mm. mmmmmm ^ Wednesday, April 13, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Purebred Hereford •bull, serviceable age., â€" D. W. Adains, phone i02w4 Flcsherton. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of akfalfa •eed, cleaned. â€" J. D. Mat-Donald. Eugenia, phone Feverahani 5r41. P"OR SAL£ â€" Carrots and parsnips, also my property at Ceylon. â€" F. Kedd, Ceylon. 46p2 .4r.»NTED â€" Auuamut raitabk foi mink ana fox {••d. â€" Bert Mclntou Eu««ai«, ptaoo* fi^â- v«nh•-J 6r£t FOR SALE â€" .Vl»ssey-Harris seed drill. 10-hoe, in Kood shape. â€" Wallace Hamilton, Fk>sherton. POUND â€" License plate No. N740y Ov\ner can have same at The Ad- vance office. ihp'6 FOR SALE â€" Erban oats and Vel- vet barley for seed. â€" G. Alc.Mullen, phone Thoinbury 612r5. 4(ip2 FOR SALE â€" 200 bu. goose wheat. â€" EHck Carson, Ceylon, phone Flesheiton 22.M3. 45c2 FOR SALE â€" 2Shorthorn bulls of serviceable age. â€" Wm. Cairns, phone Flesherton 44w3. 46p2 FOR SALE -- Team of black Per- cheron Kelding.s, (i and 7 yrs. old. â€" CliJford Allen, R.R. 3, Flesher- ton, phone 45wl. 45c2 FOR SALE â€" 1113? Chev. coach in good condition, new tires, new hoaU-r. â€" Wallace Mrads, phone Fle.sherton 22 J 2. 45c2 FOR SALE - Colony house 12x12, and double hen pen 2.=jxl4, boili nearly new. â€" Fred Taylor, Eugen- ia, phon* ll'.t.Ml. 4r>p2 FOR SALE â€" I'JSB Plymouth sedan in fair condition, good tires. â€" E. Fothergiil, Priceville, phone '.lO.Ml Flesherton. 45p2 FOR SALE â€" About 300 bu. Ajax seed oat«; quantity of feed oats. â€" Thos. Bemroee, phone Fever- sham llr25. 45c2 FOR SALE â€" 1 '-J atory frame house 18x24, could be moved or torn d<jiwnâ€" C. Hodgkinson, Heathoote, phone Thornbury 628r21. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" 10 tons of aJfaha hay also small frame housd abou". 15x 22. â€" Kenneth Hill, RJl 2 F!e- Aerton. 45p2 POR SAliE â€" Couple of beating etovee; oak buffet; several iron and wooden beds; arm chairs G. fl. Welton, Fiesheiton. 45c2 FOR SALE â€" Set of M.-H. 14 -plate outhro-w disc hairofws with fore- oarriajfe and a 2-fujTow Cook&hutt kid plow. - Everett* Blackburn, phone Flesiherton 42 J 1. 4^2 FOR SALE Ruaajbcr-tire \V»gon, iUmmoiih and Red CUwer seed, cleaned. â€" Leslie Seeloy, Flesh- erton, R.R. ], phone Ur32 Fover- eham. 45p2 POR SALE - - 70 .sheet's aluwiinuni roofing, mostly ;ftc8 size. â€" G. I.. U&gaDn Co., Ltd., PriceviHe, or phone Mr. Woodrow, park Hotti, Flesherton. 45p FOR SAIuE - Aurtx)-'frac -with «â- cylinder .N'ash engine, in good nM!ch:uii<-a) condition. â€" Noiinun Jack.son. M;ix^\'ell, phone Flesher- ton 12lwl. 4tip2 FOR S.\LE Horse, 6 year.s old; 2 Shorthorn cowk., 4 and B years, with calves; »ap pan; buckets*, rubber- tiro brug>gy, ui'cl ImneLs. - Mra. Win. Newell, R. R. 2, P)e.siherton. POR SA1>E Man'H bicycle in good condition $20; al o .22 calibn- ReTniri«ton rifle, pump action, ih neaily new. â- Walter Playtec, lilhone 14f)J .\Iarkdalc. 46p2 POR SALE Hardwood nlabs |25 per track Joad; .so*twood » $1H, approximately T'l; to 8 corxLs per k)ad. Delivered free witMn 10 miles. - Walter Pkyter, phone 14«J Mterkdale. 46pl2 CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Iuu«r of MarrUfe Lie«iWM CONVEYANCER WiUa Mort«affei, ate. DeMla Afrreemants A conMnisaioner for taking Office, Toronto Str««>t, Plaahartan HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTKRS, SOLICITORS. EU- Phone 38 MAHKDALK Mr. Dunlop wiH be In C. i. Bellamy's office every 9«t- ardmf from 6 to 8:80 p.». George Newton Best Died At His Home Thursday •After an illness of .six weeks fol- lowincr a stroke, Mr. GeorRe Newton lj>si passed away at his home in KlesJierton on Tluirsday nioming; of last week in his 70th year. The funeral was held on Satuitlay afternoon, with service at his late residence, conducted by Rev. A. Ci. Macpherson. who delivered a coin- fortJnj? raessa^re to the bereaved and read the hymn "Now the Laborer'.^ Work is O'er." Interment was made in Fleivheiton Cemetery. The pallbeaiers were: .Messrs. G. Irwin, H. Akins, R. Stevens, L. Mc- ( racken, F. Taylor and G. John.son. The honoraiy pallbearers were: F. Urackenhury, R. ,1. Fisher. T. J. Fisher, J. Thisfclethwaite, J. Oliver, .ind G. White. P^lorwei' bearers: N. Scarrow, R. Boden. W. Russell, J. Stewart, A. Ahci-dein, C. MacTavish and Wni. Irwin. •â- Xmong the large number of flora! u-ibule.s were tokens of syn^pathy from tjie neighbors, S-niHg-hill noigh-, slatr of D. .MacTavish & Sons and the Scarrow Bakery. The late (Jeo. .\. was a high- ly eRteemed resident of this distric â- ill his life, was hifdily regarded, his irenia] pei-sonality makine him manv friends. He was a splendid neigjiboi- in every tease of fh- word. He was on the farm at Springhill. a son of the late 'Sh: and Mrs. Robt. Best. He was united in marriage to Miss l.'ora Bellamy in 190.5 and farmed south of Flesherton until they came u, KlesherUm five years ago. He i: sui-vived by his wife and one daugh- ter, Florence (Mrs. C. MibKeohnie) of Fle.sherton. aiui three sons, Wil- fred and Elmer of Flesherton and Roy of Islington; also by three sis- ters and two hroUiei's. Charles of l''l('sht'i-ton, Rachel (.Mrs. Simmons) •if Toronto Maggie (Mrs. L. Talbot) of .'Xrtemesia, Rhoda (Mrs. Geo. I'dell ) of Toronto and Bert of Grand Prairie. .-Mta. .Among those who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Rov Thistlethwaite, Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. fdell and Jack, and Mrs. R. Sim- mons, all of Toronto; Mr. and .Mrs. ('has. McKoohnie Durham; .Mr. and ^.'â- .lâ- s. Wm, .McKechnie Mr. and .Mi-s. Rus.sell .McKechnie. Mr. Wilton Mc- Kechnie and Mr. Nelson .South, al! of .Malton: Mr. and .Mrs. Art McDon- ,ild, -Acton; Mr. and Mi-s. Harry .Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Ken .Tohnson. .^rr. and Mrs. Wm. Summers. Mr. and .Mis. Geo. Shaw, all of Markdalo; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wright .and fam- ily, Chatsworth, and Mr. Earl M<t- Kochnie of Islington. St. John's United Church Rev, A. G. MacphersoK Minister All our people are urged to make the of the Easter Season in solemn preparation during this Pas- sion Week, and in religious celebra- tion of Easte-.- itself. GiH)d Friday â- ervice: Api.l ),"iih, ;..t '.1 a.m. in St. .John's. Haster services: April 17r;i, m Flesherton, Inistioge and Eugcni.i. Communion services: April 1 7ti' at Ini.stioge. and on April ''4th :'t Flts'ierton. Proton and Eugv-ni.i. The Eugenia W.A. will hold their April meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Proctor on Thur.'->., April 21st, at 2:30 p.m. Baptist Church New* Tlie ff.Y.P.U. will hold a seivice in the chuirh on iGood Friday, April 16th, at e T>.m. Service in the church on Sundav. .April 17th, at ll a.m. FOR S-.A,LBâ€" Wi-11 curea alfalfa and timothy at my barn at Vandoleur, •il.sio roal quality potatoes. â€" -How- ard MoOe<', phone 3MI Fle,»herton FOR S.AjLK -- 2-burner hot plate, ajui Handi-chisf with oren, both good as new. â€" W. J. MJcMastej, phone W Fleshei-ton. 46cfi CEMENT GRAVEL, SAND liKUVCTiED OR .liOADEiD IN VOUR OWN TRUCK H. A. McCauley I'hone '>0 PLFiSHRRTON FARM and HOMK GAS and OIL SERVICE U. A. OIL CO.MPANY PRODUCTS For prompt delivery of g-asoline, kerO!«ene, stove oil, finest iruality diesel fuels and all grades of Ponn- zoil, peerless and Autjiene Motor Oils. We also hai d'e nil types of gieas«8, solvpTiti and iinrhtin; naphtha, It cont* no more to une the beat Storat e tanks ..nH pu â- nns .ire available fr.-e of charge. RLDON A. iIHni^K Telephone 5Gw FLKSHKItTON (in name of Mrs. Eva I'lshor) We pay all telephone charRos Local and Personal Mrs. Ed. Fisher viailed last week in Toi-onto. i.Miss Kate Macmiilan of Toronto was in town (for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Blacicbum of Orangeville visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher on Tuesday. Mr. E. O. Beivtham of Toronto was a caller on his mother, Mrs. R. Bentham, on Friday. Reeve K. G. Betts is attending the April session of Grey County Coun- cil in Owen Sound this week. -Mr. ami Mrs. H. W. Kernahan have .returned to to(WTi. after soend- ins: the wiiiter in Torojito. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jackson of Markdale were week end g'ueslts of .Mr. and Mi-s. Harold Fawcett. Mr. and .Mrs. F. J. Thurston and Jimmie visited on the week end at St. Thomas and with her mother. Mrs. Geo. White, at Aylmer. ylv. and Mrs. J. .A.. Richards snent Thursday at the former's parental home at Lucknow, with his mother, who is seriou.sly ill. We aie- pleased to know that her condition is im- proving. iMr. and Msi\ Lawson Bowles and family have moved to the ThistU- thwwite iPi-operty at Springhill, for- merly the Thorne Wrig'ht farm, purchased from Mr. Roy Thi.stle- thwaite. M'r. Bowles has hem with the Boll Telephone Company in To- ronto for almost thirty years and is at present on leave of absence. ^ BOWL Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 His. GetllMrPef,Viii,Vigw ail uii: I k ttifini Bonr llmtM oil nut ufly hollawt U|i: iMTk DO ItllKar •cranny txiar« htll- â- UtmxI. alaklr "baitu-ixiU' Icxik. niniunnili ol â- IrlA. «-niiit.n, iiifln. wliii nevtr imhiIiI unlti bof<ir«. An iMiw proud at flIiaiMily. linftltliy-ltiokluM tHKll««. Tbry lliank llir «ti<M'l»l vlK(,r-l>ull.l(ii|f. n<wri-l>ulk1lnc lonir. (Ifitm lu tonlrH, â- tlmulnritN, invltorAtom, iPftn, vitnntUi Hi. r^alclmn. cnrlrli lil.toil. Impnir* ftl>P4-tit« BiKi (liKfMtu.n Nu fiKiil ilvm you more •trriiwil, and iiiiUrlMtimfiit. liut nMlt un Imro lM)n<^ l>on'i f(i«r griihttf too fat Stop wh*n you've iinUird ygm 6. 10. lA iir 'iO llM. vou iMMd lor nfinnal wAlilit. Ctau klU*. Kan "«ot ul<iualnt«l" alia mly MM. Try laiooui Onini IobIh Talilau ^>r nan «i»or â- M aihlM nniwdi tiiU »»rr day. At all <lni««ta" SPIRELLA FOINDATION GARMF.NTS Now is the time to order a new Spirella P'oundation Garment for .Spring. Made from individual mea- surements. .A wide range of the he-t 'materials available from whi'-l' to choose. MRS. A. E. BELLAMY Phone 29M Flesherton WOOL GROWERS ORGANIZATION Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario RELIABLE GRADING PRO'MPT SETTLEMENT Shippers may obtain sack* and twine without charge from VIC YOUNG, MAXWELL W. J. McM ASTER, FLESHERTON or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPEKATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto. Canada Hello Homemakers! One of the loveliest of the ancient beliefs con- cerning Easter was that the sun danced eaj-ly on Easter morninsr. Easter was worshipped as the Dawn fjoddess by the pagans. It was the comi'ion custrni, years ago to rise early and watch the sun's rays dance (•n pans of water which were set out as miiroi's. To this day many people rise early Easter Sunday, to cele- brate the festival of Chris.t's resur- lection â€" the beginning of a new life on earth. Why don't you plan simple Easter week end menus so you may enjoy to the full the glories of spring. Rhubarb Juice Glazed Roast Ham Miustard Sauce Baked Potatoes Canned Corn Niblets Cres« Salad Brown Rolls Easter Nest Dessert I I .K Monday, Tuesday, "Wednesday April 18, 19, 20 also Siindav Midnig-ht "GOLDWYN FOLLIES" Kdgar Hergen (has. McCarthy Thursday. Friday. .Saturday April 21. 22, 23 ALL LAUGH SHOW A NIGHT AT THE OPERA" .Marx Bros. "Towd in A Hole" Laurel Hard^ BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY I I 5* 5: Implements - Repairs i[ Fleury-Bissell Tractor Disc Harrows Tractor Pfc)WB Walking Flows Rubber Tire WsKOn.Timken bearinK Smoothing Harrows OTACO Manure Spreaders > Tractor Spreader Tractor Disc Harrow, automatic control Steel wheels for rubber, for your own wagon B E A TT Y Deep and Shallow Well Electric Pumps Electric Pump Jacks Hand Pumps Pump Rod and Fittings Cylinders Steel Water Tank Extension Ladder Repairs for all barn equipment R E N F R F W Electric Cream Separators We have a good variety of over- hauled Separators, which we offer at reasonable prices to clear Wringers and Stoves STEEL ROOFING Some steel still on hand ASPHALT 210 lbs. 2-in-l Shingles 125 lbs. Winlock and Arrowktek 3f> in. Rock Face Rolls 90 lbs. 18 in. Rock Face Rolls 95 lbs. Smooth Face Rolls 331bs. Building Papers SIDING Insulbric Siding, red and Jaspjer with white mortar line Ruolfcrick Siding Insul Board Insulation in the loose or batts EDGAR BETTS FLESHERTON 4 « «. I » i Phone 46J <K«><M.>^<M>^.>^>^^».x~><>««<><><»>'>:*<><><>^><i>^><><>»<><>«««^«^^ Coffee Rhubarb Juice: Cover diced clean rhubarb with water; add the usual amount of sugar and cook quickly. Strain liquid in a pitcher, add a few drops of red colouring and chill be- foi-e ser/ing. Easter Ham: Bake a half ham, skin side up in an open roasting pan without water in a slow electric even of :!25 degrees. Allow 22 minutes per pound. (5 mins. per lb. more if i?. taken directly tVom refriger- :'tor.) Skin, score, stud with whole cloves and spread with '-i cup brown sugar mixed with 1 tsp. dry mustard. Brown in a hot oven (4(10 degrees') ^-UK'ar mixed with 1 ts.p. dry mustard 15 to 20 minutes, basting several times with drippings. Mustai-d Saiice: Mix together, in duolble boiler: l'^ tbsps. dry must- ard, 2tbsps. white sugar, .V< tsp. salt and 2 tbsi>s. flour. Stir in S tbsps. vinegar and .r^ cup cold water. -Add C tbsps. marsrarine, 3 beaten egg yolks and Vt cup cream and stir, un- til thickened. Then remove from el- ement and mix in 3 tsps. Worcester- shire sauce and another ^4 cup cream. Before serrinjr stir in 2 tbsp. chopped chives. APPLICATIONS FOR BULLDOZER OPERATOR TOWNSHIP OF ARTBME.SfA Applications will be received for the position of opei'stor of a baU- dozer for the Towns'hip of Arteme- sia, to be in the hands of the under- signed by 12 o'clock noon on April 18th, 1949. State qualification, ex- perience and salary. â€"A. B. CHARD. C»rk Flesherton, Out, SHINGLES 5X $11.85 per square No. 2's $9.25 Sinch Clears $6.50 O. & A. CO-OPERATIVE Phone 24w Flesherton HANDS IN TRAINING ... FOR ONTARIO -4. Learning Business Practice IN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of UB. Our lathes, ilynaiiioH, drill presses, farm combines, tractors, bimiiiess machines, etc. are producing goods and services which earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities which contrJnutc to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which are important to our way of life. Ve should appreciate, then, the coK>perative efforts of government, industry and labour in the field of einptoyee training. In schools and in factories our workers, young and old, are given the opportunity to develop new and specific skills in every field of business ana industrial activity. VoT instance, every effort on the part of office workers to become pro- ficient in typing, tiling, shorthand and secretarial work, will mean greater business cfliciency â€" will help to make Oittario a finer place in which to live and work, THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Our 11^'ay ol Life Newarda Trained Hands Ontario workers know they can earn more, have executive responsibility uud enjoy « higher standard of living in direct ratk> to the skills they ac- quire and the way they make use of them. That's always true in a free economy â€" that's why our com- petitive system will continue tO make Canada great and â- grrtit place in which to live. ?^:' It ♦ '4.