^ Wednesday, April 27, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Qunatity of No-barb ijarley, certified seed. â€" ti. Boyce, phone Flesherton 96J4. 47c2 ifOR SALE - hay. â€" Ken Heehenon. Quantity of Teeter, phone mixeti 73 J 1 47p2 «'AJITED â€" AiMtnaiji mitUbU foi "ttink and fox f««d. â€" Bert Mdntoaii Fi.)R SALEâ€" -30 bu, small seed peas. â€" Jos. Wright, Maxwell, phone Fftversham \\x'^U.. 48pl i-liR SALE â€" Good hay, in the mow. â€" â- Herb Betts, phone Flesherton 43J4. 47p2 i">R SALE â€" \ few bags eating po- â- tatoes and an Aladdin quick-lite lamp. â€" Phone 3,'U4 Flesherton. KfiR S.AXE --- Erban oats and Vel- \ at barley for seed. â€" G. Mc.MuUen, â- t :i»ne Thornbury 612r5. 46p2 I'tiR S.A.LE â€" 2Shorthorn bulls of !!(,TTife^ib!t' age. â€" \Vm. Cairns, ixliooe Flesherton 44w3. 4(5p2 FOR S.A.LE â€" Red clover seed.â€" W. â€"J. MtKadden, phone :5;iJ2 Mark- dale. 47p2 ] M S.ALE â€" Colony house 12.xl2, ; :i3 double hen pen 25x14, boUi •-•arl\- new. â€" Fred Taylor, Eugen- • a. pnone llt^Ml. .I(>p2 'R SALE â€" Timothy and alfalfa ' ay, alio ^ horse collars, 20 and -2 in.-â€" Ed. Ferris, phone F'lesher- 47p2 â- n 4.'>v -Ed. I. /Jt SALE -- Reg. Hereford bull, 8 inonth.- oid, Uomino breeding. â€" ;;ruce McCutcheon, phone 178w2 .â- undaii:. 47pi *!t SALE â€" 4 ''•«ars, cijj'ilile Young Beikshirc foi- registration. â€" -Korman Loucks, phone No. 73' J. S .-leshf t'n. 48c2 â- R SAL.':: â€" 1'- story frame house !"<x24. â- luld be niove<i or torn •wnâ€" < . Hodgkinson, Heathcote, _,...one i mirnbury ti28riJl. 40p2 ''.H SALEâ€" Set heavy harness new tag», h;vnies; M.-H. 13-looth culti- •vator ''1 good repair; 3-))urner coal •oil Btove. â€" Phone 45w5 Flesherton. i J it SALE â€" Set of -M.-H. 14-plate oiitiirc'w disc harrows with fore- carriage and a 2-furrow Cookslvutt kid piuw. â€" Eveiette Blackburn, phone Flesherton 42 J 1. 46p2 J .iR SALE â€" RuWjer-tire Wagon, iManxmoth and Red Clover seed, cleaned. â€" Le-lie Seeley, Flesh- erton, R.li. 1, phone ]li-32 Fever- ^•liaiD. 4.5p2 fi'.R SAI/B â€" 70 sheets aluminum ruofing, mostly 3'x8 size. â€" G. L. Magann Co., Ltd., Priceville, or l)hone Ml-. Woodrovv, Paik Hotel, Fleaherton. Vi\i 1 iR S.VLE â€" Aitlo-Trac with ii- cylindv-i- Nash engine, in good ..ochanical condition. - .N'onnan .ackfon Ma.xwell, phone Flpsher- ' .n 121wl. 4(ip2 WANTED â€" .Number pasture cattle, .strictly yearlings- only, low rates (!)y the season, May 1.5 to Nov. !.''>, 'arpe i-ange and Saugeen Rivei-. .1. F). .McKee, Priceville, phone I'lesheilon 'l!)wl2. 48c2 â- R SALE â€" X-room house ))nd barn illage of Priceville. For further . ilcrmation apply to M)s. H. H. ichanlson, 22'; Caledonia Road, ' oronto, or Mrs. \. B. McDonald, â- J3 J'acilic Ave., Toronto. 47c2 i t SALE â€" Red, and Mammoth : Afer seed, each $22 per bu.; al- I'.lfa sewi; 101 M.-H. Tractor f-tuper), starter, lights, rubber, eal good condition.â€" Alcox Bros., i"i miles north of Flesherton on yn. 10 Highway, phone Markdale ".^w. 47pl FOR SALE - Hardwood .>^labs $25 fer trrwk load; softwood slalis .^18, «.nproximately 7'L' to 8 cords per 1. ad. Delivered free within 10 Tiiil«s. â€" Walter Playter, phone 14^ Mhrkdale. 4fip12 CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriaiee Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. li*«it A^rreemenU A c<miini8*!oflii«r for taking affidavits Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS. SOLICITOHS. Etc Phone M MARKDALE Mt. Duniop wiH bp in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- mtlay from 6 to 8:S0 p.m- local aod I'ersonal Mrs. Wni. Mao.Vlilkin and M)s. K. Thomson were in Toionto Monday. -Mr. J>an MacTavish of Islington sjient the week end at his home. -Misses Laura Boyd of Toi-onto and Alice Heaid of Wing'hani spent th'' Ea.ster holidays at their homes. .Mr. Jim Thurston and .Miss Verna Young of Toronto spent the week end at the former's paienlal home. .Mrs. Wni. Conn oi Toronto speal a couple of days last weok with her sister, Mrs. Win. ivaitting. -Mr. and Mrs. .Geo. Cooper of To- ronto were recent week end guest of Ml. Chas. .'Vdams. Miss -Joan .Adams of Toronto itd last week with her uncle aunt, .MV. and Mrs. D. Adams. -Mrs. Geo. Lawler has returned In her home, after spendinfr the past three weeks with her daughter, Mr \V. Irwin at Windsor. .Mr. and Mrs. Herb Akins and Claudia of Lansing spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Claude Akins. -Mr. and M,rs. A. Bath and Mrs. S. (iilmore and Mrs. .Myrtle Love of -Meafoid were week end visitors with and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. V!K- ;ind -Ml'. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parkin, Bog- iior, .Ml-, and .Mrs. Gordon Parkin, Owen Sound, and Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson and two children, Portia w, spent the week end with Mr. and .Mrs. Ab. Wilkinson. Many friends here were sori-y (<; hear of the death of Win, H. .M'illc of Dundalk, formerly of FlesheHoi, and extend sincere sympathy to lii,-^ wife and <laughter. Mrs. Henry .Martin returned iiome from Markdale hospital last week and i.s feeling somewhat better. l>u; will be forced to take a complete icst for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visitei' at Dui-ham with Mr. and Mrs. Thos Whitmore. Mis.ics Florence and Dorothy VVIil kinson returned home after s])en<linK their Easter holidays with their sis- ter and aunt. Mi.sfi Tresha Mai-tin of Sudl>ury a- riveii here last week to spent awhili with her brother, Mr. Henry Miartiii !Mid Mrs. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Croft visited c Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geor-re Osborne at Dundalk. Mr. Bryce Benson of ShoWw rn" was home on the week eiui. CEMENT GRAVEL, SAND DKMVKRiIvD OR LOADED IX VOru OWN TRUCK H. A. McCauley I'hone 2IJ FLKSHERTON Wm. Miller Died In Dundalk After Lengthy Illness (From Dundalk Herald) For more tlian ten years a popular and active grocer and feed meixhant here, William Henry Miller passed to the sipirit world late Friday night, April 2'2, following an illness dating back 2'1' years. For several weeks it has been known that he could not recover but he was a cheerful patient through it all and bore his affliction with unfailing Christian fortitude. He was in his C5th year. l;<'rn at Heatiicote, .March 1, loS-";, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Miller. At the age of .13 he niDVO'! wi'.h his paicnis to Thornbury and started what was to be a long and colorful career in the mercuntih' business. His- first job was in Can' Bros, general stoie. Later he was employed at Orangeville and then \\\ the genera! store of F. K. W. Hick- ling, Flesherton, for several years before :.4'uii)g to Meaford, where he was in business for a time. Return- ing to Flesherton, he served as h ;> ager of the 0. & A. Co-operative store lor about five years, hi Ju y, 1938, he came to Dundalk and l)oii,L;ht the groceiy and feed business of Jos Wilson. He built a prosperoi's bus- iness and a few years later bought the building from Mrs. W. J. Ru^.-icli. Not only was Mr. Miller an obli.r. jng meichant, but he proved hiniseK a valued friend to his customers. It is a matter of general regret that the cativities of one who enjoyed life So much had been lessened and .no- ally cut off. Duiing his residence here, he i, seived two years on the Vul«e Council. He was Superintendent of the Sunday School of the United Church for S(iveral years. A meniiber of the Session, he had been Session Clerk of the United Churx-h at the time of his passing. He was active in church work all his life. As a ti-ibute to this former councilman, the village flag hung at half-mast o-i the day of his funeral. On .July 11), I'JK;, he married Ella Jane Long, daughtei' of .Mi. and V- Wm. Long of Honoywood an<l to theiu was born one daughter, Marion, now .Mrs. R. X. (Dick) Stewart of Dun- dalk. These, along wit;h one grand- daughter, Nancy Stewart, sui-vive him; also three sisters, Mrs. Herb "Benedict (Biah), Meaford; Mrs. R. Langley (Phoebe), Sault Ste. Marie, and Mrs. Walter Chisholm (.Alice) of Port .A rthur. The body rested at the McMillan Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get Ne w Pep, Vim , Vigor Wbnt a thrim Bony limbs flit out: ugly hollows flu up; neck no longer scrawny -, body lo»eo half- •tsrvcd. Bickly "beiin-pole"" look. 'liiouiiiiiKls ot Ilrl.H, wniricii, men, wlio never could gnin before, •re in»w proud of sliupely. hcaltliv-IookitiB bodies. The) ilMiiklheBpeclol vlKor-bulMlMB. (Icflli-bulldllig tonu". <>,-frex. Its toiiica. Htltnuliintti, InvlHorntorH. Iron, \itriinln Hi. cnU'iuui. enrich blood. Improve UPl'Lllru luul dlgeHtlon bu food Klvea you more Strfiii;th .ind nonrlHhtnent: put lle«h on bare honcrf. )oirt friir Ketttng tm fat. .Stop when you've ?alM-d the .^. U). 15tir -'0 llts. \oii need for normal nt-iKht. Ctwt.H little. .\ew "ttet ao<plulnted" alie onl\j tioc. Try fittnoufl OMrex I'onlu 'rnhlets for new vlttor •lid «ldi-'i rwiuiids. this very day. At all druBi?'-'" Funeral Home until .Monday iiouu. Service waa held in Dundalk United Cliurch, of which Mr. Miiier h.nl oee a faitMul and active member \fCiki\ in good health. T5ie sei-vite, con- ducted by the pastor. Rev. raji Christensen, was largely attended by sympathizing friends. Rev. Christ- ensen based his brief but apprOpriiii'^ remarks on the text in John, chapter 14: "I am the Way." It was pointed out that Mr. Miller had been a greu; believer in the House of (iod an;! that he was convinced of the pres- ence of his Master throug'hout his life. The funeral cortege proceeded to the mortuary chapel in Flesherton Cemetery, where interment will be iii;.de in the family plot. The pall- bearers were: Dr. A. D. McAlister, Wilfred Soper, George Hanlbury, Ivan Carson, Arthur Jack.son and Frank Macintyre. There were many floral tributes, including a basket, Dundalk Uniteil Church, Dundalk Women's Institute, Flesherton Businessmen, Dundalk Service Club, Dundalk Businessmen. Meaford L.O.B.A., Flesherton Co- operative Staff, George Manjuris and Staff. Frisnds attended from Meaford, Thornbury, Collingwood, Greemore, Honeywood, Rob Roy, Flesiherton. Homing's Mills, Emsdale, Toronto. A < > Implements - Repairs \ % % I* t WOOL GROWERS ORCANtZATlON Nomination IVleeting will 1)0 hold ill the TOWN HALL, DURHAM Friday Evening, May 6 at S:,i() p.m., D.S.T. for the purpose of noininating a candidate for the forthcoming Dominion Election in the above riding. .â- \l.i, .â- iui|)l)i'! ".[^SONS .ARK C()RI)i.\lJ,Y l.W ITKD K.C. ir.'iiit, nioi' I'roj^'. I'rcs. Bnieo Kenny, Con.servative .Kssoc. Scctv. Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario RELIABLE GRADING PRCWrPT SETTLEMENT Shippers may obtain sacks- and twine without charge from WF^S YOUNG, MAXWELL CECIL YOUNG. MAXWELL VIC YOUNG. MAXWF.LL W. J. McMASTFJl, FLESHERTON or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-01'RRATIVE ' WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto. Canada Fleury-Bissell Tractor Disc Harrows . Tractor Plows ♦ Walking Plows Rubber Tire Wagon.Timken bearinfc Smoothing Harrows . â- OT ACO Manure Spreaders Tractor Spreader Tractor Disc Harrow, automatic control Steel wheels for rubber, for your owp wagon BEATTY Deep and Shallow Well Electric Pumps Electric Pump Jacks Hand Pumps I'ump Rod and Fittings Cylinders Steel Water Tank Extension Ladder Repairs for all barn equipment RENFREW Electric Cream Separators We have a good variety of over- hauled Separators, which we offer at jeafionable prices to clear Wringers and Stoves STEEL ROOFING Some steel still on hand ASPHALT 210 lbs. 2-in-l SJiingles 125 lbs. Winlock and Arrowlock 36 in. Rock Face Rolls 90 lbs. 18 in. Rock Face RoUfi 95 lbs. Smooth Face Rolls 531bs. Building Papers S I D IN G Insulbric Siding, red and Jaspjer with white mortar line Roolbrick Siding Insul Board Insulation in the loose or batts EDGAR BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON | IK I' A Western bandit 4 feet 7 inches tall, has been sent away for a long stretch. PAINTING & PAPERING done by J. TOMLINSON Phone 5r42 Fevei'sham. Eugeni* FARM and HOME GAS and OIL SERVICE B. A. OIL COMPANY PRODUCTS For prompt delivery of gasoline, | kerosene, stove oil, finest quality diesel fuels and all grades of Penn- zoil, peerless and Autjlene Motor Oils. We also hardV all types of greases, solvents and lighting^ naphtha. It costs no more to use the best Storate tanks .,nd puiips are available free of charcre. ELDON A. i-TSHEIt Telephone 56i (in name of We pay all f FLESHERTON Mrs. Eva Fisher) telephone charges trust tkem ifi^re thcain I'd trust myself" The bank's the place for my money. I always put part of my pay into my bank account â€" otherwise it burns a hole in mj' pocket. I guess I trust the bank more than T trust myself! I figure that's one reason why my savings have been buUding up the way they have. Another reason I'm sold on a bank account is that I always know just where I stand. All I have to do is take a look at my pass-book. They're^ a lot better bookkeepers than I am. What's more, what's in my pass-book is my business, and I can count on the bank people to keep their mouths shut about it. And that suits me just fine! ^,1-, 4.-' 4 SPONSORED YOUR BANK 4 i 9 %: *â-