Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1950, p. 8

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Wednesday, March 15, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ROCK MILLS CrowH have beon seen around the past wet'k, indicatuiK that Sprinpf is not far away. A number from here attended th» lanckey frame in Dundalk (Monday cveninsr between the l>unda]k ani Staynor teams, the former â- wrinninfr. Mrs. John Robertson is quite ill with a heart condition. We hope to hear of some improvement verj' (>oon. Mrs. Annie Norwell and daugliter, Mrs. Willis Ferrler of Grand Valley fon. Ted, and Miss Mabel Woods of Toronto were visitors Sunday with Ml-, and Mrs. Prank Betta. We arc BOrr^' ♦.» hoT"r of the very s.criou.s illness of Mrs. Phyllis Mc- Ma.Kter (nee Shirley Partridge) and trust that she may improve soon. Mr. Jim I./egrge of St. Catharines has 1>e<-n visiting: his grrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson, for sev- fral weelc<(. MRS. X. HARDEN PASSES Mrs. Norma Harden passed away Sun<lay noon, March 6th, in her early TO's at the home of John Meads, Old Durham Road, where she had resid- ed since the first of November. De- ceased had Kuffered a heart attack the Wednesday previous. She pass- ed nway while talking to 'Mt. Meads. Mrs. Harden was born in Ortllia, a daughter of the late John Thomas Patton and Mary Patton. She was married to the late Joseph Harden. Mr. Harden, who served in the army during the First Great War, passed away i.s 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Harden resided at Mt. Dennis, and after his death Mrs. Harden resided at Acton and then Pricervillc, where she had &pent the past 12 or 1.1 years. She had been totally blind for the past 17 yeara. Deceased was a member of St. Col- vmba United Church. Surving are two brothers, Barry of Artemesia and Brock of Winni- peg. A third brother, Bert, of To- ronto, died last August. The funeral of the late Mrs. Har- den was hcW Tuesday afternoon, March 7th, with service in St. Col- umba United Church, conduct«<l by Rfv, L, W. Mould, who gave a coon- forting message to the bereaved.^" The casket bearers were Thos. Mather, Donald Reilly, Wm. and John Meads, John Ritchie and Robt. Oliver. Intennent was made in Mc- Neill'.* Cemetery. MAXWELL It is extremely doubtful whether conimuniKm cooild survive where hone.st elections exist. V^rhe villasrers urc enjoying tho new street lights, which wore turn td on last Tueaduy evening. The W. I. moniber.s arc very K>'t^teful for tliosc in the community who helped ti' make this undertaking a success. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. Guy of Mid- land visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mr.s. Andrew Pallister. The W. A. was held at he home of Mrs. Geo. Ross on Tuesday of lust week with 16 members being 'n attendance. Roll call wns nn.swored with a donation to the bazaar bas- ket. The devotional period was con- ducted by Mrs. Emerson Wright and the propram ''y iMVa. R. Loiidry. The WomeoiV Institute held their regular March imeetlivg a't the home ol Mrs. Mel Sled with » go<xl at- tendance. Koli call was answered with an Irish joke. It was decided to send |10.00 to ifarch otf' Dimes fund. Arrangenoenta were completed for the play Friday evening of this «eek by the Creemore ycmng people "Where's Grandma?" The play which our own In-stitute is prepar- ing is cotnin^ along fine and will be presented early in April, untitled "Deacon J>uM>s." Watch for fur- ther notices in this paper. FEVERSHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL For Month of February Grade 8 â€" Melville Wright 79. Sianfley (Wright T8, Porothy Fen- wick 7<5, Norria Moore 74, Merle McMiullen 67, John Stewart (aWs.) Grade 7 â€" Stephen Eby 78, John Fedlar 7U Gerald Teeter 81, Grade 6 â€" Shirley Sammons 89, Shirley Wrig-ht 83, Tony Parsonage 81, Ghcrj'l Light 73, EveQyn Pedlar 71, Velda Teeter 65. Grade 6 â€" Joan Short 92, Joan Parker 85, Gene McMoillen 46, Clair BlacWbum S2. Grade 4 â€" Leoda Sainmon.s 85, Eleanor Sled 83, Irwin Stewart 71, Anne Randall 70, Carman Wright 63. Grade 3 â€" Elaine^ McMullen 92, Harvey Saraimons 87, Douglas Moore 85, Ruth McLean 82, Louise Black- burn 81, Jack Teeter 55. Gnade 2 'â€" C»rl Jackson 79, J, D. Smith 77. â€" -^'T Grade 1>- -Robin Plummer 91, Pay BlacWbum 88, Diane Parsonage 85, Doi-oithy Pedlar 84, Sharon Sled 84, Gayle light 83, Patsy Sweeney 80, Barbate HaJlam 76, Ddane Moore 75, Grace Hawton 73. Nfumlber are percentages; No. on roll, 44; average attendance 38-8. -Jtfrs. F. J. Seeiley, Teachsr Send in Your Renewal. • • • f/ tH Ihe ptople tiho work for the telephone compatiy, And all the people uhn earn a liiitig hy making the things the telephone company needs. And all the people uho h.iie thtir s,iriiigs imested in the telephone company, And all the people who depend on good telephone seri'/ct to run their businesses imd manage Ihtir hntncs; If all these people, u'ilh their families, littd in one city, This City'Wilh-No-Name would be by jar the hirgest IH Canada, and one of the Urges! in the world. Kctping poc* with th« growing nitdi of communitiii tv«rywhire for mori and bottor ttltpheno ••rvict hfli tati*n lot! of werli and te«> of money. Only • flnoncioUy htolthy (olophon* company con carry •n thit big job. ToUpliea* uiort, omploytii, thoroholdtri â€" ovoryont hai o vifol Inlorod in a urvi<t thai meant lo much (e tht wolfart of M many pcepi*. THI lELL TELEPIfONE g^A.! COMPANY OF CANADA Ownirrf anal oporefcd by Canadian! /or Caitadianf Local aod Personal Mis» Joan Hodder oif Owen Sound spent the week ond with her mother. â- pSh: Earle Thurston of the H.E.P. C. station at Windsor lis hoUdayinig at his home this week. •^ Mr. Barry Thursrton of Toronto Normal School was home on thj week end. Misses Anne Akans of Rouge Hill and Bvelyn McTavnsh of Toronto spent the w«ek end at their parental homes in town. Mr and Mrs. IximeT'awcett and M)n of Alder^ot apent the week end wtlth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. â- J^Mrs. F. G. Eibacih and Mr. and Rtrs, Gordon Boyd of Detroit visited the past week with the Alexander and Stoddart families. mS Mr. Geo. Fenwick, member of the Toronto 'police forte, was a caller in town on Saturday, while visiting his father, Mr. Roy Fenwick, near Maxwell. Mr. and Mre. Leslie Chard, Mr^i. Mel. Johnston and Mrs. Geo. Lawler visited wfth Mr. and Mre. Walter I'oole and GKice at CoUingwood on Sunday. V )Mr. and Mrsl KiQooume Mia^ee last week moved to the former LeGarde residence, east of the vill- age. They spent the past two years at Victoria Comers and ejcpect to go West in the Spring. CREDIT mnON SALl FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS KIMBERLEY DANE MeGEE will sell by pubik: (auction on LOT 17, OON. \<y. ARTEffllHSIA (2 males South-West Yandeleur) THURSDAY. MARCH 30TH, 1950 the following, at 1 pjm.: HORSBS â€" Black Geldii«, 6 yrs. eld; Bay iGelding, 7 yrs. old; Brown GeWiog, 11 yrs. old; Grey Horse, aged. CA'tTliE -> Uoan gow, (t yrs. old, due time of salle; IKirham Cow, 1 yrs. old, due time of sale; Dux#iam Cow, S yrs. old, due time of sale', Durham Cow, 9 yrs. old, fresh; Here- fcrd Cow, 5 yrs. old, due June let; Roan Cow, 7 yrs. old, due June Ist; Roan Cow, 7 yrs. old, due April 20; Roan Oow, 4 yrs. old, fresh; Dur- ham Cow, 9 yrs. old, due time ol sale; Durham Cow, 6 yrs. old, due trmo of salle; 5 DuVhani Steei'*, 2 yrs. old, fat; Durham Heifer, 2 yrs. old, fat; Shorthorn Bull, 4 yrs. old; 3 D"rham Steers, rising 2 yrs.; Z Durham Hcife.s, rising 2 yrs.; 8 Dui'haim Steers and Heifei'S, 1 year old; 2 Younir Calves. SWINE â€" Yorkshire Sow with 12 pigs at foot; Yorkshire Sow with X pigs at foot; Yorkshire Sow duo March 24ith; Yorkshire Sow due March 31 Purfibred Yorkshire Boav; 8 Yorkshire Hogs 'weighing about ISO lbs. «ach; 23 Yorkshire Hogs weighing al)oul 12.5 lbs. each. POULTRY â€" 12 Young Hens. IMPLEMENTSâ€" 'Waterloo Trac- tor on rubber, 194;5 model; 2-furrow Oliver Ti-actor Plow; Pleury-Bi.ssell TiaiHor Disc, 14-16 plate, novv; New O^inch Tractor Belt Tf) feet Iohk; CJeht Hammer iMill with I! screens, new; Rubber Tire Wagon with hay rack; M.-'H. Kinder 7 foot cut, like I new; McConmick-iIlferinK Mower, 6- I foot cut; iMcConmick-Deering Drop- head Itay \T/)ader, new; CockshuU 'Miaivure Siiiearter; McCormiek-Deer- ing 11-Dise Heed Drill; Set 4-sectio'i Smoothing Harrows; No. 21 Fleuiy Plow; No. 21 Co.-kshutl Plow; Set 2,000-11). Wagon Scales: 2-P'urro\v ('ockshutt Plow; Lister Cieani Sep- arator; Fanning Mill; Set Sleigh.-? with Rack; Turnip Seeder; 10-fl. Steel Hay Rake; Brooder Hou.sf 10.\ 12, all-.steel; Clover Buneher; Cut- ter; Sap Pan; 4" Sap Buckets; 1 Steel Barrols; Oak Hnrrel; Several Tires and Tulbes; Set Team Harn- ess; Set Driving Harne.ss; Fork.s, Chains, Shovels and 1,001 small articles. iH10U»EiH!0bD EFB-ECTSâ€" Dining Room iSuite; Now Davenport; Box Stove; Rocker; Wringer; Oolennan Ga.s Lantern; Coleman Gas Lamp-. Quantity Fruit Jars; Milk Pails; aliout 20 baus of Potatoes. TERM'S â€" Fat cattle, tractor and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that 'amount 1'2 months' credit will 'be given on furnishinir bankable notes with interest at (5 per cent, per annum. â€" WM. K. McKAY, Auctioneer NOTE â€" This is a genuine clean- <=weop r-nle; everything must go to the highest bidder, as *h« farm a sold. Mr. and Mrs. MJUf^ce Baker of Owen Sound spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. ani Mrs. H. P. Baker. Mrs. Ted Weber and Sonja spent ft few days with Mrs. Earl Hannan of iMarkdalle. The postponed W. I. bazaar was held on March 1st and, in spite of stormy weather, was quite success- ful. The proceeds amounted to al- most ^0.00. Little Miss Carla Jen- kins of Kimlberloy and Gloria Mae Soul of Thombiury were the lucky v/inners of the two <iuilt8. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wefcer are spending a few days with relatives in Toronto. We ai-e sorry to report Mrs. M. Ferguson on the sick Kst. Mrs. M. Cook of Owen Sound is attending her mother. Mrs. T. McCuUough of ' Heathcote spent a few days in our village b» '.he guest of 'her aunt, Mrs. M. Fergxison. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jenkins and Carla spent « day in Owen Sound with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vamplew. Mrs. A. Lawrence haa returned from Oshawa, where she was a guest at the home <A iMr. and Mri. J. Taylor. The monthly meeting oif the W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Chard â- with 22 ladies in attendance, BkKrks were donated for another quilt. Week end visitors included; Art Haines and Keith Carruthers of To- ronto, Gerald Kirkpatrick, Dalton Ferguson and Len H»Jnes of Isling- ton and R'uth Chard, Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Bob PhiUips of Fle- sh erton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Weber and An- na Lee were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mirs. A. Lawrence, Mrs. Wadswortli has gone to Hamilton for a few days. Mrs. Wright of Wasaga has bene attending her daughter, Mrs. M«ryl Weber, who has been ill with the mumps. IvMrs. Donald Maclvot of Termple, Texas, vrill spend the next few months with \fii parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weber, while her husband is a'broad 'with the U.S. Army. Rev. West of Heathcote assisted Mr. Turner at the baptismal service on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mm, Ivan Soul and Gloria of Thoi-ribury were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Soul. St J.ohn'8 United Church Rev. A. G. Maepherao* Minister SUNTiD.\Y, MARCH 19 â€" Sei-vioe /)f wor.ship at Eugenia, Proton and Flesherton. Sermon: "The Great Comnrittal," third in the series 01 The Lord'.s Prayer. CommunicantH' class at Proton. Wed., March 15 â€" 8:1''> P-â„¢- St. Jnhn'.s choir practice. Monday, March 20â€"7 P-m-. Com- municants' class at St. John'.s. 8 p.m. Special meeting of St. John's con- jrregation to consider the probleir of enlarging; the facilities of the churc-h buildiuK. AH meinhevs ard adherents are reqliested to be present. All desiring to unite with th.! huri'h, either by certiticale or pio- les.sion of faith, please notify the minister as soon as possible. "They tell me your wife sits by llu- spinning wheel â€" hour upon liour." -Yes." "Is it juftt ii hoti'hy with her, or is she really ol(W«!<bioned?" "No, she's not old-f'a»hioned. You see, unhappily, the spinning wheel has numbers on it." oti.m» DST MODERN IHfAlRl Thursdily, Friday, Bnturday March 16. 17, 18 "ON THK TOWN" in Technicolor Gene Kelly Frank Sinatra Monday, |Tuesday, Wednesday March 20, 21, 22 '•INSPEr'n>R GENliSHAL" in Technicolor Danny Kaye Barbara Bales also "CINDERKJ/LA HORSK" EVERY WEDNESDAY PAINT PAINT We have purchased a bankrupt stock of Paint, both interior and exterior, and we are selling it at the low price of $2.00 per gallon BUY YOUR PAINiT NOW MANY OTHER BARGAINS SURPLUS STORE Dundalk, Ont ROCK WOOL INSULATION Blowing Progress SAVE 38% DEAL DIRECT NO AGENTS Write C. M. GOODE Flesherton, C^t I DUNDALK ELECTRIC t Contract and Custom Electric Wiring !^ RADIOS â€" Phillips, Rogers- Majestic, Northern f Electric and Stromberg-Carlson Radios. 7 Leonard Universal and Phillips Refrigerators X We go anywhere. X Phone 211 Dundalk, Ontario X t HOUSE FOR S.A.LEâ€" In Village of Pi-iceville, comfortable, brick, »U newly decorated, insulated, new l\irnace, new woodshed, an ideal home. Price three thousand. Im- mediate possession, â€" Robt. J. Puckering, Real Estate Broker, Priceville. ^2cl Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned to Mai-ch 31, I960, for Bread, Meat and Groceries for Grey C'liinty Home, Markdale, for period .April 1.5, litSO, to April 14, 1951. ISlank foms available at the Grey Ccunty Home, Markdale. â€" Stanley Acheson, Chiiirman, Grey County Home Com. Russell S. McGillivray Public Bookkeeping, Accounting and Audit Service. Weekly or Jioiithly in person or by mail. Sys- leni.s instal'led and maintained. In- como Tax Returns a specialty. Phone: Durham 119 Box 4.5 Durham, Ont. Small Ads FOR SALE â€" A few tons of maxc4 hay.â€" W. E. Looicks, phone 73w» Flesherton. 41pa /ANTED â€" AaMMia raHtabl* tot naink and fox tacd.â€" Bert McIntoaA* Buc«DiK, lAoM fmnntf~i S1S6 FOR SALE â€" Sow with 7 pigs 6 weeks old. â€" Wm. McCutcheon, phone 73J4 Flesherton. 41p2 FOR SAL'S â€" young pigs, 7 weeks old. ~ Jos. Radley, phone 7I6J13 Flesherton. 42cl FOR SALE â€" Registered Scotch Shoi-thorn bull calf 10 months, dark red.-jH. J. Courvoisier, td©- ephone 7r23 Fevershaan. 42p2 GENERAL INSURANCE AUTO - FIRE - LIFE Livestock, Transit and Cargo ED. LANG Phone 125w FLESHERTON Tor security To-morrow, Insure to-day, the Co-operative way. HARRIS & DUNLOP tARHISTERS, SOLICITORS, EW Phone 38 MARKDALE Ur. Dunlop wiH be In C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. FOR SALEâ€" Tamworth sow due to. farrow end of March; Baker wJnd- imill in good condition. â€" Leslie- Hawton, phone 23r3 Fewer.? ham. FOR SALE â€" Team black Percher- erons, well matched, mare and gelding. â€" Ross Steven* p,hone o'2J2 Flesherton. 42!p2 STRAYEID _ SImall black beagle- hound, white .legs and tail, brown head. â€" Jim MoMullen, pihone Fevei-sham 7rl3. 4©pi FOR SALEâ€" Coflfield gasoline wash- ing machine in good condition. â€" Orrin Boyle, R. R. 1, Kiinberley, phone 627r23 Thombury. 40p2 CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Office. Toronto Street, Flesherton iMDer of Marriage Liceoaea CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etor. Teed-i .Agreements A commissioner for taking affidavits TelephM* Mw FOR SALE â€" 2 sows wih 1.2 pigs, 4 weeks old, 2 sows due in May, 2 young sows due May l6, 16 ch'unka 10 weeks old, reg. HerefoTd buU 1 year old. â€" Elmer Mullen, pihone 3r2 Feversham. 4l4»2 SEED FOR SALEâ€" Reg. No. 1 Bea- ver oats; Com. No. 1 Beaver o»ts; Com. No.'l Ajax oats; Rog. No. I Moivtcabn barley; Com. No. I MontcaJim barley; Oom. No. 1 0. A.C. No. 21 barky.â€"AT S. M»ir, pAione 1(KJ3 Fleshetron. iOeS 1 t' ;*:â-  A- .•^â-  A' -I* A* • A. X '- r"' ^ -<' *â-  *» .â- ^' -«â-  t -4' ♦ -A' . -A" 1

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