Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Aug 1949, p. 5

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â- I 1^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'p^ I 0^ I m ^ ^ 1 I > t • > A New Honey PURE FROM THE FLOWERS Bring in your cans; lower prices this year K ILLER'S STORE open evenings for your convenience Phone 38J4 CEYLON, Ont. PRICEVILLE Wednesday, August 24, 1949 GO BY RAIL TO THE TORONTO CANADIAN NATIONAL EXIBITION August 26 to September 10 From Flesherton $4.45 coach Good going Thursday, Aug. 25 to Saturday, Sept. 10, inclusive Return limit â€" Sept. 14 Pull information from any agent. GoMoAiaH GcLCiilc •TDear," cooed persuasive Polly, "it always makes a hit with father if my boy friends help him a little bit on his garden." "Well," rejoined stuibbom Sidney, "you can tell your old man that I'm mot a hoe^beau." General Insurance AUTO FIRE LIABILITIES Special low rates for most private cars D. aMacARTHUR Phone 82 J FLESHERTON CEYLON I\Ii3S Barbara Mlarshail visited last weelc with Mrs. Alex. Marshall at Holland Centre. Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam and Mr. and Mrs. Joe McWilliam and daugihter visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reid and family at Parry Sound. H. F. Jaynes of Oshawa is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. George Jaynes. Mrs. Anna M'acMillan has spent the past tvvo weeks at Beaverton. The Ceylon W. A. will meet in the church On Wednesday, Aug. 31st, at two o'clock. Everyone is welcome. Wes Cooey of Owen Sound visited recently with Mr. John Kennedy. CongraJ;ulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Copeland of Shelburne on the gift of a son on Sunday, Aug. 21bz a brother for Patsy. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam were: Miss Ruby Campbell of Toronto and Miss Nancy McWilliam of Owen Sound. Mrs. Carl Teeter and daughter, Lynda, of Toronto are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Copeland. Mrs. Robert Hunt and dauighter. Norma, of Ottawa are visiting her mother, Mrs. Bertha McMastor. ' Week end guests with Mrs. Severn and Tom were: Mr. and Mrs. Hagen and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Severn and sons, all of Toronto. Use The Advance Smiall Adrrta. ip buying or selling. Co-Operativc Insurance DO YOU KNOW? ..That you can plan your life insuance protection on a co-operative basis through Co-Operative Life Insurance company? Our representatives will assist in planning your program. ED. LANG Phone 1 25 w E1.ESHERT0N, ONT. District Representative Co-Operative Insurance For security to-morrow, insure to-day â€" the Co-Operative way. I I Goose Egg? I ;: / Goose Nest? For some reason the goose egg stand for zero . . . nothing. The nest egg, however, stands for a tidy sum of money, set aside. it is hardly necessary to ask you which you'd prefer. But it is necessary to ask vourself what you are doing to make sure you don't end up with a goose egg, instead of a goose nest. All dairy products require special care for top mar4cet prices. For example, eggs should be gathered twice a day. packed in the crate with the small end down and stored in a cool drv place until delivered bi-weekly. Always remember that many years of business with our patrons has proved that you are guaran- teed top value for your produce at the Flesherton Creamery. Be wise and get the goose nest. Deal at the Fle- sherton Creamery, the home of service and satis- faction. Flesherton Creamery St. Andi-ew's Sunday School pic- nic was hfld Friday afternoon in Durham park, with a good attend- ance of mothers and children. Games and races and all kinds of enter- tainment were held for the ehildroii and the lunch, orangeade and ic-- cream were enjo"yed. Mr. Jim Sturrock received the news Sunday of the death of his lather, Mr. G«o. Sturrock, at Hope- ville. Visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean were: Mr. and Mrs. .Art Whyte and fam- ilj- of New Jersey, and Mr. John Tagan of Burford. Mr. Neil Ibbitson, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mal- colm McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Runciman and family of Toronto are spending two weeks with his mother here. Mr. Geo. McLean of Toronto speni last week at his parental home. Mrs. Pea' ; Hopkins of Pontiac, Mich., is spending a couple of weeks with the MacCuaig families. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MoKechnie and family of Listowel spent a few days at the home of Alf. Hincs. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs Edgar Patterson were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison and Jean, Springhill, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Robertson and Sandra of London, Mr. Milton Fow- ler of Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Fowler and mother of Salem. >iT. and Mrs. Gordon i h;baudea'i and daughters of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McClean of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar McClean of Guelph. A number- from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Isaac Hoop- er (Coletta McMillan), daughter uf Mr. and Mrs. Colin McMillan of Holstein and a sister of Mr. Alex. McMillan, Dundalk, at Dromore on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macfarlane and sons of Toronto spent the week end with her father here. Mrs. Macfar- lane and sons remainea for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock spent the week end with friends at Georgetown. A number of children, with Rev. Mould, attended the vacation school all last week at Swinton Park. Miss Nellie McLean returned to Toronto Sunday, after holidaying in the vUlage. Miss Betty Hincks spent a few days visiting friends at Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell and I'h-s. Bob Campbell of Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs. J. C. Harrison. Mrs. Donaldson of Los Angeles, Calif., is visating at her old home here with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt. Mr. Ja<;k McConkey of Toronto spent the week end at his parental home. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McReynolds and family returned home, after spending two weeks holidaying with friedns. Messrs. Grant and Willis Sayers visited friends at Elora and attend- ed the Highland games at Fergus on Saturday. Mrs. J. Latimer, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cooper and son, Ronnie, of To- ronto were week end visitors with Mr. and M!rs. Joe McKee. Mr. Louis Pragle, who has been visiting with Mrs. M. Gilbert for the past four weeks, left on Monday for his home at Dansville, N.Y. Mrs. Gilbert acocmipaned him to Toronto. The W.M.S. and Willing Helpers met Tuesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Wra. Sayers, with a good attendance. Miss Kath- leen McLean presided and consider- able business was discussed. Miss Mar.v Leith gave a lovely piano solo and Mrs. Wm. Brown gave an interesting reading on "Citizensihp in Rui-al Communities.'' The presi- dent conducted a Quizz and the prize was won by Mrs. J. A. Nichol. Mrs. D. L. McArthur presided over the W.M.S. A letter was rend from Rev. and Mrs. Rumball, telling of their trip tq Japan, wliich was interesting to the listeners. Mrs. D. L. McArthur gave a very inter- e-sting paper. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and a delightful lunch and half hour was spent over the tea cups. AUGUST 27 TO SEPTEMBER 10 (Except Sunday) REDUCED ^ MCn ROUND FARE «p4fy TRIP Children - $2.45 Includes Exhibition admission and bus transfer direct into 4ni from the Grounds. LEAVE FLESHERTON 9:07 a.m. b8 :27 p.m. a : Saturday Only LEAVE TORONTO b9:00 a.m. al2 :45 p.m. cS:20 p.m. b: Sunday and Holiday â-  Tickets and Information from c : Daily except Saturday (Daylight Time) REG. BODEN Flesherton, Ont- Phone 63 VANDELEUR Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario ^♦♦*♦*<•♦^♦♦<^"^♦♦♦♦♦♦<**<'♦**><"^♦<'^~^<~^*5'*♦*<****'"^ .A dog show is where folks spui dogs on to put on the dog. A woman in Kansas won a con. husking contest and probably couVl not believe her ears. Bean ball pitchei-s offer a clue as to what became of grandnta's old- fashioned duster. NOTICE OF CI>OSING The Barber Shop will be closed from Mtonday, Aug. 22nd to Friday, Aug. 2eth. Open Saturday â€" RUSS ANDREWS Quite a number of W.I. members from here attended the county con- vention at Deaboro on Aug. 19th. Mrs. Russell Freeman, a member ol the local branch who has been coun- ty president for the past t\vo years presided, and Mrs. P^nk Davis an- other local member gave an account of her visit with Nellie McClung during the past winter, and brought greetings to Grey County Institutes from that noted writer, who is a native of Grey County. The next meeting of Vandeleur W.I. will be held in the Community Hall on Thursday evening Aug. 25th when a good program will be provid- ed and all members and their fami- ii s are invited. The W.A. held a very enjoyable meeting at the home of Miss Minnie Graham, in the Valley on Wednes- day afternoon Aug. 17th. A feature of the program was an account by Mrs. Katherine Davison of i sjrvics in a church in Chicago, during her recent trip. .A picnic supper was served on the lawn. The President Mx-s. W.G. Bowles presided. Members of Vandeleur W.I. were guests of the Flesherton branch at ;in interesting meeting which was held recently at the home of Mrs W. A. Hawldn. Members of Vandeleur church re- ceived a pleasant surprise on Sun- day afternoon when they went to take up the collection. They founo a sum of money and the following ni.te "This collection has been plac- ed here by members who used to at tend this church over 50 yeai's ago. The family of the late Mr. and Mrs. David .Thompson, Louis, Mary, Clara and Elizie." Just passing by on August 15th, 1949. (Signed) Ever- ett Neithercut. Mr. R. W. E. McPadden of Brant- ford occupied the pulpit in the local church on Sunday afternoon and preached an interesting sermon founded on an incident in the life of David. Vandeleur may some day Ijecome noted for a peach growing district, for ought we know. At any rate, thei'e is at least one peach tree in the community that is doing well. Mrs. Ethel Buchinson has a full â-  grown tice in hd" ganlo that is covered with fine looking peaches nt the present time. It grew from pits that had bee;) thrown out frcmi the kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Berwick and family of Toronto, Mrs. Porter Heard and son, Biuce, of Flesherton and Mrs. Fothergill, Listowel, wen' recent visitors with Miss Minnie K. Graham at Riverside Lo<ige. Mr. and Mrs. Baker and two child- ren, Torontd, were, week end guests of N'T. and Mrs. Laverne Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin of Toronto spent the week end witii Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Jolrtiston. Mr. and Mrs. Cai-man Sewell left on Thursday of last week on a mo- tor trip to Western Canada. Miss Joy Graham of Markdale spent a few days with her cousin, Ruth Graham. Ruth return*'d with hot- for a short visit. Mr. Norman Summers of Durham spent the week end with his brother, George. .A number from here attended tho camp meetings at Clarksburg 'in Sunday. P O R T L A W ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. David Jamieson a«d .Marie of Toronto spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Ped- lar and ca led on their old friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. "Pete" Petrie and family of Toronto spent the week end with Mi. and Mrs. Div-e lilakey. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wils)i und Mrs. Luther Love spent a few days with relatives at Greenwood and Clare- mont. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wickens of Kim- berley and daughter, Mrs. Royden McDonald and Donald of Ear Fails were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart and children of Collingwood were at the Blackburn home on Thursday. Mrs. Robt Ring of Collingwood visited recently with her cousin, Mrs. Fred Plantt. Mr. and Mtrs. E. Blackburn and family Sunday with relatives at Colling\vood» and Wasaga Beach. A number from here enjoyed the Highland bands and games at Fer- gus an Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter .\kitt, spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. Keys at Huntsville. Mr. Arthur Betts came from To- ronto and assisted with the harvest last week, as his faher, Mr. Herb Bets, has not been well. Mr. Betts had x-rays taken in Owen Sounn last week. Mrs. Fred Betts and Cheryl and Mrs. Dillon spent a week at the Betts home. We are sorry to report Miss Jean Lyons not enjoying the best of health and was in bed with an at- tack o(f pleurisy. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Shier and Mr. and Mrs. R. Fisher visited with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Menzies at Badjeros. Mr. Bob Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawkins, Bill and Ken, wen© at Coulson, near Orillia, last Monday, attending the funeral of their oou- sin, the late David Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore of Durham spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. Mr. Whitmore has been laid oif work for several days with blood poisoning in his left hand. Visitors over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McClean of Bramp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar McCleaa of Guelph, Mi-s. Fred Osborne of Noranda, Que., Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Russell and two children of Max- well, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Best of Flesherton. Mrs. Fred Osborne re- mained for a week's visit. Mrs. Annie Sargent of Owen Sound spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Prank Betts on Thurs., .August 19th, the occasion being Frank's birthday. A few of the neighbors were invited in and en- joyed themselves playing crokinole, Lost Heir and euchre. Lunch was served, including a nice birthday cak%. Dancing %tos also enjoyed for a short time to the splendid music supplied by Bob and Bill Clark. Miss Helen Betts has gone to Owen Sound for awhile, where she is employed. M.. .-ind Mrs. E. Partridge an I Joan and Wayne McMaster spent the week end with friends at Gait.- "These rock formations." explain- ed the guide to the party of tour- ists, "were piled up here by the glaciers." , "But where are the glaciers T' asked the curious old lady. "They've gone back. Madam, to get more rocks," said the guide. I I I T y Y Y X t I :; :; Announcing FREE GIFT PLAN Gift Certificates given with every purchase of 25c or more, redeemable for Maplex Tableware and Siron Flatware. SPECIAL OFFER To first 50 customers purciiasing $5.00 or more, a sample piece of Maplex Tableware given free with Gift Certificate. DONT REGRET See W. H. GRIFFIN . K-l Phone DURHAM 303w2 Before doing your Electric Wiring I Member Electrical Contractors" Association >^^

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