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Projton Council circles, died in the Orangeiville Hospital Sunday morn- ing, following a two-weeks' illness at his home and hospital. To th» bereaved of both families our sin- cere sympathy is extended. Mr. Wilfred Gallaugiher returned to Toronto Tuesday to assist his son. Kingsley, in the completion of his new home. MIrs. Gallfiiu^her spent the week end with her nephew and niece. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Robinson, Bethel, and â- toiDP'l in the V>irthdav narty Sundav. L. .._„ .. .. _i. Vi ..:..-- ,!•„-. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon en- joyed a few days visiting in Toronto the early part of last week. Sunday euests of Mr. and Mrs. Hug?h Buimstead were: Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Guy and Madeline, Mr. and MVs. Walter Boiimstead, Allan, .snd Dou^rlas, Mrs. Lionel Gibbons, .A.ud- rey and" ESna all of'Meaford, Miss Annie Buimstead, Messrs. Sandy Brown and Max Feltcher, Markdale. Mrs. Chas. E. >foore of Toronto visited Friday and Salmrday \vith her son, George and family. Mr. Gordon Ward and mother, Mrs. Gil- bert Ward, Toronto, whom Mrs. Moore accom/panied, were Saturda:? â- evening- callers. Friends here were sorry to hear of the disasftroiis fire at Boden's service station in Flesherton on Thursday afternoon, also the hydro poles fire at Proton Station last Monday afternoon. A third, leas fateful fire, causing excitement for a time, oc- curred Friday morning when Mrs. Jas. Forbes discovered a bad chim- ney fire at her hoime. Iimnediate njian-power aid soon had the fire under control. Mi-s. Jas. Batchelor visited Thurs- day with her sister, Mrs. Archie Mc- Taggart, Braanpton. Enroute home to Toronto from a week end at Thorrthjury, Mr. Jas. Bannon and tliree friends had Sun- day evening supper with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon. Friday night's young people's meeting was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stevens. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrj. John Duncan were: the latter's sis- ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. Acomb, Toronto, and they, along with the the younger son of Edjar Duncan, visited the ladies' brother, Mr. Jas. Badgerow, Rock Mills on Friday evening. .A. Saturday visitor in the Duncan home was Mr. Elmer Xiihn, Priceville, and Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miuir and in- fant son, Jimimie, Misses Mareraret and Vema Priddle. Dundalk. IVEtb. John Carson has returned to her home after sipening the winter months in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Winters. Mrs. Winters and Anne, who teach and attend school at Wareham, boarded during the winter months with the foi<mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jack- son, notw drive back and forth each day to their own home heer. Mr. aad M!r. Wm. (j^bisoa ef To- ronto have returned to their borne here. Mrs. Gordon Cowan, Gail and Jef- frey, of Toronto spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. MkrahaU. Mr. Ooiwan was Ui> for the week end. Mrs. J. Grant and Patsy of Orwen Sound were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledsre. Patsy re- mained for a longer vi»t. Gordon Shaw of Fordtwich Dalton Rutledge of Owen Soomd, Keitih Goessel and Geo. Jaynes of Toronto â- ^penit fahe week end at their homes. Mis.'ses £lna and Frances Adams of Owen Sound spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams. A very enjoyable time was spent in the school Thursday night, when mere were 11 taibles of euchre. Mlrs. John Nidhol and Jas. McMullen won the prizes. The next euchre is on Wednesday, April IStfa. SWINTON PARK Mi-s. John Lane is spending some time with her son, Barl. Mr-. CJ»'-k -m-i *<"' \!!an, spent ouiia*ij* tiv'Giiiii;;; wit.!i me iut'illtJi* si son, Doug-las, and wife at Proton Station. Mrs. Fred Knox and son, Jackie, â- as a visitor last week with ttie lormer's mother at Riehinond HiB. Misses Rata and Lorraine Porter and Ml-. Bruce Ohrietie spent the woek end with the former's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Porter. House cleaning and wood buzzing is the order of the day in our little hamlet. Mrs. Dick Hardr spent last week in Toronto with her parents and sisters. Before Mr. and Mkrs. Bruce Hodg- kinaon and family left Kiimi>erley to reside in Thornibury, the poeple of the conviaiunity eathered in the Com- mtmity Memorial Hall and presented them witih a number of gifts and an address of beat wishes, for which they expressed their kind thanks The eveninc was spent in games and a few dances. They moved to theii- new hosne en Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Faiwcett moved to their home, which they had bought Friday. Mr. D. A. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham and Doneldn of Fever- sham visited Sunday with Mrs. S. S. Burritt. Mrs. D. A. Graham, who spent the week with her mother, re- turned home with t&em. Miae Eleanor Ellis and friend spent Sunday wioh her parents. Mrs. G. Proctor has returned to her home here. Tlie W. A. held thA: meeting at the home of Mii-s. ^ Kirkpatrick, when there was a good attendan<ce and a splendid neetinfC- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Abercrombie of Barrie made a short visit witl; Mrs. S. S. But-ritt on Saturday. Mr. Ran. Hutchfnson has sold his creamery truck business to Mir. M. ROCK MILLS 8TH LINE OSPREY ARTEMESIA COUNCIL MEETING Owinp to the absence of the Reeve at County Council on Monday the regular meeting of the Artemesia TowrnsJhiip Council has been po»t- prmed to Monday, April 18-tih. ELECTRIC WIRING Estimates given for your electric wiring. AH work guaranteed. Call collect W. H. GRIFFIN Priceville - Ontario Phone Durham 303w2. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Griesbach and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Clif- foi-d Littlejohns of Flesherton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Stepihens. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Fittle granddaughter, Mary Stephens, visited with the former's sister, Mrs. Jos. .â- Armstrong, and Mr. Arm- strong at Thornbury on Sundiiy. Recent vi.sitors with Mi-, and Mrs.. Mervin Davidson were: Mr. and Mrs. John Buiekingham and family and Miss Bessie Dinsmore of C-ollli ig- wood. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunnill of Red Wing, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proctor of Eugenia, Mr. and Mrs. Tiiornton Sayers and family of Sing- hampton. Messrs Mervin and Vincent and .Miss Naomi Somers of Brantford, Mrs. P. J. Somers and Helen of Wal- singham, spent Sunday at their home here. Mes-sr. .Austin and Bernard Con nor of Dnndalk were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Haley. Mr. Pat Hrley of Durham visited his parents one day last wo'^k. We welcome our new n-sighboi.^. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hale and sac. t-j our line. They are residing on the taiMn owned by Mr. Walter Lawler and known as the Mladden farm. Tliere are more than 5,006 stars visible to the naked eye. Doubters are pri'vilege<l to count them. Th« mill started oa Tveaday «»»- in^- for the s<^aon'3 ^winK. Most of the oldhanofl are back on the job. There wilf be several months of saw- ing, as the yard is completely filled with logs. The farmers are now oi^y on t;ie land, preparing to plant a large acreage d spring crop. Many are engaging tractors to enable them to speed up liie w<oz4c Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beets spent Saturday with Owen Sound friends. Visitors over the week end wi* Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell were: Mrs. Margaret Wihitraore, Mr. and M!n. "^os. Whitmore of Durham and Mr. R. N. Armstrong of Paisley. Mr. Ted Croflt has made several trips to 'Hamiltoa disposing of his scrap iron, whieh he purchased from the farmen. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cl^rk spent Saturday *ight wtfth Cortingwood relatives. Mr. W. 0. MSsener of Brampton was a visitor at the Newell hemie on Tsesday. The Rock Mills Mission Circle held their .April meeting at the home of Mis. Wes Pla«tt Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Fred Partridge of Hoepeler is »i- iV â- * ' *:»*-*' * â- â- 'â- farm, recently purchased from Mrs. Fred Jamieson. International Harvester SALES & SERVICE Used Farmall Tractor, completely rebuflt, like nsw 6-foot One-way Disc 3-Furrow Plows Cream Separators â€" Hand or Electric The New No. 200 Grain GrindBn Milking Machines, etc H.|M. SAVERS Phone 51 DUNDALK, Ontario .•\ cafe in lUinios caters specially to sweethearts. Pass the mush! The averairf Canadian takes 18.- !>08 steps a day. says a statistician. It's okay for a doctor to add 10 -And, how many jumps when cross- years t-o your life if the bill for it ;ng the street. 3oesn't take a-way 20. A>X>4><*>>*:>'>>>X**!**>*t**> 4. Summer Store Hours STARTING MONDAY, APRIL 18 we will close All Mondsy Open Wednesday Night, all day Thursday and Saturday Night as usual F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. i <-<~^**<NeH><..>.;~>.x~:K•<~:K~^♦:••r•:~^<~x~:~>-:"X~KK~;~;~>•^•;";•^^^ rur jiieii $ UQaiiinie, ruei una Otis THE BEST ON THE MARKET Contact H. A. RUSSELL, Dundalk, Phone 208 STAN CHAPMAN, Dundalk, phone 193 FAR.M DEALERS Reverse Charges Sevr 250 gal. tanks, drums and rotary pumps available free of clwrge ', \ PEOMI'T DELIVERY â€" 24-HOlR SERVICE Phone 7 MARKDALE NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY A3 HIGH .\S IIO.M FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS rcording to size and condition â€" Small aninials removed free. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 1-^6 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER FEVERSHAM We welcome Mr. and Mrs. George Sho:t to our village. Visitors with Mr. and Jh's. Herb Eby and Stephen were: Mr. and Mrs. Bm .\nnstix)nig and children of Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Kby of Walters Falls. We are pleased to report Mrs. C. N. Long is improving in the Mark- dale hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ottewell visited on Stmday wnth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ste^'-art at Flesherton. Mr.' and Mrs. John Weldrick and family visited on Sunday with .Mrs. John Radley and family at Tryon. Mr. and Mrs. Torr<ui«e Williams of Flesherton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler. EASTER FLOWERS Order your Easter lyiliet-, flower- ing plants and cut flowers fi-om â€" W. A. HAWKEN Phone 17 Flesherton «N».><..><.^<..X><><><«.>^>.>.>«<».>.>4M>.>.><M^^.^<k.>.^<M.><.<.<>>^.>^<M>^.>4^^ Keep Cream Cool It appears as though margarine is here to stay. We have a good market for first grade butter, but there is no market for second grade butter. Therefore take good care oi your orcain. because second grade cream is to be reuu lied to the farm. It would be wise to start and cool each separating by placing it in a pail of cold water inmiediately after THE SIGN OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE I separating. EGGS Bring your Eggs in with your cream, as we are paying top market prices for Eggs and Poultry. Flesherton Creamery 30 Years of Motoring "Know-How" Maintains the outstanding Quality of Reliance Products Tops for Quality Highest Octane No Finer Gasoline Made RElL;IAiNCE VITALUBE MOROR OIL Low in Price. High Per- formance - for motors not requiring high-octane ^uel Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario •>♦♦<•♦<•<••><• ^^<•♦<•<•<••^<•<^<"^<^<x••^♦<•♦♦^•♦^•♦<^<•<•^• ♦<••£••£•<• 5> â- >•>•>•:•<{«<:•<":• You Can Rely on Reliance GEORGE SLED. FEVERSHAM MEL. SLED. MAXWELL TAYLOR'S SERVICE STATION. EUGENIA t