Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1949, p. 6

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WcJiicsday, May 18. 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE t New Merchandise t T T t t y- "SUB STANDARDS IN MEN'S RKAUY- lU-WtAK % 55 NYLON HOSE TOP COATS AND SUITS X t T l-ul alue. I t'asliiuiK'cl. These are excellenc being- "sub standards from $1.40 and $1.(j5 i|ualities, from one of the forenujsl Canadian Makers. New sea- son's shades, sizes 9 to lOj^. Special $1.10 pair "WABASSO" DRESS PRINTS All new -selected patterns, yard-wide fast culors. Priced $4bc and bUc yar<t MEN'S FINE SHIRTS "Arrow" and "Forsyth" qualities in whites, plain pastel shades and striped patterns. All sizes. $3.95 each New arrivals of worth-while garm- ents added to our reg'ular stock. Come and look them over. All Reasonably Priced. MEN'S ODD TROUSERS Gabardines, Coverts, Tropicals and Sharkskin, smartly tailored, with or without pleats and zipper fronts. The lag^est and best assortment we have New Patterns in Men's Ankle Socks Tennis, Baseball and Sport Shoes for everybody New Summer Neckwear F. H. W. Hickling % Phone 6 FLESHERTON % A. boy in Flonda caught a fish with two pennies in it. He didn't do so badly, considering the fins the fish also had. Pnr business has been reported good during the past winter season with the pelts coming from skinned husbands. A post office finally delivered a card that had been mailed five years ago. Some people are awfully slow readers. We're rushing into the driving season when everybody in the family wants to go â€" and dad would like to tell them where. A truck smashed a Pennsylvania hamiburger stand that had just open- ed up. Well, it was supposed to be a quick lunch. Learn the rules of right of way, but remember, the other fellow may still not know his. Better to give way than to be dead right. PRICEVILLE Mr. and iVIrs. .Mel Troupe and Norma of Holstein were recent guests at Jas. Sturrock's. Mr. and iMlrs. Geo. Thorold of Jluskoka 3pent a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. McEaohern. Mrs. Rabt. Shortreed celebrated her 84th birthday on May 10. Mr. and Mrs, F. G. Karstedt mot- ored to Toronto on Wednesday and were accomipanied home by their daughter, Jane, for a holiday. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Dinsrwall of Airlie were recent visitors with his brother, Ed. Ding>wall. Miss Betty Hincks of Lisle spa it the week end at her home. Marvin Whyte entertained his little playmates to a birthday oarty Friday evening after school, when they enjoyed a lovely supper and ice cream. Mir. and Mirs. Neil Aldcorn, .Mr. and lM[fs. H. B. McLean, Mi-s. Aid- corn and Mrs. Jos. McKee attended the weddine at Mr. Donald Aldcorn in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell Mrs. Wn:. Meads, V.'-.lbcs ?«cads. a".d Miss S. Hinicks spent Sunday at Niagara Falls. Misses E)mma Meads and Betty Tucker and friend of Toronto spent the week end at their homes. (MBss Isabel Karstedt of Toronto was home on the week end. Mil". Innis McLean, Toronto, spent the week end with his father. Joe Wright, Albert McCuIlough, Carman Whyte and Lawrence Mc- Arthur of Fergus spent the week end at their homes. The Holdfast Club meeting was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. F. R. Oliver, when 25 were present. After opening and business trans- acted, Mrs. Bradey Irwin gave a reading "Living an example for others," and Mrs. John Meads con- ducted a quizz, the prizes being won by Mrs. Edgar Patterson and Mrs. Bert Ii-win. The hostess donated an article on which tickets were sold and Donna Whyte drew the lucky ticket for Mrs. Joe Stauble. Mrs. E. Patterson jrave a humorous read- ing. iMirs. Beaton and Mrs. Stauble were lappointed auditors and found the books in excellent shape. Mrs. Cecil Fawcett presided for the elec- tion of officers, Mrs. Jas. Stun-ook withdrawing her name, after six year.s of faithful service. Mrs. I. •B. Whittaker was elected president. m SHEET METAL WORK : I have opened up a shop in Flesherton for gfeneral Heating and Tinsjhii thing. Furnaces and Watet Systems Installed RUSSELL H: LEE -* â- < Give me a call. FLESHERTON ^ wQiile Mrs. Cecil Fawcett as Vice- President and Mrs. Bradey Irwin as secretary-treasurer. Pictures of the group '.vere taken. KIMBERLEY 'We Liberals luivc (ic-clicatcd ourselves to iii;iintaiiiiiiK ^ hi^h level of cniployuicnt and income, because lluit mc.ins a high and widely . (ILsuibiitcdslaiidiinl of living for our people." Ptimi- Minislcr Louis SI. l.anrent More iRdiile .tic workiiis llum in anv previous peacelime period â€" ncavh a million more tl.an ill 19.^'J. Nalioual intomo isrl,.<r/imMasln;.;liasinl'.I.V.). is ,„.,ro widely ilistribuicd than ever belore. More Sayings People have nearly 2'/. million viotc bank accounts tlian before the war. riiey ba\e put aside more- than 1 billion dollars in personal bank' savings. You share^ every Canadian sharesâ€" in the greater Opportunity Prosperity Security brought about by constructive Libera/ policies liberals mean what they say. Look over the record o£ tlie last five years- the most im- pressive period o[ prosiTcriiy and growth in our history. U sliows that Liberal perform- ance exceeds Liberal promises. •Under Liberal policies, Canadians can be confuleni that this forward inaith will toii- tinue â€" that Liberal promises will again be carried oiii. - MoreProductionandTrade The products of our farms and forests, factories and nnnes and fisheries arc worth twice as much as ten years ago. And Canada's exports are more tlian foio liin« greater. Canada is the ucMlds third largest iratluiK nation. More Family Allowances The federal government has. since I'.H.'i, invested one hiUion dollars in Canada's children. Four million boys and girls m 1^ million families are receiv- ing a better start in life. Benelits are being extended this year. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Ken Wyman and Duggie of Kindersley, Sask., are visiting with Kiinilberley friends, coming to To- ronto by plane. A number of visitors were at their homes here: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Weber and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Alexander and chilrden of Col- lingiwood, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ward- man of Toronto, at the home of D. Weber; Miss Leona Kirkpatrick and Misses Eleanor and Joan Ellis with their parents. 'Mrs. F. J. Welber returned home Sunday, after spendin a week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fawcett and daughters of Ceylon visited friends here on Sunday. The Y.P. gave their play at New England Fridav night, \^en they realized about $35. The W. .\. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. L. Morwood with a good attendance, with discussion being made for a piano or organ to replace the ona ill the churdi. Rev. West closed the meeting and lunch was served. Mr. Kendal Chard is recovering nicely after his recent operation for appendicitis in Collingwood. We are glad to know that Mrs. Geo. Cornfield has returned home, after being in liospital in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cook Sound visited with Mrs. on Sunday of Owen Ferguson 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong of Tliorubury were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Qttewell. Mrs. Josiah Craw^'ord of Mark- dale and daughter, Joan, of Toronto University are holidaying for two weeks at their home here. We are pleased to report Mr. Kendall Hawkins improved after his recent operation in a Toronto hos- pital. Mr. Kilbourne Hawkins and Mf. and Mrs. Albeit Williams visited with him on Sunday. Congratulations ito Mr. and Mr.-;. John Stephens (Alice Ferris) who were married on Thursdaj". Quite a num!>er from here attended the wedding in WareJiam Church. Miss Tx>reen Tempest and friend, Mr. Hoy Weir, of Collingwood were Sunda.v • visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens. More Old Age Pensions reilcral paymiins have been twice inrrea.se.l since I'.M.'''. The lifiv pension basis is now in- creased to $-10.00 a month, ,„<.\idiiig greater comfort and security (or the aged antl blind. National Health Ileahli grants to provinces are helping to build a stronger nation,' Maiiy projects are al- leadv underway: nineproviiue- wide health surveys; Kl.OOO addilional hospital beds; train- ing for health specialisls; in- creased health services and research. "v,- K sui'geon believes it eventually will be possible to stop the human heart and then start it again. Kid< have been doin^g that to parents for ages. ELECTRIC WIRING Aid to Home Builders Close to .SOO.OOO dwellings have been Iniilt since the w;u'. More homes have been built ui Canada, in proportion to popu lalion. than in any other iimii U\- anil nuire were built last ytai than any tini,e in "nr history. And lowered taxes as welH ion 'â- â- â- 'â- -•«•'««:;â- ;â- "â- " h- J.CM ., "â- " <'''''l â- -»»<>/ "«e< „/ ' '"'''"<•'' Protcict y our stake in OPPORTUNITY, PROSPERITY, SECURITY VOTE LIBERAL! INSERTED BY NATIONAL LIBERAL CO,»',l,nEE Estimates given for your electric wiring. .Ml work guaranteed. Call collect W. H. GUIFFIN Priceville - Ontario Phone Durham 303wi;. BY-LAW NO. 10, 1948 THE COUPOUATION OF THE TOWiNSHlP OF AKTEJMESIA A By-law authorizing the borrow- iiiK of $22,509.00 dollars up deb«n- tures for new School iMirposes. WttEREAS it is expedient to bor- row for the erection of a new School House and purchase of additional school irrounds, a sum not ex:ceeding Twenty-tw thousand five ' hundred dollars ($22,500.00)1 upon the (Tredit of Union School Section No. 12, Art- eniesia and Glenelg. to issue cleben- tures therefor, bearing interest at the rate of three and one half per centum (3<>(>Cti> par anntwn, iMkynble aiiiuially and to i)rovide for the dis- eoiint and the expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such deben- tures; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in annual instalr.ienta dur- ing the period of tw.enty years next after the date of is.sue of of snob debentures, of such aniounls respoit ivelv that, with the interest in resneet of the debt, the aggregate amoun; paynble fof nrineinni ;iiid int»>rest in '^aeh vear shall be. as nearly as noss- iblo. the â- Â»Rmo; subject to the statu- tory proviso tbn» each InstHlment of niineirial mnv be for nn even JlOnoo ^wnOO. or S1.000 00 or mnltinle thereof, 5ind. that nnthwitbstandi'i npvthinir heroin contained, the anmi- b1 instalment of nrinciiM^ nrvl ' v. â-  est may differ in amount sufficientiy^ to amit thereof; AND WHEREAS the amount o£^ the wihole rateable property of tfce* ..All...... ..cii*^ â- ( *L.>^ii\^.i i . V. _.i, twX'Jia--^^ ins to the last revised assessment.,^, roll thereof is: Artemesia $101,305> Glenelg $50,660. Total $161ja25.00. -*^ AND WHEBE14S the amount of-- the existing delbenture debt of the^. School Section, exclusive of local improvement debts secured by speciaj2 rates or assessments, is (Nil) and nor part of the principal or interest of such debt is in arrear; "^ AND WHEREAS by order dated^ the First day of Februarys, 1949, the*' Ontario Municipal Board has appro v-.^. ed the purpose of the said borrowing, and the passing oif aU requisite by- laws, includine debenture by-laws; ^ THEREFORE the Council of th»4 Corporation of the Township of Art»_. emesia enacts as follows; j. 1. For the purpose aforesaid tha^ Corporation stall borrow upon th^ credit of School Section No. 12, Ar- temesia and Glenelg (Priceville) m .sum not exceedine Twenty two thodT- sand five hundred dollars ($22,500|.. 00) and shall issue debentures there^ for in sums of not less than 160.00 each. "*' Each debenture shall bear interest" at the rate of three and one half pe?- centuan (3V2 %) per annum payabli^ annually and shall have coupons at- tached thereto for the payment oT such interest. -^^ - 1. All the debentures shall bear the same date, shaU be issued at on^ time and within two years after th». day on which this By-Law is passed, may bear any date within such two years and sihall be made payable in annual instalments during the perioTJ of twenty years next after the date o& issue therefor, and the respective ai. mounts of principal and interesj. payable in each of sueJi years shall be the amounts so designated in Schehide "\" hereto annexed. *> 3. The debentures shall be payabl* as to both principle and interest VR lawful money of Canada and may 1^ made payable at such place or places^ in Canada as shall be designated thereon. J. 4. The said debentures shall b^ sealed with the Seal of the Corporate ion and signed by the head of the Council, or by some other persol^ authorized by by-law to sign th* s.ime, and by the Treasurer. * The said interest coupons shall bS" signed by the Treasurer and his sig* nature tJiereon may be writtew stamped, lithographed or engraved. > 5. Commehcing in the year 195ti. and thereafter in each year in \vh' *n instalment of principal of the saiiS debt and interest become due, tbj Corporation shall levy and raise rh- specific sum shown for the respecti^^ year in the fourth column of the saiti Schedule. Such sum shall be levieiS and raised by a special rate sufficieoi therefor, over and above all other rates, upon all the rateable pvono"* in U.S'.S. No. 12, .\rtemesia artd Glenelg. .^^ t>. The said debentures may contain a elanso providing for the reiristi*- tion thereof pursuant to Section •'SW of Tlie Municipal Act. ». 7. Pending' the sale of the said ^ debentures, the head of the Couiwal and tlie Treasurer ,may raise, for the purposes aforesaid by way of loan fin suoli debentures, any sum of moa^y not e.xceedinjc in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and luyy hypobliecate such debentures for .such loan. "" 8. The Corporation shall have "Ihe right, at its option, to redeem 4,he said debentures, either in whole or^in part. On any date priorto maturity, at the places where and in the monies in which the said dobentvires are *x- pressed to be payable, upon paynifent of the principal amoimt thereof ^- gether with interest accrued to the date of redemption and upon gi'^tni? previous notice of said intention* to redeem by advertising' once iii.«.the Ontario Gazette and once in a ^ilv newspaper of general provincial cir- culation, published in the City ofTo- ronto, and once in a local newspaper, such notice to be advertised as a^e- said at least thirty days before^the date fixed for redemption. Notloe of intention so to redeem shall alafr be sent by post at least thirty days »nor to the date set for such redemntion to «»«h person in w<hos« name w'^jjs,,,.^ bontiu'e, s(> to he redeemed, is regis- tered at the address shown in^the debenture Registry Book. A^Jjer*. only a portion of the debenture* of this is.sue is so to be redeemed, ^uch portion shall comprise only thefdi- hontnros that have the late.tt matur- ity dates and no dobonture tf^^hi.-: is.«!ue shall bo called for such rpd^in- tion in pHoritv to anv such <1-'".'^ thfit lin^ a later ni"turity date, ^ T?ead a first and socoi'^ ^^^. jy l.'^tb day of T>eownber. 104'* -^ â€" .Ton\ \ n vvr^' p*v v. R cH\nn 0%-'; i*t<? Mend a third time i»d ! Cl^-k

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