Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1950, p. 8

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ln"<l^<p'^wffl-' Wednesday, April 5, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ms '-'t # '0 He is just one of the hundreds who during the day will drop into the branch bank around the comer. Savings depositors with their pay cheques . . . retail merchants with the day's cash . . , people consulting the manager about loans, others cashing cheques ... it is all part of the daily work of the bi'anch bank. In ten years the number of accounts maintained by bank depositors has grown from 5,000,000 to 8,000,000. This shows how Canadians have come to count on their local banks for a great variety of services. The banks keep pace with the growing needs of the nation. SPONSORED BY YOUH BANK Who jicrs^a stake IN THE TELEPHONE BUSINESS When you think about it, everybody has a stake, one way or another, in the tele- phone business. 28,000 Bell employees and their families . . . 62,000 Bell shareholders and their families... Thousands of suppliers of materials for tele- phone construction and expansion . . . 1,250,000 telephone customers in Ontario and Quebec, in homes, oflices, hospitals, shops. Knping pace with growing nMdi for mora and botfor tolophoni Mrvico tahai let* ef work and leti of menoy. Only a financially Itoallhy company can carry on lhi> big job. Tolaphono u%tti, •mployoat, thartheldors, â€" ovoryon* hat a vital inlorod in a torvica Ihot m«an» u much to th« wolfaro of lo many poople. THE lElL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Owntd anJ oporotad by Canadiani for Canacflani Local and Personal Misa Kate MaoMillan of Toronco was home on hte week end. Mr. P. .S. MacDougall spent a few days at Guclpih last week attending a dairy convention. Miss Maijorie "niistlewaite of To- vonto spent the week end at her par ental home. ^.Tlii" parage operators of town at- tlnded the automobile show in To- ronto On Friday. Ml-. J. H. Thurston of Toronto spent the week end at his parental home in town. We are sorry to know that our ffood friend, Bo,b Phillips, is laid up at pi>esent with a heart condition. Mrs. Wm. Kaitting spent a couple of days Jast week visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Stan Menzies, at Chatsworth. Mrs. Lloyd Evans (Ruby Akitt) and children and Mrs. Evans, Sr., have returned from spending a month at Nassau, Bahamas. Mrs. Lome Fawcett and little son of Aldershot are visiting this week with her parents, Mr. and Mi-s. Lewis Pedlar. Mr. Lavere Wood of Hamilton vd? a week end visitor with his grand- mother, Mrs. "R. Bentham, who re- turned to spend a month with her daughter in Hamilton. CARDS OF THANKS AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK & IMP?,E>It>ITS DANE McGEE wiU sell by public auction on LOT 17, CON. 10, ARTBMKSiA (2 miles South-W«.*t Vandeleui-) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12TH, 19.50 the following, at 1 p.m.: HORSES - Black (Jeldin^, 6 vrs. old; Bay Gelding, 7 yrs. old; Brown Geldmg, 1(1 yrs. old; Grev Horse, aged. CATTLE â€" Roan Cow, -.i yrs. old, due time of sale; Durham Ow, 7 .years old, due time o sale; Durham Cow, 3 yrs. old, du2 time of sale; Durham Cow, 9 yrs. old, fnssh; Here- ford iCo^-, 5 years old, due June 1st; Roan Cow, 7 yrs. old, due June' 1st; Roan Cow, 7 yrs. old, due April 20; Roan Cow, 4 years old, fresh; Dur- ham Cow, <j years old, tine time of sale; Durham Cow, G years old. due time of sale; (5 Durham Steers", 2 yrs. old, fat; Durham Hi^ilVi-, '1 yrs. old, fat; Shorthorn Bull, 4 years old; ^ Durham Steers, rising 2 years; 3 Durham Heifers, rising 2 years; 8 Durham Steers and Heifers, 1 year old; 2 Young Calves. (The above cattle have all been T.B. tested.) iSWINE â€" Yorkshire Sow with 12 pigs at foot; York-shire Sow due March 24th; Yorkshire Sow due March .ll; P.u»oJn-ed Yorkshire Boar; 8 Yorkshire Hogs, weighing about 1)50 lbs. each; 23 Yorkshire Hogs wiughing about IS'S ibs. each. BOUiUrHtY â€" 12 Young Hens. IMPLEME<NTS â€" Waterloo Trac- tor on rubber, 19^3 model; 2-furrow Oliver Ti-actor Plow: Pleury-Bissell Ti-actor Disc, fl4-16 /nlate, new; New C.-inch Tractor Belt 75 feet lonR; Gehl Hammer Mill with 3 screens,, new; lUuliJicr Tire Wagou with hay rack; U.-H. Hinder, r; foot ':ut, likel now;- MeCorniick-Deering Mower, 6-1 foot cut; iMbCormick-DecrinK Drop- 1 head Hay Loader; McCormick-Deor- . inK U-disc Seed Drill-; Set -i-section Smoothini' Harrows.; iNo. 21 Fleury I'iow; No. ai Coc'.;shutt Plow; Set 2,000-lb. WaRom Scales; 2-furrow Cockshutt Plow; Lister Cream Sep- arator; Fanning Mill; Set Slevghs with rack; Turnip) Seeder; lO-foot Steel Hay Rake; Brooder House lOx 12 all-atecl; Glover BJncher; Cut- toi-; Sap Pan; ^0 Sap Buckets; 3 Steel Barrels; Oak Barrel; Several Tires and Tubes; SA Team Han,- ess; Set Driving Harness; Folks. Chains, Shovels, and 1.001 small arlisles. HiniUSBllOLD EFF'EICTSâ€" Dinmg Room Siuitc; New Davenport; Box Stove; "Rocker; Wringer; Coleman Gas Lantern ; Coleman Gas Lamp; Quantity of Fruit Jars; Milk Pails; about 20 bags of Potatoes. TERiMS â€" Fat cattle, tractor and all sums of flO.OO and under, cash; oveV that amount 12 months' credit will 1)0 Kivcn on furnishini? bankable notes with interest at 6 per cent, iper apnitm. ' ' . -WM. F. McKAV, Auctioneer NKXTE â€" This is a genuiite clean- swcop salf>; everj't.hin must (?o to the higiieat bidder, as farm is sold. Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 WfSTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Shippon may obtain ia«k* and twin* without char|0 liom L. Cecil YotiiiK, K.R. » Flesherton Wes. Younff, Maiwell Wat. J. McMaster, Flesherton •r by wrWn« dirott to CANADIAN CO-OTMATIVB wool OROWERS UMITCD M7 Bay SIMM, Toroato, CaiMNhl ^ We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to neigh- bors and friends for their many acts of kindness and help, and for treats and kind emjuiries during our recent illness, especially thanking St. John's United ChuKh for the lovely treat. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. I wish to express my appreciation to friends and neighbors for kind enquiries, cards, treats, ,ind visits since my recent accident. â€" loan Betts • I wish to express my sincere ap- preciation and gratitude 'for the cards, treats, letters and flowers re- ceived and for the many kind enquir- ies received while I was ill in the Hamilton Hosptal. â€"Percy Smith Send in Your Renewal. RUPTURE^ Read the following testimonial: iMitchell, Ont., J. L. (Armstrong ^"^^ '"'• '^^^ Specialist Ottawa, Ont Dear Sir,- Trov*led with large scrotal hernia foi- 11 years, -which two costly operations failed to cor- *" «^ . *^*'"e <lU'te discouraged. While visiting me two years aff.i my elder (brother told me he had been csired with your patente.J ap- pliance. I at once had vou fit ij.e and I am pleased to inform vou that It caused a complete cure in eig>it months. What a relief! At 4? years of age I am beginning to Hve again. Your appliance does all and more you claim for it. GratefuHy vou.-?, (Sgd.) ROBERT KEYE3, Knyes Garage & Motor Sales Mitchell, Ont. J. L. ARMSTRONG Specialist will be at the MUNSHAW HOTfiL FLESHERTON Tuesday, April ll - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and will be pleased to have you call for private consultation and demon- stration. There is no charge. My patented appliance does NOT bind tight around 'body. NO understraps. NO pressure on crest of hips or spine. Thousands of testimcmiai'^/ and references fromi people who nave ocbtained permanent relief. Establi-shcd in 1882. Remember â€" "There is NO substltuta for experience" Advertisement USE OF .THUCKS ON SUNDAY There saems to.be some misunder- standing in regards to the usrf d commercial motor vthicles on .Sun- day. The following is a letter re- ceived from the Motor Vehicle Branch, Dept. of' Highway.*, which is self-explanatory. roron:o, Ont. Murch 2, li»50 D. iMTayish & Sons, Pie.'jhertoM, Ont. Dear Sirs,- Replying to your let- ter of the iHh of Vc'->r\iAry ptrmit me to -state that the operation of a commercial motor vehicle on Sunday is not an offence Jgainst the Lords Day Act unless the operation is for the purpose of carrjnng on business. Yours, truly, (Signed) J. P. «J*^KKLW . Registrar of McfOi-. Vehicles Future Events LEGION DANCE AND EUCHRE Flesherton Branch of the Canad- ian Legion will hold a dance and euchre for its memlbers and their DELEi^^ Thursday, Friday. Saturday April G, 7, 8 The Magnificent "WIZARD OF OZ" Starrintr Judy Garland in TeKhnicolor SUNDAY MID-NIGHT also Monday, Tuesday, April 101 11 ".MALAYA" with James Stewart Spencer Tracey Wednesday, Thursday April 12, 13 "SCENE OF THE CRIME" Starring Van Johnson Arlcne Dahl Gloria DeHaven BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY »»»»4h>4^»»«<.^<..><^,.>.>.>,X'»<'<»«H'<''>«<'«^>»^K''>»»»<^''>»»»<'« » » ♦ ♦ V .J. t i DUNDALK ELECTRIC Contract and Custom Electric Wiring RADIOS â€" Phillips, Rogers-Majestic, Northern Electric and Stromberg-Carlson Radios. Leonard Universal and Phillips Refrigerators We go anywhere. Phone 211 Dundalk, Ontario McTav!sh*s Reconditioned Used Cars 1947 Chevrolet Stylema.stcr Sedan 1946 Chevrolet l.elux Coach 1941 Chevrolet Coach 1938 Oldsniobile Sedan 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1935 Plvmouth Sedan 1935 Ford Tudor 1931 Ford Coach 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Ford Sedan 1947 Studcbaker 3-ton Platform Truck, '8.25x20 tires, D P axle ; 1st class running condition. We also have available for inunediate delivenr: New 1950 Oldsinobile 4-door Sedan New 1950 Chevrolet '^-ton Pick-up Now is a good time to see us about that used car you are planning on. You will make money by Inlying- now. McTavish's Garage Phone No. 9 • FI<3sherton, Ont. lady Ifriends at tihe Legion Home oa Tuesday, April 18th, at 8:30 pjn. Members 201;. Ladies please brine lunch. PLAY AT MAXWELL "Deacon Dvtba" will ibe presented by Maxwell talent in Maxwell Hall. Monday, Aipril 10, at 8:30 p.m., un- der auspices of W.Ij Adrai«ion: 40ic and 25c. The play is open fo; engagements. EUCHRE IN FLESHERTON A progressive euchre will be held in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, oa Wed., April 12, under auspices of the pi-oceeds for hospital fund. Admis- sion: 36c., lunch. Small Ads FOUiNI>â€" Article of clothing in- box. Enquire at The Advance office. FOR iSlAI/E _ Good ibuilding lata in Flesherton, reasonable. â€" Mrs. J. Heard. 46p2 WANTED â€" Spool bedstead. %- size, must be in good condition. â€" Phone 18 The Advance. 46c2 LOST â€" 1950 license plate C52S/$b, Finder {dease notify Russell Ellis', Kimberley. 44p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of mixed grain.â€" John Wilson, R.R. 5 Mark- dale. 46p3 FOR SAilM ,â€"' Cadld's crib, steel, with spring, in first class condi- tion. â€" IF. J. Thurston, phone 18 or 623. Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" OUsses' blve tailored wool slcirt, Size 14, in perfect con- tion, sell cheap. â€" Phone 117w Flesherton. NOTICE â€" Will the persop urti* borrowed our wire stretchers .f fc, turn same immediately. â€" 0. & A. Oo-operative, Flesherton. b6c.'5 FOR SALE â€" General-Purpose horsa '6 years old .(Hackney-Bel8rian)\ â€" M. Londry, Maxwell, phone 121J4 Flesherton. 45p2 FOR SADE â€" Three registered An- gus bulls, vaccinated and T.B. test- ed.â€" Thos. Copeland, Lot 21, C<w. 14, Proton, phone 186J3 Dundalk. FOR SALE â€" Good clean Ajax oats* suitable for seed; also fall wheat. Lome Bumstead, R.R. 5 MarkdaL*. phone 3SJ3 Mhrkdale. 46c2 N'OTHOB â€" Hunting, trapping an<f trespassing strictly prohibited on Lots (31 and 32, Con. 9, Artemeai-x. â€" John MwDonald, Eugenia. 4Sp3 FOR SALE â€" Green hardwood. It and 14 in. f4 for 12 in., f5 for I* in. delivered. Orders taken for de- livery in summer of fall. â€" R. I'- McCarty, phone 49 M18 Flesherton. 1^10 R SALE â€" .Cockshutt fertilizer seed drill, 13-disc, only sowed 40 acres; or disc Cockshutt drill, new. _ Geo. Hill, phone 224J1 Mark- _d_ale^ ^ FOR SALE â€" Sows with pigs; pres- f.ure cooker canners size No. 5; large iwooden crib with springs. â€" L. E. Seeley, phone 32i-ll Fenrer- sham. '^^_ FOR SALE â€" McClary range, hen pen 12x14, bkycle small, tables, 2rlburnev coal oil stove. â€" Lloyd SeNvell, phone 92M or Douglas Gavuge, Markdale^ *5p2 WOO© FOR SALE â€" {Tardwood slabs. 76':'" hardwood or better, $25 per load, about 8 cords, soft- wood slabs $18 per load; clean hardwood sawdust $9 per load de- livered. . â€" W. Playter, phone 146J Markdale. *5p« HARRIS & DUNLOP HARttrSTBRS, SOLICITORS. Btc PkoBc SB MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop win be in C J. ijellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:S0 p.m- CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLBRK Office. Toronto Street. iHuor of Marrlago Lte CONVEY AHCBR WlBs ' Mort««g«, otp. Dofds AgTMinnlto A comtniwloner for taWnt •ffklavita T«Io|kMM Sfw GENERAL INSURANCE AUTO - PIRB - IffB Livostock, Transit and Carfo ED. LANG Phone 125 w FLESHERTON For security To-morrowr, Insure to-day, the Co-operative way. « â- * M .m al * m I w .-*, -ml *\ M 4r| *l

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