ft * t » â- k r « « « : » * « * 4 » r » c « « » \>y $â- « * * * * « * f 4 « 4 « t ♦ ®l)je /ksIj^rtM ^jrtwma* VOL. 69; NO. 33 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1950 F.'J. Thurston, Publisher Fle«hert<m 9, Dumllak 5 / iFlesherton Majors took the Duu- daik Bears in their own den Friday iHC;ht to the tune of 9-S, in one of the re^lar kind oif games these two teams display, wide open and plenty of ' thrills. The game was only one minute and ^5 seconds gone when G. Chard scored on Boyd's nice pass, but at the five minute mark JVIcRae tied the score for Dundalk. Then Flesh- erton went ahead with a goal by Jti£Fs, who took the disc at his own blue line, beat his opposition and didn't give McCauley a chance to save with a blistering sholt,, and the other by Gord. Chard aIon«. At 2:26 in the second period Dun- dalk nicked their second goal, Ha%v« from McRae. Flesherton added two more, Turney from Milne, and Jack Larwrence, on neat combination work around the net from Turney and J. Milne. Stafford then notched Dun- dak's third goal from McRae an:! Haw, and with eleven seconds left in the period Juffs added Flesher- ton's sixth when he shot about fiteen feet out, then slipped and followed his own shot into the neit. The last period was as fast as the other two and Ehindalk added two to make the score 6-5, Camrpbell from Springgay and Stafford, and Inkster from Campbell. Dundalk had shot their bolt by then and Flesherton coasted along from there in, with three goals, W. Lawrence from J. Lawrence, Boyd from W. Lawrence and Julfs got his third goal on a pas.5 from Bob Turney. Goal, Andrews; defence, Bannon, Acheson; centre, Boyd; wings, W. Lawrence, G. Chard; alternates: K. Chard, J. Lawrence, Turney, MUne Juffs and H. Best. Dundalk â€" Goal, McCauley; def- ence, Warren, Bradley; centre, Haw; wings, Stafford, McRae; alternates: Hannon, Springgay, Inkster, French, Campbell. Referee: R. Braithwaite, Durham. St John's United Church Bar. A. G. MsephcraaB Minister SUNDAY, JAN. 15 _ ^ermon: "Tho Con<iuesit of Our Self." Holy Communion at Inistioge. Meeting for parents and teachers after the evening service in St. John's. THWRS., JAN. 12 â€" 2:30 p.m., Inis- tioge W. A. at the home of iMirs. George Moore. 8 p.m., £ugenia Choir practice. FRIDAY, JAN. 18 â€" Eugenia W.A. 'social at the home oif Mr. and Mrs. H. Boettger. Flesherton 9, Rocklyn 4 The Central Ontario Leag^ue was opened in Flesherton Saturday night with a good crowd on hand, Rocklyn being the visiting team, and they went back home with the score 9-1 agamst them. The game was not cspecilaly exciting and after the opening period the outcome of the gam* was never in doubt. This was the second in two nights, the team having played in Dundalk the night before. The Majors scored in 43 sec- onds, Boyd from G. Chard, and 26 seconds later Falls tied it up. This was followed by goals by Juffs from Milne, and turney alone. Wheeler then made the score 4t2, where it stayed until the end of the period. In the second the locals added three moie, G. Chard fro-n Poyd, Aci't-on alcne on a pretty play frcii centre ice and Boyd again counted from G. Chard's pass. In this period Rooklyii did not count, and relied mainiy or. trying to k-;€p the Major players outside their blue line. The third period was only 1:51 old when W. Lnwrenee got tnc sevtnrli goa; from Boyd and No. 8 '.va-' count- ed by Juffs from Turney and Milne. Rocklyn then came back into the pic- ture v.hen A. Woii.r-uust aimed a il.-'t "n the direct'! ,? of Andrews' citaop' and Hank Bast Jeflortcd it into the net. We have an idea how Hank felt. A. Wodehouse then added the fourth for Rocklyn on H. Wodehouse's pass, and with two min- utes and 38 seconds left to play the scoring ended when Inffs sank the pass from Jack Lawrence. Flesherton's line-up was th." same as in the Dundalk game. Rocklyn â€" Goal. Richardsor: def- ence. Fitzsimmons, Grier; '.-entre, A. Wodehouse; wings, Falls, K. Wode- house; alternates: WillaifS, Douglas, Pilgrim, Wheeler. Referee, Dales, linesman, Uoheen, both of Dundalk. The Late Harry Heathcote V Health cohimn item: "For years now I've noticed a snapping of the bones in certain joints." Our advice is he should inform the police Future Events CALLING ALL YOUNG PEOPLE The first in a series entitled "The Conquest of Life" will (be given in St John's United Church on Sunday, Jan. 16th, at 7:30, jp.mi. Come and bring your friends. DANCE IN FLESHERTON Dance in the Fraternal Hall in Flesherton on Friday, Jan. 20, music by Norm Hartley and His. Orchestra, under auspices of the L.O.L. Harry Heathcote passed away at his residence, 180 Ninth St., Colling- wood, on December 22nd, after a lengthy lillness He was born in 1871 in Birmingham, England, son of Annah Goldingate and John Heath- cote. At the age of 14 he came to Canada, residing at Nottawa for two years, then moving to Osprey. where he reeided until five years ago, when he moved to Collingwood. He farmed near Feversham for the greater part of his life. In 1915 '.le married Elizabeth Hudson, who pre- deceased him by five years. To them was born one daughter, Annie. The funeral took place from Chat- terson Fimeral Home, on Monday, Dee. 26, the funeral being in chaise of Rev. Dean Interment was made in Stayner Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Leslie Poole, Wilbert Poole, Wm. Fields, Wm. Ben- son, Vincent Hawkins, and Alfred Leal. There were a iurge number of Horal ributes of sympathy. He leaves to mourn his passing, one daughter, Annie (Mrs. Ditson'. He was a faithful church attendant and a faithful husband and father. If aU the early birds would stay on the job longer it would he more fun eating aipples. "No man should teach his wife ♦^o drive," asserts a psychologist! Why particularize driving? Inaugural Meeting Of Village Council Monday The inaugural meeting of Flesher- ton Village Council was held Mon- day evening, with all members pre- sent: Reeve K. G. Betts, Councillors A. Avis, W. Best, R. Boden and N. ScaiTow. After the menibers nad taken their declaration of office. Rev. A. G. Macpherson of St. John's United Church was present and read Psalm 67, followed by prayer, aftei which the Council proceeded with the usual course of business. The following are the committees of Council for the year, with the first named as chairman: Finance, Betts, Avis and Boden; Streets, Bo- den, Carrow, Betts; Property, Bes^, Avis, Scarrow; Fire and Parks, Scar- row, Best, Boden; Hydro, Avis, Bo- den, Betts. The following correspondence was read: Dept. of Highways, re By-law for road expenditure; Dept. Travel and Puiblicity, re tourist establish- ments; receipt from Town of Coll ing^wood for $100 re Boden fire; Municipal World, re subscriptions; Dept, of Pui)lic Welfare, re Moth- er's Allowance for Mrs. Louise Hod der from Dec, 1, 1949; Waterloo Mu- tual Insurance Co., re extra insur ance on town hall. It was moved that a grant of SoO be made to the Community Centre to assist in paying for free skating for children on Saturday afternoon., during the season. Accounts were paid as follows: Littlcjohns Garage, fixing watei pipe at pond $16.00; Wallace Hamil- ton, making box for acid bottles $2; C. N. Richardson, sulphuric acid bottles and container $21.00; F. H. W. Hickling, relief goods $31.41; D. MacArthur, premium on extra ftro insurance on town hall $22.50. The account of Chatworth Village for fire equipment at Boden fire was returned unpaid. Seven subscriptions to the Mvmi- cipal World were ordered. The Clerk was appointed to issue licenses under the Tourists EJstab- lishment Act. By-laws No. 12, 13, H and 15, re- garing appointment of certain offi- cers, acceirtiitg Assessment Roll to provide for expenditures on stxeets and boiTowing certain sums of money. The fo41owir^ Hydro accounts were ordered paid: Mrs. F. Gorrell, $3.00 rebate; C.G.E. $107.90; Treas- urer of Village of Flesherton $il27. 12; Assoc, of Municipal Utilities $5 fees; Ontario Municipal Electric As- sociation $2.00. Financing Of Grey County Federation Of Agriculture^ Financing is always a bug-bear to every organization. Bruce County Federation has been successful in having every township in their coun- ty collect two-fifths of a mill on the the assessment of all their farmers to finance their Federation of Agri- culture, the Directors of the Grey County Federation of Agriculture have decided to contact all township councils in Grey to ascertain their attitude toward this proposition. In the discussion of this matter the Direcors pointed out that surely after what the Federation of Agri- culture has accomplished for farm people, they would not hesitate to try to finance their organization ft the same are per year per farmer m Labor organizations pay per menilbor per month, as the average amount each farmer would pay at two-fifths of a mill on their assessment would be $1.50 per year. Grey County Federation has bee:: financed of late years by some town- ships collecting one-fifth of a mil! on their assessment, while othor townships granted an e^ual amount of one-qfth of a mill on their qssess- j ment and by a grant of Sl,500.on I from Grey County Council. From this amount the County, Pi-ovincia! Canadian and International Federa- tion of Agriculture mu-st be financed and as the work for all of this or- ganization is growing, 'he need of more finances is very imporant if farm organizations are to compete witb other highly financed organiza- tions of Industry and Labor. NEW YEAR RENEWAL TIME FOR MANY In addition to being the first day of the year. January 1st was also renewal date for many of The Advance subscribers. Kindly take a moment to glance at the label on this paper. If it reads prior to "Feb. 50" the subscription is due and a prompt renewal will be appreciated, as assisting in maintaning records and will be, for the subscriber, assurance that no issue of the home town paper will be missed. For readers not subscribers, it is an ideal time to become one of the many who weekly rely on The .\dvance to keep them in touch with activities of Flfsher- ton and district. Minute Of Silence Observed At Arena Saturday Night Just prior to the start of the game opening the hockey season in the Flesherton arena on Staui'day night, a minute of silence was observed in honor of Bruce Thurston, who played with the Majors last season and who was killed in a car accident the last of September, and Richard B. Heard, who contributed his services to the arena in an executive capacity, a.td who died early in Decembeo-. Rev. A. G. Macpherson related the pai-t both had piajed in making their con- tribution to the arena and caiietl lor minute of silence. This was followed by the National Anthem, and the grame got under way. Flesherton Legion DtMiates Wheel Chair To Hospital Thos. Taylor Observes His 89th Birthday ^ Congratulations are extended t.) Mr. Thos. Taylor of Flesherton who observed his 80th birthday at h'> home this Tuesday, January 10th. Mr. Taylor is enjoying good health, although not being able to move around as well as he did a couple nf years ago Ruth Hamilton Tell The Story Of Color Dynaanics Alcox Home Had Close/ Call From Fire In Pipes (By Orange Valley Reporter) What might have been a disas- trous fire occurred at the home o* Clarence Allcox abouiti four o'clock Saturday afternoon. The stove pipes from the kitchen stove took fire and the long stretch of pipes made the fire ertrentely hot. The chimney then took fire and the blaze backed up into the pipes again. With the heat and coniderable smoke it was thought the blaze might get out of control and Mr. and Mrs, Alcox summoned the Markdale firemen. Many others also answered he call and before t^n minutes had passed large numbers had gathered at the house to lend assistance. Fire extinguishers were used and water was handy, so that the fire was soon under control. If the occupants had been away the house no doubt would have been lost. A lovely new collapsible \vheel chair has been donated by Flesher- ton Branch of the Candaian Legion to the Centre Grey General Hospital at Markdale. The hospitaJ will now have a wheel chair available on each floor. TORONTO FLESHERTON OLD BOYS & GIRLS MEET FRWXy The annual meeting of the Toron- to branch of the Flesherton Old Boys and Girls Association will be held m Central Y.M.C.A. this Friday even- ing, Jan. 13th, at 8 p.m. All inter- ested are invited to attend. O. D. R. Farm Forum Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extra charge It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and MaddoGks . |24AVetvueRd. KI.4344 C. O. H. L. HOCKEY Flesherton Arena Sat, Jan. 14 HONEYWOOD FLESHERTON VASrEST SPORT IN THE WORLD G.\ME CALLED AT 2:30 P.M. ,.\r!mis^!0ri: 3Sc and 20c The Old Dtirham Road Forum met at the sc'hool Monday evening, when IT members were present. The subject of the law of supply and de- mand was discussed at some length. The Forum agreed unanimously th.it the farmer should not change his production plans as the prices of his products vary, and that a marketing board should be set up to dispose n I farm supplies and it would bo the I duty of this board to find suitable markets. Prices should not be chang- ed without a two-year notice to the farmer, the reason for this being that it takes a period of time for a fanner to ada^n himself to varyin.; prices, and this cannot be done with- out some idea of the prices hp shoul.i expect to t:eceive. Floor price;- should be set on farm products. There is no natural factor whk-.l interferes with the law of supply u.nd denwind. The intei-ference is caused by the so-called middlemar. U is very clear, too much difference w.\ists between ^h" price the farmer â- ' ceives for hi"? produce and whi^h •v- •'- b.^ paid for prodvTi^ by the The farmer is lot being :ir his t»me, he mcrt?ly donate.^ it. FnllOwing the, discu.ssion. Forum turned attention to eu ' an.l lunch was served. "You don't have to be an artist to appreciate the serious effects, both physical and psychological, that col- or has. on our dialy lives," said Miss Ruth Hamilton, famous color con- sultant of the Pittsburgh Paint Com- pany in Flesherton town hall Tues- day evening, before a large gather- ing" of district ladies. By using col- or combination you can beautify your home and ax the same time make it restful and relaxing, thys pron->oting the comfort, well being and happiness of the family. Miss Hamilton revealed that the Pittsbm-gh P^int Company first de- veloped the principle 'â- •'' color dyna- mics which utilizes the energy in color, to be applied in indtistries, offices, hospitals and schools. Here it was proven that color has actual power, capable of positive eifects on peoplj, influencing their efficiency. These same principles can be used in the home. "What do people shop for when they buy?" asked Miss Hamilton. "K women doesn't buy perfume, yoa knoiw, she buys allure and sophistica- tion." You don't buy a golf club or a fishing rod or a hockey stick â€" you buy sport, relaxation. We don't buy things, we buy ideals â€" self e- spect. home life and happiness. We don't buy paint, we buy cleanliness, durability, pirotection. color styling and contentment. Yes, color is here to stay. It can be applied easily and accurately to get a desired effect in the homes as well .as in any bus- iness. But color can be a source i>f trouble, this specialist stated. She showed, for example, how a butcher shop had it's wall painted a bright yellow. This color osjused a blue after-mirage which was carried over to the color of the meat, causing it to appear puj-ple. Business fell off rapuTly until a color specialist dis- covered the trouble. He prescrbod a blue-green color scheme which would enhance the color of fresh meat, .\fter the shop had been re- paint sales began to climb. Mfis« Hamilton's address was very interesting and she closed her talk v.-ith the thoug'ht that many people hardly realize the real effect which color has on their lives until they seriously do some planning with pro- per color schemes. This interesting lectiu'e was spon- sored l>y Richards Home Furnish- ers, local authorized dealer for Pitts- burgh paints. CARDS OF THANKS .V GCK)1) IDEA .\ report from St. Thomas states that two thousand walnut trees that were planted along the highways of that county twenty years ago, bore nuts this year. They grew fron< seedlings furnished by the Provinoiai Government riurseries and the plant- ing project was sponsored by three Elgin svr.-it\ club.s. We can think of no more worthwhile project nor one of such enduring value, and we heart- ily recommend the idea to service clubs in Grey County. Such tr«os only will provide nutts, but tih°.v adoi-n \he hig-'^ways and provide sliade and shelter. â€" Hanover ?o.^t •a 'â- k^ No Such Thing As An Equalized Assessment In view of the fact that Chesley is now being reassessed in an effort to obtain an "i-qualized assessment," a. reader has handed The Enterprise the following editorial comment re- cently made by the London Free Press: '"The basis of assessment may- be on land vu!u-s, or Imiiding values, or on rental and revenue values, or oi: rental and i-evenue angles â€" a» in England â€" but the core of the problem will always be the judgment or lack of it, of the assessor and thi courts of revision. There is no such thing as a completely equalized as- sessment. It is a term in law, a technical phrase. The best we can do is try to equalize assessments^ which are opinions as to values.. About the only people who reap an immmediate benefit or profit frotn equalization schemes are the high- priced experts and socialists called in to arrange the basis of the pro- gram. On the other hand, as cities grow, property values rise and there has to be some approximate estim- ate on which to base taxation." J^ s % Hockey Scores This Week Shelbume won two games t'ais week, one from Markdale Friday evening 4-3 and from Dundalk Mon- day evening 5-3. Honeywood plays in Flesherton Saturday night. Monday the Semi-Pro Leaeie- had two games on Flesherton ice. Fevershitm and Dundalk played tc a three-all tie and Proton Station de- feated Mayfeurne 1-0 in a torrid struggle. I wish to express my deep appre- ciation to my friends for cards and treats sent me, also St. John's United Church for the nice treat sent m« at Christmas. â€" Mrs. Minnie Lever. Friends who remember in the hour of sorrow^ are never forgotten., I wish you to know how much I appre- ciate all you have done, also for th» cards, lovely flowers and thoughtful- ness in so many ways during Dad's lengthy illness, â€" -Annie (Heathcote) Ditscn. I wish to'eSpi'i:;'*' my appreciatioil for the many cards, len>sri.^d par- cels received at Christmas and to"^©.. John's United Church and the East- ern Star for treats received. â€"Mrs. T. J. Fisher I wish to take this opportunity 6e thank my many friends who so kindly remeniibered me w-ith cards, treats, letters or enquiries during; my stay in CoUing^vood Hospital. Your thoughtfulness was much ap- preciated. â€" Mrs. Mervin Davidson I wish to take this opportunity of thaivking my many friends and neighbors for their very kind assist- ance and offers of assistance at tho time of my accident and afterwar is while a patient in the hospital an:l since my reiturn home: to the Mason- ic Lixlge at Flesherton and the L.O. L. and L.O.B.A. at Kimiberley for their beautiful flowers and box, and for the cards and letters I have re- ceived since. We also thank those for assistance and good wishes ex- tended while Bobby and Elaine were in Collingwood hospital, and to Dr. S. A. Piper for his kindness .»t all t'mes. --Cn-con and Al;r.-a MoMuUin -% r<A f In Memoriam GEX(.)E - In loving memory of Mrs. Dave Genoe, who passed awsy January 12th. 1944. Her memory is as dear today As in the hour she passed away. â€" ever remembered by her Hus- br.nd and Daughter. Dorothy. PHILLIPS â€" In lirving memory of Thomas Wright Phillips, who passed away .January 11. 1949. We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind, For the days we do not think of yo* .Are very hard to find. â€" Fver remombered by sou, Mel- bottme. and Family. THOMSIOX -Hln memory of Chris- topher Thc:«.son, who left us on Januarv 12 h. 19*8. â€" Ev. r remembered by his Wife. • "I' l i'Kj i '.' ilitM W Wi BWlii i l' ' >i | i - BB