TV- I' 'H mmmm .Wednesday, June 22, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ Tkl only advaataso in ipUImtr Boup on a ahirt U Ihat it may wash away egg itaiiu. Small Ads| FOR 8AI£ â€" •.CJI. mjan'a bicycle vk Koo4 oan<iition. Pk*n« 8Gw. JTAil^K) â€" AiiMMia aifrttabl* toi miBk and (ox {Md.â€" B«it Melatoai^ Engema, yhMM F«f«nl>*-i Sr26 JOE SALK â€" Choice Yorkshire sows due ill July. â€" Jos. Radley, quar- ter mile east of Fleshcrton. 4c2 FOB SALE â€" Renfrerw cream sep- aistor, wih or without motor. â€" E4 Genoe, phone S^l Flesherton ifX)a SAhE â€" Little Spaniel dog, ehfldren's pet. â€" fbona Flesherton »6J6. 9p2 LOST â€" Logging chain between Maxwell and Flesherton on Tues., Jnae 21. Finder notify Telf. Ferris phone Fervcrahaim 4r3. *p2 FOR SALE â€" Blue convertible pram or go-cart, in good condition. â€" Mrt. Jim McMuUen, phone 7rl3 Fefrcreham. 3c2 rOB SALE â€" Planoa In Al condi- tifls^ several makes to choose tnm, all fully guaranteed. â€" J. C. Blackatone, piano tuner, 516 ffth St. A. £}a8t, Owen Sound. FOR SALE â€" 40 sq. first class cedar shlafles; 1-40 Ford Deluxe coach, pood sh.ipe, good rubber, can be seen at Neff Moore's, Durham. â€" .las. Sturrock, Priceville, phone FlesJifiton 22wl. 4c2 FOB SALE â€" Hardwood slabs $25 per truck load; softwood slabs fl8, npppoximately T.'s to 8 cords per load. Delivered free within 10 miles. â€" Walter Playter, phone 146J Markdale. 45pl2 A 7-foot, &-ineh lUinoia lad tow- ers high o«'er his father. A block off tfie old chip. fiorseUick-Tiding seasoti is her« a^ain and by the time sotse people learn how, they can't. AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The EsUte of DAVID HAMILTON will eir by i)ublic auction in FLBSHHIRTON (Isetr the Hi^n Schoi!) SATURDAY, JULY 2NI), 1949 the followiig, at 2 pi"-: li Ptr;s, sprintcrt ind mattrcssee; 2 Dressers; Slddboard; Di'.iiagroom Tablo, G Chairs; Trunk; Number of Tools; Kitchen Table; Couch; Cup- board- Stove; other sniaM artii'ics. (Ai^tiie wishing to ad J to this saU- may do so) TERMS: Cash. â€" GE50. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS HARRIS & DUNLOP BAHrtlSTKRS. SOLICITORS. Et«. Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m- ELECTRIC WIRING EflMmates priven for your electric wiring. All work guaranteed. Call collect W. H. GRIFFIN Priceville - Ontario Phone Durham 303v(r2. CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK laauer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER WSIs Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A commissioner for taking affidavits Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton TakpkeM NOTICE 1949 TAXES OF THE VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON A first instalment of 50 per cent of the total amount is due and payable on or before July 1st, 14)49, and the balance on or before De. 1st, 1949. If the first instalment is unpaid r-.fter July 1st, 1949, the whole o* ihf amount of taxes becomes due and payable without penalty on or bffore Sept. IBth, 1949. The usual mnalty will be adfde<I Wlien paid after Sept. IBth, 1949. â€" F. H. W. HICKLING, Treasurer In (he matter of the Estate of Ellen iMclMullen of the Township of Artemesia, deceased. All per.son.s having claims against tTie Estate of Mrs. Ellen McMullen, liitc of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, who died on the inh day of August, A.D. 1945, are hereby required and notified, to send prepaid to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of July, 1949, full particulars verified by statutory declaration. Bmmedialtely after the said 9th day of July, 1049, the Estate will be distribu/ted amion); the parties en- titled thrtreto, havinig regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received. Dated at Flesherton this 20th dav of June, A.D. 1940. â€" C. J. BELLAMY, Flesherton, Ont. • •••••••••• • HAVE YOU $10 in U.S. FUNDS? •••••••••• I If you have more than $10 in U.S. cash you should turn it in to your bank, in exchange for Canadian dollars, without delay. Ex- isting regulations make it illegal for any Canadian resident to retain in his possession more than $10 in United States cash. HERE'S THE REASON Canada must have the U.S. dollars spent here by tourists in order to make them available for the pay- ment oi imported goods and services needed to keep production and em- ployment at a high level. |rOREt6N iXCHAN«I CONTROl lOARO OHAWA FECB-13 Looii and Personal Mrs. R. Alexander has returned from visiting at Kilsyth and Owen Sound. Mva. A. Turnbull of London spent a couple of days with Mrs. Cairns and called en friends. Mrs. R. G. Holland of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. J. Heard for a few days and meeting old friends. iMr. and Mrs. John Duncaa and family of Inistioge called on Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson on Sunday. Mrs. J. B. McCowell of Toronto was the guest last week of her sis- ter, Mrs. Geo. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McKee and Barbara of Hamilton were week end visitors with district relatives. Mr. Bob Bellamy of Goderich ac- companied Mr. Peter Dow aid spent the week end at his home. IMisses Ktae MtacMillan, L. Boyd and Dell Thurston of Toronto spent the week end in town. _^^ lMt. and Mrs. John McDonald are visiting this week with members of their family in Toronto. Mr. Robt. P. Bellamiy and Mr. H. Cavel of Toronto visited with the Bellamy families over the week end. Among Sunday visitors in town were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bellamy of Collingwood. Mr. Frank Warling and Miss Beth Warling of Weston called on friends in, town on Saturday. Jlr. E. D. Bentham and Dick of Toronto and Joanne Wood of Ham- ilton spent the week end with Mrs. R. Bentham. â- MV. and Mrs. Gordon Thurston and Patsy of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and attend- ed the Thurston-Young wedding in Owen Sound on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton and t\*) pxins of Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Hay and Mii-s. Albert Horniblow of Mim- ico were week end guests with theii parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Akins of To- ronto visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mll-s. C. Akins, on Sunday. Master Eddie Best is holidayinp at Craigleith camp. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. \V. Hickling over the week end were; Mr. and Mr.s. F. Keys of Huntsville, Miss Florence Armstrong of Toron- tn, Miss Jessie Knight and Mrs. Clara .Bassett of Chatsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keys of Huntsville spent a few days during the past week calling on friends in town. Mr. Keys took the service in the Baptist Church on Sunday mom- ing, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. A. J. Fletcher. Mrs. Ted Pallett of Dixie is with her mother, Mrs. G. A. MacTavish, during the illness of her father, who took a heart attack and is at present in Markdale hospital. Mr. Pallett and Evelyn MacTavish of Toronto spent several days here, returning to Toi-onto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Loucks accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Carman Loucks of Chtasworth on a motor trip to Copper Cliff to visit the formers' dau^ter, Mrs. S. Merte. Mr. and Mrs. Everett McLean of Madison, Ohio, Miss Jane and girl friend of Cleveland, Ohio, are spending a couple of weeks at the homes of K. G. Betta in town and D. Weber at Kimberley. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Fletcher mot- ored to Montreal last Friday to meet the S.S. Aseania oa which Mrs. Pletchei"8 father and step- mother arrived from England. Mr. A. Bayford had hot «een his daugh- ter, Mrs. Fleltcher, for nineteen years, and had never seen his grand- daughters, Nelly, Hazel and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. B.iyford will be stay- ing until the middle of August, .vhen they will return to their home in Broadi^tairs, Kent, England. i/l/{/^6 LEAlOy^k ^^yRVfCe 5rATlON5 RELIANCE PRODUCTS ON f^fL/^i/VCf. ••:i-:.-f: '%. â- '-1: ->;&.. • ' • II unanimous AUCTION SIE STOCl', IMPLEMENTS Etc;. C. G. PRICE will by public auction at iLot-^ 4(i-47, 2 S.D.K., Glenelg THUR.SDAY, JUNE 'OTH, 1949 at 1 p.m., the follov^ing: HOiKSES â€" Bay Gelding, 7 ye|rs old; Black Mare, !•* vears old. CATTLE. PIGSâ€" Black Cow, calf at foot; Durham Cow, fres/h; Heifer 2 yrs. old; 2 Yearling Heifers; Bull Calf; Brood Sow with litter of 7. IMiPLEMEiNTS, Etc.â€" Aiito Trac, Wagon Boj; Ruibibor-tire Wagon; McCorniick Moiwer; Hay Rake; No. 21 Walking Plow; Turnip Drill, 2- fiii'row; Coclisihutt Gang Plow; Fan- ning Mill; Deering Binder; Cultiva- tor; Set Smoothing Harrows; 3-sec- tions; Set of Sleighs; Cutter; Set of Driving Harness; Set of Team Har- ness; Wheelbarrow; Hay Fork; Hay Car; Set of Discs: Pig Crate; Skish Scraper; 3 Horse Collars; Numerous other articles. TEHMIS: Cash. â€" GEO. E. DUNCAN, Anctioneer You CAN still find people who "don't believe in banks" . . . who keep their cash in old coffee pots, or hide it in the woodpile, or carry it around. But most folk nowadays keep their money in bank accoimts. They can get it whenever they want it; and they can pay their bills by cheque. Canadians have more than seven million such deposit accounts. In terms of Canada's adult population, that makes it practically unanimous. The banks, in turn, know they must earn this confidence by giving you the best service they know how. Today you can take yotir account to any bank you choose. And what is in your bank book is strictly between you and your bank. It is your own private business. Stcrte monopoly of banks would wipe owf compefffMn and would open your bank account to the eye of the state official. SPONSORED BY »^<M$H$M$H$M»X<M»>^<^<l |M^^Mfe|^^^|^M^|^l^(r^|^^^i^^^|^"^jtfr^Mr«p-^^ ^ {♦♦X'^X'^t^M'^^^^^^i vS****** I N G R E y B R U C E :*' h r r 'A If MONDAY, JUNE 27tk - B«twMn 9:00 a.m. andE7:00 p.m., DayligM Saving Timt ^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦^^♦♦♦♦^^♦^ â€" Grey-Bruce Liberal Associtaion ♦♦♦♦♦♦^^i