!1£LJl i". '.!. JLU ^i inOEEl Z Jl \\'c(lnes(lay, April 27, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE M.-H. Farm Equipment Stock on Hand for Immediate Delivery 2 r3-disc Grain and Fertilizei Drills, power lift, tractor hitch 2 13-disc- Grain and KiTt-ilizur Drills, hand lift, 2 H.H. , Good used Drill with fertilator attachud 1 4-ft. One-Way Disc 2 2»i-plate Tractor Disc 2 7-£oot Grain Binder Jlount Vernon Fertilizer Sower, 10 ft. size 6-ft. Power Miower on mbber 2 10-ft. Duni>p Hakes Stiff-tooth Tractor Cultivator 2 2-furrow Trattor Plows 3-furrow Tractor Plow Pony Tractor and equitpment 2-furr<nv Heiivy Dity Plow for horses, at bargain price Hand and Electric Cream Separators â€" Your best buy, to save your cream and also your money. Alli.s.Chalmers Tractor, ^uod a.s new Hammer Mills 2 Sets Spike-itooth SmooUiinjj Harrows Grain Grinders Farmers, We Also Have Pumj) Jacks Pressure Systems Litter Cairiers iiarn Track Hay Cars Forks and Pulleys Beatty Extension Ladders Roofin« Siding Water Tanks and Stable Equipment A Good Place to Get Your Washintf Jlachine Hot Plates 'Oil Stoves Small Ele|lriral Appliances We deliver and wi- are us close to you as your telephone J. M. STAFFORD Hardware Rooflnj{ Cement Feed Farm Machinery FEVERSHAM, Ontario poured forth more purposeful mean- ing of Uiti sacred ^season. Sipeciai music was supplied by tbu organist .virs. Klmo Stevens, and choir mem- bers. Jbljay we »top here to extend our best wishes and congratulations tt> the bride and groom of Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ediwin Fowler, Salem, who were married in Dundalk. The liride, the former Laura NichoUs Lee, a resident of this community for a number of years still holds a place of interest in the hearts of her friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love and Jim were Sunday quests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hannah, Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bumstead, Hazel, Harold and Isabel were Sun- liiiy jiuests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry HuiTvetead, Berkeley. Mis. liiiiv.stc i I and Isabel are visiting during the Kastw vacation with Markcla'e friends. Mrs. Risk, Kimberley, was a re- c'-iit visitor with ber daughter Mrs. K.Kvood â- Stevens. PRICEVILLE h* U K 1 i- A W VICTORIA CORNERS (Intended for J.«st Weekj The Boyce families spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Wil- son and famiiy of Wareham. Mr. and Mis. Kenneth McKee and and dau^ters of Toronto visited Tthtfiv's hr;r :vt: the week end. Miss Kuth iiiitaiee enjoyed a few days '.nth her LK>usin, Doreen Fisher. Mrs. Stan. Patton spent a couple «£ days with friends in Toronto. Mr. Laurie Pedlar's and Mr. Herb Bett.<?' new tractors arrived this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lutlher Love and Jim spent E;ister Sunday wiUi Mr. aad Mrs. Uobt. Hannah, Berkeley. Miss Evelyn Fisher spent the holiday with her parents. Mir. and llrs Wallace Fialier. Mr. and Mrs. R. Proud nad fam- iif w«re at Heapeler Good Friday. Gii'.'Sts with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie P(Kllar Sunday were: .Mr. and Mrs. A. Gruminett, Mr. and Mrs. Bill La- •.iJ- nwl ,,jri Uill of OtUwa; .Mr. (•â- al ilxb. R^)y Grujunielt and Gaii of T<,<4onto; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gookc ȣ Shelburne; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. dtewarL anU uaugnlers, I'lesnerton. Ml. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher spent • day w»Ui All-, and >li-s. Clarence Loiidry, near liuathcote. Mxs. Lon- <!iy is jtiU bedfast but improving fc-ori lier recent o'peration. Mr. and IVlrs. Kobt. Osborne iind Mr. and fc.i. Mac Cudmore and sons •^ l>undalk were visitors recently â- mth Mr. and Mrs. John Badgeroiw. laee, Mrs. Badgerow, had been very bick wiUi the flu. atr~. Bcldin of Thornhill and Mrs. L. Bt^an of Kiiijf spent the week end Vrith their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Vfe%. 'Plantt, and calle<l on Mr. and l(1i'<. .Jaa. long, Fevorshani, .ilso on Mi. and Mi-s. E. Wright and Miss Maude Homphil! and in Flesherto* •â- Mr. and Mrs. T. Pj^er, Mr. and Mrs. J. McKee and Miss E. Hemphill. Mr. and Mts. Ivan Morrison of VandeU'ur and .Mr. and Mrs. Corn- field of Fle-sJierton were visitors »'iib Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shier. Mr. and Mrs. R. Meldrunn of New Toronto are visitir>g with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. I>on Goheen and Isabel and Mr. Ed. Patton of Dun «ialk s|)ent h^ster Sunday with Mr and Mrs. St^inley Patton. The Botts families (»f Toronto were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hcrt> Belts and family. Vinitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fish- er and family and Mrs. Archie Fish- ei- oif Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Blaoklmrn stpent Saturday evening in niirbain wiUh Mrs. Bla«-kburn'» motber, Mrs. OaJincron, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. McAHhur. Mr. aTuI Mr.-'. Hartley Blackburn. Sliaron and Georire of Port Credit â- were holiday visitors with Mr. am! M' ,. Rver'pltp Blackburn. Mr. and Mr'i. Ken Stpw^ai-t and children of V'ol.,' -.vixy} sm-nt Thiirsdnv wilb <|i" BMcWburn family. Tlie W. A. of Maxwell nn'l Tncs- «Ny in the home of Mrs. T.aurie Ped- 1..1- â- ,,y\ Jibe Mis-i'on Circle of Rock T^Tillu niftl nt t.bi- l\on)e of Mrs. Wes. Pb-ntt. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING F„9TrMATES FREF JOHN CARSON Wonp 2r2 Flcsslierton Prir^villp An impromptu presentation in the school bus on Thursday morning in- cluded the signature of eleven puib- lic school pupils names from S. S. No. 4 Artemesia on the address read by Irene Duncan, to the driver Mr. Wallace II;iihii; Ki. -.vi.u 1. is cj a'.i,u- ly and patiently transported these children to and from school through- out the winter months. l.-yiTjel Bum- stead made the presentation of a pen and pencil set and a pair of socks. Mr. Hamilton though taken completely by surprise thanked the children for their gesture. Thursday was the meetinjj of the Inistioge W. A. in the home of Mrs. Wni. Crockford for the Easter meet- ing. Thirteen Ladlies wcere present and a very profitable afternoon was spent. Miss Laclcey very capably took the devotional exercises, bas- ing her period on the "Good Shep- herd." Each lady had a reading in keeping with the same. Mrs. Johnnie ' family visited recently With friends il: iMiJed for Last Week) Mrs. Edgar Patterson was hostess ti; the Federated Farm Women, v:;. .Mrs. Cecil Fawcott presiding. The roll call was ans«'ered l)y an ex- change of flower slips or seeds. Mrs. liradey Lwin jrave a very ir.teie c- ing talk on the .African violet, and Mrs. Cecil Fawcett conductrii i couple of contests, prizes being won by Mrs. I. B. Whittaker and .M>-s-. E. Paterson. Mrs. Wm. Beaton and Mrs. Donald Gillies each gave inte>- esting readings. The hostess donated .i plastic butter di.-»h on which ticV- etc were sold, Mrs. Ted Wadi> ing the lucky ticket. Friday night the Y.P.U. was held at the home of Henry Tucker, vrith *li._' pr'.'sident, Grant !>,iy"rs. ,)iosn'- ing. Readings were given by Betty and Joyce Tucker and a duet "Boo- f|uet of Roses" was rendered by Shirley and Betty Hincks.. Dfrs Peliea gave a very interesitintr t-' On her trip fiom Poland. Games rnd community singing were also en; )y- ed by all. M-r. Willis Saycrs of Toronto llni ; versliy was an Ea-?tpr visitor at his pv pntal ho<me. Mr. a'i1 Mrs. BoV Lane of Go vjre tov r. r.pent the yfel' end wi'^h .^Ir. and Mrs. Jim StuiTock^and family. Ml ATthie St'ii N.tk spen*. a fc-.v d '...â- > I'l Toronto. .'•'r. <iic Mrs. A'lX. Du !:.<• i in.! The Late William Martin William John .Miarlin, in failing health for the past year and a half, died on Monday evening at his home ai IttiD 2nd Ave. East. He was born al Exigenia Falls, i n Artemesia Township, but had lived in Owen Sound for the last 26 years. He was the son of the late John James M'ai^in and the former Mlar- iiuret Thompson of Eugenia, where he was brought up and where he farmed for 12 years as a youn^ man. He lived for awhile in Flesh- erton and worked on the construc- tion of the hydro electric power dairt at Eugenia. He later went to Northern On- tario and worked at ^raceoridge on the same lype of work, after which hfc returned to live in Owen Sound. On Dec. 28, 1904, he married the former Annie Ethel Camack oif Kim- berly, who survives with one daug'h- ter,- Wilda, and twb sons., Orville Gordon of St. Clair Shores, Mich., and Charles Melbourne of Owen Sound. There are also seven grand- cliUUleil. His two brothers and three sis- ters also s.urvive Mr. Martin's pas- sing. They are: Misses Cora ana Nettie Martin, Owen Sound: K-i â- . Jlrs. Mac Caswell of R. R. 4, Owen Sound, Fred of Owen Sound ani Charles of Eugenia. Married 44 years ago last Decem- ber, the late Mr. IMartin was strong- ly attached to his home and family. He was also a devout member of Calvary United Missionary Church in Owen Sound and always attended service* regularly when his health fermitted. 'Wabasso' Prints Prints have been scarce for a long- time, but we are fortunate in having a nice new shipment of "Wabasso" Prints to oflfer. iThe patterns are well selected in fast colors, the width is 36 in. Priced at 45c and 50c Yard "WABASSO" PRINTED POPLINS Smart new designs, 36 in. wide 69c yard "WABASSO" BROADCLOTHS A good range of colors, 36 in. wide 50c yard General Insurance AUTO - FIRE LIABILITIES Special low rates for most private cars D. G. MacARTHUR Phone 82 J FLESHERTON "WABASSO" SHEETINGS ijleacned and unbieachea, /Z in. and bi in. wide "Waba«8o" Hemstitched PiUow Slips $1.59 pair * M m 1 FOR HOUSECLEANING TIMEâ€" Varnishes Floor Wax Paint Brushes Sunworthy Wall Papers Paints and Enamels Floor Finishes GRAND VALUES IN RELIABLE WORK BOOTS PIONEER POULTRY FEEDS Chick Starter Chick Grower Laying Mas'h F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON 1 a- Woeclord. Mr. Joe Wright of Fergus spcr.t (loth gave the .Missionary chapter. Easter guests during tne week end in the Bannon home included ^^^ week end with his mother. .Miss Doris Bannon, Mr. Jas. Bannon, 1 ^'r. and Mrs. Earl McKinnon, Mr. Tommy and Donna Gail, Toronto; U'-nd Mi>-. Orville McKinnon of To- ♦^^<^^<^^<^^««^<H»^<M>^<H»^««|4«^*«^'^^^^ Miss Kathleen Bannon T.C_A. stewardess, Vancouver, who will re- main for a longer vacation. Other district visiiltors: Air. and Walker and Mi»s Wanda Wields, Hamilton, with the former's broth- er Sandy and Mrs. Walker; Mr. and uMra, Bill Coon, Bdbby and BdLlie and Mrs. Albert Stinson at the lat- lei's home hero. M(rs. Stinson re- mained for the summer months; Mr. and MIrs. George MacGregor, Wayne and Maureen, Preston, with Mrs. MacGregor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gamlble and Cleo and Mrs. Al- bert Stevens, Sudbury with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stevens, M:rs. Stevens to remain here now after spending the winter months with her daug'h- ter in Sudbury. Mr. Gamble will re- .main for a week's visit while his wife attends the O.E.A. convention. Mr. Frank Ames, MatacJiewan, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fonbes, Mr. and John McKechnie, Durham, with Mr. Mid Mrs. Elmo Stevens; Miss Marie Cooke, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Waller .^cheson; Mir. and Mrs. Howlird Gillies, Harold and Hazel Jackson, Toronto, MV. and Mrs. Glynn Jackson, .F^rantford, at Art .lackson's; Miss Peggy Linton, Owen ,Soii»id wiith Mr. and Mrs. Rus.sel Linton and Douglas. A very impressive Easter service was held in Inislioge United Chu"eh on Sunday afternoon with Kev. A (;. Nfacpherson in charge. Tlie nigh- light feature of the ceremony was the lite of baptism conferred on Lyle Crockford and Bill Jackson, and the iweivinir into full niember- ship with the ("liiirch of Lyle and Bill, their parents. Mr. j^l Mrs. W. Crockford, Mr. and Mrs. .Art Jack- son, Nancy Palterson, Mary Niehollsi Wiliiia Stevens, Donald Brown and | The aiv rnrce recruit was 1en'-in(* IMvby NichoUs. This was followed | for hi?, training base and his mothtv by communion service for all mom- [was very coiveriied over his safety, bers. .^ record utteiidnncc was pre- "Remember son," she advised, "bo Si lit foi the Easter service which ciriWul. fly low and slow." COOP. AUTO INSURANCE NOW AVML\nLR non*a''t; ELGLN McCITrHEON Proton Stadon Phone 183w;{ Dundalk. ronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and M'l-s. D. K. MicKinnon. Mr. Alex. McEachern and brother- in-law, Donald McCormick, of To- ronto visited la.'st week with Miss Mary MfcEiaChern, â- Miss Betty Tucker of Toronto Nor- mal School is holidaying at her home. Mr. Vincent Aivher, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Carson of Bowinanville were visitors on Good Friday at the himie of Dick Oarson. Misses Betty and Shirley Hincks of Lisle and Mt. Forest were "aster visitors at tiheir 'parental home. MB.ss Isabel Karstedt, Toronto, is spending the East holidays with her parents, Mr. and Ma-s. H. Karstedt. nWr. Hector McLean, Toronto, ^vas home on the week end. (Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carson and daiiR^iters spent the Easter holidays with St. Catharines friends. Mr. Carman Whyte mf Fergus was a visitor with hia mother. Mr. and .Mrs. John Calder and family of Holstein visited Sunday at the home of A. L. Hincks. IMr. and Mrs. C. liT. Hincks and f.amily of Han-iston, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hincks and Maril.vn of Toronto were visitors Sunday at the home of Stanley Harrison. A lovely bouqtiet of Easter fiowers were sent by M's. Sutherland of To- ronto in memory of Rev. .\ngns Sutherland and a lovely bo\iquet of roses bv Mrs. Aldoorn were placed ii> front of the Proslbytorian church Sunday morning. y^. Colin McLean am! Alex. Mc- Lean of Toronto were Easter visit- ors in the village. (Mts. .\rchip McKechnie and son" spent the week end with friends in Toronto. t t t t T T T T T T T T t T T T T T T t t T T T T T J T t Official Opening WE TAKE PLEASURE IN OFFERING TO THE PEOPLE OF FLESHER- TON AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR New Modern Self-Serving Store This has been accomplished by the planning of (Mr. J. Brackehbury and the very efficient workmanship of the Mill Staff, and should be a credit to them on the excellent results obtained Y " t * ♦♦♦ • i' t • mm 'fSa^. CORN riAKES Kellogg's Com Flakes, 12 oz. 2 for 4Io Shredded Wheat 2 for 27c Wax Beans, Polo Brand 2 for 19c Peanut Butter, Gold Medal 16 oz. size, reg. 38c Peanut Butter, Gold Medal Ice Box, 41c Keta Salmon Vz lbs. 43c Keta Salmon Ts 40c Matches 3 for 21c Pumpkin, Culverhouse 10c « i* k We carry a full line of FRESH VEGETABLES ORANGES â€" 252'8 45c 344's .... 2 doz. for 49c CONGRATULATIONS TO OSPREY & ARTEMESIA CO-OPERATIVE National Grocers Co., Ltd. ASK I'OK (".OLD MI'.D.AL IM',.\.\l'T iU'TTl-.U ? T T ? T T t ? ? T I? 'Y IT It ''*f Y t ♦ t Y ? ! >**»***J>*J»«*<mJ*»^- Dry Goods Indian Blankets $4.40 each Linen Tea Towels 88c each Bath- Towels 45c each Dish Cloths 20c each Wash Cloths 25o each Pillow Cases, Keatone $1.80 pair Pillow Cases, plain hemstitch $1.25 pr. Ladies' Night Gowns $1.90 each Cheese Cloth 3 yards 35c Men's Pyjamas, Broadcloth $3.50 Overalls and Smocks ... Special Prices Boy's Windbreakers, reg. $3.25 to clear $1.50 Men's Windbreakers, reg. $6.95 to clear $4.00 Boys' Breeks, sizes 26 to 34 refe. $2.65, to clear $1.75 Building Supplies Framing Lumber White Pine Mouldings Trim Doors Plywood Masonite Tempr-tile AUuminum Mouldings . Shingles (Asphalt and Cedar) Insul-Bric and Roll Brick Siding Insudation (Batts and Loose Wool I^itchen CabineJts Doors and Window Frames .Madi- [o tudcr O. & A. CO-OPERATIVE I'hono 70 KI,FSHERTON >"*"♦"♦' t • Y - t- Y' ♦!♦ ^ ♦♦♦ » ♦♦♦ » i- ♦>