THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2006 THE NEW TANNER 17 A Message From Michael Chong, M.P. Wellington-Halton Hills Congratulations to the graduating Class of 2006. This is a great achievement that speaks to your hard work and dedication. Your education will provide the strong foundation as you work towards fulfilling your dreams and aspirations. I also want to recognize the dedication of all the teachers who made your graduation a reality. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Hairstyling, Aesthetics, RMT Massage, Spa Tub, Maternity Massage, Body Wraps ?? ?????????????????? ??????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????????? Staff & Management of Blue Springs Spa Congratulate all 2006 Graduates and wish them happiness & success in their future endeavours! SUMMER SPECIAL Teen Pedicure $27 Valid til Sept1st 2006 Halton Hills Mayor Rick Bonnette & Council Wish to congratulate all 2006 Graduates. Congratulations Danno! Wishing you all the best next year in college! We are very proud of you. Love Mom, Dad and Shannon Congratulations Brad on your graduation from Acton High. Shoot for the moon, Even if you miss, Youll land among the stars Love Mom, Dad, Troy & Nana Congratulations Laura! Wishing you continued success at Sheridan Love Dad, Mom, Kevin & Emily Congratulations Acton High Grads Continued from page 16 Robert Little wins ... the minimum requirements as set out by their own provin- cial curricula. This school year, only 850 schools applied and quali- fi ed for an award out of over 15,000 schools across Cana- da. CAHPERD congratulates Robert Little Public School for its leadership in providing Quality Physical Education programs to its students. Quality Physical Educa- tion (QPE) is a well-planned physical education program that offers a variety of learn- ing opportunities and is taught by qualifi ed and enthusiastic teachers on a regular basis throughout the school year. A QPE program includes curric- ular instruction for a minimum of 30 minutes at least three out of fi ve days per week, as well as interscholastic school sport programs, school wide events, and intramural activities where all students have the opportu- nity to participate.