Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1950, p. 5

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« * THE FLESHERTON ADSTANCE Wednesday, Januarj' 11, 1950 PORTLA W /\Mi3s Isabel Croft has gone to To- ronto, where she will attend business college. Mr. and Mrs. L. Betta and San- dra of Barrhead spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Badgerow. Mrs. Jas. Hopps is spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank McArthur, at Noitawa. Mr. Alvin McKenzie spent a day at Ghriatmas with his sister, Mrs. Walker, and Mr. Walker, near Ceylon. Mrs. Florence Lyons enjoyed a few days with friends in Toronto. New Year's g«ests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark and Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart, Gregory and Anne, of Stayner, Mrs. Grace Black- burn of Toronto, Miss Tena Hender- son of Flesherton, with Mr. and Mrs. Everette Blackhum and family. Mr. Wm. Talbot, daughters Lor- raine and Muriel, of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Russell and Shirley, al.so Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Patton, were with Mr. Jaa. Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. E. Talibot for New Year's; the Boyce families, including Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Londry and fam- ily, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher. Miss Janet Lougheed accompanied her people to Ravenna and spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. John Blakay « « •r < < I r Cream Is Staying Up In Price CREAM is one of the Farm Products that is staying up in price, and is likely to be a good price for some time. Our advice to the farmer is produce as much cream as possible and deliver it to Flesherton Creamery, where every patron is a satisfied patron. We are still paying top market prices for FOWL and CHICKENS, ALIVE OR DRESSED Why not bring them in and them custom killed? Hesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHF.RTON and Douglas. We are sorry to hear of the Blakey family having had a car accident, in which John had his shoulder severely injured and Mrs. Blkey her knee. Their car was so badly damaged it is past repairing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilberi; Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Shier, Mr. and Mr. R. J. Fisher were at the home of Roy Lyons on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John McKee of Fle- aherton visited with Mr. and ^vlrs. Norman Jackson and Betty. Mrs. Luther Love accompanied Mrs. Clayton Betts to Toronto and also visited friends in Brampton and Orangeville. GENERAL INSURANCE AUTO - FIRE - LIFE Livestock, Transit and Cargo ED. LANG Phone 125w FLESHERTON For security To-morrow, Insure to-day, the Co-orpratlre wgy DEL^^o Monday, Tuesday January 16, 17 "LETTER TO THREE WIVES" Adult Linda Darnell Paul Douglas EUGENIA NORTH Wednesday, Thursday January 18, 19 "BEDSIDE MANNER" John Carroll Ruth Hussey also "SINGING DODE" with Dennis Morgan Service was held in the United Church Sunday morning and will continue in the morning at 11 o'clock for the remainder of the winter. The ."^itcrament of 'the Lord's Supper was administered. The choir rendered "God's Way." Iman^ediately folowini; the service, the Sunday School met ioK their devotions. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Fal- coner is somewhat improved since her recent illness of the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ward and Geoi-ge and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Corn- field visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cornfield at Rocklyn. Mr. Burton Campbell of Stratford spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell. \ A crokinole party, under the aus- pices of the W. A. will be held this Friday, Jan. 13th, at the home of Harvey Boettger. Mt. and Mrs. Albert Williams of rht J^th line spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caniipbell, Victor and Mi-3. Hyslop. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. will be held at the home of Mrs. Ted Bm-ton Wednesday, Jan. 18th, at 2 p.m. The roll call will be answered with a resolution on how to improve the Society. Visitors are always welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Cairns and Heather of Ceylon visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Elward Campbell. Quite a number of the men in the community attended the hockey game in Flesherton Saturday night and in Shelburne Monday night and re- port fine hockey games. Friday. Saturday January 20, 21 "YOUNGER BROTHERS" in Technicolor Starring Wayne Morris Janice Paige SHqws 7 amd 9 p.m. ADULTS 42c CEYLON Ceylon Community Euchre Club had a very successful evening on "•'.lursday, Jan. 5tli, when there were Kevin tables In play. The high score Am '.he ladies whs .von by Mrs. Geo. Jia>ines and fofr the men • by Ted Cro''t. Lucky pvi/.es we-.'j won by Mr and Mirs. Pave Adin"^. The next euchre is on Thursdiy Jan. I2. C)ir.i! and have a good time Mrs. Chas. Ir.sii of Tor.>ito spent Mi week end with Mr. and Mrs. P. H-nifil-'ll and fa i.'.'v. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mlatthews ol Markdale were Sunday visitoi-s with Mr. and Mrs. A. Kitchen. \Grant and Arthur Whittaker have returned to Toronto, after spending the past week here. Their brother, Angnis, is a patient in the Centre Grey Hospital. We are pleased to know he is improving. XWe are glad to report that Murray Doupe is out of the Hoa5)ital for Sick Children and is convalescing at the home of his aunt in Toronto. .^li". uuu .iii->. i_.ut,iier l^.iclvCtt vis- ited in Toronto on Sundav. ROCK MILLS PRICEVILLE SWINTON PARK Miss'Reta Porter and friends spent the week end with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Porter. Ret^a is remaining home for a month or so. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Goi-don McNalty who were married in Dundalk United Church Saturday. Mr. Wm. Knox from the West -spent a few days with his brothers, Fred and Walter, here. We wish a speedy recovery to M". Robt. Knox, who was operated on in Orangeville Hospital a week ago. Send in Your Renewal. -4 « « A A •fc * « * * » A Sale Wednesday, Jan. 11 to January 31 BRIEFLY, OUR STOCK IS SOMEWHAT HEAVIER AT THIS SEASON THAN USUAL AND^WE WANT IT REDUCED BY THE END OF OUR BUSINESS YEAR, JANUARY 31 We Are Offering â€" aO% Discount on Ovei-coats and Parkas. All new season's Lines StanfieldCs Unshrinkable Underwear RIED LABEL Shirts and Drawe^rs, nvail order, price $3.60 Sale Price $3.15 BLUE LABEL Shirts and Drawers, mail order price $3.75 Sale Price $3.35 Ten Percent Discount on all other Undei-wear Men's Suits and Odd Trousers All Reduced in Price. Men's Fine Shirts Plain colors, white and colored stripes, sizes 14-17*4 Regular $3.96 Sale Price $3.49 Plain colors, white and colored stripes, sizes 1* - 17% Regular $4.95 and $5.50 Sale Price $4.49 Men's Plaid Shirts Bright Plaid patterns, heavy weight, sizes up to 18Vi Regular $3.75 Sale Price $3.19 Dress Goods Special A Reduction of 10""/. on all Dress Goods in stock â€" includes plaids, alpines, gabardines, printed crepes, rayons, plain crepes. All this Season's Goods. . Prints and Broadcloths All our Regular 45c and 50c lines, yard wide, fast colors Sale Price 39c First Quality Nylon Hose Regular $1.40 lines, all new season's shades, sizes 9 - 11 Sale Price $1.19 Regular $1.(J5 lines Sale Price $1.49 Women's Cotton House Dresses Good patterns, fast colors, all sizes. Regular $1.39 and $1.75 Sale Price $1.10 Wabasso Pillow Slips Plain Hem and Hem-stitched, 42 inches wide,' Regular $1.65 Sale Price $1.39 Printed Table Cloths New Bright Patterns, fast colors, size 52x52. Regular Regular $2.95,, $;i75 and $3.95 Sale Price $2.39 Floor Coverings Congoleums, Rexoleunis, Congoleuni Rugs, Rexoleum Rugs. All Reduced Ten Percent Women's Shoes Bi-oken lines, including Oxfords, Ties and Pumps; medium and high heels; black and brown; good range of sizes. .•\t a fi'action of orignal price. CLEARING SALE PRICE Sl.OO PAIR Semi- Porcelain Dinner Sets and China Tea Sets All at Ten Percent Discount. YOU'LL FIXn SUBSTAX.TIAl. REDUCTIONS ON MANY LINES THROriUUHT rHE. STORE WHICH .\RE NOT MENTIONED HERE F. H. W. HICKLING GENERAL MERCHANT FLESHERTON, ONT. The young people in the neighbor hood have been enjoying some out- i door skating during the cold spell over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hopkins and family of Durham were visitors ov.ij Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. Mr. Burt Roberts of Toronto is visiting with his sister, Mrs. ^'illai-d Benson. IMr. and Mrs. John Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Geoi-ge Newell and Mr. Art Newell of Durham were callers on Mr and Mrs. Chas. Newell Sunday evening. Charlie is recovering slow- ly alter an injury received some time ago. While working in the bush hf tripped and fell, severely injuring his right shoulder and arm. Masters Raymond and Jack Co- burn returned to their home at Trav- erston, after spending about two weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. Mr. Bill Smith spent a week visit- ing in Toronto. CoHgratuIations to Mr. and Mrs. .\i-thur Bailey on the arrival of an- other little daughter on Dec. 29. The W. I. met at the home of M: >. Belle Aldcorn Thursday mfternoor, with 32 ladies in attendance. Mr-. M. McLean presided and the meetin;: was (H)ened in the usual way. R'jii call was answered by nanung sonv noteable person. First aid kits werj purchased by the Institute for -foi; schools: Stone's Line, Old Durhani Road, Topcliflfe and Priceville. 81 .' was donated to the Hospital for Si'.-iv Children in Toronto. 51 ChrlKnu-.^ boxes were mdae up and sent to th, shut^ins and elderly people in thj vicinity and to Miss Nock's Nursin Home here and Highland Lodgi-. Many thanks were e.xpresaed to t'l-- committee composed of Mrs. H. Karstedt, Mrs. J. Whyte, Mrs. E. Kinsman and *.4.nna Shortreed, and .> Donald Rtiley, who used his car fv.- delivering. Cards and letters of ap- preciation were read from many fo the boxes and treats. Gonsidfera''! other business was oransacted ;i.ii an e.xcellent program enjoyed. Mrs. ' ^'-j o.in-. ir; v^ ., a VGr\ .,.1*/ !_ Liri;," paper on the motto: "Oif all the things you wear the most imp^itan'; is your expression and it costs N^tT"" nothing." She also rendered a lovely solo, ac-companied by Mr. J. C. Har- rison at the piano. A poem on No^v Year's was read by Mrs. Neil Aid- corn and two lovely inBtrumentah were given by Mrs. J. C. Harrison . Parliamentary pi-ocedure was \>'eli given by Mrs. John Ritchie. A very intorcstinfr and helpfurtalk wa.- lviv- on by Mrs. L. W. Mould on the sub- ject Education and CitizeiLihip. Mi"s. J. Ritchie gave a poem "Prayer for the New Year" by Edna J.'ifques. Two donations were received by members who had not attended th- meetings regularly. The nii i,'tin;4- closed with the Mizpah benediction. EUGENIA iliss Dorothy Genoe, accompanied by l\Irs. Thoia Collins and little son, Jimmy of Toronto, were New Year's visitors with the former's father, Mr. David Genoe. Jlrs. C. Martin and Marge visity,! 1!'. Toronto for a couple of days. They were accompanied home by Miss ("armelle Martin, who visited ovr New Y'ear's at her parental home. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee. Mr. F. W. McCarthy and Miss Patsi Taylor were week end and New Veai^'s visitOjTs with the former'^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee. Mr. Jake Williams visited with his daughters in Toronti> duriny: th^' Cliristnias season. \The humorous play given by the East Mountain young people entitled •'Aunt Bessie Beats the Band," was well given in the L.O.L. hall Friday nijrht. Tliose taking part were: M ". ;»nd Mrs. Laurie Thompson. Murray Thompson, Faye McMullen, Mr. anJ Mrs. Mervin Kerr. Mrs. Les. Haines and the sponsor, Mr. Ron. Hindl(>. Each one acted his or her own part in a most capable manner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson and Bobby of Meaford visited over the V. c-ek end with Mr... Fred J:imieson. TRUCKING I am now avaiiaible at Flesherton to do general trucking at all times and go anywhere. Reasonable rates. Phone collect. DONALD WILSON Phone 122 Flesherton YOU CANNOT ESCAPE INCOME TAX RETURNS BY DIEING When you die the Succesioli Duty Branch requires copies of yoar Income Tax Returns for the past five years. Tax with Interest and Penalties (if any> must be paid before yonr Estate is released for distribution. Have Your INCOME TAX RETURNS Properly Prepared While You Are Living BRUCE E. KEILL ACCOUNTING AUDITlNi; in attendance at I. B. Lucas Law Office Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Friday Wed. and SaturO-.v MARKDALE DUNDALK PHONK 2 >:â- . Years' Experience PHONE l.-JO Bookkeeping Systems Initialled -C (Intended for Lst Week) Mr. Willis Sayers of Toronto spent the holiday at his home. Mr. Wm. Knox of Penzance, Sask., v;sited last week with his father and sister, Mrs. Wm. Meads, and nther members of the Knix family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Reiley and G;.yl_. and the Watters family spent C!<.ist ma.s at the horn.' of Frank Re ley "n Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tonne'- und family of Toronto spent New V"iv".^ ai the home of Wm. Bi-own. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrisu.i spe:i; Christmas it the home of Roy Wi.r- a:ins, Dinharu. Mr. Kenneth Niehol returned •. ) Ottawa Fridiii-. after s-'endin-j t'v past week at his home. Rev. and Mrs. Mould and .^-iijih- ter were in Toronto for 3 f'\,- lays at Christmas. Aliss Isabel .Mather of Torr>,.;., is i.!ijoying holidays at her hoiiic Mr. and Mts. D. L. McAniu r and Eleanor, Mrs. T. Niehol, Mr .-HKi -Mrs. Gordon Niehol ,(C S; rr :',)rd were New Year guests wit.i Mr and Mrs. T. A. Niehol. .\I . Phd Mj-s. Alex. Ston ; ,-^ and f: ••'â- ily were Christm is vsttovj at the home of Jos. Sta'tble, i '.ylon The Fourth Line held a dar^e in the W. 1. hall Vv'cdne.^Jay i;i:;hl. when a good crowd vo-is prc-ipTrt. Good music was supplied b\ ib.> Shai'Pe orchestni. The annual school me.^tin.'c was held Wednesday morniMg iti the S'.iio»l. with a good attenaap.ce. Mrs. Jessie M. Koeritz was c.i;'.iiiadv and presided in her usual happy manner. Considerable business was tran.saet- ed Mr. .\rchie McK » ip.c ntn-jd af'or many years .>t faitlili,. service, and Mr. Cecil. Hunt .r was ap!'> iut:^ in his place. \\t. 0'{iA\ and -Anduw llii f-ks are the other irii<-,t'e;. M'ssrs. C'arenco and J:in .M;.\r- thuv, Toronto, spent Chriscir..; ; and New Year's with th'ir mo'-hc •. Mr. Robert Knox was t,Tken t.> ' Oir.ngeville and underwent :in upii- Htion on Monday. His nianv frie;id.< hope for him a complete reccvcrv.

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