Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Sep 1949, p. 4

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'<WfÂ¥!,Wpu ' ^'cdnosdux . September 2S, 1949 THE FLESHERTOK ADVANCE THE Hesherton Advonce trvMiikti OB CoUincwood tL, n«tlMrtoD, WttdBMdAy of MCk I «««k. CircuUtlon 1,100. FHm »:^M t yMr in Canad*. paid ia ASTafice; |2.S0 par yaar ia tha Unitad SUtaa. r. J. THUBOTON, Bditoc EUGENIA PRICEVILLE CEYLON The Ceylon Sunday School had a very successful ice cream social In the Public school on Fri- day night. Rev. L. W. Mould of Prlceville put on the moving pic- ture^. A goodly sum was realiz- ed. ^ H. F. Jaynes of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Matthews and Mrs. McNalty and daughter of Markdale were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Jaynes and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Henderson and daughter, Donna, of Corbet- ton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Genoe and Mr. ^nd Mrs. Russell Oixon of Mark- dale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Idaiirice Quinton at Walter's Tails on Sunday. ^ Visitors on Sunday with Mr. fild Mrs. Alex McLean were, Mrs. VIU and Mrs. Irene Fraser of Pundalk. Sunday guests with Robert Plester were Miss Anne Gamble, Miss Bern ice Partridge, Elmer Fries and Douglas McCuUough all Of Toronto. Visitors over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams were Miss Eva Adams of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams and Bryce of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adams of London. Miss Helen Duchett and Wal- ter Shoupe of Vienna spent the â- week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duchett. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee accom- panied by their uncle, Mr. WilUam Magee, visited a few days with rela- tives, and friends in Parry Sound district, and other points, and spent a very enjoyable time. Mr. W. A. Martin of Oakville, and the Misses Winneta and Carmelie Mar- tin of Toronto spent the weekend at their parental home. Accompanied by their sister, Miss Marge Martin, they attended the Shiels - Caswell wedding in Owen Sound on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Magee and sons spent the. week-end in Toronto visiting Mrs. Magee's brother, Stewart Carson, who is a patient in Western Hospital. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee and Mr. F. W. McCarthy of Toronto spent the week-end with the formers' par- ents. Mrs. G. Hay and daughter, Pat, and Mrs. W. Pinkerton visited recently with friends in Barrie Mrs. Hilda Annette and Mr. and Mrs. R. Lehman were recent visitors with Mr. Jake Williams. Miss Alice Tudor has taken a po- sition with Canada Packers Co., Thornbury. Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Campbell have taken the apartment in the Martin residence, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. James Williams Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of To- ronto are spending a few days this week at the Purvis cottage, "Shady Rest" near the Lake. FEVERSHAM P O R T L A W Mr. Wm. McNally attended the bedding of his niece in Toronto j|»anddaii?hter of Mrs. McNally and Rev. Mr. John Bell, a former minis- ter, had charge of the anniversary services, in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, which were well attended. The Dundalk male quartet gave sev- eral selections in the evening which were appreciated by all. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Gideon "Eby and family, a former resi- dent, in the loss of her mother. We are pleased to report Mr. Jim Long improving from his recent oper- ation in the Collingwood hospital. Mrs Tom Freethy is a patient in the Collingwood hospital. Mrs. Allen McLean is visiting with her son, John McLean, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Eby and Steven attended the funeral of their grand- mother, Mrs. Donaldson, on Saturday. Mr. Ross Long is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Jim Long. Dr. and Mrs Tom Scott, Misses Louisa and Lavinia Black visited over the week-end with their brother, Mr. John Black, and Mrs. Black. Mr. Dean Smith, Presbyterian stu- dent minister here for the summer, left last week for his home in London, Ontario, where he will spend a few days before entering Knox College, Toronto, to continue his studies. Mr. Smith will return each Sunday for the the late Mr. Creo. McNally. Mr. and. balance of the year to take the ser Mrs. Rupert McLennan and Chester vices here Plantt visited in Toronto. Mrs. William Brown was hostess Tuesday afternoon to the W.M.S. and W. H. Societies with a good attend ance. Miss Kathleen McLean presided and opened the meeting by singing a hymn. Mrs. Ed. Vergoz read the Scripture. The roll call was answered by a preserving hint. A number of tea towels were brought for the kitch- en at the church. Mrs. J. A. Nichol and Mrs. Mel Watson each gave in- teresting readings and Mrs. Nichol conducted a contest, the winner being Mrs. Dan Campbell. Mrs. D. L. McArthur presided for the W.M.S. After singing a hymn, Mrs. J. A. Nichol gave a lovely prayer. Roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture with the word "Love". Mrs. Dan Campbell read the Scripture. After the business period, Mrs. Art. Leitch gave a splendid paper on Jack Miner's Religion. Miss Kathleen Mc- Lean also gave an interesting reading Meeting closed with a hymn. A de- lightful lunch was served by hostess and assistants. Mr. and Mrs. William Paggen and family of Burford were recent guests at Mr. Donald McLean's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lacmick and four children of St. Catharines spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carson and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. John Moon, Mrs. 'George Mills of â-  Orangeville were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson. Mr. Gordon Sturrock left last week for Northern Ontario, where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Baldwin, Shir- ley Ann and Jimmie of Niagara Falls, Mrs. John Samson of New Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Trivers and sons of Thessalon, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reid were recent visitors at Mr. John Mead's. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLean and other friends at Brampton. Mr. Robert Mclntyre had the mis fortune to break his leg Thursday while working in the bush, and was taken to Owen Sound hospital. His many friends wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Meads and Le- roy visited recently at Mr. Jim Turn â- r's, Laurel. Mr. and Mrs, John Calder, Mrs. G. A. Black and Helen, Mrs. Gordon McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hay and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mac- C'onnell and Maxine, and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and Betty attended the wed- ding of thefr niece, Miss Dorothy Mac- donald, to Mr. Bill Henderson, on Friday evening in Fairlawn United Church, Toronto, after which the re- ception was held at Malloney's Art Gallery, when 150 guests were pre- sent. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carson spent the week-end in Toronto and visited with Mr. Stuart Carson, who has been a patient in the Western hospital the past month and had an operation last week, His many friends wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. Neil Ibbitson and his mother of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Malcolm McLean, Mrs. Ibbiton remained for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison and family visited Sunday at Henry Tuck- er's and A. L. Hincks'. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Muir who have returned from Nova Scotia, after spending the summer there, spent the week-end at his parental home. Mr. Colin McLean spent the past week in Toronto, and was accompan- ied home by Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Lean and family. Mr. W. F. McReynolds preached his farewell sermon Sunday last to a good many present. All regret losing Mr. McReynolds. All wish him the very best where he is going to in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKechnie and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison of Swinton Park visited Sunday at Mr. Jim Sturrocks'. of other O.A.C. students, left last week for a tour of some of the United States on an educational trip. Mr, Frank Buchanan, son of Rev. W. R. Buchanan, a former pastor of Kimberley United Church, and an- other student left by motor for Cal gary, where they will attend the "Prairie Bible Institute." Norman Burritt and Bob Davis are putting on a new aluminum roof for Mr. W. Grieve, on the house and store. Evangelist and Mrs. Plant left this week for Torronto, where Mr. Plant will attend Central Baptist Seminary. WORLD- WIDE COMMUNION SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2 11 AJta., Cedarside Baptlat Church, Fleshei^on, and St. John's United Church, Flesherton;; 3 pjm., Proton United Church; 7:30 p.m., Bu«rf nia , United Church. Join your fellow Christians the -world over in this sa- cred fellowship at the Lord's Table. Scad ia 7oar raaawal warn. Cement Blocks CEMENT CHIMNEY BLOCK, ROCK FACE AND PLAIN BLOCKS N. SC ARROW Phone 60 FLESHERTON ^4.».»^>^.>.>.>,>o.><,.:.h><h><h>^:.<h(.m^^>>^«<i^.>i>.>.x>>«<^^ We welcome little Lynda Gayle Talbot and her mother home from lii'^. N'uhn's nursing home. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry M'eldrum of yoionlo spent a few days with Mr. and Mis. Cecil Meldrum. Mr. nd Mrs. Bob Meldrum also visited in the same home at the week end. Mrs. Jas. Menzies of Toronto 13 visiting for a few days with Mr. and Ml-.-. Earl Talbot. Mrs. Grace Blackburn of Toronto spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bvorctlc Blackburn. Mr. and M.rs. Ed. Cooke of Shel- burnc were visitors with Mr. and Mm. Laurie Pedlar a day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps attended the golden wedding of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hioipps, at Creemore. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robeits of To- ronto were a few at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps. Mr. Chester Plantt and D. A. Fisher motored to Sudbury at the vpok end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moyer and son, Hoard, of Parry Sound spent a few days wi'h Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisiier. MAXWELL KIMBERLEY Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Les McMullen and Mrs. McMullen, Sr., were Mr. and Mrs. W. McMullen of Enderby, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. McMullen of Toronto Also Mr. Stewart McMullen of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Les. McMullen and Douglas, also Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hindle and baby of Clarksburg, ai- ded a McMullen reunion held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith Eugenia, where 37 members of the family were present in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William McMullen of B.C., who are visiting friends in this dis- trict. Mr. Russell Chard and a number Molasses COMING FIRST WEEK IN OCTOBER CAR OF MOLASSES a:r Price will be 33c off car delivered We would appreciate your orders as soon as pos8U>le. O. A A. Co-operative Phone 70 FLESHERTON Brick For Sale 4phininey and Veneer Brick If, $40.00 per thousand 1 delivered. Unlimited J|, quanttiy f Owen Sound Brick Co. J*hone 836M Owen Sound Harvest home service was held in St. Mary's Anglican church, on Sun- day morning. The church was nicely decorated with fall flowers and vege- tables. Members from Dundalk choir assisted in the service. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Wyville of Markdale visited with Mrs. Gertrude Seeley and father on Sunday. Miss Marie Blakey is spending a while in Toronto Mrs. Ethel Aikins and Mr. and Mrs. C. Larmer of Millbrook, visited on Monday with the former's sister, Mrs. George Ross. We are sorry to report Mr. Jesse Grummett confined to his bed with a severe cold. We hope he will soon be up again. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mullen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Merideth on Sunday (Intended for last week) On Tuesday evening of last week, a very pleasant evening was spent in honor of Miss Hazel Greenfield, niece of Mrs. Gertrude Seeley, at the home of Miss Mabel Ross. The evening was spent in music, readings, and con- tests, at the close of which, the old family cradle was carried in full of many useful gifts for the bride's home, after which lunch was served. Mrs. Alice Nicholl of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of her parents. Mrs. Emily Brown of Ravenna spent the past week with Mr. Jesse Grum- mett and Gertie. Mrr. and Mrs. Lamb of Toronto spent the past week with Rev. and Mrs. Millen. Mr. and Mrs. George Ross are visit- ing with their daughter and other friends in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Kerton and two daughters of Collingwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I.. Kerton. Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. â€" Rodin. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS 3% du9 Ottoher h 1952 hav9 b90n calM for payiMiit Ottoher 1, 1949 These bonds should be presented for redemp- tion with all coupons o£ later date attached. No further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date. «»2W Why occepf anything less than the most Beautiful BUY of all?'* Stand by for a Chevrolet and get the most for your money It's your money you're spending, and you're enlilled lo get the most motor ear, in return. AD Canado says that means Chevrolet â€" the most beawttfu/ buy of all â€" and the car that gives EXTRA VALUES in every phase and feature of motoring. It brings you fine-car advantage after fine, car advantage, from Fisher Body Styling and Valve-iii- Head performance to Centre-Point steering ease and the greater riding comfort of the longest, heaviest car in its field. And offers that* at/vantages of fhe /owett pn'cosl So, why accept anything less than the most beautiful buy of all? . . . Invest in a Chevrolet and get the most for your moneyl Insist on getting these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its field! WORLD'S CHAMPION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE lh« axUa efficient power plant Ittot't ••tting the trend for the Industry. FISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY found elsewhere only on higher priced cart. CENTR^POINT STEERING giving maximum steering ease wMi minimum driver-fatigue or '"car-won- der" and found elsewhere only on costlier cart. CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES (wrtfi DM-L^ Rfvaf/ea Braite Liningi) Mturing twifler, safer stops for yeu ' and your family. FISHER UNISTEEL BODY CONSTRUCTION With tteef welded to tifl all qround ya« for maximum seKdlty, quielnett ond safety. CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY supplying that mfm vltiert which meant axtro talttf, exclwtive to Clievfolel in itt AeM. LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD with WIDEST TREAD, as well giving more room, more riding-comfort; more read-tteadinett and safety. 5-INCH WIDE-BASE WHEELS (with Extra Low-Pressure Tires) the widest rims in the entire low-pike Meld, providing greater ride-staMlity^ EXTRA ECONOMICAL TO OWNâ€" OPERATEâ€" MAINTAIN and bringing yoit mors when you trade) for Chevrolett are most woitfod â€" new or utedl A PRODUCT OF OENERAl MOTORS C-IWB Dealers : D. McTavish & Sons, Flesherton

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