Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Sep 1949, p. 8

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mfuammm Wednesday, September 7, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads U>ST â€" Truck license No. 447*7C. Finder notify The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" 40 White Giant pul- leta^ 4 months old. â€" M. L. Dobson, phone 76 J 1 Flesherton. I4c2 FOR SALEâ€" 200 Hamp.-Rock pull- ets, 4 '2 months old.â€" L. H. Gould, phooe 30w Markdale. 14p2 FOR SALE â€" Alfalfa hay.â€" Wm. iM<Out«heon, phone 75 J 4 Flesh- erton. 12c2 JIAHTED - AMMua wrttabi* foi milk and foi tfd. â€" B«it Helntosl: riANOS reconditioned, all fully gruaiantied. â€" J. C. Blackstonb, 511<th St. A East, Owen Sound. LOSTâ€" White and black heifer calf. Finder notify G. Hargrave, phone n*Jl -Markdale. 15("3 FOR SALE â€" Hoosier kitchen cab- inet, can be seen at C J. Bellamy's oflfiee. 16p2 FOR BALK â€" A few dressed ducks by ordtr. â€" Arnold Bowler, phone 4.tJi Flesherton. 15c2 iuR SALE â€" Model A Ford coupe in good running order, can be seen at Boyu Garage. â€" Mrs. Jos. Craw- 1 )rd, i)hone 40, Markdale. 13p2 Young Married Couples Are Being Penal.<.ed We have much sympathy for young married couples totlay. Under existing regulations they are heavily poiialized, and especially so if there are young childiH;n. Rentals are ex- horhitant and the purchase price ot a home is su hif^h that it is no won- der thei-e is hesitation to invest in a home. A young couple with a child or two are not wanted by the major- ity of landlords. One has only to ivad the pathetic appeals in the ad- vertising columns of daily papers to realize the situation. In our opinion the Government should do something at once albout this situation. The income tax re- duction for young couples with child- ren should be inci^e^sed. Canada needs more Canadian-lborn children and this is not likely to happen un? less more consideration is made for those who have recently married and are endeavoring |to get established. â€" ^reemore Star. FOR SAI.K â€" Man's black winter (ivercoai, f^ood as new, will sell reasonuble. Can be seen at The Advance office. 15c2 FOR SALE â€" Girl's bicycle in Al condition, 21-inch frame â€" La- vina Stephens, phone 32J2 Flesh- 13c2 FOR SALE â€" 1940 DeLuxe Chev. coach, in good running order, $900.00, call after 6 p.m. â€" Chas. SUfford, phone 12R Flesherton. FOR SALK â€" 40 head grade Oxford lireedinK ewes, 10 early Spring calves. â€" Clinton Magee, R.R. ], Flesherton, phone llr42 Feveniiam FOR SALE â€" Nunvber of pullets ready to lay: some Hampshire, some Ivcghom-tHamip. â€" Jas. Stew- art, phone 39w4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Duo-Therm oil burn- er, excellent cordition; new May- tag electric washing machine, automatic wringer. â€" M. Butch- inson, phone 41wl Flesherton. St. John's United Church Bmt. a. G. Macphcraoa Minister Reguar services of worship at Flesherton and Eugenia on Sunday, Sept. 11th. Owing to Bethel anni- versary, the Proton semce is post- poned until September 18th. Inistioge W.A. meets this Thurs- day, Sept. 8th, at the home of Mrs. Jos. Copeland, Ceylon. Attention, Young People! A meet- ing will be held on Tuesday eiveninii, Sept. liSth, at 8 o'clock in St. John's Church ibasement to re-organize the Young People's Union. This pro- gram is open to all young people 14 years of age and over. NOTICE 1949 TAXES VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON Ratepayers who did NOT pay 50 percent of 1949 taxes on or before July I'st, 1949, are reminded that the full amount of 1949 taxes will be due and payable on or before September 15th, 1949. Taxes in ar- rears are subject to the usual statutory penalty. â€" F. H. W. HICKLING, Treasurar FOR SALE â€" Large Quebec heater, good as new. â€" S. Sutton, phone 1L2J Flesherton. 14p2 FOR SALE â€" Gas power washers. Why buy a new gas washer when yon can buy a slightly used one at much reduced prices from Edgar Bette, phone 46J Flesherton. J5p FOR SALE â€" I have on hand a few new radios; will sell at cost; must difl|K>.'<e of imimediately tbefore re- turaiiijf to college. â€" Boh Avis, Fltehcjton. 16pl FOR SALE â€" Building suitable for doable garage 15x21, cooild be eas- ily moved. Priced for quick sale. Apply to K G. Betts or R. J. Boyd. 15c2 FOR SALE â€" Young Scotch, Short- horn bulls and heifers, purebred, dark red, all TB tested, bulls ready for .service, heifers vaccinated. â€" H. I. Graham, phone 626r2 Mark- dale, R.R. 4 Markdale. 14p3 FOR SALE â€" Marconi radio, 4- bands, crib, chrome table and four chairs; studio couch; lawn mower; oil burner; bedroom suite, and other household effects. â€" Milton Hutchinson, phone 4lwl Flesher- ton. 16c2 FOR SALE â€" 40 acres, south half Lot 13 in 3rd Con. South of Dur- ham Road, Artemesia, about 20 acres bush and swamp, remainder is good soil. Make offer to J. .^. Knox, .'is Manor Rd. West, Toron- to, Ont. I'^cH FOR SALE â€" 1947 Mercucy U4X, 11,000 miles, 22 miles per gallon, light green, radio, heater, back-up light, ibeautiful condition through- out. â€" Frank Ruhl, Eugenia. HARRIS A DUNLOP B.VMII8TER8, SOLICITORS, Etc- Phone S8 MARKDALE Mr. Dnnlop wiM be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Ofke, Toronto Street. Fleaherton fwner of Marriase Liconaea *"â-  CONVEYANCER Will Mortgage!, etc. Dead* Agreementa A ootrnnlssiooer for takinc afTidarita Telephone 29w NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given that l\v: partnership lately subsisting be tween us, the undersigned Freder- ick Gonell, James A. Richaixis an I Raymond Richards, carrying on bu»- ir.ess as funeral directors, and deal- ers in furniture, furnishings and el- ectrical supplies under tjie name ot "J. A. Richards" in the Village ot Flesherton, has this day been dis- .solved by mutual consent, so far a; regards the said Frederick Gorrell. who retires from the Arm. The business in future will be curried on by the said Jn"-""- A Richards, and Raymond Richards, who will pay and discharge all debts and liaibilities and receive all mon- crs payable to the said firm. DATED at Flesherton, this 19th day of August, 1949. Fred L. Gorrell James A. Richards Ray G. Richards. Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. G„:don Badgerow of 'loronto wero in town on Saturday. Mr. Dennis Camptoell was home from Toronto over the week end. IMIr. Jos. Field of Toronto spent the week end in town. Mrs. Lloyd Talbot spent the past week in Toronto. Mr. Mark Wilson visited at Dur- ham the past week. .MHss Elsie Caswell of Toronto vis- ited in town the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McClean of Hrampton visited friends in town for a few days last week. Messrs. Burton E. Field, Bruce P'ield and Jim Field of Toronto call- ed in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grorrel and twj I children spent the past week with the former's parents at Barrie. Ml-. Jim Wilson of Owen Sound was in town for the week end and holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thuvst).i of To- ronto spent te week end ac his par- ental home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Black and son, Craig, spent two weeks at Kiowana Beach, Georgian Bay Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bellamy of Col- lingwood called on Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ' Harold Schnell of Hamilton were week end guests oi Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hutchison. Mrs. John McDonald spent Mon- day with her sister, Mrs. Jennie Irwin, at Proton Station Mr. and Mrs. Russell Andrews and children spent the holiday at Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Stafford (Maud Henderson) of Detroit wer^ guests 0+' Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy on the week end and holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Moore, Bobby and Denny, of Toronto spent the v/eek end with Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Dargavel. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Irwin of \Vindsor spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Lawler, and also her sister, Mrs. Leslie Chard, and family. Mr. Reg. Huttoi: ->f Richmond Hill spent the week end and holiday with his family, who rcc'.rned with him On Monday, alfter holidaying at their farm for the summer. Mr. Herb Hale spent a couple of days last week with his sister, iMVs. A. E. Bell, and Mr. Bell. Herb has (passed his 81st birthday and is still fairly hale and hearty, and thinks nothing of walking a mile or two back to the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thistlethwaite and son, Bernaixi, of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with Mr. and "Mrs. R. Park. Rev. J. E. Bowes of St. Paul., Minn., and Mrs. D. Foster of Mark- dale visited with their sister, Mrs. J. Heard, last week. Mr Reg. Boden last week purch- ased two lots on Toronto Street from Mr. Gordon Long and will erect a dwelling thereon this fall George Boyd recently purchased the Hickling lot between his residence pnd the Frateinal Hall. Visitors at the Hickling home fir the holiday week end were: M3ss Florence Armstrong, Mr. and Mis. Albert T. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Rogers and daughtea-, Judy, uU of Toronto, and Mss Marion Caesar of Owen Sound. Mr. and 'Wvs. W. Kaitting spent the holiday with their daughter, Mrs. Stan Menzies, at Chatsworth. Mrs. Kaitting remained for a terv days. Mv. and Mrs. L>!:ne FawJ*'.! aiil Son of -Mdershot spent the week end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Flesherton Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. N. Stod- dart on Wednesday, Sept. I4th, at R p.m. Anyone intending to take the dre.ssmaking course the last Vfeek in September, please get in touch with Mrs. Eva Fisher or Mr.?. S. Stoddart by Sept. 14th. Program committee; Mk-s. McMillan and Mrs. McNichol. Lunch com.: cake, Mes- dames C- McTavish, Hutchinson and Hodder; sandwich, Mesdames Corn- field, Genoe and G. McTavish. ADDITIONAL L0CAL5 .Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Otto of Bloom- ington, Illinois, are visiting *'icii- cousins, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncani IMV. Milton Hutchinson spent sev- eral days attending the camp meet- ings at Clarksburg. M'r. and Mrs. Wilbert Stevens and Glenn of Berkeley, Mich., spent the holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McGinnis and Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGinnis of Tiv- erton and 'Mrs. Bella Ferris of Price- ville visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald on Saturday. iMrs. Chas. Best moved last week to an apartment in Mrs. E. Nuhn's residence and Mr. Alex. Henderson moved to the residence owned by Jcs. Field, vacated by Mrs. Best. Heavy rains fell Wednesday even ing and Thursday of last week that brought back the green plush carpet again, after the hot sun had seared the grass to a light brown. Cool weather has . since preTailed. Mr. and MIrs. I. H. Perigee of To- j.onto, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Perigoe and daughter, Anne, of Port Credit Mr. and Mrs. Ross Perigoe and daughters, Catherine and Linda, of Islington were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. A. D. Mclntyre Loses Store At Dornoch By Fire Many friends here of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mclntyre of Dornoch, formerly of Flesherton, regret to leam of their serious loss when the store building they owned was burn- ed to the g:i-ound late Tjuesday afternoon of this week. The fire is said to have started from a burning rublbish heap in the back yard and catching on the building. Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre and two sons resided in the apartment on the second floor while on the first floor was their general store and post office. Their loss will likely amount to over $10,000. Fire equipment was sum- moned from Owen Sound, Durham, Markdale and Chatsworth. Fireman Harvey Buckley of Owen Sound was seriously injured, probably a broken back, when a wall fell outward as he was pouring water on the ruins, pinning him to the ground. He wa* taken to Owen Sound hospital. A nine-year-old California droppeo m on It^no, Nevada, not long ago. He was travelling alone. When police took him in tow, he insisted his puipose in being in town w&s perfectly legitimate. He wanted to get a divorce from his parents. AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE NOTICE â€" FARMERS â€" 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS |le.M FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS \cMrdiii| to alM •nd eondltlMi â€" Small anlmahi reaMtrad ffM. Wa da tka loadiaf. HIGHEST PRICES PAID POR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI. OWNER ."' MRS. A. STEPHEN will sell iby public auction on Lot 6, 4th Line, Osprey Twp. (21/^ miles 'South- West of Maxwell FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, 1949 at 3 p.m. D.S.T., the following: 2 Walnut Bedroom Suites with good springs and mattresses; Paint- ed Betiroom Suite, with good springs and mattresses; Kitchen and Living- room Chairs; Kitchen Talble; Odd Tabes; Congoleum Rug 9x12; Rugs; Basinette; Pictures; Picture Frames; Quilts; Lamps; Mirrors; Dishes: Kitchen Utensils; Kitchen Rang J (Empire) alyiost new; Books; Box Stove; 2 Small Wood Heating Stoves Stove Pipes; Kitchen Cabinet; Wash Boiler; Sealers; Washstands; Organ; Sap Buckets; Crosscut Saw; Tennis Racquets; Skates; Croquet Set; and numerous other articles. TERMiS OF SALE:- Cash. â€" GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer Co-Opcrativc Insurance Co-operative Life Insurance Company is operat- ed for service, not profit ! Every co-op. policy holder is a member. Only members share in ex- cess charges or surplus Our representatives are trained to give you the best service possible. ED. LANG Phone 125w FLESHERTON, ONT. District Representative Co-Operative Insurance For security to-morrow, jnsure to-day â€" the Co-Operative way. V r r T r i A golfer''s wife is suing for di- vorce. Hint to o1)her golfers: Use the driver less and the spoon more often. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FLBSHiERTON CREAMERY & PRO- DUCE LiMITED will make applica- tion to His Honour The Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario, under the pro- visions of The Companies Act, R.S» O. 1937, Chapter 251, for leave to fcurrender its Charter on and from a date fixed by the jLleutenant-Gov- ernor. D.\TED at Tororito, Ontario. thi» ist day of September, 1949. CBOLl & BORINS, 330 Bay Street, Toronto 1, Ont. Solicitors for the Applicant. â- *-. General Insurance AUTO - FIRE LIABILITIES Special low rates for most private cars D. a MacARTHUR Phone 81 J FLESHERTON DUNDALK ELECTRIC CONTRACT or CUSTOM ELECTRIC WIRING Major Radio Repair, 90-day guarantee Appliance, .A.pi)aratus & Instalation. Free estimatt J. A. STEPHENS Phone 211 â€" «â-  DUNDALK Member of Electrical Contractors' A.ssoc. What do you ask of Your Bonk? file connection of many people with a Bank is only through a pass book and a cheque book. We believe, however, that there is more mutual pleasure and benefit by doing business in a personal, friendly way. This Bank has grown to great size, but it is a human institution, very much interested in giving something more than across-the-counter service. The needs of the individual, and how we can help him to progress, are matters of first importance.' You "will enjoy banking at any of our - branches. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE *. Ik -A.. 40.t FOR SALE 1948 Dodge 4-door vSpec. Radio, etc .... $1950.00 1946 Plymouth 4-door 1400.00 1941 Dodge 4-door Epec. Deluxe 1150.00 1935 Chevrolet Coupe 385.00 1933 Chevrolet 4-door 395.00 1933 Dodge 2-door 395.00 1934 Chrysler 4-door 325.00 1931 Ford "A" 2-door .'. 260.00 1930 Whppet *-door 100.00 1930 Ford "A" 2-door 150.00 TRUCKS Brand New 1949 Dodge 2-ton Spec, chas and cab D.P. axle, etc. 1949 1-ton Dodge pick-up, new condition and guaranteed $1795.00 1942 Dodgfe Station Wagon, exceptionally good $900.00 RACE MOTOR SALES Dodge and Desoto Cars • Dodge Trucks 298 Hurontario vSt. Phone 489 COLLINGWOOD, ONT. T T \ 4' >

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