Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1949, p. 10

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Vf^Ufll&il 10 UUy â€" ymall child's second-hand cot. â€" Hta. L. Ci«noe, mlak and fox iMd Bazt MclatMA FOUN'l) â€" Two horse halters neat Fiwhei-ton. Ownei- clklpii |>ix>p- eity at The Advance office. For sale â€" Number of younjc pin*. â€" Ben Mc'Kcnzic, Cuylon, ' phone Flusiiertou lUlJ 1. 4>ici FOE SALE â€" Matched team ol 'â- â€¢rown mares, a^ed 5 and ti -- Mis. 1>. Nichol, rritovi'le, phone Flesh «rt«i H2 J 1. 1^:2 FOR SALE â€" Cow, black, good milker. â€" David Craig, phone 12w4 Keiherton. 50c2 NOTICE â€" Will the party who bor- rowed the Flesherton Co-operative wire stretohcrs last fall, kindly return them at once. 50c2 FOR RENT â€" 50-acre pasture farm, pood crass, shade, runnini; water. â€" Geo. Swanton, R.R. 5, Mai^kdale, l>hoDe 'SSw2 Mlarkdale. 49p2 Wll SALE â€" Good Holstein cow, (i yoara old, due to freshen rijiht away â€" W. T. Genoe, phone 117w I'lesherton. hOv'2 \)K REN 1 â€" 100 acres pasture, ;ri>iid Krass, never-failinjr siuin;;. ills of shade. â€" A. Conkey, R. K. Xi'. 1 Ceylon. 51c-' NOTICE â€" Will the person who burrowed my harrows kindly re- ijvn at once as they are needed. â€" Geo. .Armstrong. 50p2 Fvii; RENT â€" 40 acres pasture. For ;'u:ther information phone Ernest >j .Mullen. R.R. ], Cevlon, Salur- >; y. Ma; 2\, phone 4.1J.i. .Olcl FOR S-'^LE â€" Lady's tailored suit, yixy English flannel, size 'M, in fcood condition. â€" Mrs. H. Black, ijiione 80 Flesherton. 50p.: r;.R SALi; â€" 2-furrow mold-hoard •ractor ijIow; also l'.i3'.) Oldsnio- i -le co:ich, now ongline. â€" Peroy ^r'emple, Eugenia P.O., phone Fe- vrHhaiii :>0r4;^ 'i\VJ. I'tiK SALE â€" • Piano.* in Ai condi- tion, several makes to choose I'rora, all fully guaranteed. â€" J. C. Blackstone, piano tuner, 515 >th St. A. East, Owen Sound. Air. K. 1). Uenthain and family uf Toronto spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. R. Bentham. Miss Betty Bowles of Toronto is i'PondinR this week with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Law8o;i Bowles. Raymond Brame of Walsh. Ont., was the week end jfuest of th;> Fletchers at the Baptist parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Teeter and children of Toronto visited with .Mr. and .Mrs. F. Teeter on the week end. Mr. Jim Thurston and M/iss Dei! Tliurw.ton of Toronto were visitors at the former's home. -Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ottewell of Pickerine spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell. Mrs. W. Sai-gent of Owen Sound and Mrs. Isaac Saijfent of Winnipeg were visitors witji Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Genoe the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Udell and son. Jack, of Toronto spent the week end with .Mr. and .Mrs. Lloyd Talbot and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry of Du.- ham spent the week end at the horn-' of their f;>°anddaug:hter, Mrs. Lauiic Genoe, and Mr. Genoe. Mrs. Ernest Armstrong of Cobalt and Mr. Richard .^rmstronp; and d.-uiighter, Penny, of .Streetsville visited on Sunday at the Hickling tiO'me. IMk-. and Mrs. Jiack MhcParlane of Glenella, Man., were visitors with Mr. MacFarlane's nephew. Mr. Jack MacLean, at the Park Hotel thi.s past week. Mrs. Harol Hates of Hamilton is with her mother. Mi"s. J. J. Brown, this week. Mrs. Brown .suffered a I'.eart attack last week, but we are irlad to know' that her condition is impi-ovinp:. Mrs. Stiin Mcnzies and two child- ren of Chatsworth visitc<l S:indav with her parents, Mr. and Mr.s. \V. Kaittinjr. Mrs. Kaittinic returned with her for a few days. Mr. Russell H. Lee is opening a shoot metal shop in town in the W. I. Henry block, his advt. appearinj;- in this issue. Ma-, and .Mrs. Lee are lesiding- \\tith the latter's grand- father. Ml-. Thos. Taylor. .Mr. and .Mrs. lobt. .Vheson. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hutchinson, all ot Proton Station, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Smith and Bolilby oil" Thame.svillu, | Mr. and Mrs. lladden Hutchinson of I'riceville and Ward Hutchinson of Dundalk were week end visitois with Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson. cniiuten nvd \muug with Mr. uru Mrs. Jat. Hopps. i>ii. itnU MIS Harry Meldrum of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Hubt. .Ubldrum of i\ew Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and C. U. Meld- rum .M'r. Everette Bunt of Toronto also visited at the Meldrum home a (lay hist week. Mr. Brooks, just over from Kng- liind, is workiitg fur the summor months with Luther Love. Alls. Urooks i^ont l;he -week end witn Iter husiband. IMr. and Mrs. Norman Ja>.-k^o'i and Betty i ttended the weid'^r; ic- ception tor Mr. and Mrs. John L(K:k'aait (Jean JacksuiO at the home of Harry Jackson, Wareham. Mr. and Mrs. C. Londry and fam- ily of Heathcote and Mr. and .Virs. U. Boyce of Muvkdale spent Sunday with Ma-, and Mrs. J. J. Boyc>. Mr. Luther Love hud his Ijuild- ings wired for hydro and .VIr. and Mrs. Heiib Blakey are enjjyiu'^ their bright lights. Mr. and Mrs. Percy McMulhin «nd dauirhters spent a lay i;i r)r^i;tO. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Moore end children of Toronto visit'sd last weel; with friends t!3i», and .'siliod on tie latter's ai'iit Mr.- HanvV'. in Orangeville hosipital and found he â-  to be improving. VANDELEUR The May meeting of the W. was held at the Markdale Parson- age, .Mrs. Lee as hostess, and the president, Mrs. Will Bowles, pre- siding. Sixteen nieini.iers iters were iiresent. The proj-'ia'n was in charge of ex-residen' Vandeleur, now residinjr in Mark- dale. .Mrs. Harry Burnside pave a reading "Spring"; Vlrs. Got Siiiiw, a reading "Home'; Mis. Swanton, a reading "I want to no back to the fiu-m." Mrs. Hare conducted a Bible (luizz, high score fjjinar lo Miss Hawkens. A very interesting and inspiring address was givon by Miss Hawkens on ' Yoith and Lih- oi'ty." Duiiiiir il.c ')Uiin'j,.s .â- â- 'jetin,'; $.1.') was duatt'd to rartonage kit- chen repairs, and the play by C'rice- ville talent \\"ri suggcs'-.-.d for June "id, if they .'la como tliat ';;tP .â- \iibi)r Day was observed at the school on Friday of last week. y,hvn the teacher and pupils made t. gen- eral clean-up around the grounijci. They also planted flowers, bulb< and shrubs, after which a friendiv game of Softball was nlayed with pupils, from Woiehnuse school. A turtle crossins on Highwav U), north of Berkeley, wis an ;"uisr,ii! ol).ject, noticed recently by the Fawce't family. sown. Mr. and Mrs. WuUer Russell, ac- companied by Mr. !{obt. Osborne ot l>undalk, were in Toronto Sunday to see their brother, Mr Henry Os borne, who is critically ill in mili- tary hospital there. Many friends here are sorry to hear of lieni'y's condition. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Neweil and Misses Edith and MuJbel Betts we'e visitor!-:, over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W'hitniore in Durham, and' attended the investiture by Hon R«y Lewison, Lieutenant-Ciovernor of Ontario, to the Koesla-,r family when Mr. Albert Koeslag w>i^ pre- sented with the Geoiige M-^dul for work in the underground in Holl- and during the year. iMrs. Sam McMullea, whi spent a few weeks with 1-er daug'hter, Mrs. Fiai.Jj Betts. has'iiov gon* to visit ,ir< tl er daughter-, .».irs. .^lyrman Huctwith, at Wwtford. Mr. John Har^rave and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hragrave spent Sunday at Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and family and Mrs. Roht. McMullen were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fa-wcett, Vandeleur Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gilray and family of Vandeleur and .Mi. and Mr;:. Gord.n McMujlen of East Mount iin v-sited in M.i".'-ii'r's Day w'*^h Mi-s. Robt. McMui'e!i. My>. Park of Ravenna is â- spend ing a week with her daughter. Miss Margaret Park, at the home i.f .Mr. Mannie Dobson. FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHES Minister: Rev. A. J. Fletcher Subject for Sunday. May 22nd "The Spiritual Foundation" Prayer meeting and Bible study in the Fleshei-ton church on Wed- nesday, at 8:-S0 p.m. B.Y.P.U. MEETIiNGS Rock Mills, Thurs. 8 p.m. in church Flesherton, Fri., 8 pjm., at C Betts' .All are invited to attend these services Americans scrapped 8.55,517 pass- enger autns last year. A shortage of adhesive tape ? CEMENT RUBIX BELGIAN STALLION FOR SERVICE L<ST â€" Tan leather wallet :;c Ku- -' enia hydro dam. Sat., Apv.l 'M. containing permits, registratio:is and sum of money, valup.iile to tli-.' owner. Finder kindly return t.i 'Avner or plvone 48 JiFlesherton. Reward. â-  49c2 FOR SALE • Hardwood s.lalis S25 per truck load; softwood slabs $18, â-  approximately 7' 2 to 8 cords per load. Delivered free within 10 miles. â€" Walter Playtor, phone MW Markdale. 4.5pl2 NOTICE TO TRESPASSlvRS Hunting, fishing or trespassing on Part Lot I.')], 2 N.E., .-Xrtemesia, is strictly prohibited; trespassers will te prosecuted. â€"KEN KEU..\R, Toronto Piemium A Hoof No. 207 FARM FOR SALE Ixit 11, Con. 7, Euphrasia, 110 :â-  -i-es, more or less, good pasture fain, fair bush of swamp and some ha! Iwood, either for sale or rent. â€"WES CORNFIKLI), R.R. 3, Proton Station ]': ne Flesherton ,32r.3. NOTICE This sorrel-roan stallion has al- ways been Premium A and has been passed for Premium A for the next three years. Tliis fine horse was raised at the Michigan State College in the Unit- ed States and bought when risin,i- three years by the Dominion Gov- ernment. He is sure and a greal sire. He has sired many high-class hoises which sold at higli prices. Rubix will be for service at his home stable or ti-utked on nchone calls. Positivelv no trespassing or fish- insr on Lots 3.'? and .'?4, Con. 12, Art- eniesia; tresipassers will he prose- cuted. â€" Bert Mageo CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK IgRuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A commissioner for taking affidavits Office. T.ironro Street. Flesherton TelephoM thr Wm. Crockford DL.NDALK. R. U. NO. 3 Phone Dundalk: 18X11 General insurance AUTO - FIRE LIABILITIES Sjiceial low r;ttc.s for mo.st ])riv;itc cars b. G. MacARTHUR Phone 82 J FLESHERTON NOf ICE I TOURIST ( A.MP AND ( ABIN OPERATORS HARRIS & DUNLOP B.^ RKl.STEKS, SOLD nous, EU- Rhone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. GENERAL TRUCKING \\hen in need of any kind of general trucking, at any time, Call DONALD WILSON Eugenia P.O. Phone Feverffliam 20r6 it. John's United Church Rev. A. U. Macpherson Minister "Rural Life Sunda.s'" will be ob- served on May 22nd at Flesherton, Proton and tluijenia. Everyone it urged to join in worship on this si.t'cial .Sund-iy, I'.iing your visitors and fther fri-.;i(l;. St. John's W.M.S. meets Friday, May 20th, at 15 p.m., in the c-iiur;-h basement. Clothing and bedding for Overseas Relief avill be packed, (loii- tiibutiiins will 1)0 uladl^- received up to that date. Please leave with Mrs. F. Duncan, or bring them to the chuixjih on Friday. Baptist Church News .\'ineleen voung iienplo from tho local B.Y.P.U. attended the rally at Ncustadt last Friday evening. lone I'.c-tts and Audrey Whyte contribu- ted to the program in the leailiriu- of scripture lesson and leading in pvayer. Emerson Beaton was elect- ed iiresident of the couiii"v-widi' associiktion of the Baptist Y.P U. A noted increase in the Sunday School attendance at Rock Mills brouglit the attend. iiicc u;i t.i T'l. The church wiis almost filled to cn- na-;ty for the regular wortitiip ser- vice The, p:is'cirs scrm in, "â- nfi' il "(iravoclolhes," dealt with the lais- iiie- of Lazarus in John ''. K'li phasis was placed on the Christian duty of hol|)infr remove the u-rvc- clothos of selfish, sinful nnd worldtv hnliits which i-linL' so tenaciously to tlic young convert's life. !T-izel and N'l'llv Flclcliov nlaved the nft'ertovv music In both Flesherton and Roc'; \'ills (-linr'-hos. Due lo the fact that Canadian Cement is in such short supply, we have ordered a car of American cement, which should arrive here this week end. Get your supply now while available. D. MacTAVISH & SONS Phone 9 Flesherton FARM and HOME GAS and OIL SERVICE B. A. OIL COMPANY PRODUCTS For prompt delivery of ga;oline, kerosene, stove oil, finest quality diesel fuels and all grades of Penn zoil, peerless and Aut.ilene Motor Oils. We also hai (!\j all types of grea.'es, solvent- ' and lighting naphtha. It costs no more to use the best Storat e tanks : nd pmins are .ivailable free of charge. EI.DON A. .-ISHltU Telephone 5fiw FLESHERTON (in nanio of Mr.^. Eva Fisher) We pay all telephon° charges WOOL GROWERS ORCAN1ZATI0M TOWNSHIP OF ARTE.MESIA 'the following types of establish- ment, even if tliey have caiiins as part or whole of their acconiniu.lJt- tioiis, do NOT ie(|uire a license un- der the Tourist t!anip Regulation Act ; (a) Camps licensed as "Outlitlers" by the Uopartmeiit of Lands and Forests. (b) Establishments licensed by tin- Liiiuor (-'unlrol Board of Ontario. (e) Bona fide "summer cottager" a;- the term is commonly and geiiei- iilly understood, that is, cottage; rented by pre-airangement for th( season or an appreciable part of of the season. Moarding-llioii-es and "Tourist Home.-*" as the term is commonly .-ind generally understood, do not re- ipiire a license un ler the Tourist Cam)) Regulation Act. .All others who do not come iindei (hi'so headings are required to nin'-i application and se'-uv,- a ^'pen.«o to operate from the Clerk of the Town- ship, not later than Mav 20, 1P40. â€"A. B. CHARD, Clerk, Flesherton Ont Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario RELIABLE GRADING PRO.MPT SETTLEMENT Shippers may obtain sacks, and twine without charge from WES YOUNG, MAXWELL CECIL YOUNG, MAXWELL VIC YOUNG, MAXWELL W. J. McMASTEK, FLESHERTON or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada iiifri PRODU We have a good suppy ot Rooffing, Insul-Bric 3icling, Rdlbrick Siding and Insul-Board Come in and look it over. If -we haven't got what you want we will try and get it... We apply. No job took large or too small. : ? SEPARATORS Reuifrew Hand and Electric Separators. We still hav* aome good used Separators at very favourable prices. X jLadders â€" 28 and 32-foot lengths. | RUBBER TIRE WAGONS... STEEL WHEELS TO FIT |; YOUR OWN WAGON FOR RUBBER A EDGAR BETTS I Phone 46J FLESHERTON | FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Bert Douglas of Hal- ifax, N.S., called on bis uncles, Jas. and John Hudson. Mrs. BiU Reid and Sharon of Hamilton* visited the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long. Mrs. Wilson of Vancouver, B.C is visiting lier daughter. Mrs Rus- sell Hawton, and family. Mr. and Mrs.- Willis Pedlar of Toronto are visiting bis father. Mr. Ed. Pedlar, and sister, Mrs. John Stafford. Ml and Mrs. Howard McKei. Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Ottewell vi*-'-pd on Sunday with iMr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart at Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Geq. Mathewson and sons visited on-iSunday with her aunt, !^Irs.^ Thos. Freethv. Douglas Davidosn of HamiUon spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and iMt-s. .las. Davidsfm. Mr. and Mr.'. John TTidsoil' Mr. .".nd Mr-; Bert HjJiion and He?-v visited on Sunday with Mr. ^ Harry Henthcote and Mrs. Lome Ditson at Collingwood. â- . Rent,/ your subscription now. A wise poultryman avoids a wet range. There's a place for everything â€" except your elbow when you sit '-e- tween two fat people in a movie. PAINTING & PAPERING done by J. TOMLINSON Phone 5r42 Feversham. Eugenf* Skinny men, women gains, 10, 15 lbs. Get Ht m Pep, Vui i, Vigor m Vkat m UirllK Boar Umba au out: ugly luItoM ma vp; mok â- â€¢ loaccr tcrawny; bo^ mm ha» ; bo^ k k. Thoa Mar\ed. HcUy "taAan-pole" took. Tftoannds «C glrlfl, womeo. nan. who never eoultf gain belong are -now proud ot ibapelr. bealUT-lookliic bodlea. They timok the speotftlTlgM^uIlduig, fleeh-tHilkXlBf tonic, ostrez, ItA tonlcfl, stlmolante, tnvlgoraton. btui. vitamin Bi, ealclum. enrleh blood. ImproTO ap[}eeue and dlgeatlon so food glrea roa mor* â- trenRth and nourlflhmcnt : put fleen on bare bonee. Don't fear setting loo fat. Stop when you've gained the 6. 10. 15 or 20 lbs. you need for Qorma] weight Costa little. New "get acquaiuted" alse ontv^iOv. Try famous Oetrex Tonic Tablets for new vigor aad kdde^ nouods. this very dA7. At all iliiiinriâ€" « ! WELDING t ELECTRIC ARC and OXY ACETYLENE X •{• New Portable Equipment *** •*• f Will (l<i weldint:^- any time and a: any place. •:• Si)ccializinq: in all kinds of metals A Trailer Frames for Sale Trailers Built to Order X A good .stock of .steel can-ied. 5* TED McCRACKEN FLESHERTON, Ontario ••••••♦•♦••••••^•••••♦••♦.••♦•••••••♦•••••••% .;..;..;u;..;m;^;«.;>.>{m:.~>*2m>>^;>^ <. r r r r i 1 RELIANCE ETH *CXi->. "'•â- >« GEORGE SLED, FEVERSHAM Ye^ ^oii^ (h^^ • ViTAtUM MOTOR bit MEL. SLED, MAXWELL J*. >â-  1 t TAYLOR'S SERVICE STATION, EUGENIA Ja the prCJS JKgtei uscjl to gej ^ut «l watcliing ' Shag's lower limb* iorm a perfect "O" every time one Incc passed the other, wo our •ausra spent itself. ♦ • • Alilioiigli wc have eked out « liir part of our exi.stence for the fa«t 2.S or 30 years by writing on, •boat and aronnd sporl in various , ways, we still think that sport â€" •epeiially the professional variety â€" is llie most overplayed thing we t.ivr on this siiic of the At- 1ft-' ' it inighi (.'<! for llie a- w<ll Try Thi» To Clear Up Unsightly PIMPLES For Qui' K triHifriil rrtiff, tlieie'ii nothing better mo wlieru at any prioe than MOONBl'B EUBRALD OIL to aoothe Mid keal eiternnlly.aaueed uneljrhtly akin blemlahea and Irrltatlone If you era auffertnff fruin any almple â- urfaoa ekln trouble and want quick and eomfnrt and real reettlti, get a M bnttle of KMnilAI^n OIL. today. Uaa the simple easy direct lonn ailvlee â€" eatlv- fnrtinn guuriintpcd or monc%' Imik .£31 ISSUE >1 â€" 1949 ATSMAltCOST inVAR. NOR-VAR BARN PAINT For jappearance and preservation of wooden buildings hams, [stablos nnd shrd."!, use this paint. NOR-VAR IMPLEMENT PAINT Thli paint will »Und a lot of abuse, and is an excellent nist preventative. FOR THE HOME Nor-Var paints, enamel'? nml v.nnil.she.s are of unsmpa.'ised rpialit:'. The Northern Paint and Varnish Co. Ltd.. Owen j:o;r,vi. Ont. HANSON Spraying Methods are fully described In the Hanson Refprenoe Book, now availabl* at your George White Dealei-'s. Get your FREE COPY Today. Box 129X 'NiAllY A ctmu«Y ^GEpRiGE WHITE FARM I Q U I P M E N t •* ^"A^ ill «if>\i>riii HiatlHblo I farm*. n«* Oil klHlW the >!»' fur >uiir SIRE pr«l>i'r JoU. Your lirorKc White Driller \\\\\ he kIi«(1 to help >oii Hiuld rnii» (Irtmnce by hiuM'blnc the correct II.WSON Ihiin- If al to ierv e j on r n*- riinriMIH'lll^, •4 y

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