Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1950, p. 2

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Champs Take The Field â€" The world champion New \'<)rk Yankees head for the field and their first spring training' •CEsion of the year. The Yanks' great Joe DiMaggio (center, with glove) is one of the first ijlriyers on (he diamond at St. Petersburg, Fla. It looks as if these athletic popu- iMity pollg might be of some prac- tictl uie after all â€" some use, that k, oatside of providing weary â- ports writers with handy space- tilcri. Since Jim Thorpe was voted to be not only the greatest foot- baller, but also the greatest athlete al the half-century, there's a move «a foot to Kive the big Indian som« «< the creditâ€" and a little of the «Mh â€" h* richly deserves. i i * They're agitating tor the return to Thorpe of the Olympic medals •ad trophies rudely wrested from kim when a horrified Amateur Ath- letic Committee learned that Jim kad, at an earlier date, not only flayed baseball under an assumed name but also â€" the cad! â€" accepted payment in cash for so doing. * * » The only difficulty about this it that nobody seems to know exactly where those priceless mementoes are located now, and we doubt if Thorpe is worrying very much, one way or the other. "A kiss on the hand is very thrilling, but a dia- mond braiilt-t lasts forever I" said the youuK lady in 'Gentlemen Pre- fer ftlondes': and Jim Thorpe wasn't the lirstâ€" nor will he be the last athlete to discover that something you can exchange for hamburger or Kfoierifs is often preferable to all the eiiK'raved athletic bric-a-brac you coiilil stntT under RiuKling's Big Top. ♦ + • So, as we said, we don't believe Thorpe is losing much sleep over whin, if ever, those trophies are returned. He always did have a way of taking things in his stride. "Vou, sir," said the King of Swed- en at the conclusion of the afore- mentioned f )lympics, "are the greatest athlete in the worlil.' "Thanks, kinx," was Mr. 'j'horpc'* simple and dignified reply. And if, during the past twenty years or "'• '''ig J'tn lias sometimes thought himself a hit shabbily treated by a sporting world that once hailed his every move, he's kept it to himself and gone about his business without bellyachitig. • ♦ ♦ If Thorpe had been a bit more Tocal about himself and his doings, chances are he'd never have come down to gatekeeping in a Holly- wood movie studio as a means of •xistence. Hut he always preferred deeds to words; and getting an Interview out of him was about as Rewarding as frying,- to pull a hippo's teeth with a nutpick. "What was the moit serious inury you Wtr got in football?" a reporter once asked him. Instead of coming out whh a catalogue of breakages, contusions and stitches, the Indian merely ahot back another ijnery. JIow could anyone ever get hurt olaying football?" he askedâ€" and tt was a sincerely-meant (juestion. ♦ ♦ • Pop Warner, athletic director of the Carlisle Imllan School, was the man yho first spotted Thorpeâ€" and who developed hint, so (ar as any- one rollhl <levrl()p anything that was close to perfection from the start, Jim was just LS years old and a hur<lles race had already ttartr<l when Warner saw him get np from the sidelines, take ofT after the leader, and beat him handily. And Thorpe wasn't even weaiing alhleiir truiilis or proper »hi>e». « ♦ * That was Jim's start as u track- andfiehler. I'rom then on he used to put on what weie prncli<-ally one man shows of an almost in- •tedihle nature Carlisle would iche<lulr a final athletic meet with •onir other .„11> ge - generally one from diiuhli- lo ten times its own lite. .Si) Mm woidil spend a re- taxed adeiniiun n inning the sprints, hurdles, l>nia<l innip, Idgli jump, shiitpni anil :i muiile of other »v enls, seldom less than seven ♦ « ♦ Thorpe was lazy, and soiuetinies careless. If any nian ever under- stood 'now lo handle him, it whs Warner. Yet Jim used lo drive Pop slniosl rra/v at limes, h'or a long linie Warner .cudiln'i persuade Jim 10 ill) any line pliiugiiig. "Why run o\rr 'i 'II vjieti vou can nm ari'niitl em?" he would insist, liien there came a game played against Syra- cuse in heavy mud; so heavy tliat the first half ended in a scoreless tie. Thorpe, in his ellorts to run the ends, had been stopped in his tracks. So he just started hla.sting straight down the middle, the tinal score being Carlisle .38, Syracuse 0. ♦ ♦ â-  » More than that, Jim discovered in this game that line-crashing was plenty of fun; and from tlien on ho was a ijuadruple threat. He had had few ecjuals as a punter, boom- ing the ball downfield for si.xty or seventy yards, with plenty of height to allow his tacklers to get down under it, and placing it with un- canny accuracy, for one thing. â- f * * I'or another, he was a field goal kicker par excellence, whatever that means. In beating Harvard 18 to 15, Thorpe booted four 3-point- ers, the last from the 48 yard line; and one of the added attractions, when he appeared later as a pro- fessional, was large James Koing out to the centrefield stripe, at half time, with a dozen or more foot- balls. These he would proceed to kick alternately over the opposite crosspieces, making this ditVicult stunt appear as easy as shunting fish in a drain pipe. * • * His ghostlike upenfield running was helped tremendously by three tricks he had developed. He had a change of pace that was bewilder- ing, and his ability to stop on the proverbial dime left intending tick- lers floundering on all sides. If a tackier got a bit closer, he had a straight arm that was â€" unlike others we have seenâ€" perfectly legal, yet which hit like a battering ram. .\iid if a tackier got still closer, Tliorpe had what have been ternicil the most highly educated hips in sports history. No fooliiiK, he could st,iiii a man with the swing of his hips; in fact, he frei|iiciitly did. * â- â-º » Which will have to he all, at least for now, regarding Mr. Thorpe â€" except this. If it's true that he's going to appear this coming season as an assistant coach â€" and predi- ably perform his half time drop kicking specialty â€" he'll be well worth going a Sabbath day's jour- ney to have a look at. Fifty years from now you'll be felling your great grandchildren that yon saw the best that ever pulled on a aweat-shirt â€" and they won't he able to tell you any ditTerenl. Owlor by Mail â€" SimpsonR, Limited *^/t% Preferred Shares (P«r Value $100) Price: At the mvket, yielding about 4.65% Shnpsonfl Canada-wide de- parbnnnt store and mail ord«r bosintws has htum grcming so mitxitantially uiat ttw Company in L«u- ing additional 4U% Oiim- alatire Redwimablo Pre- fcmd Shares, to provids Inereaaed capital. A lettM' or phone call to Wood, Gundy A Company limitmi h all that ia dhc«»- mry to enter your order for •ome of thwo Shamt, which we offer an principabi. A proapouluH tolling the intereiitinK itory of Simpaoni devolopoMint and detailing ita aamingi and aamti wW he wrnt to you without nhlJKation ttpon re<Tueit. Wood, Ciiinfly A Company IJinit«>«l » King Street W«it Toronto IMipkiM- CI4I1 Otl :fasnfeqnt lo[viv12imelL As I look out the window, I see i yount; blizzard swirling, and it looks aK if the driveway will be drifted at least tliree feet deep before eve- ning. Well, thank goodness, the son and heir has a heavy date to- night, and will have to do the shovellingâ€" or else. So, let's think about something more pleasurable â€" strawberries, for instance. « • * It may not be news to you â€" although it was to me up 'til a day or so ago â€" ^that strawberry growers in many places have found some- thinj>^ that will <lo a better job of weediuig, and a cheaper one, than anything previou.sly discovered. It's geese! Yes, GEESEâ€" the plural of goose. * * * Last year, out in the State of Washington, a farmer naiued Theo- dore Berry put 16 geese on hij weediest three acres of strawberries. Those geese cleaned that three-acre patch of all sorts of weeds â€" even quack Krass â€" and they never even touched a strawberry leaf. ♦ • » Those three acres made a good profit for Kerry. The year before he had spent $500 hand-weeding them, and still the yield was so low that ho lost money. * » » Needless to say. Berry started looking for more geese. He couldn't find any, so he hatched out a hatch of goslings in an incubator. Tliis year, he'll have 75 geese weeding 45 acres of berries. * * * <jeese also have been used for stravN'berry weeding by growers in the berry area around Paducah, Kentucky. ♦ ♦ * "To find out why a goose will eat crab grass, saw brier, wild parsley, pig weeds and practically any other kind of weed you can name, and not touch a strawberry plant you'll have to ask a Koose or a gander," says \V. W. Ma^ill. extension horti- culturist. « * « <rrovvers down that way keep the geese in the ficMs until the berries are ripe. They won't touch green stems or berries. After the crop is picked, the farmers return the geese to the field. ♦ » ♦ Most growers put up a simple rauKe shelter about three feet high, consisting of four posts with cross bars to support the hoards or straw to shade their feathered weeders in hot weather. They also provide plenty of drinking water and a small aniount of shelled corn. t • * Theodore Berry has tried geese in r.tspherry patches as well as strawberries a.nd says tlicy are bet- ter than liaiul weeders. Any breed of K<"esc will do. • * * Hut don't put them among your currant plants, he warns. They like currants almost as well as a nice piece of quack grass. « * * V\'cll, there you have it â€" and it souiuls like something worth giving a trial. And if it shouldn't work out â€" well, personally, I'd rather carve a hunk olT a nice roast goose than sit down to all the strawber- ries you could cram into the Niagara Gorge. * * * Millions of dollars are spent an- nually, on fertilizers of various sort, lint it's surprising how many folks don't get the ntost out of the money they spend just because they don't know how to apply those fertilizers. ♦ ♦ * South of the border, state agricul- tural colleges, in conjunctiuui with the Natimial Fertilizer Association, have been coiuliuling tests over g period of many years. I'm jiassiiig along to yoit aomc of the recoiii- nieinilations made: * * • For Hay and Sod Crops These include pastures and .ilf- alfa. T>rill the fertilizer tlir< e to six inches deep, either before or at the time of seeding. If you're making a very heavy application on hard, stony ground, and have trouble keeping the drill deep enough, plow down aliont half the fertiliier «nd drill itivthe rest before or dur .seeding. Top dressing in early tail, lute winter, or early spring, with a grain drill or spreader, helps lieep a stand. • ♦ ♦ For Small Grain* Drill the fertilizer in the fnnow with the »ee<l. While the fertilizer may reduce geriniiiHtion sliglitly, it Isn't serious, and yields are bigliei than nlieii the fertilizer is broad cast, or drilled before or after seed- ing. Apply nitrogen as top <l^e««ill^ in late winter or early spring. « • » For Potatoes If you're usuig more than I,IK)0 pounds ptr acre, and your .••oil |« heavy, save 1,000 pounds for a|ipli cation it planting. Work any linouni over that into the seed bed before planting. At planiin^i imie, place the fertilizer in bands two inches to the aides ayd slightly he- low the seed pieces. (The two hi\\v\- should be about »lx inchet apait^ linn;; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CHIi'HP 9o tiOOU f'HICKM lie â-²Z^ Breedt-m blood tested, banded And 1»- •pACCed, barksd by pedigree foundation â- lock. NVw Ilampa; Buhhrx: Suiib«x New Hamps; Barrftil Rocks, and Large Tom Bar- ron I^oBhorna MUed lie, pulleta Zic. Aaaorted Mixed Chkka 9-: Pullets 19c, Any Heavy Cox 4|c. HTART£r PriXKTS A €H1C'K8 I WKKKS OLD,. WLtUi 5c; 3 weeks old, add 9c; 4 w««ka old. add Uc. Send tor price Hat of older puUetfi. capona and cockerela, heavy breeds. Order from and enclose thia add. 10','. depoait. balance C.O.D. 4fte DAY OI.U * HTAKTED COX DAT old 4lc, 2 we«ki.. add 4c: 3 ^jveeka add 8c. 4 wtvkN old t.'apona VU: HIKONDALE CHICK I IATCHKRY. UlNIHtN ONTAKIO. CIIK'KS Ifuik it like rt-^uidlcMs whether they carry hlKh ties production Inheritance or noi. I'hi^ rotl proof Is In th^ laying house after th«-y uru Krown. Ita then too late and too bu»I. If they carry poor or ordinary em produ<-tion <|tirtlltle«. The nwJl of Top Nntch pure bred chlcka ar« R.O.I'. Sired. TheHe will pay off In a biff way. .\1ho Turkey poultii, atarted chlcka, older pulleta. Free oatalotfue. Top Notrh Chirk Salf«. (luelph, Ontario. HAVK you ever thouRht'how much dencnda on the Htraln of i-hlcks you chooc«'.' The pleuHurn and profit you get from your wIkiIq year's poultry venture hanKS on the chuire you lUJike when you order your baby chicks. The nitmt Important buslneHH decision you aa a poultrynian have to make each year 1b the source from which you buy baby chicks. Tweddle H.O.P. Sired Government Approved Chirks will lay more egpa than chicks from ordinary breeders. Send for cataloKUe glvinK all details. AIho started chUka, older pulleta, turkey poults. Tweddle Chirk Hatcheries Limited, tVrgus, Ontario. BABY chl'ks from blood tented hii;h egg pro- ducing HtK'-k. Llvabllity guaranteed. Mixed tl5.00 ptr 100. PuUetu $28 to $30. Ten per cent off for orders 500 and over, Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britannia Heights. Ontario. MONKTON CHICKS â€" Government Approved. Breeding quality, one of the t>est- Doo't ffuess. be certain Write tor prices and cata- logue Monkton Poultry Farms. Monkton. Out, FOR HALE MOTORCTCLSS Hariay Davidson. N«w aa4 n «» fl bouih' sold, szebanied. Lars* itock of guaranteed used nootorcycles. Rapalr* by factorj- trained mechajiica Bicycle*, and com DUt« 11n« nt wheel sooda Open evenlnva antll nine •xc«pt W dneaday Strand CycU A flporta. Kinm at fianfnr : Hamilton COTTON BAGS BLEACHED Susar ajid Flour bags sach 17c; towels, hemmed, about 17" x 84"â€" 18c each: 2c per bar extra op order of lesa than % dozen. Dept. W . By-Producta. 93 Onteu-lo 8tre«t, Toronto. DOORS Pan«l or Combination, all sixes. Attractlvs prices. D. MeKENNA. 2779 Tons* St.. Tor- onto. Ont. 'NFAINTEr plaater caata. Klgrurfnea. book- ends, anlmal«. novelties. Good assortment. Llata available. Box 18. 123-18tb Street. New Toronto. 8NOWSHOE3: All sliea and styles. Bates* "Humana" snowthoe harness (pat. J. No more bllalered toes! Folder. "Snowaboeinc lo Comfort." on requeat. Bates' Snowshoes. Meta«rama (via C.P.R.), N. Ontario. NSW JOHNSON Outboard Motors. Canadian Canoe Co., Peterboro Boat;^. Canoes. Trail- era, bought, sold, ezcbanged Laree stock used motors. Repdirs by factory-trained mechanics. Open until nine exrept Wednesday Strand Cycle. HamlUon- BUY direct from manufacturer. Hair nets. rayon or silk : 40c per dozen, rfyloo 76c All colore. We pay postage. Milo Milla Ltd. 108 ADelaidu St. W,. Toronto. CASCADE Wli£AT â€" The answer to the feed wheat problem for Gaatem Canada. A new. high yielding, soft sprinc wheat de- veloped by The Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa. Seed at IJ buahela per acre Certi- fied seed F.O.B. shipping point. 13.00 per ouahel In two bushel bags. T. A. Wilson. Pakenham, Ontario. FISHER ORCHARD CHICKS DAT OLD CHICKS. Pullts : nd Cockerela available weekly year rounil in 8 leading oreeds and crosses. The chi-.i:s are first ;lafla. the price moderate, the s'o -k approved. Write for 12 page coloured calendar and price I let. Fisher Orchards. H.O.P. Breeders. Freeman. Onturio. SCHUMMER CHICKS GOVERNMENT approved. Top quality. Frea Catalogue and price list explain details. ^chummer's Quality Hatchery, Llnvrood. Ont. ••OXFORD' APPROVED Chicks live, lay ;^d pay. The.- are the results of twenty- three years of careful selection and breeding In O.B.S They have to be good, because we want the very beet kind of cblcks for our own flocks- -big visoroua and early matur- ing. We BtrfSH 8Ke size and uniformity. Bar- red Rocka. Whl*L Leifhorns, New Hampshlres, Hamp. X llock crossbreda, Rock x Leghorn crossbreds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmere' Co-operative Produce Company, Limited. 4.H4 \faln Street, Woodstock. On- tario. LAKEVXSW CHICKS LAKEVIEW chicks are the choice Of the better class poultry men. 20,000 breeders double blood tested, banded and inspected from real poultry breeding farms. Lakevlew consists of S farms, 80.0OU floor broodlns capacity. For "150 buy the best â€" buy Lakevlew. 8 breeds STARTED PULXJCT8. CAPONS, C0& 8. 4. «. 8. 18 weeks old pullets. 4, 8 and 8 weeks old Capons. Prompt delivery or booking for later. Take delivery now. Moat of our cockerela and thousands of chicks are rettlns booked to so to some of the largest and Dkost particular buyers in the U.S.A. later '^n Send for price list and full par- ticulars. LAKEVIKW FARMS tt HATCHERV. â- XBTKR* ONTARIO. PHONE 78. PU'REBRED Tamworth boars 7 months old. Also purebred Tamworthd 7 weeks old. Omedee VanDorsselaar. Concession 8. Mac- Gregor. Ont. _ THE DOLL KEPAIR BOOK. Save costly doll repair expenses, do it yourself. Only $1.2S money order. Box 755. Southkent Br.. Grand Rapids. MlchJKan. MUST sell due to ill health. Grocery Store, service station with living Quarters. Turn- over exceeds 840.000 a year. About 88.000 down. "Write: George Kostonulk, R,R. 4, S i mcoe. TRACTOR OWN ER S PARTS for all Fordson and Ford Tractors 1917-1850. Fast Service, Prices are rtght. We can supply parts and accessories for all Ford Products. Roy Davis Limited, 23 Cork St., Ouelpti, Ont. MGttsBMir noca WV OROW some of the world's Aaest Ola4^ olL Caulo«ue on request. Tyndall Ola^ lolua Gardens, BmcefWld, Ontario^ FOR SALE â€" L.A. Case tractor, nearly new. Starter, lights, 14-lnch rubber. Frank Qrove. Markham. Ont. DRDER the horse you require for spring work now. We offer wide selection pure- bred mares â€" Percherons, Belffians. Olydes- lales. three years of age up, that we can breed to top Arnold wold siree â€" Jason, Cn- chajiter. Sir Don, Waterloo's Dan, Arnold- wold Dock. KemptviUe AS., Jay Farceur. Landmark Renown. Write us for anything you rsQulre in horses. Arnold Farms Limited. Qrenvllle, Quebec. FARM MACHINERY ICAXL Chain Saws â€" famous for their power- ful rellabts engines with stall-proof auto- matic elutcb. One man and two-man models. QaaoUne and electric from 8145 up. Intei^ •eted agents please write Diesel Equipment Limited. 139 Laird Drive, Leaside. Toronto Hj-land 8929. 63e BRONZE FOULTB 68« DJE3LIVBRY to March 27thâ€" 63c: to April 10th • 6c; to April Iflth â€" 68c: To April a4thâ€" 78c. Book your order now and take delivery early. Late March or early April Is a sood time to start poults 1. They cost lesB. 2. Easier raised in cooler Wfiither. 8. Yuu have three good chances to sell: Canadian Thanksgiving, American Thanksslvlng. or the CbriEtiiuis Market. This year early turke.vs mlKht eiislly be higher In price. In 19<6 the prioo was 10c per LKiund higher early than for the Christ- mas murkft. 4. You can ubo your equipment twice In one seittton. 1950 could be a repi>tltl»n of 1948, for profits In the turkey busiru'su. Send for cur price Itirt and fivo page catutoKue, ••As We Set' It For 1950", with full Informa- tion In detail about markets, feed prices and turkey munugement. Also monthly bullet iUH on turkey inanaKenient. ui' to the nilmiie turkvy news Lakevlew poutts are the cht>l. e of large Krnwera In Caiutda and the U.S..V. Mr. Harold MtUonald, Oil City, bought Lake- view poultB foi several yours. lii 1948 lu> marKc>tetl 1.700 turkey tonm wflghing :9i pounds, hen 17^ pnundK. Ho has hu onlor with us Un- 11150 for 2.000. Ho is a (front boost*M- or Lukt'vifw IVmlts. Soiul u i-ard loiliiy to: LAKKV VAX T1 RKKY K.\NCH ft ALL TCKKKY IIATCIIKKV. KXKTKK. 41NT.\KI0. PHONK l>i. UHHINE SB O PPORTDNITIK&t kH OFl'lOH lo every uivenior â€" List nt uivon ttons and full information sent free The Ramsay Co Regtsiormi Patent Attorne.vs Vi Bank Street. Ottawii [>Yi:iNU AND CUSANI.NO BOLENS GARDEN TRACTOR PRK-INVENTORY SALEâ€" U H.P. complete with «" plow and cultivator 1176.00: 8 H.P. y tires with 8J ' plow and cultivator, SS46.00. Other attachments if preferred. Perms 13(00 cash with order, balance COD. Send your order now There Is only a limited time on this bari;atn to reduce our Inventory. CAN.\DIAN POTATO MACU'Y COMPANY. LTD.. 76 Jarvia t>t.. Gait. Ontario. MKIIICAL SATISFY YOURSELF. Every iuf- fercr of rheumatic pains or neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry ecaems rashsa and weephii skin troubles Post> Bciems Salve will not disappoint you teblng. ecallna burning eczema, acbe. ring worm, pimples and athlet»'s foot, will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment. re«ard1es> '^f how vfuhboro r^r bot>ele8s the} seem fKiCB 81.00 PbUl JAB Sent I'ost Free on Reoeplt of Price POST'S REMEDIES ASfi Uuren St t-:.. rorner nf roKsn I" n ran In BOILS, PiMPLESTCARBUNCLES I'tw Kllioit's Omtnifut. .\n old tried family rornt>vly. It draws and hi'als. Wonderful (or cut«. brui«i'«. H*n-»-s. onukfd lips, â- :1m fed haiiili*. eczoMia. piU'w. bed Hort-s. sor« nuist-les. fet'i. Ingniwii toe-n;i ils. Should be on haad In every liotno. .lur 50l' Mont tH>5ti«Hld. Original mikfr. MMrray l> Klliott. \!.ilt"n Onturto UAVIC TOU anything needs dyeing or cleans IngV WrIlB ti' u«» for Inforniullnn. We tre glad to answer rt>tiT uui>Htt>Mis Depart tiiftit H. Parker's Dye Work* Mmlfed, 7»i Toiig*' Street. Ttironuv t.>iitHrlo l-AKMS KOK SAI..I: FOUT CUUlAiNMlt;. Sll.'t u.-reH. fully euulppvd. with Ix'utitKul brlt-k linUHe and Inrife barn. 100 under cuUIvhUoh H)0 ttnit>^r lot. i'iuh. spruco anil har.I\vi>*Kl. IS,,. Oil $&.00U h:tnilU>M. Ij. Tltley. Ut'iiltor, IS lll<l«'ini St.. tltlawii. FOR SAl.K, 60 AiM-eH u[ land, t^ood hrUk house anO outer bulUlluKM, 1 mile from school. I'luvHi 'â- jictorv >uit1 blacksmith slu'p. All pluwiiiti tliMio Appl> tu Him-fuU RethiMlo, Uunvttiinn, Out It. U 1 Tl> I'UKSK K.-^TATK. UtUi u.iv furm foi B.ile <m t-ituhtry road i»«M»r i'ohiung, Mtxt'd (min- ing. i<aii(uit'. wuter. wmnUi>t ; «»>««! buUdhiKs, bank ham, hydro. i-hU-ktMi aiul oniony bouHCB, ditulilo giua«f. Httm-lu'i! \vitmli*h.**t ; S nuim litsul-bilrkrtd htHiHtt. wt II bulll and «-urtH| fiir; attrnt'tiv4< KrxUuilH, ftuwiMx und Nht'iihH. lovfly tv*^»^: iii-iii'liy Ht'h(>«>l. til»;li Hcluud trnnaiHirtu* tloii, goiHl buM sorvuo. .\|«i'Iy Aivh -Nii'liol, Baltimore, Out. ^ fr^lK S.\I.K OUNtiâ€" liUriit 'ihMvii itniiii new and uaial. Bought, mild i^xrhanuod t.)uuraui*>%i1 reimlrs .Voit«*« Hik'litH 'MMtulUKl l>'lHlilng rarkle. Iltiiit Ing ICtiuli'iin'P' SiHirim. ii.mhIk spt ml r»'aiii VrU't's iM>'i> intil tin* >v »i»i U'crinrmlnv Hirnml «'vi i.' Uiumimii MHSKK't NTOCK lUCSUUVK nuw for Sprnig Delivery â€" ChlncKe Kim Ut>dgrtâ€" will grow i fpet first yearâ€" ;& plants aultW-lent for :*^ [iu>t UJ lo :'0 tn..'l)eH buatiy) $3 DSâ€"auedllnsn \i imheiA high H.^0 per too U'lant « tnchtts aimrtvâ€" Ulant Rxlilbl tlon reonies In ^-oUm-s rwl. white or pliik, 9 for |l.li»â€" iVppI* trtH^a S feot IhkIi tn varli-ilon Mcintosh, .Spy. PolU-Unia. 8 for $t DS-rinm tri^tis !1 ffi-l lilah In vinUiIrd ttiiitmiiK illid l.omt>avtl, i fvM' $3 US I'u'i' v\iKun tint dun ilutdtt With Wvv r> iMdtM Urookdnltf â€" Klnss way NurMoru-n Uownianvilli', vintarlo SAFES IVtiievi »uut tUiOKS ami * \SH treni riRI>: aiut rniKVICS. \\> have a site and t>iK> uf Sufr. or Cabliivl. for any purpear. VUit ua ur wrltf fur nrlees- ••tr.. In l»»'i»f *V- J. &• J. TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS NA Fruiil ill. â-  loniiii. KmiitilUhnI IK.Vt HARNESS & COIXARS Farmers Attention â€" Consult vour nearest Harness Shop about Staco llaincss Supplies We s«tl our goods only through voui local Staco l.eathei Goods dealer The itoods are riglit, and so art out prices We manufacture in oui Imtories â€" Hr.iness Horse Collars S-veat Padi, Horse Blan kets, and Leathet Tiavellin(i Goods Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and vou get latisfaction. Made onlv bv SAMUEL TREES CO.. LTD 42 Wellington St. E.. Toionto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE OLAmOI.US BULBS. No. 1 ItparkJ* colon, (c. ap«clal mlitor*. It Mr 0. Ruby D»vl« OakUnd Ont. PATXMT8 rXTIUCRSTONHAUGR * ComiMis; Pmum 8ollelior> EcublUbM lino ISO Ha> StrMC rorrmlo Boolile) of mformatlop no ftWMU^ A. U LAIDLAW. B.Se., Patent Attomtv, Pattnta of Invention, it 8parli» St.. Ottaw^ SELLING? SOUR Countrj seneral store T Now la tk« tlmt to Hat It with the tinn that aells mora general country aiorea than any otliar in tba Province. Write ua now. We ""I pa» you a peraonal vlait. "PAJtBETT. TH» Bi;8INX88 MAN", Realtor. 1114 Tons* Bt. Toronto RA 8505. ^ TCBKETS TURKEY SADDLES HEAVl white duek, strongly eewn acroas bara. Can ba laundered. 3i)c each. DellTaraS. John :. Wild. 19 Lanedowne Avenua. Ix)«^ don. Ontario. OPP0BTCN1TIE8 POB MBJf AND WOK BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN '"A.MADA-8 LEADING SfTHOOl areat Opportunlt; Learn Halrdreeelns Pleaaani disnifled profeasion. luod mm thoueajidB succeaafu) Marvel sraduata* America '• greateai ayetein (lluatrataA losue fr««. Wrtu or CaU IfARVEL HAIRDRBSSINO SCHOOLS 150 Bloor St W . roronio Brancbea. 44 (Cms St. flamJltaa A 73 Rldeau Street. OtUwa. WANTBO WANTED. Gradtiate nureea. for naaiat doty, alx-day week, aisbi hour day. 141. M per week. ti.SS overtime inlcua ll.N Pi^ Jay board. tIS.TS aalary aiter tbrea montte Apply: Supertntendeni o< Nnraea. AnioS 3«neral Hospital. Iroquois Falla. Oalario. 3HIP 03 fura. Minks up to US. 00 â€" Waaa«| t4.60 â€" Muakrata. 14.60 800 Muakrais wMI xtnka weekly on Ice with (Qasgset)â€" Saciati tree. Trappers Aaaoclatlon Ba'evtlla Tam Que. , WAJsTED â€" Two used Diesel pow«r iuil<4 160-200 b.p.. working condition. Plaaae write, giving lull particulars and sric*. Paul lolkcwakle. Boi 738. Renfrew. Ont Phone 1144W HOBSE * CATTLE HAIB". For hlgbaat prices, ship your Horsa A Cattle Hair to B. Elaenberg, Inc.. 4361 St. Domlnlotia Bt., Montreal. <3ue WANTED CHINCHILLA HIOGOaiT CASH PRICES TP TO * XKAHS P.O. BOX 144, HAMILTON, ONT. Paint Agents WANTED You can't beat this â€" 25% cominission to sell the best line of guaranteed paint, made by one of the World's grreat paint makers. All colours, in- terior and exterior. It's easy to sell paint. Every household- er uses many gallons every Spring. Don't wait. Be sure you are the s'gent in your neigihbourhood. Write to-day for complete information. Sure- Win Paint Co. 1758 Eglinton West TORONTO. ONTARIO TRACTOR Twelve months in t>u.% . Onler .low ana get jours when jou nei-d It. »»» jreara guarHiite«. Ver> narrow l(»r cloa* pliinlliig, A 1'llll.U t'\N oriCKArB IT. Over tiowemt with most tuodeni 4 octe air cooled engine. I ighl plow. Ing. rultlvailng. vulTUng, hilling »a4 weH I'untrttl. ruwer-Uke-«iff (or mh^r iinea. Simple, strvcit and easily bandied GARDFN POWER TOOLS LIMITED rteal tllll S'arbonii. llKV. as'^is^ Blitieii I'lee Festt lii.sciliciilf, conibalN miles tiu'iiiies of fruit orcliartln. I'esls show iiniisuiilly low toxiiily to warm bldoited «ni- mals, Hsyg oonipBiiy. I Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery Itch- Until 1 illi„i.vorvil Or. IV li, l\.iviil»' amailiil. 1> f»«t rilii>t--D. D. t) l>i«iit'ti|>iii<ii. WoiTil l>o|>ul>i, lliii imm. (loollnii. lliiuUI uii-dlrallun «ii«0ilii itesoe unit comfort from orual Its'hlnv . Nit^vil l»v vi'Bt.ina. pltni)l««, rrtiihiiH. athlelo'i l.ii't nlidiithir 11, li IrouliU-" lilnl lH>tlle. .i;h K.rwt R|ii<lli.Mti>)i\ ( Itecka evt ii the nu>at mteiut. .li-h ..t mi.n.'v l.<\.-k Ask ihiiiiglat fur l>. P l' rr«si'ili>tlon .t.itUmuv i>r i-\tra «tr<M!ttlM. ISSU£ U - 19Si ROLL YOUR OWN BITTER CICARETTES VtlTH CIGARETTE TOBACCO < r r r + >- 1 f -A. A, 1 : r X

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