i> THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, September 7, 1949 1 -^ » -..L> â- 1 * â- \ T 1 f FEVERSHAM Mrs. Elliot Lesrate and Betty visi- ted with Mrs. Howard McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Late and Lee of Toronto visited over the holiday with ker parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hud son. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robertson and boys visited with her parents. Mr. Wm. Hudson- of Lethlbridge, Alberta, visited friends around here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Victor McKenzie and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bad- gerow and sons, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tut- aer. Mlrs. John Radley and family and Annie and Reta Radley of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George OttewelL Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. John Parsonag'e spent the week end here with his wife and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Plummer on the arrival of a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hannah and Warren have returned home from their three week holiday. Mr. Levi Sammons and Sadie are Tisiting in the north with his son, Mr. Harry Sammons, KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Chard, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick and Ken spent Friday at the Exhibition. Gerald spent the week end with them at his home here. IMts. F. Weiber resumed to her ' home on Saturday, and was .accom • panied by, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pat- terson and little daug-htei-. Mrs. D. L. Weber spent a week in Toronto and was accompanied home on Saturday by Mr. and Mr.?. Art Wardman. L.A.C. Stan Hutchinson and his fiance, Mi<i3 Jean Jepson, accom- panied by ber f?ther and mother, of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.. Ran Hutchinson. Dorothy EHx says a model hus- band bores his wife to tears. For- tunately, few woonen are afflicted with the type. U.S. Communists received frater- nal greetings from the Chin^gse Reds. And they have been receiving mark- ed attention at home recently. • SOUTH GKtYS HOST MODERN THEATRE. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday September 12. 13, 14 ••GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY" in Technicolor Dan Dailey Nancy Guild Thursday, Friday. Saturday September 15. 16, 17 ••HOMESTRETCH" in Technicolor Cornel Wilde Maureen Ohara BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY ROCK MILL^ Mr. Herb Badjerow of Camwood .\lberta, visited with his nephe^v, Mr. Ned Croft, und together they spent Sunday with the fo-mer's sis- ter, Mrs. Robt. Mclntyre and .VIr. Mclntyre at Tryon. Mr. and -Mrs. Jos. Williams of Rugenia spent the past wejk with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge. Mr. Ted Croft of Burlington spent the week end and holiday at his home here. School opened on Tuesday for the tall term with Miss Jane McLennan as teacher. Mr. George Jackson of Wi^rtnn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Chaa. Newell, who were very pleased to see him again. Master Ronnie Smith has return- ed to his home in Toronto, after spending the past two months at the home of his uncle, Mr. Wes S'r.ith. Visitors over the week end at the home of Grant Helmkay were: Capt. and Mrs. Sidney Tusk, Rev. and Mrs. E. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. W. Gardener, all of Toronto. Miss Marilyn Smith of Toronto spent the week end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Smith. A.C.2 Earl Helmkay and L.A.C. Ji'.ck Killick of the R.C.A.F., Avlmer, were visitors with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hekikay. Mr. and Mrs. Gao. Swoetniiin oi St. Catharines visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. Mr. Roy Helmkay of Montreal spent a week at his home here. Visitors over tho week end with Mr and Mrs. C. B. Wilson wt.re: Mr. •i.ni Mrs. Harold Hainer and M'". i.nd Mrs. Dou'glas. Finch and t*3 child- ren of St. Catharin.js Mrs. Wes Smith and children spent a week's holiday :it SauT.le Beach. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge were: Mr. Frank Moss and friend, Miss Doro- thy Brethauer. and daughers, Phyl- lis and Shirley, of Gait, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson, accom- panied by Mrs. Annie Sargent of Owen Sound, spent a few days with the formers' family at St. Catharines iMr. Ted Dixon and son Ted of Timmina and Mr. Bob IBellamy of W.i kerton were re-^'nt visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. VANDELEUR SWINTON PARK Mr. an* Mrs. Alex Copeland and Larry and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reeves and childa-en of Meadowvale spent Sunday at Fred Knox's and Jas. Hardy's. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr?. Eldy Corbett on the birth of a daughter, Wed., Aug. 24th. .A. number from our vicinity at- tended the Ventry anniversary ser- vice Sunday evening. Miss Norma Christie spent thi week end with her school chum Miss Shirley Hardy. Mrs. Robert Porter of Elora is spending a while with ^Fr. and Mrs Geo. Porter and family. Miss Jessie McCormick of Fergus spent the week end at her parents's home. The Campbell Reunion , was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Long, .\bout thirty wero present. In going through the Panama Canal one ravels a little more than 50 miles. I EXCERPTS FROM A NEWS LETTER Issued by The Ontario Cream Producers' Marketing Board We quote:- "Creameries that continue to ac- cept second gfrade. or even "Liner" first grade, cream and pay for it as first grade- are maintaiiT- ing an almost insurmountable obstacle in the wav of quality improvement It may well seem hard- boiled and undesirable to the producer to have Cream that;^ is even "questionable put down in a lower grade and paid for as such, or else refused, but in the long range. Cream Shippers who per- sistently produce a poor quality are doing them- selves .little good and are a tremendous deti'i- ment to the industry. The challenge faces everv- one in all branches â€" each must decide whether we will be known as one who helped improve the qualitv of our butter or just a stumbling block." Signed. "R. W. Morrison." Flesherton Creamery Angus Avit, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario Mrs. Armstrong and daughtor Wazie of Thornbury spent a few days with Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson and Mr and Mrs. Andy Fawcett. Mrs. Kathrine Davison attended the wedding of a niece at Paisley on Saturday. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham and Ruth were: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Graham oS. Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Finn of Colling- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Graham (Max- ine Connell) have just returned from their honeymoon trip throujrh the New England States and Fkistern Canada to the Atlantic coast. Master Brian Bowles is home from Freeport Sanitarium. Mir. and Mrs. Ashley McCallan, Mr. and Mrs. Orviile McCallan and Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Maxwell, all of Hanover, were recent guests of Mrs. Ethe Huthcinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay and Mr. rnd Mrs. Massenger of Bolton were week end visitors with Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson and other friends. Mrs Lindsay was a former teacher here and her many friends were sorry to learn that she was recently bereft by the death of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wyville at- tended the funeral of Mhrs. Mary Jane Chappie, widow of the late Wm. Chappie, at Meaford. Deceased was an aunt of Mrs. Wyville. '>rr. and Mrs. Russell Fawcett and Mr. and Mrs. Fries of Hamilton were week end guests of Mr. ami Mi-s. Gordon Wyville. .â- Vmong those who attended the C. \.E. were: Billy and Don Johnston, Mrs. Will Bowles and daughters, Lorna and .A.nna; Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Buch- anan and Hap Mills. A bee was held on the school gTounds and Community Park on Saturday afternoon, when a general clean-up took place, the grass and â- ,veeds being cut, stones removed, while three tractors and wagons drew gravel for the walk. School re-opened on Tuesday, with Miss Doreen Alcox of Markdale ' ts teacher. Friday evening. Sept. 2nd, a large number of friends and acquainancos gathered in the Community Hall to honor Dr. and Mrs. Milton Bye (nee Frances Buchanan) recent groom and bride. During the course of tho evening, Mrs. Will Bowles read an address and Mrs. Alex. Gilray, Mrs. Kussell Harvey and Mrs. Victoi Brodie, on behalf of the community, presented the j'oung couple with a pair of end tables and a sewing cabinet. Vandeleur and the near-by Beaver Valley may soon become a great winter paygro-und, if the plans and ambitions of certain interests come to maturity. Ski trails have been surveyed by Mr. T. S. Cooper and we understand the plans, when de- veloped, will call for two lines and al! other accessories. The site is said to be one of the best in the province. The progress of the ven- ture will be watched with interest. Com cutting and silo filling have started in this community. It is a .sood crop. Heavy rains during the past week have changed the color of the pasture lands throughout the oistrict. The rainbow on Thursday evening cX last week was the most gorgeous thin,^ oif its kind that we have ever seen. There were two brilliant rain- bows some distance apart, forming a complete arch, with the space be- tween a sort of lavender blue. It was a brilliant spectacle for a few moments. At Vandeleur church on Sunday afternoon, the pastor. Rev. W. M. Lee, preached an interesting sermon 01' "The Church and Laboi- Rela- tions." basing his discourse on the l.rincipale set forth in the sermon Of. the Mount. He also announced the anniversary services will be held in tho church Sunday, Sept. tSth. at 2:30 and S p.m., with Rev. Paul Christensen of Dundalk one of the guest speakers. ICE -VND SNOW Canada may be the land of ice and snow to some visitors from south .>f the border, but several of those same visitors, might be surprised to know- that the ice they have been using here this summer has come from their own land. In several of the holiday resorts around Georgian Bay iec was in short supply. Because tho dealers have not been able to get enough ice in Canada they have had it shipped in from Buffalo. Our land of ice and snow has .apparently been too wann this year. HOlilW.VST CLUB MEETING t The mennbers of Holdfast Club win nieet at the home of Mrs. John Mead* on Wednesday, Septeanbe*- 1 llh at 2:30 p m Mort- states in the United State-, have names originated from Indian words than from another language. ^CANADIAN ATIONAL EXHIBITION AUGUST 27 TO SEPTEMBER 10 (Except Sunday) REDUCED ^ . mg^ ROUND FARE 4l4^y TRIP Children - $2.45 includes Exhibition admission and bus transfer direct into and from the Grounds. LEAVE FLESHERTON LEAVE TORONTO 9:07 a.m. b9:00 a.m. b8:27 p.m. al2:45 p.m. / ^ • c5:20 p.m. a: Saturday Only b : Sunday and Holiday c : Daily except Saturday (Daylight iTime) • Tickets and mf^ i»#>^r\FkJ Flesherton, Ont. Information from REO, BODEN Phone 63 8TH LINE OSPREY ' Me^rs. Mervyn and Vincent Som- ers of Bfantford were week end vis- itors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Somers. MSsses Helen and Naomi Somers left Monday for their schools in Xorfolk County, where they will commence their teaching duties this Tuesday. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Davidson were: Mr. Bert Davidson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proctor and Eleanor of Eu- genia, and Miss Marjorie Park of Toronto. Mr. Ed. Winger of Welland was a week end visitor with Mrs. Harold Fenwick and daughters, and called ' on other friends on the line. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poole at- tended the funeral of the latter's brother-in-law in Toronto Tuesday. Sincere sjrmpathy is extended to th.^ bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Davidso.i and family spent a few days at the Gospel Workers Camp Meeting at Clarksburg, and also attended the Dargavel-Hale nuptials in Owen Sound. Miss Gwen Lawler spent a few days with her cousin. Miss Muriel Winters, at Shrigley and while there attended the C.N.E. PRICEVILLE Women first appeared as profes- sional dancers on the French stage in the l7th century. Whenever you see a man with handkerchief, socks and tie to to match, you may be sure he is wear- ing a present. The YJ>.U. of St. Andrews and St. Coluniba churches enjoyed a wei- ner roast Tuesday evening at the home of Donald Nichol, when game:! and a sing-song were enjoyed. Dick Pedlar returned to Toronto Saturday, having spent the summer with his uncle, Dick Carson, Mr. and Mrs, H. Tucker and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meads, June and Glen, motored to Midhurst a week ago and were accompanied liome by Misses Emma Meads and Betty Tucker, who spent the sum- mer in Muskoka. Grant and Willis Sayers, Mrs, P. Sims, Wallace Meads, Mrs. Belle McLean, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. A. L. Hincks and Shirley spent a few days in Toronto and attended the C.N.E. while visiting friends. Mrs. McKechnie Sr. of Toronto is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. .Aichie McKechnie. Mr. Jack Macfarlane of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. C. A. McLean. Mrs. Macfarlane accompanied them home, after holi- daying here. The following left Monday to assume their teaching duties: Joyce Tucker at Riverview. Betty Tucker in Normauby, Emma Meads to a N'ormanty school, M'abel Parslow t^i Toronto anil Betty Hincks to Lisle. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Marshall i>( CoUingwoid visited recently at Ihv' ii( nie of Lachie McKinnun. Mr. adn Mrs. Archie Sturrock spent the week end in Toronto and visited friends. Dr. and Mrs. L. V. Patterson of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson. Miss Nancy Carson is spen(fin£ this week in Toronto. Go by Train to the LONDON EXHIBITION SEPT. 12-17 LOW RAIL FARE5S From Flesherton $8.20 Coach Good going Saturday, Sept 1.0 to Saturday. Sep. 17, inclusive. Full information from any agent eOMoJlicLfi&CLCifflC Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, IS lbs. M NwP^pJta, Vigor • i •â- na. womaa, â- â- â- , vba arpir *«aM nla kl •n uuiT pron* « ikuitlr, fciltfti tnnliiS kaa^B nuy tbaok tb* ^lllSTlliw >»MllTllJrSili >^^M MBlo. I istnx. Its MUa, MUBOlanta, tarSgoSS aui. viMmin Bi, â€" â- t'«ti. uvl^ Mood. I^SaaS â- gpetue aoa dlnMor^ toSd ttra n?iSSS Bvugtli and BsutWiBient: pot at£tm ban hoML 9*^ '9;1» or >0 11«. TOT MMl lor nOTDWl wi- - â- ««• UulaL New "nM uqsalBMd" tat mit S **â„¢<»* Cum Toal« TablMi lar mw â- â- â- addad nouods. Una vary day. At all iimwi VilhenevBr you are near a school â€" Follow Safety Sally's rule. Yes --when you approach a school SLOW DOWN --be on tho alert to avoid an accident. The rules of highway safety are simple to observe. Exercise care, and don't take chances. OEO. H. DOUCETT, /Mmntar ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS