/â- !r -> THE Fl-ESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, March 1, 1950 r T ir r 7 T Spring Fashions Again it is our pleasure to present td you our . ANNUAL FASHION PARADE Town Hall, Dundalk Wednesday/ March 8 at 3 o'clock This year has promised to be a big SUIT- YEAR, and we are featuring several styles, in a wide sel- ection of the newest materials. See the latest in • Coats, Shorties, Dresses, Skirts and Blouses Our MILLINERY is up-to-the-minute, and we have a large range to choose from. iThere will lucky door prizes. The first prize will be a GOSSARD ' FOUNDATION GARMENT, fitted to your figure type, by a graduate of Gossard School of Corsetry. Everybody Wekome Free Admission Sherritts* Ladies Wear Phone 201 DUNDALK, Ontario FEVERSHAM Mrs. Henry Alexander has return- ed home from \riaiting ho.r daogrhter, Mrs. Wrll Cokfuette, Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Menzies and el.ildren of Ohaisvi'orth visited in the village on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. John Randall and .â- \n.ne visited in Meaford on Sunday. We extend oiir sympathy to Miss Edna Mclntyre in the loss of her grandfather, Mr. Robert. Mclrctyre Sr. Miss Anne Parsonaj*e has return- ed home from visiting with friends at Gravenihurst. Mi-s. Ern. Hawton and Carl of To- ronto visited her family here over the week end, Mr. Jack McKee of Hamilton and Mr. Douglas Davidson of Dundall. spent the week end at their parental homes. Mr. BiU Heitman has returned to his home from the north ami is on the sjick list. i»li. -i^; R«'' ...;•;'-'. ha.^ r'^tumed ;) his home here from visiting hi.^ daughter, Mrs. Dick Fadden, Barrie. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs, Frank Leaveil and Mrs. Robt. Qlark of OUingwood spent the week end with Mr. 'nd Mrs. Dick Clark, returning homt on Sunday evening. Mr. Ned Crf'ft received word on Monday of the death of his uncle, Mr. Rdbt. Mclntyre of Tryon. We extend our sj-mpathy to the bereav- ed family. A large number from here attend- ed the hockey game in Flesherton On Saturday night. Mrs. Walter Russell spent a coupi} of days with her daughter, Mrj. Wilfred Best, in Flesherton, who has been ill with the 'flu. A mistake occurred in these items last week which should ha we read: Mi^s Pearl Lageer of Owen Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Atkinson, and not Magee as was printed last week. EUGENIA We are sorry to report chat Mr. John Magee, 8th line, is in Oraage- ville Hospital and wish him a com- plete and speedy recofv^ri'. Mrs. Geo. Proctor, Kimberley, is ill at the home of her son, Mr. Ernie Proctor. Mr. Art Proctor of Guelph spent the past week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson and son, Bohby, of Ehnvale visited with Mi-s. Fred J'amieson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs." E. Burton returned home, after visiting their daughter and son, Mrs. Lome Heeney and Bob Rnrton. Toi'nnto. thf" oast rwo weeks. Miss Pansy Thomson ot Toronto visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Taylor. Mr. and Mirs. Clifford Taylor and sons and Miss Pansy Thomson visit- ed a day at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thomson, at Fever sham. Boys usually outnumber girls in Swedisih birth statistics. Russell S. McGillivray I PtEblic Bookkeeping, Accounting rand Audit Service. Weekly or ! Monthly in person or by mail. Sya- I terns installed and maintained.. In- come Tax Returns a specialty. I Phone: Durham 119 Box 4.5 uurhaui, Out- YOUR . . . SPRING SUIT You get the well-dressed look of easy fitting comfort in a Tip Top Tailors' Suit. You get it because your suit is tailored to your own in- dividual measurements It is cut and styled to to suit your personal requirements. Men's Tip Top Tailors' Suits $46.50 Ladies' Tip Top Tailors' Suits $46.50 CANADA'S GREATEST CLOTHING VALUES Smart styles, quality fabrics, await your selection for Spring "WABASSO" PRINTS AND PRINTED POPLINS iThis week we place in stock a new selection of patterns, yard-wide fast colors, new designs. F. H. W. Hickllng General Merchant FLESHERTON il Isn't it strange how gals suddenly becoffle left handed when they are wearing: a brand new engagement We don't exactly disag'ree w::ii vegetarians, but we do tiiink that the taste of an onion is imprcved '. â€" •yAM-ner q r>A^|ri/i rvf «rf-pr\t tO \' . •n ^ 1^. '«*• r r -r ^ i a â- ^TT'T^^ ^ffiviimEi^ Canada took one LOOK. . . APPLAUDED. . . andAGPEED ihaffhe 1- 'i f,' »» t/.\ /i* J7RST. . and li'nest . . at Zowesf Cost/ ' Even six-footers find comforf here I" NEW TWO-TONE FISHER INTfRlORS •xira roomy â€" MCtro-luxuriout "Most heaufHul ear we've teen!" NEW STYLE-STAR BODIES BY FISHER In iparUing n*w color hormoniM "Topi for rffiVing-ond-ftding ease!" CENTRE-POINT STEERING with Unitizad Knee-Action Rid« 'What roominess â€" and w/iof vo/ue ?" BIGGEST OF ALL LOW-PRICED CARS longest, heaviest car in its field, with widest tread "Soy â€" these reoNy ore stoppers !" PROVED CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES with DubUUfe rivetlan brake Kninat Never before have the men and women of Canada given such outspoken and overwhelm- ing preference to any motor car in any price field! _^eports from all parts of the country indicate rtiat they are acclaiming the new 1 950 Chev- rolet first and finest at lowest cost. They're saying it's first and finest in fleet, graceful A CEHERAL MOTORS VALUE styling at lowest cost . . . first and finest in luxurious, room-to-relax comfort at lowest cost . . . and, above all, first and finest in dynamic performance and smooth, effortless operation at lowest cost ! Come in and examine the trend-leading Chevrolets for 1950. See for yourself why it's Canada's Best Seller â€" Canada's Best Buy! ^.\ Highly Improved, More Powerful Valve-in-Heod Engine! WITH POWER-JET CARBURETOR AND LARGER EXHAUST VALVES The fine Chevrolet engine now even finer . . . more power, faster pick-up, greater over-all perhnnancs . . . plus the outstanding economy for which Chevrolet has always been ncted. New Power-Jet Carburetor Imp'oves performance, provides faster warm-up â€" saves gas! Better Icw-jpeed performance and improved operation on hills, toot croB "This oxfra-siglit means extra-so/efy '" CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY in Fisher Unisteel Bodaos s<if sX.xAsx.-^\V--.-V%A^^ > .^k.^v^ S.^^S^« McTavishjS Garage, Flesherton