Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Sep 1949, p. 1

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iPMIPPi niiPiPllliiv^''~ilHiimii ^J)je /k0l)^rU*n ^^jrtttitw^* •VOL. 69; NO. 18 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publisher HANSON WABLING Chalmers Church, Mount Dennis, was the scene of a pretty wedding on September 17th, when Josephine Elizabeth, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. WarUng, was united in marriage to Robert Elliott, only son of Mr. Horace Ransom and the late Mrs. Ransom of Toronto, with Rev. Eagle officiating The bride given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a street-length dress of wind- ward blue satin with matching hat, wine shoes and gloves. She carried a nosegay of white roses and autumn flowers. Her bridesmaid, Lorna Kirky, looked charming in a pale blue taffeta dress, with gray hat, shoes, and gloves. She wore a cor- sage of pink roses. Frank Warling, brother of the bride, was groomsman. The reception was held at Martin- dale Lodge, Thistletown. After which the bride presented her bouquet to the groom's grandmother, Mrs. El- liott. The young couple left on a mo- tor trip through the States, and will live in Alberta. For travelling, the bride wore a light bhie suit with navy accessories and corsage of roses BORN .K ALLEN â€" At the Nuhn Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Friday, Sept. 23rd, 19-19, to Mr. and Mrs. "Clifford Allen, a son. Presentation For Newly. Wed» At Grand Valley (Gi-and Valley Star-Vidette On Thursday evening, Sept. loth, Carnegie Hall was filled to capacity with friends and neighbors to honor Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ferrier on their recent marriag-e, and presented them with a two-piece chesterfield suite. At the appropriate time, the gath- ing was called to order by Mr. Alex. Black and an address was read by Mr. Donald Taylor, expressing the best wishes of the comm'unity to the young couple for health, happiness and a long and happy wedded life. The bride and groom made very fitting replies and a bountiful lunch was sei-ved. The remainder of the tvening was spent in dancing. (Mrs. Ferrier was the fomisr Marjorie Newell, daughter of Mrs. Nfcwell and the late W. J. Newell Lrf Flesherton.) CUMMING â€" MILLEN k homed lizard. toad is actually a ITS NOT TOO LATE â€" but the sooner you begin your training, the sooner you'll be earning. EJnroll now. â€" Noctharn Business College Limited, Owen Sound. TO OUR FRIENDSâ€" .J. The Home of Tasty Baking I X Specials This Week CAKES FRESH BANANA CRUSHED ORANGE FRESH FROZEN STRAWBERRY PIES >: ^ u*«^ PIES Mincemeat Cherry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c SLICED BREAD % ^ CREAM,PUFFS CREAM BUNS - ' " JELLY ROLLS Flesherton Bakery | Beautifully decorated with asters, cosmos and fern, the Badjeros Unit- ed Church was the scene of a pretty wedding September 10th, at 2 o'clock when Nina Joyce, youngest daugh- ter of Rev. and Mr. .\U)ert Millen of Maxwell, was joined in matri- mony to Mr. Ivan Everett Gumming, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gum- ming of Barrie, Ont. The bride's father being the officiating minister her brorther, \tr. Theodore Millen, gave her in marriage. The bride wore a gown of silk nylon over ivory satin with Eliza- bethan collar, fitted bodice, full skirt with lace insets and long train edged with lace. A shirred nylon headdress held a floor-length silk embroidered veil. She carried a white Bible with Ponocchio roses and streamers. Her matron-of-hon 01 was Mrs. Lillie McDonald, her sister, of Toronto. The flower girl was Caryll Cumming: of Stroud, and niece of the groom. Both wore dresses of turquoise pin dot taffeta, oft' the shoulder Bertha collar wnth full skirt, matching bonnets and long gloves. Miss Eleanor Leigh, bridesmaid and soloist, wore a dress of similar line of yellow pin dot taifeta. They carried old fashioned bouquets of multi-coloured rose huds and 'mums. Miss Agnes Mc- Mahon played the wedding march. Mr. Leonard Cumming, brother of the grom. acted as groomsman. The ushers were students with the groom at Western University, Mr. Evan McLagan of Mitchell, Ont., Mr. Wil- bur Lang and Mr. Stanley Tose, iijoth o-f London. ' Kx. the Parsonage. Ma.Ywell. the bride's jjiother received Ib a black faille dress with rink accessories and corsage of tea roses. The groom's mother wore a powder blue crepe and lace dress with corsage of rose and bergundy tones. Victoria College graduates and friends of the bride assisting at the â- reception were: Miss Elisabeth Morrow, the Misses Dorothy and Margaret Martin, all of Toronto, Miss Florence Katz of Kitchener and Miss Lettice Drope of Cobourg, Ont. Guests were from Toronto, Lon- don, Queensyille, Hawkstone and Barrie. among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Russell, Fort William. The bride's travelling costunn was a tailored suit of forest green. Through the practical sympathy of Editor Frank Macintyre of the DundaUc Herald and Gordon Craig of the Markdale Standard, which has been so vividly demonstrated to MVs. Thurston and myself this week, and the assistance of Rev. A. G. Macpherson and others in pre- paring copy, the editor of this paper is enabled to publish The Advance this Friday afternoon. Taking ad- vice of friends we are closing the papei for the next two weeks and might take a short trip, but not the holiday we had been planning for some time. Mrs. Thurston, myself and fam- iy have been overwhelmed with the great kindness of friends from the village and surrounding country who visited us in our home and raised our spirits wtth their kind expressions of sympathy. We meei. them evei-y day in our business life and on the streets and take their friendship forgranted as an every- day occurrence, but in our hour of trial with words and deeds, those friendships are brought home .rith greater vividness and they are doubly valued. The floral offerings were beautiful and the thoughts of s\Tiipathy expressed in their pres- ence were of great help to us. These acts of kindness of friends have been amply demonstrated in past years to many families in this district who have lost loved ones in tnagic circumsCances, or in losses in other ways, and the gratitude of the recipients cannot be expressed in mere words. F. J. THURSTON. HIGHWAY ACCIDENT PROVED FATAL TO BRUCE THURSTON Baptist Church News St. Columba Church W.M.S. And W.A. Meet The W.M.S. and W.A. of St. Col umba United Church. Priceville. met at the home of Miss Anna Shortreed with a good attendance. Mrs. F. R. Oliver presided for the W.A. and led in prayer, after the opening theme. Mrs. J. McKee read the Scripture passage. The roll was answered by a donation of tea towels for the church i kitchen. Plans were discussed for serving supper at the Sectional Rally, to be held in the church in the near future. It was decided to hold a fowl supper following the anniver- sary services. Other business was dis- cussed and the meeting was turned .< i 1 s '^ Our Chapel Is «t the disposal of our clientele without extrs charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks fUNfRAL CHAPE I IZAAvenueRd KI.4344 In Menooriam Dr. Mac Phaiips, M.P.P. Addresses W. I. over to the \V. M. S. president, Mrs. with black accessories and a corsage ; R. McConkey. of red roses. The happy couple left i Donations :or .he sale or lie ieed> for Muskoka and Ottawa. On their in Europe are to be turned in to Mrs. return they will reside in London, j. Harrison. .\ special order of ser vice, introducing the new book. "Growing With the Years," was fol- lowed. Those taking part were Mrs. McConkey. Mrs. Mould and Mrs. J. M^iTAruvTr- I 1 Harrison. Mrs. McConkey closed the .McEAtHME â€" In lovinsr mem- , , j .u u . ~ , , ., J .u II meeting with prayer, and the hostess, cry of a dear wife and mother. Maw , , .J , , , \r„iro-.j,„- y.„ „A r> t " and her assistants served lunch. McEaehnie, who passed awav Octo- . , , , , ^ ber •>nd 1948 " "^^^ ^^^^ meeting is to be held at Mf. ' \u- 1 r A fu the home of Mrs. J. McKee. Ofl we think of you, dear mother. And our hearts are tilled with P-i'n Oh, this earth would be a heaven Could we hear your voice again. .A. year has swiftly passed away Rut still We don't foriret. For in our hearts that loved you btvn Your memory lingers yet. â€" Sadly missed by Husband uii.l Daughter. â- WICKENS â€" In lo\?ing memory of my dear sister. Mrs. Fred Wick- uis, who God called to rest Septem- ber. 1905. • • 1 thank God that I can say wit!; .\postIe Paul, 1 would not have yoa ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. â€" 2nd Thess. 4: l.'f. â€" Ever rementbeied by Brother, .Vlfi-ed Genoe, and Sisters. Marion's Dress Shop will show Dres.ses at Crane's Gift Shop, Flesherton every other Wednesday, starting Wed., September 21st, firom 2:3« to 10 pan. Please feel welcome to come in and look the Dresses over Dr. Mac Phillips of Owen Sound. M.P.P. for North Grey, was the guest speaker at the regular monthly meet- ing of the Vandeleur Women's Insti- tute, which was held at the home of Mrs. George Shaw in Markdale on Thursday afternoon. September 22nd. Mrs. Howard Graham, health con- vener, was in charge of the program, which opened with Mrs. George Bu- chanan singing a solo. Mrs. S. Hare gave a reading on temi)erance. and Misses Dorothy and Marie Johnston sang a duet. Dr. Phillips, in his address gave an outline of various health services, and the prevention, or control of sev- eral common diseases. He spoke of "County Health Units, for preventive medical service, such as exist in Bruce County, and several other counties and told their apprcximate cost. In counties such as Grey, where each municipality has a Board of Health, provincial grants are obtain- able, the speaker said. He also recommended co-operation with T.B. X-ray clinics, cancer clin- ics. Save the Blind, and many other methods. Special mention was also made of pasteurization of milk as a prevention of Bovine tuberculosis. The address covered many items ot interest in promoting good health. Mrs. Frank Davis thanked the speaker. It was with deep sorrow that the citizens of Fleslierton learn- ed of the fatal accident last Mon- day evening. Sept. 26th. which took the life of one of their best- known young men. Bruce White Thurston. Bruce was driving west toward Priceville when his car came into collision with a heavily-laden truck over the brow of a steep hill. It is thought that the left front wheel seized. W'hen brakes were applied, and drew the car into the path of the oncoming truck. The young man. severely injured, was rushed to Markdale hospital by W. G. Wat- son of Priceville after Prov. Con- .<table H. Black of Flesherton. aided by others, managed to re- lease him from the car. but in spite of everything that could be done, medically, he died a couple c£ hours later. Bruce, an exceptionally well built lad. of 19, had always been active in sports. He alw-ays put everything he had into the game. Just a year ago he tied with Jack Milne. Flesherton. for the Senior Championship in the South Grey High School Meet held at Mark- dale. He was one of the yoimgest members of the Flesherton Sen- ior Bail Club and Hockey Team. He was born in Flesherton on June 30th. 1930. and received his Public and High School education here. When he left school he was a senior student and Pre- sident of the School Executive. This sumnier he had signed on with the Hydro-Electric Power Commission serving at the Big Chute. Severn River. He was a member in full Com- munion of St. John's United Church, where the funeral ser- vice was held on Thursday after- 1 oon at 2:30, conducted by his ii'inister. Rev. A. G. Macpherson. For his sermon. Rev, Mr. Mac- pherson held out the Christian faith and hope as the only ade_ quale source of comfort for the bereaved parents and brothers. He also urged upon the large con- gregation, especially the younger r^en and women present, to en- deavour to keep highway acci_ dents at a minimum and to fill their lives, long or short, with everything that is finest and best. Left to mourn Bruce"s passing ere his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurston and his brothers, James H. of Toronto: Earl, with the H.E.P.C. at Windsor: Barry, (it Normal School in Toronto, and Jimmie. 4 years old. at home. The casket-bearers, all Bnices nssociates in sports, and friends, were: Messrs. R. Andrews. R. Phillips. R. Boyd. G. Boyd. E. Fisher. R. Boden, N, Scarrow and Ted McTavish. .A.mong the many floral tri- butes of sympathy from friends ai d relatives were those from the Flesherton Council: W^omen's In- stitute: Eastern Star: Friends and Neighbours; Flesherton Business Men: Flesherton Servfee Club: Kt.ndman Transporation Co.. Cwen Sound: Fleming Publish. I'lg Co.. Owen Sound: Central Cintario Hockey League; Semi. Pro. Hockey League; Staff of HE. PC. Big Chu^e: Staff of ^l.E.P.C. Essex T.S.. Windsor: K.E.P.C. of Ontario: Flesherton High School teachers and fellow- pupils. Flesherton Old Boys and Girls .\ssociation, Toronto. Flower Bearers: John Milligan. Garnet Hamilton, Frank Taylor, Bub Stoddart, Howard Teoter. Stan T(\»ter, Bill Ricl>ardson. Harold Best, Boh MvCracken. Eldon Fishe--. Fred Bannon, Ted Newell, Harold Nichol. Jack Milne. Dave McOee. .â- \!f. Olsen. Milfred Piper, Les Johnson, Bill Clark and Jas. Johnston. Friends and i-elatives who attend- ed the funeral and visited at the home were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thurston. B;irry Thurston, Miss D. Thurston. Ronald Thurston, Gordon Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Beiitham. Mrs. Len Hill all of To- ronto; Earl Thurston, Windsor; \V. .\. G. Thurston. Stratford; Miss Jean White. Kitchener; Mrs. M. E. White, Mr. Bill White, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brackenbury and Geraldine. all of .\ylmer; Mt. and Mrs. Clarence Fishleigh, Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thurston and The B.Y.P.U's of Rock MUls and Flesherton were well represented at the annual fall rally, held at Han- over last Thursday evening. The ! Flesher-on Union brought home tha silyer cup for the best attendance record for the year, and for having the largest percentage of members at the Spring and Fall rallies. This, is the second time for the cup to come to Flesherton. The Rock Mills Union is sponsor- ing the showing of a sound mowle ] entitled "The Man who forgot God." ! The film will be shown by Captain I T-uck of the Salvation .\rmy, To i ronto on Thursday at 8 p.m. in the I chui-ch. Other films will be sho\*-n, and other interesting features will make the evening well worth at- tending. All are welcome. Week night services at Flesher- ton will now commence at 8 p.m., instead of !*:30. This will apply to the prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, and the B.S.P.L'., which will be at the home of Emerson Beaton on Friday. The annual thankofferlng meeting •of the Flesherton Women's Missioa Circle was held in the church last Friday evening, with Mrs. Chas. Deiigate of Toronto as the guest speaker. The meeting was well attended and the speaker's rema....ts were most informative and inspir- ing. Mrs. Denage was born of missionary parents in India, and after her schooling in Canada, she returned to teach in India for sev- eral years. Her knowledge of India and the Baptist mission work there^. qualifies her to speak with author- ity on the subject of missions. Her address dealt with the medical •â-  of the Mission Hospitals, and of the great need for xpanson. DOBIE â€" EBY ...The home of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Ehy, Walters Falls, was the scene of the marriage of their daug+iter, Marion Elizabeth, to Donald Allan Dobie. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J K. Dobie of Me;ilord, on Wednesday. Sept. Tth, at 2 P.m., with Rev. Mr. Baker hearing the marriage vows. A reception was held at Knight's Kosy Kabins in Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Dobie are residing in Meaford, following the wedding trip to Nor- thern Ontario. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and ::eighbors for the treats, cards and many acts of kindness shown me while I was sick; also the United Church for the flowers. â€" Fred Brackenbury. We wish to express our sincere tijanks to all our kind neighbors and friends who worked so faithfully to save our hen pen and drive shed th;^ day our barn was burn.?d, and also for the money and help given us- T!vs kindness will never he for- gotten. â€" Lawrence, Blanche and Marioa Shier. If you think that you are a bigf shot, aways remember that you caa be fired. Wanen. Miss Joyce .\rnistrony, Mr. and Mrs. R. Henning: and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Clias. .\lnicnd, Meaford; Jas. Dunlop, Helen Dun- lop, Maisie Leonard, Marie Hopkins^ Helen MTller, all of Wiarton; Mr. and Mrs. Will McAusland, Mrs. Kernice Waters, Heathcole; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavell, Earl Alexander, Mrs. R. .\lexander, Mrs. Evelyn Whiteside, Harold Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Logan, all of Collinjr- wood; Orv. Blackshaw. C. J. Mc- Tavish. J. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Una Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. .\mold Shaw. Mr, W, D. Shaw and .\udrey, all of CKven Sound; Mrs. Myrtle Shaw and Mrs. Rita Neath. Lions Head; Mr. and Mrs. Don McCall«B, Winona; Mr. .â- Man Shaw. London; Miss Dorothy Smith of Durham; Mi-s. iZeUsi Wolfe, Laiverne Wood, Hamilton; Mt, and Mrs, Wes White, Mr. and Mrs. .Alex Ritchie, Frank Wellm«n. Mrs. Bill Bracken, all oil Big Chute, Severn River; Helen Purrant, St. Marys; Mr, and Mrs. Carman U^ucks. Mr, and Mrs, Q. Wauchope. Mrs. Stan Menxies. all of Chat.«wonh ; Mr. and Mrs. Lome Young. Mr. and Mrs. J. .Armstrong, Holland Centre; besides many others from Markdale. Dundalk and Durham.

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