ^.r MORE THIS Y E A R I

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