Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1950, p. 5

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THE FLESHBRTON ADS^ANCE Wednesday, July 5, 2950 Pilgrim Camp Meeting July 6-16 PROTON STATION REV. G. R. BATEMAN MR. PAUL HAMILTON REV. a R. BATEMAN, Pastor of the Pilgrim Holiness Church at Andersdn, Indiana, will be the evangelist at the Pilgrim Holiness Camp JMeeting of the Ontario District at Proton from Thursday, July 6th to Sunday, July 16th, with services daily at 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m.'and 8:00 p.m. MR. PAUL HAMILTON, Greensburg, Indiana, is the engaged minister of music. Paul is a cornetist and soloist and will also conduct the song services. SUNDAY SCHCK3L RALLIES PLANNEb Each Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., there will be a Sunday iSchool conducted for each off three groups â€" the children, the youth and the adults. CHILDREN'S SERVICES EACH WEEK-DAY There wHl a Children's Service each week day at 1:30 p.m., UDd&r the leadership of MUSS VIVA ATKIMSON of Toronto. MISSIONARY RALLY ON JULY 13 iRlEV. BAY W. OHAMIBEEjLAIN, from Jamaica, BjW.I., will be the missionary speaker. Mr. Chamberfekin, formerly of Cal- ifornia, has recently returned from Jamaica to the U.S.A. CEYLON Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MoDermid were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scott and Keith Livermore of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Scott and Oakland Fraser of Hopeville, Mr. and Mrs. Caimipibell Watson and sons. Alex, and Herbert, of Holstein. John MlcWiliam and Ian spent the week end in Toronto. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge were: Mr. and Mrs. J«cek Grant and children, Mrs. Thos. Grant and Miss Phyllis Rut- ledge of Owen Sound and Dalton Rutledge of Toronto. Miss Dorothy Snell and Miss Nel- lie Hill of Toronto spent the weel; end with Mr. and Mi-s. Isaac Snell and Mrs. Geo. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bartnian, 'r. and Mrs. Nitk Sawchuck, all of To- ronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes. Miss Marion Collinson of Toronto spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. F. Collinson. The memlbars of Ceylon Ladie^j' Aid wish to thank all the men who assiiste^l in shingling the church roof. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Joe Copeland were: Mr. and Mrs. A\. Seymour of St; Catharines, x4i-5. Carl Teeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Copeland, all of Toronto, Mr. and M^rs. Thos. Copeland, Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Severn af T ronto spenit the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Severn. iDr. and Mrs. S. A. Piper and child- ren of Clarksiburg spent the week end at the Piper and Collinson homes. The June meetinig of the iW.A. was held at the home of Mrs. J. S. Mc- Dernvid on Wednesday, with the pre- sident, Mrs. iDawe Craig, presidins:. The roll call was answered with a verse from the Bible in which was the word "promiise." The devotional period was taken bv Mrs. D. Adams, while Mrs. G. H. Tyler had charge of the program, consisoing of read- ings and a contest of which yhs. J. McWilliam was the winner. ROCK MiLLS The WA. of St. John's United Church, Flesherton, will hold straw- berry tea at the home if Mr. and .Mrs. C. B. Wilson, Friday, July 7th, from 7:30 to 7:!i0 p.m. Kverybody wekome. Mr. and Mrs. W'Uter Ru.sat'U spent the week end with the latter's bro- ther, Mr. Henry Osborne, wife and family in Owen Sound. Mr. Ned Croft undenvent a ser- ious operation in the Owen Sound Hospital on Friday morning and is making fair progress. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lottg-e. J'ni. Bill, Margo and Karen, of St. Cath- arines spent the holiday week end with Mrs. Leggo' parents, Mr. au-J Mrs. C. B. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood iPartridge spent the holiday week end with meniiber sof their fam.ily at Gait. IMr. Harold Bett and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ne-well spent Sunday in Dwen Sound. Masters Bill and Jackie Wilson and Billie Legge of St. Ca^H.-irins:; are holidaying for two weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Betts, Har- old, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maitlti ani family. Mr. Mannie Dobson. Miss Margaret Park, Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ette Talbot and daughter, Mr. at;d Mrs. Lloyd Talbot and Elraa, en jiv- ed a trip to Midhurst and had a pic- nic dinner in the Pai-k there. Congratulations to Mr. Bill Lau- ghlin and Miss Norman Heibman of Feversham who were married Sat- urday, July ast, in Collingwood. The young couple are in the north on their honeymoon trip. iMiss Helen Dover of Toronto vis- ited over the week end with her fWend, Miss Elva Russell. PRICEVILLE >M!r. and Mrs. John Ritchie and son, John Oiliver, -spent last week holidaying at Ottawa. Mrs. Pearl Hopkins of Pontiac, Mich., Mrs. Earl Seigner and daugh- ter, Erleen, of Walkerton visited members of the MacCuaig family over the week end and attended an- niversary services in St. Andrewr's church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watson, Bob, Patsy and Charlie, visited Sunday at the home of Mel. Watson. Mr. Laurie McKechnie of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lawrence, Archie and Mlary, and Misa Nonma Lindsay of Durham ware recent vis- itors at the home of Henry Tucker. Mrs. AUie Muir returned home, after visiting wnth her son. Rev. Grant Muir, and Mrs. Muir, at Allandale. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hincks, Keith and Heather, of Guelph visit- ed Sunday at the home of Mr. Chas. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Meads, £>unnie and Bobby, of Durham spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meads. J*yce Tucker, Emma Meads, De- loris Johnston and' Betty Hincks left Sunday to attend summer school in Toronto, whiich opened. Monday. Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Mould and daughter, (M'arion, and Mrs. iMould's sister, Miss Lena Vaughan, left last week on a motor trip to Saskatche- wan and -will also visit points in the United iStates. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Runciman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jim WeltC all o!" Toronto, spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Kate Runciman. Miss Joyce Tucker has been en- gaged to teach at S. S. No.8 Proton. Miss Nellie McLean of Toronto spent the -week end in Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MIcFarlane and sons, CoUn and E)dmund. of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. Colin MlcLean. Mrs. McFarlane and sons remained for a couple of weeks. Mr. Innis McLean also spent the (week end at his home. Miss Isobel Kai-stedt of Toronto is holidaying at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Neil MaoFarlane and family spent the week end with friends at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Sawchuck of Toron- to were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sians. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aldcorn and babe of Toronto were week end vis- itors with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis and Noreen of Dundalk visited Sunday at the home of Colin MlcLean. Miss Joyce Tucker and her pupils of S. S. No. 15. Melanothon. were guests of Miss Ruth Smith of S. H. No. 10, Melancthon, Thursday after- noon for a picnic. Races, gaws were played, and ice cream and a bountiful lunch were served. Mr. and Mrs. .A.lex. Reid ami fam- ily of Bognor visited on Sunday witn her father, Mr. Hector McEachern. Congratulations to Miss Joyce Tucker and her four pupils, wno were successful in passing the Ent- rance, one receiving honors. .\ dance was held Friday night iu the W.I. hall, with Mrs. Elwood Kinsman and Mrs. G. Wiley as host- esses. Good music was supplie<i 1 the Sharpe orchestra. Miss Deloris Johnston of Ware- ham visitfeu Saturday with Miss Betty Hincks. Mrs. McCabe. Miss Brown, :^[i;s McKechnie of Durham visited Sun- day at the home of D. Campbell. The schools of Misses Emma Meads and Betty Tucker of Norm- anby held a joint picnic at Hani"^' school Thursday afternoon, which was spent in races, relays, and a bait game, for which the score was 8-5 in (favor of S. S. No. 1. This was followed by a men's ball game while the crowd gathered for a bbuntifii! lurt-h. PORTLAW Miss Bertha Winters of Toronto spent the week end with her niece, Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, and Mr. Pedlar. A number from here attended the Blackburn reunion at Stayner on Saturday. Mrs. Jas. Hopps .spent th-; past week at Nottawa with Mr. and Mrs. F. MIoArthur and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbet Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. John Badgevow attended the funeral of the ICe Mrs. Jas. M'axwell at Creemor'! on Friday. Mrs. Miaxwell resided at one time on the Meldrum farm here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dillon, Allan and Myrtle Betts and frie;id of To- ronto spent the week end witli Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beits. Lit'; v; Cheryl Betts of Toronto -a enjoymT a holi- day with her granaparentc. Mr. and Mrs. John Osbom-' of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Ro'.:. Os- borne of Dundailk v '.sited witn Mr. and Mlrs. John Biidger /.v. Miss Inez Badgerow sP'snt a few days with her cousin, Vvjnr.e Betts, near Barrhead. Mr. a-id Mrs. Laurie Betts and family, Mr. and Mrs. Brock Johnston of Linlsay weie visitors with the Badgerow faniiiy. i}Av. and Mrs. Ken McKee and daughters of Toronto were week end visitors with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Simmons, Dray- PAINT UP FIX UP CLEAN UP NOW IS THE TIME FOR THAT OUTSIDE JOB Sherwin-Williams and Canada Varnish Finishes • for Exterior and Interior Use Johns-Manville Shing-les. Roofing's, Sidings Plymouth Ri)pe and Twine Lawn Mowers, priced from $9.95 Screen Doors. Wire Screen. Combination Doors ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Beatty Washers, Polishers. Ironers. Electric Ranges Autonuitic Irons and Toasters Hot Plates, Rang^ettes. DUNCAN'S HARDWARE 'Blue Coal' Stoves Electric Appliances Phopp 54 FLESHERTON ton, visited with Mrs. Florence Lyons and family at the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love, Gladys and Jim, spent Saiturday in Oranga- viUe and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. CARPENTRY Inside carpentry work done as re«»- onable rates, by experienced oU^ country carpenter. Transportation required. W. J. C0BB.A.N Phone 109 FleshertOB NOTICE Transportation of Pupils to Flesherton High School Send in Your Renewal. All pupils wishing transportation to the Artemesia-Flesherton High School during the 1%0-1051' school tin-i. , please notify the .Secretary- Treasurer not later, than July 15th. Please state your address, concess- ion and lot number. This informa- tion is required from both present and new pupils in order to have bus accommodation arranged. â€"A. B. CHARD, Sec.-Treas.. Flesherton, Ont. MAXWELL The young people presented their play "Deacon Dubbs" at Rob Roy on Thursday evening and at Lavender Saturday eveniug. Our sti'-s are kept quite busy, as they have pre- sented their play U times. Mrs. Gertie Seeley and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Biode'-'oU ani Mjiris vis- ited last week w'th Mr. and .Mrs. ii' s Grumnu'U, at Ans-vi":!' â- . y- and M. Orvi;i.> Parker of .\ew Toront > v Mted ovjr the we^!; with relatives here. Mrs. .A.ndrew Pallister attended the wedding of her nie'c. Miss Isa- belje Yeariey to Clirenc F.ndley, which took place in Toronto Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Choitjr Cameron spent the week en i n Djiroit. Mrs. .'X.lice Nichoils of Tor<nto visiited over the w.-k end at her parental home here. Misses Donna and Mary;)t McKin. non of Toronto are holidivin-; at the homo of Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Ross. NOTICE, FARMERS K .vou have a misfortune on your farm, give us a call. We V^y hi«rh c«8h prices for dead or disabled animals. Phono collect. I j (VSWFf I B!K)S. j riione .350J Durham, Ont. Mb to tuy a somtreiD . . in^SaltiUo? Whether you're going shopping or on business to Vancouver or Saltillo, Mexico . . . in fact, wherever you go; the travellers cheques you buy from us will assure you of ready cash. These cheques are excellent travelling compaiiioiis â€" they protect you from losing your money. Buy these from us and let us assist you with advice on the latest foreign exchange regulations. Li 0. Gillett, General Manager »^BANM0R0N10 Incorporattd liSS Tip Top Tailors Suits Values That Challenge Comparison • \\\' believe that stitch for stitch, a Tip Top Tailors Suit represents value that will stand up under any comparison. Here are lasriny .c'ood looks and tailored-to- nieasure tit with practically unlimited choice oi style and fabric â€" at a price you can afford. . ^ T LADIES' SUITS $46.50 » MEN'S SUITS $46.50 Ready-to-wear Suits Odd Trousers Sport Shirts Smart Neckwear Belts Shirts and Shorts Felt Hats Suspenders Fine Shirts House Dresses Nylon Hosiery Ankle Socks Nylon Slips X'elvasuede Lint;erie Brassieres Summer F'ootwear Canvas Shoes Children's Shoes Couij-oleum Ruy-.s Conaoleunis Lace Curtains Wall Papers Paints and Knamels Frilled Curt.iins Paint Brushes Draperies Curtain Rods F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON ^♦<<M.XKK*<^t'^MK*<K**><*<*<'K*<^^^

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