Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1950, p. 1

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:w. .j^ ®t)je /leel)ierU*n "^i^ttottc^ >:69;im4^ FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 5, 1950 F. J. Thurston. Publisher 3^ S :;«* -_. .- (lOULP â€" At the Centre Grey fnt 'ttciiena SEoiiptai, Maifatale, on Sat^ J 1. 'Ji«>iil 1st. 1B»;io Mr. a^ Mrs. Lent yy ^'ftlw M «te jM ar*d«le, a son. "•^ ; 'Ji^llCBW â€" At the Centre Grey Hospitai, Markdaie, on Pii, ch SUt, IBtO, to.Xr. and Mrs. rl^iesHe ^Havrton of Feverriuun, a -ijugbler. Fhi Bug Got Tite Editor > '^ Tliis <«»«ek..ve base to apologize to oiur readers for bei^ so late in pnb- Usitiiis "Hie* Advance. . T*e first of the <w«ek we took the '*» and wfeea. yoa get that yoa>e j»ad A as so many -have found oat --this winter. We hope that it will not happea again. Stmres Opeo Satimky Nickto SUrtmg Aprfl 8 romienring Satardaj, Apifl Stk. • the st«,ir;>s in rlcsh<.rta» «il> be' op^B each Saturday, iJsht dariag the MwaMMr. Junaor Led Swvkes 1 * » Protect y«tir home with iraUe <Mklotnr-lastuig iT^mess . . . speeifr l-H «'Engfish** Pjdnt. Sold^ F. H. W. HICKLING Finlierton Jtuior dhbirs led the singing af Fl^^eiton, Pro;toB and Eugenia ^mieA churches on Palm Sunday. The leaders in charge were Mrs. J: E. Milne Mrs. Norman Reddick and Miss Blanche Walker respectively. At Fle^erton *« large congrega- tion alwost fiMed t*e church. A boctqaA of lovely daffodils, donated by Miss. Kate MaeMillan added greatly to* the enjoyment of the serrice. Re*'. A. G. 'Macpherson spoke on , ^1^ ibarth part of IThe Lord's Pray- er, '^Itsy win be done." This prayer, i hu said, was not a surrenderinsr of I our personal freedom, nor was \\ a mere fatitotic submission to the 1 inevitable in life. It '»as. rathei.. a fvolantary co-operatioB with God, a deliberate consecration to follow the Father's will. Jesas In Gethsemane was the supreme •â- â€¢xample. j It is not ihe Farherj will, Mr. I Maepherson maintained, that thoa- I sands of our j-outh be slaughtered I on the battlefield, or diat cancer I should strike down so many of our pe<^Ie every year, or that dranken drivers should be allowed to kill ?<< many on our highways. Rather, it was the Father's wiU that we use onr God-given intelligence and wiil- power to care all these diseases and moral evils. True freedom does not consist in doing as we like, regard- less of the effects on others, bat in leai-ning to do what is in line with infinitely greater wisdota of the heavenly Father EJveryone in the community is urgr- ed to keep this Holy Week as rever- ently as po&stble. and to attend the inter-church ses^ice in St. John's at 11 o'clock Good Friday morning. P<it Dos Aids In Trodbles/ OivProton Mad Route V ^/.Victoria Comers Reporter) ^ot to he out of -^eepin^ with the old legend "A|Hrii Fool Day," oai weather really gave us the works with all ithe fury of sao«r and blow at the last of March and first of April. Our mailmen have had a tough two months' work taking the mail aroond their routes with mod- em ways, of plowing some roads and not outers. iKo. 2 route Is probaUy one of Q» worst hit and many daya the carrier. Joe littie, >was unable to make his rounds. Ed. Comett, supply carrier for Xo. 1 route, help- ed out by taking mail for those whose homes lay on his trip home. At Walter (Craft's corner, he Irft their's and Wm. 3&<MUIan's mail in a basket at a post. Walter wouIJ collect it and, tieing McMillan's mail, would hand it to his dog. who in tnrtt joyfully trotted over to the McMil- lan home with their maiL One day the tables were turned. Mr. "Mac" got the mail and telephoned the Croft home. Walter send the dog over to McMtllaB's, but this day it was a sad little doggie that readied their home. Brightness shone on its face when mail was produced and he gleefully retuimed to his master with the prize. Hats off to the can- ine family. The little dog also de- iigBts in bringing his master's slip- pers, rohbers, egg .basket and has several other litde stunts. Service Chib Entartains Hockey Boys At Banqoet The Midget and Juvenile hockey players of the village were guests of the Flesherton Service Club at a banquet held in the Fraternal Hall on Friday evening, when about one hundred were in attendance. The boys were congmtulatetl on the sac- cess of their playing and the eoaenes were- complimented oa the manner in which the boys carried oat their playing assignments. Following the banquet, a auaiber o€ ^eeches were delivered- H. .\. McCauiey. president of the Service Club, presided. Short addresses were given by the following: J. .JL Rich- ards, president of the senior hockey dab, Murray Juffs of the high school staff. Bob Phillips, one of the coach- es, W. E. Loucks. chairman of the public school board: P. S. McDoug^. who spoke on behalf of the fathers, J«-"k Milne and Junior Henderson on behalf of the boys. Rev. Keith MacMiIlan» of Owen Sound, formerly of Flesherton, intro- duced the guest speaker of the even- ing, Doug. Gillespie of Owen Sound. who has starred on both hockey and lacrosse teams. Mr. Gillespie gravi the boys some good advice, to who.n his remarks were chiefly directed. and advissfi rh;ai to jecare a good education before taking up hock.'<' as a career, and gave a thorough outline on the requirements of a. good athlete. We are crowded for apace this week or would give a mort' detailed repcrt of Doug's address, as it was worth-while. Rev. .A. G. Macpherson expressed the appreciation of the gathering atsd thanked Mr. Gillespie for his sf>lendid talk, on behaJf of all those present. Owen Sotind Car Driver Was* Found Negligent Talk On High School Area Hekl At Flcdiertoa Tuesday Loaded Truck Turned Over Members of school boards a.ad muBkipal councils fronii Centre Grey attend*^ a meeting in Flesherton on Tuesday evening to discuss the que^- vifie fell prey to the icy paveajest (By Victor Corners Reporter; Due to a sleet storm during to* nigbt a week ago Sunday, a track drr»«n by Mr. Kugh Storey of Oak- CREAM * *â-  t I » »â-  * « > a *• \ t « â- -4 t â- â€¢ a Now that tlu- roads are t»pen. why tiot deliver ^vour cream tt> the Flesherton Creamery and receive the extr^f'^ cents per pound. .\t the same time brinjf your eggs. We pay top market price ior your produce. \u ibout aviuiT, be-. CULL YOUR POULTRY FLOCK Since the prices of feeds arc hi»ih culling^ tht>sc hens which arc uoi fore they gt» into their molt. We take fowl. either dresseil '>v alive, and pay top market prices. Flesherton Creamery THE HOMK 0\- .<R!irVICK & S.VnSF.VCriON Phcwe 66 FLESHF.RTON Angus Aviat:MaAager • ji â- -^â- ^t-r- Progressive Euchre And Bri<^e Largely Attended Eighteen tables of progressive eo.hre and sl\ of bridge were play- ed at an evening sponsored by the Flesherton W. I, in aid of the Centre Grey Hospital fund. Mrs. Norman Stoddart tind Harry Solomon were wmners ot" the euchre, with Johi' Mcl>onald winning the li>vv and J:ihn McKinnon the lucky chait prise. For biuige the prizes weve won by i'rs. Robt. Dv>wn of Marfcdale a^d Mr. Ralph of Flesherton. while Mi-s. U . E. Fisher of Markdale won the low l-rise and Reg Boden look the lucky priae. Another euchre is being held i Wednesday night, .A.pril 12th. wht-i plenty of accommodation w^iU be available ifor players. tion of a high school district. There were about 35 present, with FrauLt Sawyer. Marfcdale, as chatnnatn and Mrs. Thos. Lancashire, Damdaik, j-: strcrecaii-\ . T»«fC previous meecuags had been held to disdiss the <|aes- tion. Hijrh School Inspector S. D. RendaH -i-as present at this raeeting. In his address, Mr. Rendall stressed that the new provincial grants fav- ored the htgh school district as against the unorgacizeil territories. -A.t the concinsion o{ his talk, and on motion of .\ifred t>o«wn of Chats- worth an*i Wm. Marshall of Mark- d^le. the following t^aestion was put tc the meeting: ".\re you in favor of the benefits' to be derived from a workable, larger high school dist- rict f The nveeting voted alm-wt vmanimoosly in the affirmative and. on the strggestion of Mr. Rendall. agreed to send a copy ot the motion and question to ail munieipal clerks \:r Centre Grey. On motion of H. A. McCaulev of Flesherton and Dr. S. C. Sudden of Otaidalk, it was agreed to hold an- o-her meeting in May. Mr. Rendall' said that he would be present a^ii j •"-•oald brins with him Mr. Duffin yf j Mere and ended on its side, a few yards beio'W the gateway at Jas. Forbes' farm, about tiiree a.m. The occc- pamta, Mr. and Mrs. Storey, went into the Forbes home, wiiere the^r .•veeds were kiadly ministered to- Littlejohns wrecking s«r»Ke was soon oo the scene, a* was fche hig\- way patrol tmck. These men as- sisted in onloadia^ the cargo of piy- wot)d, which they covered with tar- paulins. The trues was taken iniiy Flesherton and repaired, recuorain^ aboat nine a.m. Mrs. Storey accom- patried a hired driver and assiscaat. John McKinnon and Garnet Hamil- ton ot Flesherton. to Southa.mpto.n, where they disposed of tlje load. Mrs. Storey's glasses were brokea and she. had a small ^sh ots her face. Mr. Stcrey was less fortun- ate as. On arrrvinjr home that evea- insr. he went to his doctc-r and waa foCTnd to have a broken collar bone. The Storey's are owners of a larTt 'Jrucfcing business at Oafcville and have travelied No. lt> Highway many times durin«g the past four T^ars. Stranijely enough these people were the school inspector's office. , i # ,„ c.^ ,.j. .- u, a bers ot councils and school beards | of strong Scotch nationahty and. througbout the district. Warden .A.sh- | peculiarly enough, received assisfe ley islcCaHan, and ntenahers of the education cammittee of Grey County Courjcil win be invited to atcend. Sign on display of sipriug frocks: -T%e Last Word." Well, that's what women always want, isn't it- ance in our Scotch gravel pit settle- aient. Tuesday, the little Forl»*i airls happily receivec generous Eas- ter favors from the Storey^ OlasstSed advertisements tjKMck results at sniall cost. brtB^ Wm. Ford of Owen Jound was found LOO per cent ne^l gent '.n an automobile accident which occurred ;\ mile north of Flesherton >a Fi'x 2i» iy*8- The action was brought for damages ;is a result of the a cjUis- inn. before Judge G. W. Moriey at Owen Sound on Monday, by Herbert Betts and his son, Ed^ • oi .Arte- niesia. Edgar had suffered a broken light ami in the accida:: a;d had been off work on his father's farm for more than two month-^. He wai allowed $S5i).Cil>, damage >. loss of time, etc., ;ind costs ^et >« the CoiHi- tv Court scale. ^' '. ^ ?, *>•,â- â-  M Our Chapel ^ i« at Hit disposal ot our cHentcIt mthout tftn chjurg* It Rontaini w«)l-appointtd ftnUly r«c«ptl©a rooms, including orffn and organist. ^ Bates and Maddocks l24AvcnueRd. KI.4344' KWE HAD FOrR L.\MBS .\ ewe owiu-d by Cliff .Allen ga^e birth to four lambs, &ut only three are now livins:. We haven't heard of four lamhs having been born it this district previoiLs to this one. Proton W. L Donates $25.00 Eighteen tnembei-s of Proton Sta^ tion W. I. met in the home of Mvs Ed. Stinson ami mothei, Mv< Wni. Ludlow, on Thursday aft.â- ^:^>o!. Maix'h iord. The Maivh motto wa- "Health is wealth, let no man be s st>€Hdthrift." .\ short story of older times ill comparison wish to-d.xj was the answer to the tvll .-al'.. M';s. BUwovhI Stevens read tfi" so' ip- ture, while Mrs. Ed. Stinson re.n " the cun-ent events. The W K pre> dent, Mi-s. Hindlc, re*iuosted the ^V- \-. On of the membtrs on the ivv^ue^t of a donatio:! fnsard ntoderniziiXK: the Centxv Givy General Hospital. itvd S2->.00 was vottnl to this worth vhire project. Plans weiv <"ade for the selling of two ii«ilts. The Bieeting was then turned o. â-  :i> ^e ^^si'Sm convener. Mts, KV vwd f>te'»t>!>s who, in turn, gave ^•â- . ii,terci:t>ng agricultural paper. Goo>' i/'Hdii\sts were given by Miss Lackie ijnd Mrs. Earl Best. l.unch w*s ;>n)vided by the hostess and In'st- .-ts and hel»>ers, Mrs, Gilbeit little, Mrs. Eavl Best, Mrs lo" W.'itson and Mrs. FothergUl, DIED ROlU.\"Sa.\ â€" At Kevershani o i .Monday. April 3rd. U»5t>, Eli Kobiit son. in his Siird year, dear "father .>: Ji hu and .\nuie at homo, and IVnj- tliv, .Mrs. Dick Fadden. of Barn.N and brtxther of .Amelia -Ann, Fevev shan*. Funeral service to be he'd o.i Wed.. April ifch. at his late res(denc.> at 2 p.m.. interment in Presbyteriar. Cemetery at Feversham. SPEaAL EASTER SERVICES CedsTstde 1 1 ajn. and Rock Mills 3 p.m. The pilstor will preach 'iF CHRIST BE NOT RISEN" Special music by Dr. and Mrs. Brewton -9â€" f t i I I J In Memoriam BEST husband in loving mentory ot out •\ IN MEMORIAM AJ.HSON - In loviuit ir -kkii y ^^â-  li.son), who left us suddenly on .Apr»l 4th, i»^. She travelled Hfes .ieurne; »itli coa>-*ge. J^he hipped others on their way. Sht> livt^out each dav in luWl-'.ent- With a heart alwa.vs ehe.>rtni a- ' Ray: laWore<l and lov?d is I va' ha|>»y. I'hnxjgH â- - 'â-  - ' â-  ' â- â-  V her some swe>t «ay. â€" .\lway9 »«e;r>-^-' •••v' '-v ?-• â- â€¢ id Pi\>ther, S»ie and father, George Bes who passed away .April 7th. l»*y There's an open state at the end i the road Throu^lv which eaoh must c alone, .\«id here in 9 li^ht we casmot see Our Father elaims H^ts own. Beyond that gate our loveil one •Finds happiness and rest. i And there is comfort in the thought ; That a tovinsr God knows best. j â€" Sadly missevl by Wife. IXvug"- ' ter and Sons. Spring Is Here NOW IS THE TIME TO TREAT YOURSELF TO THAT NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITE Flesherton W. 1. will meet at the , he.me o' Mrs. Con>tield for the .\'jr:: ' meetin? on Monday the ITth. S p m | dear sister, Mary <Mrs. Telse AI-jKle tion of officers. Roll 'call: .A.pn! ; J^ii joke. Lunch coi\k: cake, Mvs ! F. MeTavish. Mrs. E. Wicfcens. Mrs. i F. Gehoe; sancKifich, Mrs. Hawken, Mr% W. KaiHinR. -MVs. H. Fawcetl. Note chaajre of date of meetinjt. EasUtr Flowers Order/>\->«r H^^»^wf tities. Fjfowerinjr P^ts and C\it Flowers trora W. A. â- -\WKRN PHmm it Fltakertan « The above luxurious suite and many others to cho07e from. Wide range of styUs, covers and colors. See them now. RICHARDS HOME FURNISHINGS PHONE 7S WE OEUV5R IF irs FOR TiJK homf:, we K.W k n

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