Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jun 1950, p. 8

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Wednesayd, June 14, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Local aod Personal paid off for the Browns The neighbors remember how sick young Donny was a few months ago, and how won-ied the Browns were. But they never guessed what a serious drain his illness had been on the family purse, Wisely, the Browns had made it a rule to put something into their savings account, week by week, almost from the day they were married. So when they consulted their bank manager, then- credit was good. With the help of a small bank loan, they were able to pay all their bills promptly. Now Donny is healthy againâ€" and so is their bank account. ,/^Vn * * *. * T <) kwfSf ^^""""'^ '^'''"^ p^^' ''^ feif n^lfei ^^^" bargains, opportunities -=A^?r?--=â€" - or emergencies come along. ^ SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK <Mx. and Mm. Wilfred Inkster of Waiehaini visited the l«tt©i-'8 aunt, Mrs. G. A. Hu'tchiniion, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and Jimmie spent the week end with rel- atives at Aylmer and St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Leo P4tton and fam- ily of London visited with relafbiivos here over the week end. iGrey Cwmty Council is meeting in Owen Sound this week for their June session. Mr. Barry Thurston spent a few days the firsit of the week visiting: in Montreal. General Insurance -^ Fire, auto, farm lialbilit.ies.râ€" Dougi MaoArthur, phone 82J Flesherton. iM'r. and Mrs. GaylorS Kaitting nd son, Gari'y of Detroit visited for se- veral days last week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Kaitting. Mr. and |Mrs. Ali. IHiill, aocomlpan- ied by Mrs. Harvey and two sons of Markdale visited recently with Mrs. Ed. Edmunds in Owen iSound, Mr. and Mrs. Hai-vey Perigoe of Toronto visited wnth Mi', and Mrs. Ab. Stewart a couple days last week, Mrs. Geo. Spence, younigest sister of Rev. A. J. Fletcher, and two sons of Hamilton are vacationing at the Baptist Parsonage. IMtr. and Mrs. Norman Huctwith and family of Watford visited her mother, Mrs. S. McMiullen, and other relatives on the week end. Mr. and .Mrs. Jas, Caushier of Haigerstown, Md., are visiting for <> week with the Alexander and Stod- dart families. AUm^lUN SALE FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS D. W. ADAMS will sell by public auction ^ Half Mile West of #' FLESHERTON THURSDAY, JUNE 15TH> 1930 at 1 p.m., the- follovrtBg: HORBiBS â€" Matched' Team, mare and Gelding, 6 and 8 years-oft; Black Colt 3 years oW- CATTLE â€" (AH OaWler T-B Test- ed) Registered Herefoid Qow, Lassie Brae No. 23^2)^54: Calf at {potj Reg- istered Hereford Cow, ' ^asie- Brae, No. 138,004, due in Nov*«*«r; Pure- bred Hereford Cow, 5 ..ydfcrs old, due time of sale; Aged Durhaim Cow, due in October, milking; 2 Grey Cows 6 years old, due in June; Grey Heif- er, 8 years old, Calf at foot; Red O^if 7 years old, due in NovemJber. PIGS â€" Tamworth Sow and 11 Pigs ready to wean. HA'RMJSS â€" Set of Breeching Harness; Set of Double Driving Har- ness; set of SiJigle Driving Harness. IMPLEIMBNTIS _ H.-H. 13-Disc Drill; McCormdck-Oeering Mower, 6 foot cut; Manure Spreader; 14-Plate Disc; Land Roller. 3-drum;,Walking Plow; Draig Harrow; 2,000-lb. Scales 2-furrow Walkin«r Plow; McCormick- Deering Binder, 6-ifoot coit; MoCor- mick-Deering Cream Separator, 900- Ibs. capacity; Anchor-Holt Cream Separator 600i-libs. capacity; Cutter; Horse Clippers; Light Sleigh; Sloop Sleighs; Buggy; Hay Rake; CocTc- shojtt 2-fiirr,ow Plow; M.-H. 2-furrow Plow, nearly new; a-section Lever Harrows; Battery Radiio; Hay Rope; 350 Bush, of Oats; Numerous other articles. TEIRMS â€" Gash. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer O^U^'^ Thursday, June 15th, Only "TENSION" Adult Harvey Tetter Cyd Charisse Friday tend Saturday ilune 16, 17 "WINNERS CMRCLE" Starring Johnny Longdon Jean Willes • - also "WILD- WEST" in color . Edward Dean Roscoe Heas Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday June 19, 20, 21 "COME TO THE STABLE" Starring -^ -;• Celeste Holm Loretta Young BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Shows 7:30 and 9:30 p.in. Small Ads FOil SALE â€" Renfrew range, wood and coal grates, used 4 winters, Encfuire at The Advance c^ce. WANTED â€" Ten head of cattle to pasture. â€">. Bob Grimes, R. K. 3, Priceville. 2p2 FOR SMjE â€" Colt rising 3 years, hiitched once. â€" Edgar Irwin, I>un- can, Ont. gc? FOR BEINT â€" 30 acres pasture for rei^t, running water.â€" -Andrew L. Hincks, plhone 22J1 FK^berton. FOR SALE â€" 20 rods medium weight poultry wire. â€" Jas. H. Stewart, iphone 3aw4 Flesiherton. lp2 HELP WANTKD â€" High school girl â- ,• for part time in dinng room at the ' Park Hotel. FOR SAI^ â€" Good scuflfler and 1 3-(foot steel pig trough. â€" Fred Bra^ewbury, Fleshei'ton. Ip2 LMV. Ted McTavish spent a few days at Cowansvillc, Que. Mrs. ^McTavish and Bai'bara will return with him tÂ¥is Thursday, after spending three jveeks at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Nixon and daughters, Doreen and Alke, of To- roiito spent the week end with Mrs. Nixon's parents, Mr. and Mirs. John McDonald. Mr. O. W. /Phillips was acconipan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher to visit at Seafovth on Sunday with the former's brother, Frank Phillips, and Mrs. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Ken .Stewart and family of Port Credit and Mr. W. R. Colquette of Ow'en Sound visited nn the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. aiKl Mrs. L. Brothiwell and Mr. aiid .^Irs. T, J. Fisher visited last week iit London. Mrs. Roy McGeoch autompanied them back and returnno .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Loo. Pat- ton. Mr. Brothwell returned to his heme a't Smiths Fulls on Sunday. Ml-. AVm. Carr otf Calgarj^ Alta., visited during the past week with his sister, Mrs. iGeo. Lawlcr, and renew- ed inany old acqaiaintarn'os througli- fiiit this distriot. Mr. Carr is the father of Lorno Carr, well known . • -* Lho rJJII'-' with Tom-'" *••" star ,,- •••â- >•. â€"i/v iv* several seasons, AUCTION SM Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, etc. AARON TEETER ESTATE will sell by pulblic auction at Lot 133, 3. N.E., Artemesia Township (4 miles north of Flesherton) FRIDAY, JUNE 16TH, 1950 the following, at 1 p.m.: HORSES â€" General Purpose gel- ding, G years pld; General Punpose marc, 9 years old. CAiT&LE â€" Durham Cow, 3 years Old, fresh; Black Cow, 5 -earg old, fresh; Roan Cow, 5 years old, fresh; Durham Cow, 3 years old, fresh; Brindle Cow, 9 yrs. old, due July 20; Yearling iDurha'm Steer; 3 Young Calves. SWINiEâ€" Yorkshire Sow. due July 20th; 8 Yorkshire Hogs, weighing about 100 -pounds. IMPLEMIBNTSâ€" New M.-H. Lime Sower; H.-H. Binder, 6-ft. cut; M.-H. Mower 5-ft. cult; M.-H. IS-hoe Seed Drill; IS'-tooth Cultivator; Frost & Wood Hayloader; set 4-sect. Smooth- ine: iHarrows; set New Sleighs; set Spring-tooth Harrows; Cutiter; set Beam Scales; Chatham Fanning Mill; Steel-tire Wagon; Ha- Rack; 10-ft. Steel iHay Rake; 24furrow Gang plow; Walking Plow; set Team Har- ness; set Driving Harness; Renfrew Cream Seiparator 2 Hog Crates; Sculler; barrel Feeding Syrup; \Vheel Barrow; set Double Blocks; 1941 model Plymouth Car in A- condition; (luanitity Mixed Grain; Fox-ks, Chains, Shovels and 1,001 small articles. TERMS: Cash. The farm will alo be loffered for sale subject to a reserve bid Terms re sale of land made known lat time of sale. â€" WM. F. McKAY, Auctioneer ADDITIONAL LdCALS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beatty of To- ronto vjisited on Monday with Mrs. Geo. Lawler, Mrs. David L. Kemp arid baby daughter of Ajax are visiting with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ralph. Mrs. Harold Barnes and txto child- ren of Elnwale are vis'itting this week wi\.h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave W'illams. Orange service in Flesherfton Unit- ed Ohuroh Sunday, June 18th, at 11 a.m. Lodges wiill meet art; Orange Hall at iO;30 and parade tt) church. All Oraiigemen an<] L.O.'B.A. mesn- bers please accept this invitation. Mr. C. J. Bellamy suffered a heart attack on Saturday and was taken to the Centre Grey Hoapitail at Mark- dale, where he expects to spend tha next six weeks resting. We will 'oe pleased to see Charlie back at his post after that. FOR SALE â€" Reg. Hereford bull, 1 year ojd^ T-B tested. â€" Ev. Black- burn, phone 42J1 Flesherton. FOR S5!LE â€" 2 good younig cows, •due shortly or will trade for year- olds â€" Frank E(agles, phone 4aJS Flesherton. 3c2 FOR SALE â€" "SA Master Chevrolet coach with new trakes, battery and sealed-beam lights. â€" Elv. Black- burn, phone 42J1 Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Reg. Ssateh Shorthorn bull, vaccinated, T.jB tested; also hay loader. â€" M. Blannon, R./R. 3, Proton, phone 44w,li Dundalk. NOTICE â€" Trespassing strictly pro- hiibrbed on Lot 34, Con. 12, as K.N. B. Club has trespassing rights. â€" Bent Magee, EXigenia. 2<:3 t'OR SALE â€" 1937 Chev. couipe in good condition, also 2-wheel trail- er with stock rack. â€" F. PartridigL', Eugenia, phone 30r2 Peversham. WlANTBD. â€" Potatoes, highest mar. ket prices paid. â€" Wes Y'oung, Max- well, phone llrl5 Feversnam. 2v'2 FOR SALE â€" Cockshubt hay loader, I'ake bar, in Al condition.â€" G. W. Morrison, phone Feversham llr21. AUCTION SALt FOR SALE â€" 5 Yorkshire sows, due shoritl.v., and 2 purebred Yorkshire boars.--vAlex. Duncan, phone 40J I Flesherton. 2c2 FOR SALE â€" General-Jurpose Mare C years old, also 1-year-oId iMare. â€" John Gowanlock, phone Flesherton. 118w4. 54ic2: WAoSniED â€" Married man \ot dairy fainn, Peel county, hooise, fuel, etc. Must be capable, none or sinall family.-^nF. H. Lyons, Terra Cotta, Ont., phone 26rl3 Victoria. ad \M.ANT1E1D â€" Any number of aged or blemished horses from 1000 lbs. uip. Good prices. Also good fat horses over 1600 lbs., must be under 10 years old. â€" L. L. ThiSbau- deau, phone £)4 Markdale. 2p3 Ra 5 T J t I Sports and Fishing TackU EVERYTHING FOR FISHERMEN Hip Wader.s, Rod.s, Reels, Uucs, Suu Helmet.s, Fish Ba.sket.s Flie.s (wet and dry), Flat Fish and other hail Repair Parts for rods. Come in and look over our stock of supjihes . Expert Service on Electric Fence Madiines Repaired while you wait Fresh Stock of Hot Shot Hatterics dia Store Sports Supplies liaseball Cdovcs â€" in d ])rice ranyx-s from $2,20 to $10.50 Baseballs, Soft Ralls. Assortment of Tennis Ras(|nels, both jJI'ut and nylon string\s Tennis Recquets restrung- with nylon. Volley P.all o(|uipment Repairs to Hot Plates and Stoves New elements and bnn\ers installed I'rinj*" 'ennn and take 'em hack tile came da\-. t t T T T T t T T T T t X i THE ESTATE OP JOHN H. Mcl.EAN will sell by public auction at PMOEVILLE .SATIIRDAV. JUNK 24TH. 1950 at 2 p.'in., the "following | Largo size Ucd and Spnings; Lin- oleum; Single Bed and Sprinijis; - Kitchen Tabjos; Kxtension Tiulilc; I SmuH Tallies; Dresser; 2 Clapboards; 7 Kitchen Chairs; Rocking Chair; .'Vim Chair; Ironing Boar<l; Ice Box; Wriiigor and Stand; 2 Couchos; Cole- ninn Lamp; 8 Quilts; Trunks; Car; Kitchen Stove; Quantity o>f Wood; Dishes, etc. Terms of sale: Cash. PROPERTY FOR SALE -â- Xt the .same time and place there will be oll'ercd for sale Lots 4 and .'), (m the South side of Kincardine Street, in the ViUage of Priceville, subject to a reserve bid, on which there is said to be a frame house, woodshed and hen-house, and better known as the John H. McLean resi- donce. lO'/r of the puiiohase price to be paid on the date of the sale and the balance within SO days, at which lime possesidon will be given. _GKX). E. DUNCAN, AucUoneer it* **e Special Auto Radio Service We have imported and installed Special Testing- F.qmpment which makes our RADIO SERV1C1-: UAIIORATORY THF MOvSTl' UP-TO-DATF. AND Kh'FlClENT TO IW. FOUND ANYWHERE Vibrators can now be tested instantly hke tubes and al! defects can immediatelv be detected on the met eh s. All the latest hits in Sheet Mwsic for piano â€" all the Old Favourites, VICTOR DEOCA APEX - LONDON RECORDS Featuring Popular Hit Parade Tunes, Old-Time Favourites, Hill-Billy and Western vSoniijs, Sacred, Band and Bagpipe Selections, Don Messcr, other Sciuare Dance Tunes. Cook's Radio and Sports Radio and Sporting Goods Store FLESHERTON, ONT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of William Henry Fluddy of the Town- ship of Artemesia, deceased. AJl persons having: claims against the Estate of William Henry Huddy of the Township of Artemesia, «n the County of Grey, who died on or about tho7th day of April, A.D. 1950, are hereby required and no'tifled to send prepaid to the umierai«rned on or before the 10th day of June, 050, full particulars verified by statutory declaration. Immediately wfter the said 18th day of Jaiiiie, the Estate will be dis- trilxuted amons the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims dt which notice shall have been received. I>«teJ at Markdale this a&th day of May, A.D. 1060. - HABUBS « DUNLOP, SoHc^rs for Idhe Eixooutors Otaco Farm Implements SALES and SERVICE TMidam Discs, 24 and 32-plate Manure Spreaders, traetor and iiorse*draw« Spring-tooth Cultivators, 3 and 4 sections JOS. STAUBLES Pkone It7w3 CEYLON, Oat. 4^- A. '<^ ',^-

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