Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1949, p. 1

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>'OL.68;NO. 51 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, xMAY 18. 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publisher future Events -^CEYLOiN CROKINOLE pARTY « A crolcinole party will be h«ld in Qpk/n_ Sfchiool on Friday tvening, ^J' ''th, 8:30 p.m.. pi-oceeds in aid c^Lounday School. ^ ^ DANCE IN MAXWELL â- . JDance in the Orange Hall, Max- i* w^ on Friday, May 20, sponsored by^ hall committee. Music by the Ptttlar Orchestra. Admiasion: 40c. AUCTION SALE ^iMas. David Nichol wiil hold an auction sale o^ farm stock and iim- flements at her farm on No. 4 High- "Vay, one mile west of Priceville, on fiionday, May 24th. The farm will ^Iso be for sale, subject to reserve ♦id. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. ^ PLAY AT EUGENIA ^Westside United Church choir of Cjwen Sound will present their nlay **BashfuI Bertie" in Eugenia United <Siui-ch, on Monday. May 23rd, at StSO p.m., under auspices of the W. 4. Admission: 36c and 20c. THE ELECTION POT The election pot continues to boil and two more candidates have been nominated in North Grey and Gi-ey- Bruce. Garfteld Casg, Progressive Consei-vative, and sitting memiber for North Grey, received the nomin- ation at Owen Sound. Ralph Bah- ruiwait of CHfford has been endorsed by the C.C.F. for Grey^Bruce. The nomination of the Liberal candidate will be held in Walkerton Thojrsday night and will no doubt result in the sitting memiber, Walter £• Harris of Markdale receiving the nomination. Frank D. Sawyer of iMbrkdale was the Progressive-Conservative choice as candidate for Grey-Bruce at the nomination a week ago. Fined $20 Assault Charge Jack Allen of Toronto was fined $20.00 and cost for assaulting War- $20 and costs for assaulting War- occurring a couple of weeks ago. Charges against Irwin Watson and Henry VanLoo of Toronto in the same case, were dismissed by Mag- istrate Spereman. George Allen did not appear and his ca«e has been called for this Friday at Markdale. ^se The Advance Small A<Wts. in buying or selling. BULLDOZING SERVICE AnyoiK' in Flesherton, Ceylon or Priceville areas requiring- bulldozinar work done now, contact LLOYD ACHESON Phone 33 DUNDALK .\t present working in Priceville district. The Home of Tasty Baking I I »-75|lS-*,jB6fei- ^. Specials This Week COCOANUT CAKE MADEIRA CAKE APPLE sAuCE CAKE PIES Mincemeat Cherry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date CREAM PUFFS COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS Flesherton Bakery X X t Li Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extra charge It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maildocks FLESHERTON PLAYS IN SULLIVAN LEAGUE Since the Centre Grey Softball League has broken down, Flesherton has entered a team in the Sullivan and W. 0. A. A. Intermediate "C" grouip, with Desboro, Keady, Kilsyth, Chatsworth and Berkeley. The op- ening games will be played on Wed., May 25tiii, with Flehserton at Ohats^ worth, with the first grame in Flesh- erton with DesboTO on Monday, May 30th. The schedule follows: May 25 â€" cKilsyth at Desboro. Flesherton at Chatsworth. Berkeley at Keady. May 30â€" Keady at Kilsyth. Cliatsiworth at Berkeley. Desboro at Flesherton. June 2 â€" Keady at Desboro. Flesherton at Berkeley. Kilyth at Chatsworth. June 6 â€" Desboro at Kilsytlj. Berkeley at Flesherto.i. Chatsworth at Keady. June 9 â€" ^Flesherton at Desboro. Keady at Berkeley. June 13 â€" Desboro' at Keadv. Bcikeley at Cha^-sa.'orth. t'esherton at Kilsyrh. June 16 â€" Chatsworth at Flesherton. Kilsyth at Berkeley. June 20 â€" ^Keady at Chatsworth. June 2!i'â€" Flesherton at Keady. Chatsworth at Kils>-th. Berkeley at Desboro. June 29â€" Desboro at Chatsworth. Kilsyth at Flesherton. July 4^Desiboro at Berkeley. Kilsyth at Keady. July 8 â€" Chatsworth at Desiboro. Keady at Flesherton. Berkeley at Kilsyth. July 11 â€" ^Kilsyth at Keady. Flesherton at Chatsworth. July 15 â€" Keady at Desboro. Chatsworth at Berkeley. July 18 â€" Desboro at Kilsyth. Berkeley at Flesherton. July 22â€" ^Keady at Kilsyth. Berkeley at Chatsworth. July 25 â€" ^Desboro at Keady. Flesherton at Berkeley. July 29â€" KilsN-th at Desboro. Chatsworth at Fle.-herton. R. B. Heard Elected Master Of Prince Arthur Lodge The election of otficers of Prince Arthur Lodge, No. 33S. was held on Friday eveiiins:, when R. B. Heard was elected as the iucomine: Master for I949-1U50. Officers elected were as follows: W.M. â€" R. B. Heard. S. \V. â€" W. E. Betts. J. W. â€" K. G. Betts. Treasurer â€" F. H. W. Hickling. Secretary â€" C. J. Bellamy. Tvler â€" W. J. Chard. Born McMULLENâ€" /vt the Nuhn Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Tuesday, May 17th, 1949, to Mil-, and Mrs. Gordon McMullen of Duncan, a daughter. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Williams wish to announce the engageunent of their only daughter. Wilma Ruth, to Mr. Victor Earl Wattam, young- est son of Mr. Wm. H. Wattam and the late Mrs. Wattam of Shelburne, the weddinif to take place in Flesh- erton United Church on Saturday, June 11th, at 2:00 p.m. Mr and Mrs. Henry Einest Stew- art, Bolton, announce the eng-asc- inent of their daughter, Isobel Mirpiel, to Elmer Robert Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. F"red Russell, FlesJierton. The marriage will take place on June 4th at 2 o'clock in Caven Presbyterian Church, Bolton. In Memoriam BEECROFT â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Beecroft. who passod away ilay 19, 19.'!iS. There is h ^lonie not mmle by hand.^ Beyond its golden door, .Awaits the one who's now aw.ty. Net lost â€" just <>one before. - F :r rems-.iberel by Maibel, Kinie. Kvif! and Jl'iu-ie. H.AWTON' â€" In loving memory of Ernest Hawtnn. who suddenl'.- passed from this life May 19, 1945. "In the midst of life we arj; i;- death." â-  --1,1 â- ^â- in'.rly remembered and sadly mis-sed by Wife and Family. WILLLAMS â€" In loving memory of our ihelived inothev. Elizabeth Stpn->!t, who passed away Mai- 19. r ri " •? The dearest mother and «.weetes< frtphd. Oro n^ !he heft ivhini God could lend She was lovjng, gentle, thon^htfvl nn'' tviie. .Always willing a k-'n ' i . ,' , I As lone- as we !^"- nil) cherisJi her name. | Tn memory we see hor ever the s<\niip: I Still in our hearts she is living yet, Fo" ,•â- â€¢â€¢< lovnv I-.^- (00 denrly to ever forn-et. I -â€"Ever remeni'ievod hv her ^T-i; bank. Jake, and family. Artemesia 1948 Unpaid Taxes Amount to $1412.48 All members of the Council were piesent at the meeting held May 9. Letters were received and read fi-om the Department of Travel and Pub- licity regarding tourist camips; from the Unemployment Insurance Com- mission, re insurance for Township employees, and from Inspector Wm. G. Rae, regarding Township School Area meetinBfS to be held in the various schools. The following accounts were pass- ed and ordered paid: Municipal World, dog tags $17.41; Dept. of Health, insulin $1.92; .A. B. Chard, balance of Tax Collector's salary $135.00; F. G. Karstedt, relief ac- count $13.1«; Thos. Watson, refund d^'g tax $4; Ro;ul Supt., payment /ouc'her 5. $664.25. 1948 unpaid taxes, amounting • to $1412.48, were returned to the Treas- urer for collection. The Clerk was instructed to se- cure a map of the Township show- ing details of voads. bridges etc., also to write several buildinir firms asking for prices on a bmldin-z 75x40x14 and 60.'c40xl4. Arrangements were com|)le'.ed foi- the Assessor to start work ns.'^es^in • the south-west corner of the Town- ship and for the Council to ,naKP ;! tour of inspection of the ror.'i.'i aol bridges. The W. L. Ballpitine i •>miian>- are to- be notitied that, ow:ng to the refusal of the Department of High- ways to authorize the purchase of a bulldozer the contract with that firm w'ould have to be cancelled foi- the present. OPPOSE GLENELG LIQUOR OUTLET strong public opinion has been aroused in the Flesherton district against the proposed outlet for beei and wine at Curly Lake, six and a h.ilf miles north-west of Flesherton. The loction, just inside Glenelg Township, is obscure and isolated and would, in the opinion of many of our citizens, quickly hecome a centre, not only of excessive dinnk- jng, but of general immorality. .A petition, piotestiiie- the grant- inu- of the license, is being cii*cu- lated. It will be forwarded to the di.strict headquarters of the Liquor Control Board at Katiohener this week. .A large number of .signa- tures have already been securea. Card of llianks 1 wit»h to express my great appre- ciation to all those wiio assisted in saving the hotel at the recent Art and for the kind friends who ex- pressed their regrets at my losses by a gift of money. Their actions at such a time will never be for- gotten. â€" G. B. Welton. I wish to express my sincere ap- preciation to my many friends and neighbors who so kindly remember- ed me with cards, treats, visits and kind enquiries while in the hospital and since ray return home. â€" ^ecil Bett.^ SALVATION ARMY BAND OF TORONTO HERE SATURDAY HOLIDAY MAY 23 The Flesherton Council has de- clare<l a Civic Holiday in Flesherton on Mondav, May 23, in place of tht 24th. Mrs. M. McLean Heads Priceville W.I., Sixth Term (By Priceville Reporter) The W. I. May meeting: was held in the hall with 18 members ore- sent. After the openiio- ceremony, the .roll call was answered by pay- ing fees. Various reports were read and Mrs. Thos.. Currie presid- ed for the election of officers, re- sulting as follows: President â€" Mrs. M. McLean for sixlih term. Vice Pres. â€" Mrs. Jack Whyte. 2nd Vice Pres. â€" Mrs. N. Aldcorn, Sec.-Treas. â€" Anna Shortreea. Directors â€" Mrs. Ken Mc.Arbhur. Mrs. Art Leith, Mrs. G. Whyte, Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Home Economics & Health â€" Mrs. Jas. Sburrock. Blj^lic Relations &. Community Activities â€" Mrs. Thos". C-ui-rie. Historical Res-earch and Current Events â€" Mts. D. L. McArthur. Citizenship and Education â€" Mis John Ritchie. Agriculture â€" Mrs. Alex. Duncan. Prizes were g;iven to those who had attended all the meetings dur- ing the year and went to Mrs. M. McLean. Anna Shortreed, Mrs. D. Campbell and Mrs. .A. L.. Hincks. Mrs. P." Sims received the prize for the largest meeting. William I. Henry Passes After an illness of several months .Mi'. William 1. Henry, a resident of Flesherton for some 3'5 years, passed away at Che home of his daughter, Mrs. H. A. McCauley, in Flesherto:i on Saturday morning. He was m his 84th year. The late Mr. Henry was horn in Glenelc Township, and moved when a child to Huron County with hia parents, where he spent his early life. He was married to Miss Fran- ces Pentland of Dungannon in ISSl). He residend in Bruce Mines for three years, i-eturning in 1901 to 'Huron County. Mr. Henry and his family moved to Flesherton in 1914. having purchased the planing mill from the late T. -A. Blakeley, which he conducted uhtil 1925. wh?n he retired, selling to his son-in-law. H. ,A. McCauley. Mr. Henry served on the villajre council for several tenns. He was of a quiet nature an<i was highly regarded by all who knew him. In sports he was inter- ested in taking part in bowlina- and curling, which he actively engaged in until the past two years. Besides his sorrowing wife, he leaves to mourn two daughters-. Hazel, Mrs. W. G. Kennedy, of Brantford and Olive. Mrs. H. A. Mc- Cauley, of Flesherton. His only son, Everette, died in 193(5. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary Edgar of Brampton. The funeral service was conducte>' by Rev. A. G. .Mlacpherson, pasV'i; of St. John's United Church, of which ileceased was a member, at the home of his daughter, interment being made in the family plot ir Flesherton Cemetery. The nal". â-  bearers were: Messrs. G. B. Welton. F. W. Duncan, G. .A. MacTavi^h. <". J. Kennedy and J. Cook. The flow-r bearers were: M. Wilson, Jas. Stew- art, Reg. Boden. J. Mc William, T. J. F sher and H. W. Kernahan. .Among those present from a dis- tance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mi-s. Arthur McDonald o*" .Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bellaniv of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Taylor of Lucknow. Mr. Alton am' Mr. Jas. Henry of Diiiia'aniuin. The Salvation Army band of 35 memibers from Toronto will give a half -hour program in Flesherton on Saturday at 3 P-m. on the square. Tihe band will he travelling to Owen Sound for appearances there. NOTICE The blocking of sidewalks in the village by vehicles and the riding of bicycles on sidewalks is strictly prohibited and prosecutions will be made if not stot>ped. â€" W. KAITTING, Chief Constable Annual Meeting Co-op. Medical Sevices Friday The annual tneetino- of Grey Co- operative Medical Services will he held in the Town Hall.. Flesherton, Friday. May 27th, at S.OO p.m. ' .A^ll ir.eniibprs are requested to attend. MARION'S DRESS SHOP OWEN SOUND will show DRESSES m COTTONS . CHAMBRAYS SHANTUNGS SILK PRINTS at Crane's G!f! Shop Each Wednesi!ay starting May 25th 1 11.111. to 10 i>.in. Please tee! welctmie to ctune in and hn.k arouiui. GRAY COACH IINES Next time you feel the urge to go places, see your local bus agent. He can tell you all about fares, stop-over arrange- ments, time tables and other details that wiil help you to enjoy your trip. He is a member of your community and will be glad to serve you. FARES ARE LOW Chicago - - $24.50 Los Angeles - 87.60 Montreal - 18.10 Winnipeg - 47.45 ROUND TRIP (Subject to change) ^'<^^ETS AND 800EWS 5T4llO/i 5 A A HELD >N ^LACE SV A MAtP ASV PADLOCK ^^ , Ul ILX lu:.lsValC. WCKI 60IN« 70 TMC »Jk . V * -o yX/'^;: By Margarita

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