•â- '•.><• â- jf "» Millionaire Frolic Flcthorton Civic Holiday/ Aug. Sth â€" Dancing, Bingo, GaiSM VOL. 70; NO. 5 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JULY 5. 1950 F. J. Thurstqn, Publisher I i â- A i MR. AND MBS. A. E. BELL / THIRTY YEARS MARRIED ' Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bell observed their thirtieth wedding anniversary on Thursday last, June 29th. The> Mid their im'mediate relatives enjoy- ed a delicioua dinner at flie Park â- Hotel, after ^w^ich thesjwere "At Home" to their friend^Jfoi^ the re- mainder of the evenii^^ Jack: ''Who waslhe first man to stait a forty-hour week?" John; "Rofoinsoii Crusoe â€" he had all his work d<tirte by Friday." The W. A. of St^^WSSn's United United Chxircfe is' holding 'a gtraw-' berry tea at the Lome of Nfrs, g. B. Wilson Friday, July 7th, fr<i^^|| Children' 20c. EveiyBo4y wouotne Come and enjoy yourse'":. â- ' CO^^TY ORANGE SERVICE In Town Hall, Dundalk, Sunday, Jiily 9th, at 2:30 p.m. Meet at Lodge room at 2 o'clock. Hev. Raymond (f. Frost, speaker. Offering to Loyal True Blue Orphanage. .Ml welcome. MAXWELL SHORT COIW" A short course. i& being: held in Maxwelil .Ohaxrfch hall Friday, Juj 7th, on '^Canning Oirt»»ioi|ill^|, to commence at 2 p.m., sponsored bv Maxwell Woman's Institute. All wo" men In the community are invited There is no charge. DUNDALK â- Att^Agggfi m^SRSity Orange iSMP'Wl at Dundalk,. Wed., Juiy ^ siionsored' Iby the Proton Station Lodge marking its IQOth .innivers- ary. Parade, SpeecViOS, S(iortSv Con Cert,- Da^e. FOR SALE BY TENDER In the V?Ha«€ of Ceylon, Lot 3 oi south side of John Street, with n- retimed frame house and ."f-4-acre of land. TWs property was the former home of Mrs* Jane Knor, deceased Tenders will be reicelved by under- -pied lip to July 31st, aad",n^,st be j%yritii|p and for cashâ€" J. A. Knox 1, Rroj^n Station. .- -^ Vandeleur W. I. Meeting An educational and very interest- in^f account of her visit to Californ- ia last winter, was given by JVIrs. Maurice of .E«id of Orange Valley, as guest speaker at the June meet- ing of Vandelfiur WJ., held at the home of the ^president, Mw. Will RatclifEe. The memJoers answered the call call to the question "What is your beef?" when 21 metMbera and nine visitors were present. Mrs. X"- Orwjsby was convener in chaiige of _tk^ program and exp'ain- ed the motto: "IJo the duty which lie* nearest thee." She pointed ou: ^tow- "the home atmosphere afTccfcs the health and happiness of child -an. '"'ra..Ormaby also read "Suggnstiois for- the "school lunch," and "Standard health rules for children." Mrs. Csrl Wilson read "A good breakfast for every child every day".ifor her home economics report. Mirs. Howard Graham, convener of coninrqmity activities and public relations, gave a report of the Blue Cj^ss "groujp^-for hos^yital care, and receif* \>t (pjroutp 'memilxTship â- (\-H3 given the W.I. secretanp. • It w*s de- cided to hoW a picnic in Gomimiunity P"'ark on Jnly 27th, with conveners of standing committees in charge. The W.I. accepted the 'invitation of the W.A. to hold our second churcii service at Vandeleur church, at .3 p.m., July 9th, with Rev. W. M. Lee as speaker, and to have as leruests Ebenezer W.A., New England W.I. and Flesherton WJ. and (Sther who are interested are welcome. Mrs. Estelle Taylor held the lucky ^»i^li» draw, which contribiit'"! tf)- the work of the Sunshine Committee. Appreciation is extend- e.l to Mrs. Stella Wyville, who don-' ated the dainty pot holders for the May draw, and to Mrs. Anderson for the doilies for the June draw. A special collection was taken for the M'anitolba Relief Fund. Reports of the district convention at Kimberley were given by Mrs. E. Hutchin.«)n and Mrs. A. Fawcett as dele^rates, Mrs. RatcLiffe, president, and Mrs. Russell Freeman, district director. Lunch was served by the hostess and Mrs. Geo. Shaw. MARRIED y iM-r. and Mrs. Wm. Heitman, Fev- ersham, wish to announce the mar- riage of their daughter. Norma, to Wm. Laughlin, which took place at Collingiwood on Saturday, July l*t. %'\' â- â- '"' STOP * btop at the Flesherton Creamevr and leave •: your Cream and Kg-jjs. We o-uarantce ty / â- â- â- give you all that is in your produce. Give us a trial and you will be another of our sat- isfied customers. " We are paying top market price for Fowl, either alive or dressed. * | CREAMERY HOURS The Creamery hours for Jime, July and -August will be: 'i Monday, Tuesday, Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 ]>.m. Wednesday and Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 i>.ni. Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 12 Xouii Flesherton Creamery "The Honvs of Service and Satisfaction Phone 66 FLESHF.RTON Angus Avis, Manager 3ucce8sful Pupils In Piano And Theory £xain« The following is a list of success- ful candidates in examinations held recently by the Royal Conservatory of Mcsic of Toronto in Flesherton. Names arranged in order of merit. Grade 9 Piano â€" ^Honors, Margaret E."'Macpheraon; Pass, Ken Inkster. Grade 8 Piano â€" Honors: Ruth Faw- cett, Joan Avis. Grade â- ? Piano â€" Honors: Ruth Ht'miphill, David. Beaton. Grade 6 Piano tâ€" Hcjjiors: Donna Boden, June McKelvie. Grade 5 Piano â€" Honors: June Mul- ligan; Pass: Gwendolyn .\theson. Grade 4 Piano â€" Pass: Carol Frost, Jean McCamiell (equal). Grade ,3 Piano â€" Honors: Ivan Mc- William, Heather Macpherson, Doris NichoUs and Delbert Plantt (equal). Paa.s: Elsie Tindale, Ken Sturrock. Grade 2 Piano â€" Pass: Joan Copo- land, Dianne Irw^in. Grade 1 Piano â€" Honors: Donna Deakin, Mai*y Lynn Rutledge, Glorl.i Wiltshire, Joan Hemplvill ar.d Leon- ard Hemipiiill and Donna WebP;- (equal); pass: -June .\dams. Hazel Tucker. Grade 4, Theory Blanche "Walker. Grade 3 Theory â€" Harmony and History, Honors: Doreen Acheson, Kenneth Inkster. Grade 2 Theory â€" 1st Class Hon- ors: Betty Gillespie, Ivan McWill- iam, Gwen Benson; Honors: Elaine Goodfellow, - Grade 1 Theory â€" Itst Class Hon- ors: David Beaton and Bill .McMillan equal, Geralriine Best and RilHi Hi^mphill equal, Shirley La'.iu:, \elly Fletcher, Donna Boden; Pass: Je?.n ilcGee. HELD SUCCESS! DOMiNION DAYI Mrs. A. G. Macpherson Recteives Gift From W.A (By Victoria Corners Reporter) Mrs. Russell Patterson was hostess to a largely attended meeting of the W. A. recently held. A highlight uf the meeting was the presentation if a cup and saucer in the "heather" pattern to Mrs. A. G. Macpherson, in recognition of her ever-faithful and willing help throughout the past four year.'?. Her many friends re- gret^ to part with her, not only as a "pal", but her guidring and inspira- tional light on the meetings proved a real boon to each. May good he'i'th iind good fortune follow h?.- tX"ough the many future years in her work w'th her associates. A numfcer of birthday \rift ex- changes were made, since J51ne ssems to be a popular month ajtionigst our hidies. The program, in !Khe form of a short skit "People &vow Older" was ably presented by (hr-stena , Duncan, .Mrs. Oscar Pattersoii, Mrs. I John Gott, Mrs. Walter .\cbeson, I Mrs. Jas. Ba6;helor, Mrs. John Dun- can and Mrs. Walter Nicho's. Mrs. Elmo Stevens favored with a so'o. Dominion Day was greeted in Fle- sherton with perfect weather and a large crowd attending the ball games in the afternoon and evening, and th"^ dance at night in the Arena. The Softball tournament resulted in Pro- ton defeating Feversham and Flesh- erton winning from Maxwell, witli the evening game between the two winners. Flesherton won the game 9-6 in a good contest. All kinds of races were held for the young folk, including bicycle races and all enjoye'd the day perfectly. The dance in the Arena v/as well patronized, as was the bingo game. .Music for the dance was supplied by the Russell Hill orchestra. The draw held by the Legion resulted in Mrs. Le.siiie Seeley winning a blanket, W. J. Plewes of Markdale an electric iron and M. Lascovitch the electric tea kettle. The W. I. ha 1 booths both at the grounds and the rink. The proceedings on Sunday were forced to be entirely changed, due to the heavy rain. The Meaford band was cancelled and the decoratir.ri :<i the grijves of veterans in the ceme- tery was postponed to a future date. History, Pass: J O^er fiO veterans paraded from the j Legion Home to the tawn hall, where a public service was held. The Leg- ions represented inckuitd Chatsworth Markdale, Fle>herton, Dundalk, Shel- burne and Durham. The guest speak- er was Hon. w. E. Harris, Minister of Citizenship and Colonization, who spoke on the gravity of the Korean situation ami the steps taken by the United Nations in an effort to top southern Korea being taken over by the Co'nimunists. The local ministers, Rev. A. J. Fletcher and Rex. A. G. Macpherson assisted in the sei-vice. Mr. J. Perk- ins oT Markdale sounded Last Post and Reveille, while the wTeaths of remenriibrance were placed in the font of the hall. SCHOOL TERM REPORTS B-A Service Station J Is Nearing Completion The new B-.\ service station is now nearing completion and the builders D. L. Weher & Sene of Kimberley, e.\pect to have it completed by July lOt^. Then the painters take over .ind Mr. Boden expects to occupy the now station by July 15th. .MRS. F. LYONS RECEIVES GIFTS ON LEAPING SCHOOL (By Portlaw Reporter) -^ very enjoyable afternoon was s^ent at Portlaw school on Tuesday afternoon, with singing by the eliiild- ren and quizz program being the entertainment. Marjorie Croft read an address and Mrs. Lyons was pre- sented with » gift by Vera McNally, on behalf of the pupils of the schoo"i. Mrs. Lyons thanked them for her gift and the kindness shown h«- during her term of seven yeai*s in the school. We regret to have Mrs. Lyons leave us, but at the same tiwie a welcome to Mrs. Elmer Mereditn, who will be our teacher next yea: .'^ delicious lunch of cookies, tea' and ice cream was served. M 3. Grace Blackburn, Mr, a:id Mrs. Harold Clark and son of To- ronto visited with Mr. and .Mrs. E Blackburn on Sunday. â- â- â- 'â- .1 I Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extra charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. ates and MaddoGks FUNtRAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd KI.4344 Junior Baseball Nine Won From Hanover 12-1 Flesherton junior b.-^sebalt nine won easily from Hanover jn the local di::mond Tuesday evening 12-L The Hanover team had an off night, com- ] milting eij^'ht errors, bait the B'k'sho j ton batters hit their pitvh^r easily, I making those ei-rors possible. On the | other side of the picture, Boh Fal- I .â- â- ner stna-k out 17 Hanover batters. His battery mate. Dave M'cGee. gave him good support on the receiving end. This kids are playinjr o-ood ball :r.d are worthy of the greatest sup- port. They have tlieir ne^v uniforms d.in:ited by G^'neral .Motors, ibrousrh '"». Mi'Tav'sh & Sons, and thev both lo,!k and act like a ball team. Tuesday night of last week Shallow 1,-ike .juniors won a hotly contested ;!-2 game that should have been on the win eoluKin for Flesherton hut twu c :stly errors gave the winners the needed ed^'e on the game. It wa.t the Vst -onlest thiij year. .Virbie had I'l "irike-uuts and Falconer 10. This Friday evening the t"ain plays the eiurn gamie at shallow Lake." CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the love'jv cards, treats, flowers and kind enquiries' while I was in the hospital and since my return home. A special note of n;i!iks '.o Maxwell W..-\.. and W.!.. and to all those whf dropped in to h;ive a little chat. .\1| theau we:e g:-eatly appreciated by Mrs. Morri- •m and niyseif. â€" Angus MoiT^son. The niemibei-s of itihe' FteiJherti"* Branch of the Canadia-, Le»K.n de- iii:.' to lh;ink ihe general prblir for tlieir spleud-.i s;,pp,,rt :^f the Don.- nion D«^- program. They trcmely soriy 'for the au-iPd :i number of citi ai-v e.\- inconvetiience •f.i.1 .•^KCOND H.VLF OF CENTRE FKAGtlE BASEBALL SCHEDULK rotif> them of th.^ -h:in>.- .., .-Sunday's proce<iui'.-. R.-ni brongi-t :'bout considerable change in nl«ns at the last minute. We wish to thank our many fr. 'n h lor then- symipathy during our I'e- ;-nt bereavement, in the loss -of ou. ' 'ving (l.iughter. Winifr"J. -Mr. anil Mrs. O'doll a-d F;ir.,i!y We w-ish to thank al] our neiah- -n-s and friends f.r floial tirbute- M!^ many acts of kimlness shown iunng our recent bereavement â€" Howard MI.Kec and Mrs." Joh'i' Hudson. FLESHERTION PUBLIC SCHOOL Grade 8 to 9 â€" Ann Markham, Isa- bel iM'inard, Jean McGee, Edna Mo- Kechnie, Ronald Loucks, Ranald M;u'- MiUan, .A.le.v. Henderson, Jas. Smith. Grade 7 to 8 â€" Janet Macpherson 90, Shirley .Aberdein 81, Lloyd Miller 80, Ruth Fletcher 7'.t, Donna J. Hanv ilton 77, Ha:-o!d Hamilton 7t!, Aloe -t Genoe 71. Grade 6 to 7 â€" Nadine â- Cook 85, Donna Boden 80, Harvey McGee 7G. Jim Williams 71, Peter Goheen, Rob ert Goheen, Roddy MacDoupall, Jovi-e McMaster, Donald Taylor, Elizabeth Thomson. •Clitford Loucks. Grade 5 to 6 â€" Ted Stoddart 74. Bev. Genoe 71, Cliffoi-d Bastin 67. â€" 'E. Oliver, Principal Grade 4 to 5 â€" Bill Swanton 8!», Leona Riihard.son 88, Heather Mac- pherson 85, Patricia MacLean 84, Bill Thomson 83, Joyce Long 81. Sheila .McKillop 78, Roger Lever 75, Barry Scarrow 75, Ernie Minnig 64. Grade 3 to 4 â€" Sandra F'sher 82. Pauline Laxton 82, Verna Genoe 81. Elaine Mac.Arthur 71, Wayne Wilson 70, Keirh Lever 68. Grade 2 to .5 â€" Barbara Thom- son 85, Barry .Andrews 84, Robert MacLean 81, John Phillips 81, Don- ald Ferris 80, Wayne White 75. Dou- glas Russell 75. Jiim Banks 71. Grade 1 to 2 â€" Margaret ifcTa .â- - ish 90. George Boden 90. Bruce Rich- ardson 87, BiHie Boyd 86, Norma Betts 86, Carol Littlejohng 85. Ho MtKecHnie 84, Wayne Bastin 81, Dale Bastin 71. â€" Mrs. Bellamy. Teacher ROCK MILLS SCHOOL Grade 1 to 2 â€" Sharon Akitt 86, Freddie Shier 71. Grade 3 to 3 â€" Stanley Porteous 88", David Bailey 67; Group 2= Wayne MlcMaster 75, Marie. Boyce 69. Grade 3 to 4 â€" Sheila Dobson 73, Joan McMaster 68, Ronald White 64. Grade 4 to 5 â€" Louise Betts 64. Grade 6 to 7 â€" ^Patricia Dobson 74. Dorothy Wilkinson 72, Ivan Betts 59 (Recommended). Grade 7 to 8 â€" Bi-uce Benson. Grade 8 to 9â€" Ethel Betts 66, fail- ed on mathematics: Donalda McDon- dal 64. â€" Jane "VfcLennan, Teacher FEVERSH.VM SCHOOL Gt'ade 8 to 9 â€" Dorothy Fenwick S5 (H), .Scanlev Wrighi '7S.d 'H). .Merle .Mc.Mullen 78.6 (H), .Vclville Wright 76.9 (H), Norris Moore 76.8 (H). John Stewart (F), absent since Christmas throusrii ilin.'ss. Grade 7 to 8 â€" Stephen Eby 86 (Hj John Pedlar 64 (P), Gerald Teeter 58 (R). Grade 6 to 7 â€" ^Shirlev Sammons 87 (H), Tony Pai-sonage 85 (H), Cheryl Light 77 (H), Shirley Wright 74 (P) Veldn Teeter 72 (P), Evelyn Pedlar 71 (P). Grade 5 to 6 â€" Joan Short 87 (H). Joan Parker 86 (H), John Sled 79 (H), Gene 'McMuMen 62 (P) rec.Mn. in Social Studies, Robeit Jackson 57 (P) recom. in Social Studies, Clair Blackburn 41 (F). Grade 4 to 5 â€" .Leola Sammons S2 (H), "Eleanor Sled 77 (H), .Ann Ran- dal! 70 (P), li-win Stewart 61 (P) recom. in EiKglish, Carman Wrigiit 5i) OF). Grade 3 to 4 â€" Elaine McMullen SI (H), Loirise Black-burn 80 (H), Rufh MfcLcan 4W (P), Douglas Moore 06 (P). Harvey Sammons 65 (P) recom. in Spelling, Jack Teeter 52 (.F). (Jra<le 2 to 3 â€" J. 'D. (Smith 81 (H-. CaiT Jackson 77 (H). Grade 1 to 2â€" Diane Moore 81 (H) Patsy Sweeney 79 (H). Diane Pars- onage 76 (H), Fay Blai^khurn 74 (P) Sharon Sled 72 (P), Dorothy Ped'':i" .1 (P)^Gayle Light 67 (P).iBarbara Hallnm and Robin Pkinwner equ:il '^6 (P>. Grnce Hawton ,56 (R). Numbers are percentages. No. .-.n roll 44: average .Attendance 36.64. â€"Mrs. F. J. Seelev. Teach.M- MacCannell Reunion Held At Black's Grove' Saturday (By Priceville Reporter) Saturday afteriJoon aiaout 80 de- scendants of the MacCannell Clan met at the lovely grove of George .A. Black, Swinton Park, when games and races of all kinds were enjoyed. Mrs. (Jordou McKinnon presided and the meeting was opened with sing- ing "The Maple Leaf Forever," and duets were sung by Maxine and Joyce MacCannell, Mrs. John Calder and Miss Shirley Redfern with gui- tar accompanying, step dancing by Dan and Teddy Mac(ranne!l, chor- uses ov Marie Hay, .Joyce and Max- ine MacCannell, Helen Black, Shir- ley and Betty Hineka; duet by Betty and Maxine MacCannell and Shirley and Betty Hiri.ks; the blue shirt waltz, accompanied by Teddy Mau- Cannell with guitar and Ken Hincks with violin; trio by Marie Hay, Max- ine and Joyce MacCannell; musieil selections were given .by Teddy and Ray M^icCannell; solo by Mr. Alf Powell. Toronto; two vaolin selec- tions by G. .A. Black with violin. â- ' eonipanied by his daugh'ter, Helen, with eukulele; duets by Gordon an 1 -Alex. M-aicCannell; community sing- ing and music by Dan MacCan"e'n with violin, a-^iomp mied bv Teddy MacCannell with guit<ir. Teddy MacCannell was elected as president. .Alex. MacCannell, Booth- ville, as vice-president; Mrs, Dan Mac€annell, Proton Station, secre- tary-treasurer; Mrs. Wallace Hoop- er. Toronto, Sports com; Mrs. Wm. Hay and Mrs. N. R. MacCannell, Proton. It was decided to hold the 1951 reunion in Priceville. Mr. Neil MacCannell received the prize for the oldest member present, while Marilyn MacCannell, daughter oT Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. MacCannell, for the youngest, and Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacC'inney: the secod youngest. Ice cream anl a bountiful lunch was served. Friends and members of the fam- ily were present from Branitford, To- ronto. BoothviUe. Proton. Priceville and Swinton Park. Parker Reunion Saturday " The 10th annual reunion of the Parker families was held Saturday, July l.st, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottenvell. Sth line, Osprey, when a good crowd was in attend- ance. An enjoyaible afternoon was spent playing l>all, races, games, swings, etc. Mrs. Fran':es Foster received the prize for the oldest lady .ind Mr. John Flynn for the oldest man. The prize for the youngest baby was won by the little son of Mr. and .Mrs. John Mulligan of Pricewille. Mrs. Joe Watson receiv- ed the prize for the youngest grand- mother. Officers elected for 1951 are: Pre- sident, John Fhun. Vandeleur; 1st vice-president. Isabella Ottewell. 8th line; ^nd vice-president^ Lily Wat- son. Priceville; secretary. Doliy St-^- nhens. Feversham; treasurer. Reta Edmonds, Toronto; lunch com., Mrs. Wm. Mood". Mrs. .Top Watson. Mr-. Fiance* Foster. Mrs. Fitzsimmons; foorts eO'm . T lovd Ste-ihens. J'm Ottewell, John Mulligan a:- ' Parker. ^ .A lovely sui>ner brought a very en lovable day to a ^-fose. The Te- urion ne.xt year will be held at th'=' homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moody, Priceville. FrL^ids were nresent from Toron- 0. Tslinsrton. Dundalk. Priceville FVsherton. Vandeleur, Meaford In Memoriam BORN GBNO.E â€" At Centre Grey Hos- pital, Margdale, on Saturday Julv 1st, 1950, to Mr. and. Mrs. Ed". Genoe (Iva Dixon) of Ceylon, a daughter, Jane Darlene. memory .if who • passed Itine yO â€" .Kimberley at Roeklyn Ji ly 4 â€" Flesherton at Roeklyn Ji'y «â€" .Ro.:klyn ,Tt M.irkdale Jnly 8â€" Kimil)er!ey at Flesherton luly 15â€" Flesherton at^Kimberley '1 ly 19â€" Markdale at Rocklyu 'I'ly 22â€" Roeklyn at Flesherton J;.ly 34~.Flcshcrton at Mtu-kdnle July 29â€" Markdale at Flesherton Roekixn at Klniborley J.'ly ^1â€" Kim^l)jfley at Mark<Iale Aug, Sâ€"Markdale at Kimberley .Mir. and Mrs. Elwood Piuiuidj i"l f:imily and grand'childien J.i-\n an.! W...vne McMmsIo,. wish to ox- tti'd their sincere thanks and appro •â- 'aton t 1 the many relatives, nf^i-'h- '>^M-s and friends for their mv ot kindness and expressions of syn,. oathy and floral tributes. exteml,>d i-.inng their recent sad bereavcmen- Special thanks to the nurses Mrs I «n".nhon=,. an..l Mrs. C. Grumm.'.'l,' i'>d to TJr. Lind-say for their att«rdance. Workers McGRCTHER _ In Fmily S. McGruther. iway July 5th, 1948. There is a home not made by hands Beyond the golden door, â- \ place for us. and when He calU We''!l meet our loved one there. -Brothers. Charlie and Willmei â- md Sister, Mary. TOXE CLEANERS & DYERS of Mt. Forest uo aajjo *^->J I'M-'-'dS w aaunouuv every S2.00 order of Dry Cleaning we will clean FREE * Plain Skirt or 1 pair of Pant* -Vgent: C. J. Kennedy. Flesherton -Above offer good for a limited time only. kill I in Russia hflve to work twenty times as long as Canadians to earn n pcnind of sugar. The av ?ra-ge Can.idi.in Industrial worker earn.i the nri<«e of a Ijound of sue-ar â- ': six mimitps; the Russian works t^"o hours for his. The Jolson Story in Technicolor Your chance to see this great picture or see it again MARKDALE â€" WED., JULY 12 DUNDALK â€" SAT, JULY 15 J^ Two Shows â€" 7:(X) p.m. and ^ ] i