Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1949, p. 4

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Wednesday. Apiil \X 1^49 T«E FLE6HERTON ADVANCE M.-H.[Farni Equipment Stock on Hand for Immediate Delivery 2 13-diac Grain and Fertilizer Drills, power lift, tractor hitch 2 l3-disc Grain and Fertilizer Drills, hand lift, 2 H.H. Good used Drill with fertilator attached 1 4-ft. One- Way Disc 2 a6-plate Tra<«tor Disc 2 7-<foot Grain Binder 3iount Vernon Fertilizer Sower, 10 ft. size 6-ft. Power Mbwer on niibbe*- 2 10-ft. Dump Rakes Stiff-tooth Tractor Cultivator 2 2-fui*ow Tra«tor Plows S-fvrrow Tractor Plow Pony Tractor and equiipnient 2-furrow Heavy Duty Plow for horses, at bargain price Hand and Eaectric Cream Separators â€" Your beat buy, to aare your cream and also your money. Allis-Chelmers Tractor, g-ood as ne^v Hammer Mills 2 Sets Spike-^ooth Smoothing Harrows Grain Grinders Farmers, We Also Have Pump Jacks Pressure Systems Litter Carriers Barn Track Hay Cars Forks and Pulleys Boatty Extension Ladders Rooting Siding Water Tanks and Stable Equipment A Good Place to Get Your WashinjT .Machme Hot i'laies dl iyioves Small Electrical Appliances We deliver and we are as close to you as your tele<>h*iie J. M. STAFFORD Hardware Roofing Cejnent Feed Farm Machmery FEVERSHAM, Ontario 9me of the spring hats for women is ah«4ied like a coal scuttle. No^ a PAINTING & PAPERING done by J. TOMLINSON FWae 6r42 Feversham. Eugeni* :iKin won't be so embarrassed in a stove pipe. NOTICE Hunting, trapping or trespassing on my property strictly prohibited. -John MacDonald, Eiigenia. 44p3 GEORGE DREW Leader PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY will speak Thursday Night April 21st ON THE SUBJECT "THE NATION'S BUSINESS" CBL, Toronto, at 7:45 p.m. â€" THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY To- i Progressive Conservative Nation.il Headquarters, I 14 1 Laurier Ave. W., Ottawa I I wish to join the Progressive Conservative Party. NAME ADDRHSS.... CONbllJUl.M V iPkaif prmt) {PUfXe Inint) {Pre/erred, km m>i tiicnliaD J VALLEY ROAD SOUTH The maple syrup season was short this year, a>Hiioueh the run was Rood while it lasted. Pat Weber is ennployed thi» sea- son sailin); on tbe "Algonquin." Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Wilev and Devona. with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gib- son and fawiily, of Priceville vieiied with Mr. and Mrs. John Wiokens on Sunday. iMr. «ad Mrs. Gordon Patterson and Donna motored from Toronto last Sunday and called at the h*me of Merle Welber and other relatives. Mr. Fred Wickena and dauehitar, Irene, of Meaford visited on Sunday with Mr. and^lrs. Cliff. Ward and family. J Mr. and JVirs. Merle Welber and faanily visited with -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short laat Sunday. Mrs. Wripftit returned home with them for a short visit. Mr. Jack Webei- has purch2|ied the new house naar Kinilberley own- ed by Mr. Garnet Baker. They ex- pect to move in next iweek. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens ac- ooTOipanied Mr. and Mrs. Art Idle of Durham to Clarksburg one day re- cently to visit friends. lii'Tiiilv Off Feversham. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Short of Nottawa. visited wit' Mir. and Mrs. Merle Welber on Sunday. V.aSdELEUB Vr. A, H£LO THEIR EASTBB MBETlKC (By Vandeleur Reporter) The W-A. held the April nveetin* at the hoime of Mrs. Kthel Hutchin- son, Wednesday afternoon, April 6, with the president, Mrs! Wra. Bowlts presiding. Mrs. A. Fawcett read the devotional exercisei. and the roll call was answered by a verse "Resurrea- tion." Mrs. Howard Graham took for her topic "The Easter Messasre" prepared by Nellie McCluncr. Ctm- adian authoress. Mrs. Landy Johns- ton and Mrs. Lindsav gave readiofrs and favorite Easter hymra were sunc Rock Mills School Grade 8â€" Florence Wilkinson 80.3, Jeanette Dobson 78.3, Lois Helmkay 78, Murray Betts 73'.5, Ken Smith 04.2, Ethel Betts 47.4. Grade 6 â€" Bruce Benson 78. Ivan Betts 52.4. Ga-ade 5 â€" ^Dorothy Wilkinson 76.4, FatrLcia Dobson 73.8. Grade 3 â€" Louise Betts. 7S.I Grade 2 â€" Sheila Dobsoai 86, Jean MdVIiaster 84.5, Ronnie White 74.8. Grade 1 â€" Stanley Porteouus 90, Doug. Russell 83, Wayne McMaater 80. David Bailey 73, Marie Boyce 66. â€" Janette Hass, Teacher CO.OP. AU TO INSURANCE NOW AVAILABLE Contact ELGIN McCUTCHEON Proton Statioa Phone 18Sw3 Dundalk. Are You Building This Spring? We can supply all necess- ay rougfh and finished mat- erial ,also Sash, Doors Trim,, etc. If you are contemplating- modernizing- your kitchen or building cupboards, we have in stock a good range of Plywoods, Kenti^e, Arborite, etc. We would be siad to quote prices Telephone Shelbarne: 23ft Ferersham: 14 ShelburRe Planing Mill J. W. ROBINSON. Prop. William St. Shelbume ip Top Tailors Ordered Clothing Pick your style from the New Season's Style Books and select your patterns from the New Spring Cloth Samples while the assortment is # it« beet. Ladies' Suits |46.S0 Men's Suiu $46.50 Smart Easter Neckwear TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE Leave your order to-day for early d«Hver. "A'row" and "Curie" Ties for Men in new 19*9 designs - . . . -Sl.OO. S1.50. $2.00 NEW ARRIVALS IN Baggage at Lov/er Prizes AT 'LOWER PRICES Aeropaks, Dressing Cases, Suit Cases. Prices on all Baggage are based on the recentb udget reductions. New Styles in Ladies' and Girls' Footwear. Men's Reliable Work Boots Rubber Footwear for Spring Use 'Pioneer" Poultry Feeds Laying Mash Chick Starter Laying PePets F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON 0pe'^ vzew. .,ever^ res i *• » » » ^•\ 1"^ evem nae. .. j^miss IS f£e most£eaut0i/ WS^g/^^^ *^J/^* IlwmeSffMVf/M BUY Look at this exciting new fcr Sfy/fii0 CENTRE-POINT STEERINO Chevrolet from any point of view â€" inside and outside, front, side nnd rear â€" and you'll agree it's the smart- esl-luoking automobile of lliii new year. For it alone, of all low-prioeJ cava, hring^ you the dislin- giii^Ued LtMUly and luxury of Body l.y lishcr â€" the body fraluitil »i> hiplifnl- prK'i'il oars. ]rfcemojfBeoo/(7o;BUY>,.iile i„,o the deop, »»fi, "ntre-poinf seating Tte Msf BMVfffc/ BUY fcr DrArtog mi Udlag fas»â€" with new Centre-Point Desifp neaMStBMVfffcf BUY What thrills you'll hare hrPerhnmmt9 whh Itoaomf for Comfort liinii-lilliii(! M'ali. Notiio llu" fvlia-priioi'oiis liriuj. li'l! and plhiiwi'dom of the SiipiT-Size Interior. Hide in this "c»{- llial lueatlics" â€" willi an ad\aMred lu-atiiip* and M'Mtitatini; rty^ilcui that inlLilp? ont-iide air and e\lial<-n stale air â€" giving conifiirl beyond ooiujiare ! •i Heater and defroster unit* i>|ilioital at extra rost.' Must scusalioiial of all the advancements in this thrill- ing new Chpvrolet for \9i9 is the entirely new kind of driving and riding ea^e whieh it introduecs into the low-priced field. New (lenlie-I'oint Design â€" iii- clndini; tlenlro-l'oint Steer- ing, ('entiel'oint Seating, lower I'.entre of (iravity and tlenlre-l'oint Rear Suspen- -ion â€" brings yon- drivini; and riding results hereto- fore fonnd only in more expensive cars. The diller- iMue is so great â€" nnd so ;)/<>(im'ii,c thai it's no ex- aggeration lo -ay it i- prov- ing a re\ elation to all who drive or ride in lhi< ear. Rem e ni her â€" o n 1 y n « w Centre-PoiixJ lle-ign can CENTRE- give these fnier motoring 'rear' residts ; and only iht new SUSPENSION I'hevrolet offers Centre- Point Design at lowest eint. when you drive this ear 1 It's the only low-priced car with a Valve-in-Head engine â€" the engine which more and more makers of higher-priced ears are adopting â€" because it gives a much finer combination of performance, economy and dependability. And Chevrolet';, world's cham- pion Valve-in-Head engine holds all records for miles served and ow ners sali-^lied. rAe m05f Seovtiftf/ BUY Ves, you and yonr family for All-kound Sakty will enjoy maximum safety, for Che\ri>lel brings you fn'rfold sal.'ly projection found only in this one low- priced ear: ill ISew t>rti- Safe Hydraulic Brakes; (2) Extra-Strong Fisher I nistecl Hody-Coiislruc- lion : lit) New Panoramic Visibility; (4) Safely I'late C^la--^ in uindshield and all windows, and ' "i i the super- steady, super-safe Unitized Knn«-Action Kide. First for Quality CHEVROLET at Lowest Cost A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 15498 D. MacTAVISH & SONS Dealers Flesherton, Onk* •* « 9 -♦ *â-  -^ *â-  » * ^ * » B * » i« r * 4 ». «« •4 mm t » * «. > 4. * A » â- Â« r m • i -m ♦ •r •» » « I 1 » i -»â-  4 -A. * ^ * -» » > â- Â» *- ♦ • -! * =»â-  « ^ ♦ » « » *â-  <« M -« > r t t 1 * f * â- â- Â« f- Hft, * » « »â-  < â- Â»â-  * -• <«* â-  *»* ^^ -• » ,^ * •♦ » â- Â« > -^ â- â€¢ -«» -« -• » • * -4, A Jk â-² c •> •1= '« « ^ »- •» * * * ^ « â- Â» . M .3. c » « ♦ » i» • 1^ * â- Â» « â- â€¢â™¦ « ♦ * « i â- â- *!> » â- â- â€¢ -f i » "•" -â- â- â€¢Â«Â« I • â- * -« 'T» •* « -». * n* ♦ • â- -* .» ♦ r » * * *

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