Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1950, p. 8

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M> Wednesday, July 5, 2950 ' THE F'LESHERTON ADVANCE m GRADUATE OF PHARMACY TENDERS WANTED TE.NDEK von AWTOR FUBL SUPPLY Tenders, plainly marked as such, will be ret'eived by the undersigned unUl July 10th, _1!»50, at 1:30 p.m., D.S.T., for suppi>"»nK the Town.ship of Arteme.sia wnth d'esel motor fuel, also tank and pump for .>-ame. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€"I. B. WHITTAKER, Road Supt. Ceylon, Ont. St John's United Church Rev. A. G. Macpherson Minister SUNT>AY. JITLY 9 â€" 11 a.m. Flesh- erlon; 8 p.m. Eugenia. SUNDAY, JULY 16â€"1 a.m. Flesh- erton. 3 p.m. at Proton; 8 p.m. at Eugenia. Rememl)er the straavtberry tea on Friday evening, July 7, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ben Wi'son, under au.srpices of St. John's W.A. o^~^ That's just what you need â€" a restful change from the stress and strain of everyday affairs. And that's just what you'll find in Ontario's happy holiday land. ROUND TRIP- BY BUS North Bay Penetang Gravenhurst 14.50 9.95 10.60 ROUND TRIP (Subject to rhanff«) Bob Avis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Avis of Flf.sherton, graduated in phaimacy at the University of Saskiit'. howan. AUCTIUN m. STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. BODEN'S SERVICE STATION PHONE 63 CHAS, NEWELL will sell by public auction at |iis premises 3 Miles East of Flesherton on County Highway SATURDAY, JULY 8TH, 1950 at 1;.'}0 p.m., the following: HOiRSES â€" Team of Black Mares. CATTLE, PIGiS â€" Durham Cow, 9 years old, fresh; iDurham Cow, due this fall, milking well; Roan Cow, ',i years old, due 'in fall, milking; Heif- er, 2 years old, due in fall; Yearling Steer; 2 Spring Calves; (AH cattle T.B. tested); 2 Brood Sows; 15 Weaned Pigs; Good Cattle Dog. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" M.-H. Bin- der, 7-ft. cut in good condition, on trucks; M.-H. Land Roller; 'Set Truck Wheels for Binder; Peter Hamilton Mower, 5-ft. .-ut; John Deere Mower, in good condition; McCormic-k Culti- vatr, .|i3-tooth; M.-H. Seed Drill, 11- hoe; MeCormick Hay Rake, 10-ft.; M.-H. Smoothing Harrows, 4-sect.; Buggy; Harrow Cart, like new; M.- H. Bf.utt'ler; McCormick^Deering Hay Loader, like new; Fleury Walking PloAV, No. 21; Wilkinson 2-furrow Plow; M.jH. Disc Harrows; Tudhope- Anderson Manure Spreader; Set of Scales; Chatham Fanniag Mill; M.- H. Wagon, Ikie new; Adams Wagon; Ford Tractor, new; Tank Pumip; Deaiftorn Double Plow, 10-in., new; Double Tandem Discs, 12-plate, new; Prima Separator; Grain Bags; 20 feet of r2',a-an. Hose; 2 Sap Pans; 70 Sap Buckets; 2 Sugar Kettles; M. H. Cream Separator; Pig Crate; 2 new Binder Tongues; Pails, Grain Bags, Sacks and numerous other articles, 8 Acres of Hay; 20 acres of Spring Grain to be sold in the field. rtJiRXrTUSE â€" Rocking Ohairs; Kitchen Chairs; Bed Couch; Kitchen Table: .2 Small Tables; 2 Mattresses Iron TTed and Springs; Dishes, Pots, Pans and other articles. Terms of Sale; Cash. ' Frank Belts, Clerk. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer FOR SALE â€" Several fields of hay. â€" Jonh Flynn, R.R. 2 Flesherton. Local aod Personal Mr, Leroy McDonald of Toroiit) was a*visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs. J. E. Milne is visiting thi.^ week in Toronto and Montreal. Mr. Lou Karstedt of Toronto vis- ited Mr. and Mr*. G. A. MicTavish on the holiday. Mr. Harry Stewart and son of St. Paul spent the first of the week ivisit- ;ng district relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Bill G-oldhawk of Roohester, N.Y., are visiting friends in town and district. Master Jack BaH of Mt. Forest is spending this week with his grand-, parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton. Rev. A, G, Macpherson and family are spending a couple of weeks at Calodon Lake, near Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar of To- ronto are spending a couple of weeks holidaying here. Mr. Drury Stewart of Niagara Falls, N.Y., visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Talbot af North Dakota, U.S.A., visited Mr. and Mi-s, Lloyd TaMiot and other relatives on the week end. Mr. and Mts. Jas. DuUn of Buffalo, N.Y., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alcox, Or- ange Valley. Miss Nelly Fletcher accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. McFarland of Col- lingwood to Fort Erie and Buffalo on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Faw>cett and son of Aldershot spent a conpl^_, of (lays tWs w-eek with Mrs. Fawcett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lew* iPedlar Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton and Donna spent the week end at Guelph and attended the Hamilton- Chisholm wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Flynn and Brian of Brantford are spending a couple of weeks at their cottage ."it Eugenia lake on the 8th line. Mrs. Jas. O'Brien and Pauline of Oakville spent the holiday and week end with the former's sister, Mrs. G. A. McTavish and visited friends. Mrs. Ben Bellamy and Linda of Owen Sound are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bell- amy while Ben is relieving in the Bank of Commerce at Uxibridge. Mr. and Mrs. Orville McWharter of Red Wing, Mr. and Mlrs. John Stoutenberg oi St. /Catharines, Mr. and Mis. Jas. Davidson of Fever- sham were guests on the (week end with Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. Will Carruthers »f Toronto were week end visitors re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Genoe and accompanied them in at- tending- the Turner reunion at Sun- set Point, C»lling:wood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnett and Faye of Dur- ham and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pattin- son and family of Owen Sound also attended the reunion and were week end visitors at the parental home. Visitors with the Stoddart family over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Masters of Weston, Mr and Mrs. Canman Stoddart and fam- ily of Terra Cotta, Mrs. Ja>. F. Caushier of Hagerstown, Wd., Mrs. F. G. Eibach of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoddart Sr. of Markdalc, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ale:i>inder and family of Collinirwood. Mrs. Can- shier and Mrs. Eibach are .sisters of Mrs. Alexander Sr. and wil remain fo.> un extended v'sit. MISS BETTY HINCKS RECEIVES GIFTS FROM jLISLE FRIENDS (By Priceville Reporter) A large crowd gathered at the home of Mr. Weatherall at Lisle on Monday night of last week and pre- sented Miss Betty H'incks, who has taught school at Lisle for the past two years, with two electric table lamps from the community, also a gift from the club and several gifts from her pupils. A ball game was played during the evening and a musical program enjoyed. NOTICE The undersigned will receive tend- ers for the laying of Alium ;Roofing on the west side of S. S. No. 6, Os- prey, and also placing the ibelfry In proper shape. Either to the work and find material, or the work alone. Tenders to close on July 15th, 1950. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Tenders to be imarked "Tender" on your application. JAS. T. MCKENZIE, Secty., iFeversham, Ont. TENDERS WANTED For Stoker- Coal for Flesherton High School Small Ads Tenders will be received up to a^d including July 10th, 1950, for 60' tons of stoker coal, delivered in the Flesh- erton High School bins. Analysis: ash content 49! to lO'^r, fusion point 2-500F., sulphur content 0.5 to 1.5'7r, volatile content IT^r to S57r (Tend- ers please submit other analysis). Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€"A. B. CH.ARD, Sec-Treas. â- ^ELm rH >-: r S MOST MODERN THEftTBi Thursday, JulyMh^*OnIy "CONSPIRATOR" Friday "nd Satftrd'ay July 7, 8 "NOOSE HANGS HIGH" Starring Abbott and CosteHo also "TUCSON" Monday, Tuesday, AVednesday and Thursday July 10, 11, 12, 13 "JOLSON SINGS AGAIN" in Technicolor Starring Larry Parks Barbara Hale FOR SALE â€"^ iHay in fieUfe. â€" Mrs. Gauthier, Ceylon, phone 40 r 1, Flesherton. ac2 FOR .SALE â€" Field of good .,ay, white clover mixture. Apply at The Advance office. 5p2 FOR iSALE â€" Purebred Yorkshire Iboar, 7 months old. â€" Harry Akins, phone Flesherton 41J2. 5p2 FOR SALE â€" Hydro poles, cedar for- kindling, also soft stove wood. â€" Heilb Betts, phone 42J4 Fleshei-ton. LOST â€" Female hound, light tan. Finder please notify Richai-d Faw- cett, phone 4J5M12 Flesherton. FOR SALE^5^lburner coal oil stove in Ali condition, cheap. â€" Jack Tomlinson, phone Fevershiam 5r42. FOR SALE â€" Holstein cow, 5 years old, due to freshen. â€" Dick Clark, phone 75w2 Flesherton. 4p2 FOR SALE â€"-2 sows to farrow i^ July; F. & W. mower, 5-foot cut. â€" M. S. McLeod, Pleahei'ton. FOUND _ Small long haired black and white dog. Contact Bruce Young, Eugenia. 4cS FOR SALE â€" 1&38 Hudson Terra- plane couipe. â€" Wilfred Mlagoe, Eu- genia, phone 5r33 Feversham, FOR SAliE â€" A number of hydro poles. â€" M. Hutfc'hinson, phone 41wl Flesherton. 3c2 FOR SALE â€" MeCormick - Deering mower 6-ifoot cut. in good working condiition. â€" 'Boyd Bros., phone 20J. FOR SALE â€" 10 pigs, 7 weeks old. â€" Wilfred M^gee phone 5r33, Feiy- ersham. FOR SALE â€" Cow, good milker, juat freshened. â€" Wm. Russell, phons Flesherton 75iwl. 4p2 FOR SA1LE--I944 General Electrite cabinet radiio; electric record play. er, good as new.â€" |Mel Sled, Max- " well, phone 4r23 Feversham. FOR SALE â€" 15 Young calves ar- riving Thursday noon; also 5 year- lings. â€" H. Best, phone IS or 34 Flesherton. 5pl FOR SALEâ€" 2 Cows, 4 arid 6 years old, milking, also calf and 2 pigs. â€" ^Cecil MlcKechnie, phone IMesh- erton 76R. 5p2 BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Shows 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE â€" McOormick - Deerin« dump rake; Yorkshire sow carry- ing 3rd Utter, due end of Ju'ly. â€" Clifford Allen, phone 45W1 Flesh- erton. ScZ HOLIDAY VISITORS Never pass on a hill or curve. Tragedy may meet you head on. Be Patient â€" Be Cautious â€" Be Safe. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS i • GEO. H DOUCETt, Minister .\niong those visiting in town on the holiday week end were; Mr. and JMrs. Joe Banks of Toronto and Don Banks of Oshawa, iwith Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Banks; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morgan and son of Rothsay A'ith Ur. and Mrs. Gordon Long; Mr. ani .Mrs. C. J. Crossley and John with Mrs. W. Boyd; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc-Cutchoon with iMir. and Mrs. Joe Sewell; Mr, and Mrs. BiU Patton and two sons of Toronto with Mr. and I Mrs. John McDonald; Mr. and Mis. I J II. Thurston of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston; Miss Sadie Young of Toronto with Mrs. Ed. Fisher; Mr. and Mirs. Garnet Teeter and family with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter; Mr. and Mis. Laurie Smith and family of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Laxton of Toronto wiith Mr. and Mrs. .AUw. Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. F. Gorrell and two children of Toi;nuo with friends; Mr. and Mr:*. J. T. Pikei- of Brampton with friends; Mr. Harry Follow of Mattawa; Dave Ab- erdein of Burlington with Mr. and Mrs. Akx. .\i)e!xiein; Mii^s Dorothy Gates with Mr. and Mrs. R. Boden; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappie of Meaford with Mrs. Bibby; Mr. and Mrs. L. Andrews and family of To- ronto with Mir. and Mr.s. Rr Andrews; Mr. Frank Whetter, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rich- ards; Mr, and Harvey Hall and Jo.in of Lucknow with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Richards; Mr. and Mrs. It. Ellis, Bruce "nd Joan Adams and Doris Keel of Toronto, Jim Adams and Bob Copeland of London and Miss Ena Adams with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams; Miss Jean Duncan and Miss Jr.yce Hindley of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Duncan. HOUSE FOR SALE Frame fl-room bungalow, coiner ,)f Diiiliani and Hill Streets in Fleshei- toii, insulated, electric pump. :!.ii <â- . bath, doi.lile lot. Price $8',500.00. Must he sold to settle an estate. â€" K. Macmillan, phono 15 Flesherton. In the matter of the Estate of Francis Robert Genoe of the Village of Flesherton, deceased. .All persons having claims against the Estate of Francis Robert Genoe of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, retired farmer, who died on or about the 26t,h day of May, A.D. 1950, are hereby required and notified to send prepaid to the under- siigned on or before the 17th day of July, 1950, fuU particulars verified by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said 17th day of June, the Estate will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall Ivave been received. & Dated at M?rkdale this 26th day of June, .\.D. lOSO. â€" HARRIS & DUNLOP, Soliciitors for the Executors NO'RICE â€" Trespassing strictly pro- hibited on Lot 34, Con. 12, as K.N. B. Club has trespassing rights. â€" Beiit Magee, Eiugenia. 2c$ FARM FOR SAiLE â€" 50-acre farm, house and barn, all seeding don'^, will sell with or without crop Eas^ Backline, Artemesia. â€" ^Mrs. Aaron Teeter, phone 600r23 Markdale. Wi.'^NTED â€" Any number of aged or blemished horses from 1000 lbs. up. Good prices. Also good fat horses over 1600 lbs., must bo under 10 years old. â€" ^L. L. Thifeau- doau, phone 04 Markdale. 2p3 .ACTIVE .MAN, between 25 and 55 yeai-s of age, with car, wanted for. profitable Wabkins route. Credit supplied night man. Free training. Pleasant, profitable and permanent. â- Write The J. R. Wfatkins Company, Dopt. O-F-a, 360 St. Roch St., Roch St.. Montreal, Que. Sc4 FLESHERTON CIVIC HOLID'Y SATURDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 5th MILLIONAliKE FROLIC JN THE RINK â€" Bingio, DancTiig, Games, Prizes Galore, Be a Millionaire for ta night. Phoney Money, only, for all purposes. SUNDAY, AUGUST 6th COMMUNITY i;HL RCH SERVICE in Memorial Park, with Hanover Band i" attendance. MONDAY, RUGUST 7th MORNING â€" Water Sports: Ornamental Swimming and Diving by {Hermaid Girls from Toronto. Aerial stunting on cable stretched across Ihe Mill Pond. If you waut a thrill, don't miss this fine attraction. AFTERNOON â€" Ball Games in Ball Park; Tight Wire Ac- robatics, Jugglers,* and Knife Throwers. Professional Clown in luttendance morninf; and afternoon. EVENING tâ€" Laff Quiaz Program. You have heard this over the radio, but this is an opportunity to test lytour own , I.Q. High quality prizes to all who know the answers. A program of a Thousand Laui.^rhs. The Season's Best Week End Event FLESHERTON SERVICE CLUB » -♦ • a... % m â- *â-  9 t â- if-' * * 4 •* •* 4'

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