Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1950, p. 6

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f^ l'/'"^. Pay As You Drive â€" The coin meter system of meeting pay- menth, n<f<\ sucessfully on refrigerator and television sales, has spread to auto sales, l.ila McCauley, above, shows how the meter jilan works. Drop a quarter in the meter; the gadget releases enough gas to the carburetor to keep you going for a spell. \\ hen your next quarter is due, a loud buzzer sounds a warning. Every so often a collector comes around for the qnarf-rv. For emergency use, four slugs a month are supplied 1)V the dealer. mFASMPBONI lokiv12i«5ell Fairly encouraging was the news drouglit to I'he Central Ontario Chee^elltakers Association in an address by Dr. H. A. Derby. Cliiei of Marl^etJMg and Merchandising of .Dairy Products for the Dominion Department of .^gric\lIture. Dr. Derby had rtccntiy returned from a trip to the International Dairy Conjiri^s, helil at Stockholm, and, while on tlie other side of the pond, tiad vis'ted various distributing rentres in the United Kingdom where cheeses from Canada, the United States, Australia and New- Zealand are stored. • • • Canadian cheese has built up * favourable reputation over there, he said, in a market which may well be expected to take more of our cllee^e in future â€" but only if the <inality and price are O.K., and M we can assure the buyers of a continuity ot supply. « • » The farm clieese industry in tihe U'nited Kingdom has declined until now it is only about a quarter of ha pre-war peak. This is partly because of the drift away from farms of the young folks who ordin- arily would make the product, and also because of the big demand lor Hiiid milk over there. • * » When iiie figures aie all in Bri- tlah production of dieese for the year just ended is expected to be around .^6 million pounds, or about one-half of pre-war production; and a4 that anioimt not more than ten •r fifteen per cent would be of Htrn production. • * * Only t«o typei of cheese â€" Cheddar and Oheshre â€" were manu- laetured in any real quanti>tie«; and these two only when surplus milk was available. So that, sll in all, 4o(ne.slic production was only a â- mall part of the total British re- ^loirement o-f something like 408 million poiiiuls. • * * In 1948 the United Kingdom im- â- oned ilightly more ttian 3.S2 mil- lion pounds of chccat, as compared whh 328 miHiofl pounds during the pre-war year of 1938. Before the war cotLsuinption was nine pounds yer person, and this rose to 14 founds during the war. At prsetnt consumption is down to about 6Vi pounds, on the basis of a ration amounliuK to 2 ounces weekly per person. .So it is city to aae that â-  the British ever get hack to â- nyHhing like their former cheese- mting habits, they're going to need a wbdie lot of tonnage irom soni<- where â€" and a large part of it might well be from here. * * * But, according to Dr. Derby, there are a few things that will need to have our attention if we are to cut in on this great poten- tial cheese market to any vastly increased extent. * ♦ • For one thing he found, from actual inspection, that the break- age of boxes is a matter of serious concern to the Canadian cheese trade. The headings in our cheese boxes also need attention, as many were teen that were very rougti in finish, and showing bark. He said that steps have already been taken by the Department of Agri- culture to enforce more strictly the regulations under the Dairy In- dustry Act under whicli the veneer in cheese boxes must he not less than one-fifth of an inch in thick- ness. And next season all cheese intended for export will require double, rather than single wiring. * * * While on the other side he heard frequent complaints about Cana- dian cheeses being too heavy. Some of those exported weiglied 112 pounds. The United Kingdom trade does not want cheese weighing more than "0 pounds, and would even prefer them live poiuids lighter than that for easier hand- ling. * t * Another beef was about our cheeses being too large for tihe boxes they're packed in. This causes them to go short on proper ventilation with resulting excessive mould growth, dampnes.s and faulty rind formation. » ♦ * Many I'anadian cheeses exam- ined, boxed as described, were found spongy when pressed with the thumb, in decided contrast to those from New Zealand, in the open crate. These latter showed some slight mould, but were very firm and dry. » * • In addition, with clieese packed as tightly as ours, it is almost im- possible to remove the box uitli- ouit breakage. This is particularly so when tlie cheese is higlier than the box, a«id the contents get squashed from piling. The trade feel, and rightly so, that the top of the cheese should come below the top of the side of the box, so tliat when the cheese are turned, the ends will be ventilated. * * ♦ Examination of Canadian cheese lor quality found that, on the whole, tha original grade was pretty well maintained on flavour. "There was, however, some complaints of .de- fects, presumably caused by heat- ing, and these complaints are being studied by the Departm.eiU, with a view to eliminating the cause. Finishing Touches â€" Wenzel Beck, refugee from eastern luirope living in I'rankfurt, (iermany, and his ion put the finishing tonclus I'D their latest ship model â€" "Arkona"- -before testing it out in a -^wininiing pool. Father and son worked 3(X) hours to iiiaKe llieir ship seaworthy, using just their hands and a few tool* ^ ASixbitG After a lot of argument, in which •onsidcrably more heat than light was generated, the burghers of Toronto, by a small majority, have decided in favor of Sunday Sport*. Now, before the Provincial Leg- islature gives the go-ahead signal, It might be mildly interesting to speculate on just what lovers of athletics, and in what branches of thereof, will attempt to cut in on the promised jackpot. « * * * "The Whatsis Theatre should do all right," said a friend of our the morning after the balloting, naming a certain Toronto Temple of Art where a line of show girls, very lightly- bandaged, forms the regular piece de resistance, or main dish it we say in that dear France. ♦ â- !; ♦ We looked at liim in mild amaze- ment and inquired just where the Whatzis Theatre could possibly figure in a purely sports picture. "Simple enough," quoth our friend. "All they got to do is stage a bout between a couple of these dime-a- dozen wrestlers. That would make it an athletic event. Then there'd be nothing to prevent them tossing in their regular show for free, would there?" *. * * And maybe he has an idea there, at that. Searching through the wel- ter of memory we seem to recall that the first modern or "all-in" wrestling we ever witnessed was at a burlesque house entitled the Star Theatre in that same city of Tol- onto, more years ago fhan we'd those who attempt to control said sports are going to run up 'against. * * • - (For instance, if it's OK to charge money to see a baseball game, why will it be sinful to show a telecast or movie of the same or a similar game, at a price?) • « • One of tlie never-ending chores in this sports writing business is that of picking out, for the readers' edification, the outstanding events of the year. It is a chore much like milking the cows or cleaning out the horse stable on the farm â€" you no sooner get it over with than it's there to- do again. « 4 H And it is a chore which we personally try to dodge, partly through sloth and partly because (here isn't much sense in doing what so many others are boiind to do better. But for once we are going to get well ahead with the job. So here and now, fifty or so weeks ahead of the deadline, we opine that the finest football game â€" United States brand, that is â€" of Anno Domini 1950 was the one played on January Second of that year out in Pasadena, California. t * * Naturally, old Father Time may prove us to be wrong, as t(he old rascal often has before. But, al- though we have never been a great admirer of American football, if a better game than that between the California Golden Bears and the Ohio State Buckeyes happens to come up, we sihould greatly like to be among those personally pres- British Challenger â€" Top-class racing driver Raymond Mays speeds in his British racing motor car during speed trials at Folkingham, England, airtielcl. The car, made from parts as- sembled by over a hundred British firms, has been designed to secure world supremacy with an expected speed of 200 m.p.h. readily admit. Of course, in those days, the wrestling was just an added attraction, with the hoofers and strippers constituting the main event. But it might work e(|iially well, ' or badly, the other way around. « * * "My wife is just aching lo know when them big Sunday Hingoes are going lo start," said another gent with wluun we discussed the situation and prosjiects. "That's the thing she's fondest of, next to bawling me out from coming lioine late to dinner, and she can't hardly wait to get into action." * • * Here again we expressed a meas- ure of surprise. "Hut Bingo," we objected, "can hardly be classed as an athletic event." "It is the way my wife plays it!" replied our friend. "Oh, brother, any time she makes Bingo and starts waving her arms in the air, the folks on both sides of her take more real punish- ment than Joe Louis has handed out in his last eight bouts." * * * But anongh, for the present, re- garding a subject that has been tliranhed out sufficiently, in the press and over the air, during re- cent weeks, and that is liable to receive plenty more flailing before it's all finally settled. But we do take the liberty of thinking that •van those most strotigly in favor of Sunday sports, are going to be a trifle astoni.shed as to how many different snd unexpected angles enl. rather than take it via radio, as we did the one wc are writing about. * >(i * For that New Years tangle ap- peared to have just about every- thing-; plenty of action â€" mixture ot plays â€" shifting of lead â€" suspense right down to the dying moments â€" with enough miscues and fumbles to make you feel that it was human beings playing, not a buncli of Tar/ans and .Superincii. * -^ * And, from the listener's stand- point, it had the immense advan- tage of being descrilied by a broad- caster who didn't try to make you believe that war had been declared, or that Joe Stalin had been assas- sinated, every time one team gained a couple of feet â€" a very wel- come change from some of the microphone maestri we have suf- fered under, here and there. * * * Besides, that game gave us one of our rare moments of personal triniiipli. Someone wlm was list- ening along with us, and who heard Ohio described as t'le "Buckeye State" happeneil to ask us just what is a buckeye. .'\nd we hap- pened to know, and remember, the correct answer. We wonder how many of you could do as well. * * * For a buckeye is nothing more or less than what we rude Cana- dians call a horse-chestnut. Sure -you knew it all the time! ISSUE 2 19J0 •.Classified Advertising •• A0KNT8 WANTED â- OOUBWIVBS WEIX^OHE THK FAMILJBX MAW (or the wide and varied rang* of auar- *at««d ntcMiltlM; reaHonable price*; preml- â- bm: quality and SKRVICE. Become a proa- peroua buelnesii roan by uelns and aelhnv VisBiUez product!. Write today and we will te)l Tou Row.â€" FAMILEX,, KOO Delorimler, Montreal. BABIr CHlOHb POULTRY-KEEPERS B« aur* of a sood healthy bunch ot baby chloke thla oominv fteaaon. Good chlcka mean sood bena and more enra. Place your order now and take advantage of tbe early order discount. All breeders are government banded and pull* orunn-tflBted. Satisfaction Kuaranteed. Write for our 1950 cataloffue and prices. Bfonkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ontario, FISHER ORCHARD CHICKS Day old chicks, pullets, and cockerela available weekly year round Ir 8 leadlnff breeds and croBsea. The chlcka are first clasa. the price moderate, the stock accredited. Write for 12- pave coloured calendar and price Hat. Fisher Orchards, R.O. P. Breeders, Freeman. Ontario. HOW WOULD you like to get your pullet chlcka free? How? Buy chicks aired by R.O P. Approved Males from high producini; families. One dozen extra elfgs per pullet will more than pay the whole cost of the (hick. Protect yourself by buying R.O.P. aired chicks. CcHect your dividenda in extrS eggs and better meat type this fall. The maorlty of Tj^eddle Pure Bred Chicks are sired by R.O.P. Pedi- greed Males. Free catalogue, Alpo Broiler chicks. Turkey Poults. Laying Pullets. Breed- ing Cockerels. Tweddle Chick Hatcherlea Lim- ited. Fergus. Ontario. PRODUCTID.N' inheritance. That's all. you buy In Baby Chicka â€" Inheritance. If you get good eggs and meat production Inheritance you get value. If you don't you get nothing â€" noth- ing that is but trouble, expense, lost efforts, wanted feed If you want extra eggs, better meat birds and at less cost ot production, send for full detall80bout Top Notch R.O.P. Sired Chicks. Also Turkeys. Broiler chlcka and lay- ing pullets. Free Catalogue. Top Xotcta Chick Salea. Guelph , Ontario. BABY CHICK.S from blood tested high egg producing stock. Livability guaranteed. Mixed 115.00 per 100. Pullets »88 to »30. Ten percent off for orders 500 and over. Goddard Chick Hatchery. Britannia Heights. Ontario. HBXF WAMTKD FAKMERB, obtain farm labourers (or sprins. Experienced studied or practical (arm labour, (amines and single will be available (or yoa when needed. Contact Latvian Relief Auocla- tlon, iiO Bay St.. Room 1804. Toronto, On. MARRIED COUPLE without young children- wanted (or country house near Hamilton. Separate house provided. Woman required U work 'part time. Man must have experience with riding horses. State agea. Box No. SI 113 â€" 18th St.. New Toronto, Ont. MEDICAL NATURE'S HELPâ€" Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Thou- sands praising it. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepai d SUFFERERS from Rheumatic or Arthrltle pains: If you caimot set relie(. write' ox 829. Tranacona. Manitoba. « POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banlab the torment of dry eczema rasbes and weepins skin troubles Post'* ttctt^mm Salve win not disappoint you tcblng. scallnK. burning eczenia. acbe, rins> worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of bow stubborn or hopeless the) seem PRiCS fl.OO PEH JAB Sent Post Free on Receplt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Qoeeo St C., Corner nf Logao Toronto OPP<mTCMXI£S FOR ME> AND WOMEN BD8INE8S OPP OBTpyiTIBa AS OFFER to every inventor â€" List of iuven- Uono and full information sent free. Tlie Ramaay Co* Resrtstered Patent Attorneys. 178 Bank Street. Ottawa DYEING AND CLEANING HAVK TOU anything needs dyeing or clean- Ins? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your ouestlons. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Tonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. FOR SALE SOUD heavy linnea miiK pall, tilled 40 lbs. golden light amber honey <no buckwheat), JB.7B each, 3 palls $11. Ontario, Honey Pro- duccre Co-operative. 6 Defrtes Street. Toronto. FORD Tractors. New and used. Fordson Major Tractors. 194" Bus Chassli trucks. M. Chapman, Millbrook, Ont. NEW JOHNSON Outboard Motors. Canadian Canoe Co.. Peterboro Boat;., Canoea. Trail- ers, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock used motors. Repairs by factory- trained mechanics. Open until . nine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle, Hamilton. _ GTINS â€" Large assortment new and used. Bought. Bold, exchanged. Guaranteed repairs. Scopes, Hights installed. Fishing Tackle. Hunt- ing Equipment. Sporting Gooda. Special Team Prices. Open until nine except Wednesday. Strand Cyle, Hamilton. MOTORCYCLES. Harley Dnvidst.ii. New and used, bouKht. eold. exrhaneetl. Lar^e stpcl^ ot rtiaranteed used motorcycles. Repairs by fnt'tory-trained mechanics. Bicycles, and com- plete line of wheel goods. Ooen'eveninss until nine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle & SpoVfaT King at Sanf onl. Hamilton. RESORTâ€" Good FiBhinK,~\vomierfuT~ location. Writs Mrs. L. Chrlstlnk, Box 673. Butterfly Lake, Sioux Lookout, Ontario. Canada. AUC ABQTST&RED Jersey bulls, from six to twenty-four months, for sal**. Apply Arthur H. Rutley, Berwick, Ont. M.T5 PBR ACRE buys clear title to 160 acres unimproved land. 11 miles northweyt of â- undre. Alta. Make oattle ranch. Near big game, trapping. L. C. Merrlpian, 10711 S^ven- ty-fourth Avenue. Edmonton. Alberta. 3aRH0W Creamery. Harrow. Ont. ] 40 ice cream cuntumera; sells 3.OO0 pounds butter i>er week In louniy. Appl> \V. »;. Flplding, U0« Hall Ave. Windsor, Ont. TKICK8 FOR SALK 1943 DODCE 1' T.m Triu-k. In good i-.-iuUtion. Hlirh Slake ll;i. ks. Priced reasonably. 1944 INTEHNATH'XAL Truck. Chassis with cab. LoiiK wiic.l ba.se. In guod condition. 8H.ALE OIL COMPANV. OKANtiEVILLE IIO.MESPIN YARN â€" made ot long Virgin wool â€" extra warm â€" long wearing â€" suitable for Bocka â€" slwash sweaters and oViier woollen gar- ments. 2-3-4-ply. white, grey, royal blue, paddy green .scarlet, niaioon. yellow, brown, heather, black, lawn, white and grey twist, $1.98 lb., 10 lbs. or over. 11.80 lb. delivered. Northland sweater patterns 25c each. Adults: deer, bear, Indian design. ourlln». Childa: deer, bear, dog and squirrel, dancer, Indian design, knitting needles JBc pair. Mary Maxim. Box 120 SIfton Manitoba, 1947 Commerclnl Jeep â€" thirteen housand miles. Half top. heater, would ti*ade on Ford tractor. 200 gallon Spraraotor sprayer, trailer type power take-off. 460 lb pressure.*' four-row boom, high crop clearance. LeRoy Coleman. Blenheim. Ont. ORDER now for your White Holland Poults, broad breasted type. All breeders blood tested and government approved. Shoreline Turkey Ranch. Harrow. Ont. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Lenm Haird reusing Pleasant dignified profession, g>)od wages ttaousande successful Uarvel vraduatei America's Kteateet system. Illastrated cata logue free. Write or Call tf ARVEL HAIRPRESSTNG SCHOOLS 35^ Bloor St. W . Toronto Branches. 44 King St. Hamilton & 72 Rtdeau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS FETUERSTONHAUGB * (Company Patent SolIcHors fSatabllBbed 1890 860 Ba) Street. rornnin Booklet of InfarmatlOD on request PERSONAL WHT grow gray hat r ? Wrl te for my Frs« Folder: Box 329, Transcona. Manitoba. SALESMAN WANTEU CAN YOU TOP THIST THE reaeon we have successful talesmen averasinB •100 AND MORE A week In commissions and bonuses I* l>ecau0e: 1 â€" We teach you how. Experience Is un- necessary. 2 â€" Our national and international advertlsmg In newspapers, magazines, radio brnad- cauta helps you. 3 â€" Rapid advancement to the right pt^rsun If you are over 23 years of ai?e write Box No. 60, 123-l8th Street. New Toronto. Includ your name, address and phone number IV A NT El I WHITE Holland Turkey Body feathors wanted. Particulars on illustrated folder. K. P Holl- ander. 707 Read Building. Montreal. Quebec. WANTED; Liflu horses. Paloinlno.s or some- thing with white niarklnjrs or fl.i8hy color. A. K, Bouc. j.tT Vnrk St.. London. Ontar'o. PILES I Don't suffer any longer. For quick relief â€" treat painful piles with medicated Dr. Chase's Ointment. Soothes as it heals. A safe home treatment for over 50 years. 33 DR. CHASE'S Antiseptic OINTMENT How I Subciiyed Wild Fiery Itch- ?r. Dennis* amazingly fast relief â€"D, D. D. rescrlptloa â€" did the trick. World popular. this pure, cooling, liquid medication speeds peace ana comfort from cruel Itching caused hv eczema, pimples, rfishes. athlete's foot Hnd other iti-h troubles, Trial bottle, 35^. First applicaiion chocks oven the most intcoae Itch or money back. Ask druggist for D. D. D. Prescription (or<linary or extra strength i now. Coughs are dangerous if neglected . . . Get Rellel Usually... QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY WITH COUGH SYRUP AT AIX DRUGGISTS SSc LD- MADE BY THE ORIGINATORS OF LYMOIDS BRIER Sweet as its name! Hotwyand Hank By iV«A' 'â- mm' iw !»..-.>â- ....-.- '^- \ ) 9. â- * * -* * I'

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