Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1950, p. 1

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1. A r n -K A •^ A. A -^ ',' -n ->, r- T rt â-  •^ -^ -1. ^ ir ♦ t • >â-  A A, /«. T •If A <\ •^ ®l)je #ksl|jer U*n '^irmnc^ VOL. 69; NO. 42 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publisher Ownerdiip Deed Sliould Be Required For Car Ontario garage opei'stors recently caUed ttCteBtion to wiiat th«y term- ed a "nteket" in the nwed car field. Tliey cibdmed it was costing unsoS' Peeting tniyers in this prorince alone aaBMtihaner li]<e a million dollars yearty because there was no law in Ontario pronriding for property deeds for antoMoUles. In this so-called radcet the orig- inal seller is the villain and the ?ar- ^e ntan or dealer the innocent go- between- The troubte stems from the IMiet that a lot of people borro-w »OD«y oa their ears and forget -o mentiOB tfce fact when they sell. Aeoordiiig to one speaker at a re- cent gaittge owner's convention there is BO ijway at present for a man buy- ing % vsed ear to find out if them are any Mens on it. That is unle^ the 0]%ittal seller chooses to tell, aoril «||Marently quite a few forg«t. On tile other hand, the new owner takes over s>uch liens or loans, iitwtber he is aware tiiey exist or xmL lltere are three or four such cases V N X )j week. It was suggested tJN reBoedy was to make it necessary to have a deed of ownership for every automohile, not .iust a Kcenso card, on wfcach it would be compul- sory to note all borrowinjrs where ttie maehise was put up for security. II bis kind of fraud is as wide- Q»read as is claimed, the ideei ap- p<»rs to be a good one. TO THE PEOPLE OF FLESHKRTON Am> DISTRICT In the near future many of yoc wili receive a ^eet of Easter Sea!-- ia your mail, on beh&lf of the On- tufo Society foo* Cr'ppled Children Yow generous rea?>onse wiH be greatly appreciated by this or^ani- zalion and particularly by the vic- ttans it eares for. Any -t/ho do n?« neeeive tiiese seals by March 15f< •Od feel tliat yott would 13ce to help yllMe foBward your request for aaals, or coDtribution, ts FlesbertoD Semce Oub, F. H. W. Hiclding Fleehertoo. You have to do your own growing BO matter how tall your grandfiathct It is called the Middle East be- caose it is airaost in the middle of a bad fix. Flesherton W. I. Will Donate $500 To Hospital / After considerable discussion it was deteided by Flesherton Women's Institute, to donate fSOaOO to the Centre Grey Hosipital Board to assi.'tt in pi-ocuring needed equipment for the hospital. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Ted McTa^aa on Wednesday evening of last week. Ways and means of raising the need- ed money was also discussed and, amomg other thingrs, a bazaar will b<. held. A detailed report of the last meet- ing of the Centre Grey Hoa5>ital was given by Mrs. C. S. McTavish, who represents Flesherton W. I. on the Boai-d. Mrs. MteTavbh related the great need of assistance in pro- viding equipment and supplie.s a» tlic hospital and gave individual in- .stances and prices for each article. Part of the money is on band and il is hoped that the remainder will b{. raised within six months. Hos- pitalization fees were paid by the m embers - ^leadings were given by Mrs. Howard Milligan, while Mrs. W. E. Betts gave "The Irishman's Love Letter." The program was under the direction of Mrs. C. J. McKech- nie, wiho also read excerpt from the history of the W. I. in Grey County. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting bj- the lunch ccm.mlttee. MARKDALE SENIORS PLAY IN KLBSHERTON SATURDAY This coming Saturday night the Markdale seniors will play an eichi- bition game with Flesherton, pro- ceeds to be used by the Flesherton W. I. for assistance to the Centre Grey Hospital. The old rivalry be- tween the two teams still exbts and the fans will have a g«o<l night Jf hockey enjoyment besides aiding the cause of the hospital, which is i.i need of new equiimient. A fuU house will likely greet Markdale when they play here Saturday. OPEN SEASON FOR MUSKRATES There *iiU be an open season for the takacg of muskrats in the Coun- ty of Grey from March 20th to April 21(3t, both days inclusive. Future Events PLAY IN FLESHERTON POSTPONED The play to have been given in Flesherton Town Hall this Thurs- day night, March 16tih, by Pricevillo tslent, has been indefinitely post- }K)ned due to illness among the cast. Baptist Church News AUCTION S.4LE Auction sale of (farm stock, im- plements, 'hay, grain and household goods at farm of John Tendran, Lot 16, Con. 17, Proton, Tuesday, iMiaix-h 28. Offering includes several cows, pigs, hens, sheep and Massey-Han-is tractor. Terms cash. â€" Geo. Dun- can, Auctioneer. PLAY AT MAXWELL 1S Be sure and see the play "Where Is Grandma?" by Creemore talent in MaVNvell Rial on Friday, March I7th, under auapices of Mlaxiwell W. 1., to commence at 8:16 p.m. .\dmission: 40c and 26c. A number of the young people of UjUi B.Y.P.U.'a met for a skating party last FridBj- evening. After an enjoyable time at the rink, refi-esh- ments were served at the parsonage. Continued sickness and prefvailins bad weather prevented the W.M.C. ioldiiig their monthly meeting last Tresday. The ladies are to meet this week at the paiTson-age. There was a noted improvement in the congreg'ations last Sunday. The pastor spoke Ou "Excuses" nd dealt with many of the common ex- cuses today by men and women whoii confronted with the claims of Jesu> ( .'iirist. .A, new series of Bible studies was announced for the Wednesday even- ing; meetings. The series is ciiUei "Sti-ucture in Scripture'' and will iiow the divine pattern throughout the Bilble, from Genesi.f to Revela- •ioM. These studies also will present ;i key to the unravelling of many prophetic mysteries of last thing:. Thes-e meetings are opp" the public, and all will be welcomed. W^'X iliFnTf'i* I, il Our Chapel is at tht disposal of our clientele without extra charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, Including organ and organist. Bates and MaddocKB FUNfRAL CHAPEL l24Avpnue Rd. KI.4344 Flesherton Defeated Russell Team 11-5 Flesherton Majors gave a good ac- count of theqiselves Saturday night in an exhibition game with the Rus- eell team of the Owen Sound City Senior League, whey tihey defeated the visitors 11-5 in a splendid game. Play -.vas closp the first period and neithei- team scored, but in the sec- ond period the deluge came and tho locals counted seven times and Owen Sound foixr. The last period the Majors counted four with Owen S<-und racking up their fifth with two minutes to go. The gaone was fast throughout and the fans were given plenty of action. This was the first senioi- game' for Dave McGee 'n goal and he gave a good account of himself as iTe coolly turned back the attackers when they were close in. Flesherton â€" Goal. MfcGee; def- ence, .\cheson, Bannon; centre, Bovd: wings, Milne and G. Chard; altei- natqs: J. Lawrence, W. Lawrence, K. Chard, Cairns, Tumev, Best. Flesherton Juveniles Trim Owen .Sound 5-4 These juvenile hockey lads sure give the fans a real rousing gaane for their money, and the splendid exhibition against the Lemon Junior City League team of Owen Sound on Wednesday night last was no excep- tion, when they won 5-4. Fflesherton scored three goals in the first period by Loucks from Banks, Stauifer from Smith and Milne alone, while Owen Sound only r.ofbched one. In the second both teams scored two. Boettger from Banks and Milne alone for Flesher- ton. Owen Sound scored the only counter in the third period. Fleshertonâ€" Goal, >ilcGee; defence, R. Johnson and R. McMillan; centre, Banks; wings, Boettger, Loucks; al- ternates: Stauffer, Milne, Smith, J- Stoddart, Aberdein, Teeter, Legge, Hargrave, Midligan, B. Stoddart. Liberal Leader Was Lauded By Parties .\ member of the Legislatuie for ii years, Farquhar Oliver, Liberal niemiber for South Grey and acting Hoase leader for his party, was honored last week by all parties ws he celebrated his 46th birthday. Good-naturedly the speakers referr- ed to his political cai-eer after wis^h- ing \\\m many years of health and happiness. Mr. Oliver wa.s first elected to th.' Legislature in 192tj and lias repre- sented South Grey continuously since tiiat time, holding Cabinet posts h: three grovernments. .•Vccording to i-eports, Mr. Oliver will not be a candidate for thx. lead- ership of the party m the province when a convention is called to choose a leader. Last year he resigned an' despite urging by many of his friends, will not attempt to rejrain the office he gave up. H. C. Ni.xon, another Libera! ve^ eran of the House, in naying triliu". to his- colleagtie, said "Nothing would please us better than to see Mv Oliver caiTy on indefinitely." Premiier L. M. Frost, Opposition Leader E. B. JolifFe and A. A. Mr- Lcod. Labor-Progressive leader ill paid tribute to Mr. Oliver's lon^- tnne record as a public servant. Essence Of Reverence Theme Of Church Sermcm ACTIVITIES AT FLESHERTON RINK THIS WEEK Wed., March 15 â€" 8 p.m. Special Midget Hockey, Markdale vs Flesh- erton. Thurs., March 16 â€" H.S. Jr. boys U-2-* to 12.15; Public School 2.30 to 3.30; Bantam hockey 3.30 to 4.30; 8 pjm. EKindalk vs Proton Station, Serai-Pro. game. This should be good game to see. Â¥xi, '-Mlai-ch 17 â€" H.S. Jr. girls 11.24 to 12.16; Sr. gi.ls 2.12 to 2M\ Sr. boys 2.48 to 3.15; 7 to 8.30 pub- lic school and beginnen;; 8 to 10 pub- lic skating to music. Sat., March 18 _ 1.30 to 3 public- skating for children; 8.30 p.m. Mark- dale vs Flesherton Majors. Proceeds for Centre Grey Hospital thioiigh Flesherton W. 1. Sun., March 18 â€" 1.30 p.m. bus leaves for ski tow. Mon., March 20 â€" H.S. Jr. boys 10.18 to 11.24; Jr. girls 11.24 to 12.15 Sr. boys 2.48 to 3.45. Tues., March 21 â€" H.S. Jr. boy.. M.24 to 12.15; Sr. girls 2.48 to :!.4.5; 7 to S.3l> bfeginiieis and public schoo. â-  ; tu 10 public skating to music. in Memoriam CROFT â€" In loving- memory -. dear Wife and Mother, Mrs. .\ Croft, (who jmssed away March ''th. 1940. Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile .* loving neart that knew no iruik', Deep trust in God that all was rigli'. Her joy to muke some other briirhi If sick or sutt:"ering one she knew, Seine gentle act of love she'd do. N'o thought of self but of the "oth.'i" We know He ?aid "Well done, dear Mother." â€" .\hv-ays reineiubered by llushan i. Muiitl ,Trl Ted. XKWKLI. â€" In loving memory ol V. ^lliam J. Newell, who passed awa.,' >i:iK-h 18th, 1945. Kvet- remembered by his Wii'-. .Annie, and Funiily: Florence, Ma: - ory and Ted. R.ADLEY â€" In loving memory i.' â- \ dear Mother. Christena Radley, w'.io left ii.s six years ago. Mar> 17th, li»44. (Jod, foi-givc a silent tear. Always wifhing she were here: There were others, yes, -\wv know, K\it she was ours, and we lovt'ci Vi so. â€"The F;»milv. A beautiful bouquet of spri-ng flowers adorned the Altar at St. John's United Church last Sunday evening. It was placed there iby Mr. and Mrs. Bill BeJl in loving memory of the latter's brother, Keith Cairns, whose sudden death occurred four years ago this month. Rev. A. -G. Macpherson spoke on the Essence of Reverence, the sec- ond in the Lenten series on "Hie Lord's Prayer. Drawiing exam(>les from both the Old and Now Testa- ments, Mt. Macpherson called at- tention to the elements of holy fear, a sense of sin, wonder and love as being parts of true rever- ence for God and HTg Christ. This reverence, he said, had tu be delib- erately cultivated by regular wor- .ship and constant regard for all the sacred relationships of life. •Attention was called during the service to the bea-utiful new brass railing and velvet drapes recently placed behind the organ seat by the Woman's Association. Misses Mai-garet and Janet Mac- pherson sang a duet entitled, "All Praise to Thee, God, This Night." SOLD SOWS TO ST.tl'ES \^ Last week Mr. Ross Stevens ship- ped three of hi* bred registered Yorkshire sows to a buyer near De- li oit at a fancy price. Ross has been breeding these qualified .sow;=^ for some years and has made a real suc-.ess of his venture. Card of ThariK: Children's Color Book New Safety Weapon Urging every memfiber at the On- tario Legislature to aid in the con- tinued battle against traffic acci- dents, Highways Minister Georgi. Doucett recently showed the mem- bers his -four-year-old safety cam- l>aign's newest educational device, "The ABC's of Traffic Safety" a crayon coloring book for young children. â- iMlore children are killed by traf- fic accidents than by any single dis- ease of childhood," Mr. Doucett told the Legislature. He explained that this tragic condition had existed for years, not only in Ontario, but in ''11 other areas with motor traffic. Some progi'esa hud, he said, l>een made in reducing child deaths in pi'oportion 10 tile volume of traffic â€" but that makes a grim picture to describe "to a mother and father who have lost a child." "The -A^C-'s of Traffic Safety" has on each page a drawing illustratin;; a common cause of accidents to childien. The drawing is an outline for cliildren to color in witli paint or crayons. Also on each page is a letter of the alphabet beginning a safety rule in rhyme to help child- ren remenxber it. The firts one s: "A is for AGCIDEn^T, we learn to prevent. Let's al-ways W careft'.l wherever we're sent." Johnston - Glenn A quiet wedding -was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stafford, Flesherton, when Leoaa Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D- Glenn of Heathcote, was united in marriage to James Trevor Johnston, son of Mrs. Stafford. Rev. A. G. Macpherson conducted the ceremon.v. The bride -was given in marriage by her father and -wore a floor- length gown of white satin with white flowers in her hair and sha carried a bouquet of pink and white Joan McAfee of FlesJherton, wore carnations. The bridesmaid. Miss a floor-length gown of yellow silk, with yellow flo-vrers in her hair. The^ bestman was Wm. Clark of Rock Mills. The weddii^ march was played b\- the groom's mother, while the b)-ide's mother played "Oft in the .Stilly Xight" while the register- was being signed. The room was- decorated -with pink and \v)rtft I stieamei-s. I The young couple visited 0>n-eA ! Sound. Meaford and CollingwoOd 09 ! their wedding trip, the bride w«»e- ing a na-vy blue suit with hot t^ match. Thsy will reside in Flesh- erton. DUNDALK LEODS STAYNER IN SEAU-FBXAL GAMES Dundalk defeated Stayner Monr day night 5-4 to take a one-gfame edge in the play-offs in the Central Ontario League. They had previous- ly lost at home and the-n won at Stayner. The foui'tii game is being played at Stayner tonight, Wednes- day. Dundalk needs one more win to clinch the group leadership. E.XHIBITJON MARKDALE MIDGETS TONIGHT Markdale iMSdgets play in Flesh- erton tonight, Wednesday, at 8 p.nu These kids play a good fast passing game of hockey and are well worth seeing. Every^jody who sees them talk about their play. HOCKEY Flesherton Arena Sat, Mar. 18 MARKDALE VS >â-  â- ^ FLESHERTON Proceeds in aid of Centre Grey- Hospital Fund, auspices of Flesherton W.I. Game called at SuSO pjB. t Admission: 35c and 90e Start Your Modern Kitchen NOW 1 wish to ex.pre^:« my deep appre- ciation to friends and neighbors for their cards, letters, treats and kind enquiries on my behalf while I wns in Owen Sound HosT^ital. â€"Mrs. -Alvin BoyJ f KAV'S Beauty SoEon SPECIAL ON NYLONS Fist ([luilitv. rej^;'. $1.4.'^, $1.25 | Sub-sland.'. roo-. ?1.10. .. 99c j Acquamarine Hand Lotion with 1 caicc complexion .soaii Key. SI. 35 .... $1.00 ivstoUm Crciuii is back a^-aiii for hair heatlh and bcaut\ . Recondition your hair now Take a tube home, 7.^c My Sho]! will be clo.sed from March 17 to March vW, whib I attend the Vlairdres.sers' conventioin. â€" KatMeen Hawkins iV.v*^vvVvVVVVvvi Li YOU CAN AFFORD A DREAM KITCHEN WITH MPK ADA-UNIT KITCHEN CABINETS Hecaii.sc . . . Vuu can buy them one r -. ; •> and instal iheui yourself. ^"es. it's as easy as that! Si'""'' ••- most essiutial piece, usua'' â-  • . ' add liu- other step-sr- ' v. as your budget r Ml'K .\P • ; â-  ; priced Vi^i'-U. 1);:''; ';'-,:,. from a \arietv oi staiulai'v! uni. . " ^ . â-  kitchen need. MPK nial<cs any kitchen, regard- less to size or shai)e, a Ii-\ely >ho\\|)lace. Ivisy to clean as a dinnerpl.nc. See MPK W^ A-LWIT Kitchen Cabinets ai \ our dealer's right away. Richards Electric "Your Frigidaire Dealer" Phone 78 FLESHERTON We DeUver .5

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