THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2007 9THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 20078 1 Halton Hills Drive, Halton Hills, ON L7G 5G2 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE DUE TO EVENT Santa Claus Parade Saturday, November 17, 2007 From 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Organized by the Acton Firefighters Association From Acton Blvd. to Queen St. to Young St. to Mill St. to Main St. to Knox Blvd and into Prospect Park T r i c i a & G r a e m e s Stag & Doe Saturday November 17th, 2007 @ 7:30pm Acton Legion Games room Games, Prizes, Buffet & DJ $10.00 per person Happy 19th Birthday Lesley Love: Mom, Dad, Megan, Heather & Ally 19 19 To the Editor, As a rural resident, I won- der where will the erosion of the local municipalitys au- thority and decision making end, and how much power do we really want to give the Re- gion in taking overfill control of trash collection. I would suggest to Halton Hills Mayor Rick Bonnette that if his council supports this direction of waste man- agement, then he can be assured in the very near future his rural residents will have roadside pickup for regular garbage, like we do in rural Milton whether they want it or not. If the Region is looking for total control of our waste management so that the Green Cart program can be rammed through council without any vote, or objection from the rural area then this is the perfect opportunity to give Region wants control in and give it too them. The majority of us in the rural area currently compose our kitchen waste, and have been doing so for quite some time, why would we agree now to pay for roadside pickup? Once we pass on this re- sponsibility what comes next? Will the Region want to be responsible for all local roads, fire stations, and by laws, perhaps we should do away with the costly level of municipal governments and just call ourselves the City of Halton. Lets keep our own control of these services since we are unique and have differ- ent needs and wants. Lets hope that Milton Council and Halton Hills Council vote no to giving the Region this extra power. Rick Matchett, Nassagaweya. To the editor, Re: Raise new flags in sol- emn Cenotaph ceremony That ceremony was not held to recognize past and present soldiers and their sacrifice, it was held to recognize three members of the council of the Twp. of Guelph/Eramosa Chris White, John Scott and Doug Breen as well as one or two other members of the Twp. heritage, one being Robert Edwards who singled out two names out of 24. You do not single out anyone. The other 22 are not to be ignored. The Canadians attacked Vinny Ridge at dawn, Eas- ter Monday April 9, 1917, not Oct. 20. The information that was given to the heritage committee from Heritage Canada and the Department of National Defence Cana- da, was obtained by Legion members then copied and given to them. They chose to ignore that information. As Chris White said to me its our cenotaph and we can do as we like. Former mayor says Rockwood flag ceremony ignored proper protocol They said that the pro- cess was approved by Dominion Command of the Royal Canadian Legion and followed guidelines of the Department of National Defence. Not true I quote from the communication of the Chair of the Royal Ca- nadian Legion. Ritual and Ensignia Most Ceno- taphs fly only the flag of Canada on a fixed pole. This is because the ceno- taph itself is dedicated to ALL who have lost their lives in uniform and regarding ensignia We have had requests to fly the army, navy and air force ensignias at branches. We have denied those requests because they are not official flags. It would therefore, in my view, be inappropri- ate to fly service ensignia on permanent flag poles at Cenotaphs. The Royal Union flag will when physical arrange- ments allow, be flown along with the national flag on federal holidays on three occasions each year, (listed on page 2 of Royal Union Flag) and at National War memorials in Canada in connection with ceremonies marking anniversaries of events in which Canadian forces participate with other Commonwealth forces. When representing the Un i t ed K ingdom ( t he Queen) as a sovereign na- tion, the Union flag takes precedence. When the Canadian Department of National Defence was asked if ensignias could be flown at the cenotaph their answer was absolutely not. No Canadian Cenotaph should be desecrated by lo- cal politicians or any other selfish group. To defame tthose of our Canadians who served and were killed, those who served and since died, those who served and are still living, and those who serve today is wrong and should be condemned. These of our Canadians have served since 1853-6 Lest We Forget. This desecration of our war memorial and defama- tion of our veterans was paid for by the tax payers of the Twp. of Guelph/ Eramosa to the tune of ap- proximately $4,000 at the whim of those who have put their names up to be honoured. Clint Martin, Twp. of Guelph/Eramosa Former mayor says these flags do not follow protocol - Photo Rebecca Ring Angela shuffles off... Continued from Page 6 Mall where I had success with shopping and parking. It was getting dark and like Cinderella my coach was about to turn back to a pump- kin and I wanted to be back in Canada. As I approached the mas- sive line up to cross the 49th parallel, I noticed a line that said Commercial Vehicles which basically had nobody in it. Hmmm, I thought. I have this truck and it is basically the Dudes business truck with a safety sticker. That is commercial right? As I scur- ried down passing hundreds of cars, I had a secondary thought. Commercial means tractor trailers which is some- thing I should have known. With that I tried to scoot back into the regular line which did not go over very well. Espe- cially when this huge tractor trailer came up the rear of me and he was not happy. Cripes, I thought he was going to rear-end me. Luckily I snuck into the line after somebody couldnt handle the trucks air horn anymore and I got to the Ca- nadian Customs officer. I was lucky. He basically waved me through and didnt even want to see my passport. So I learned some lessons. First, leave the big honk- ing diesel at home. Go with something that will fit into parking spots. Second, have a plan and stick to it. Avoid where the tourists go while the dollar is so good. Third, if you do take the big honk- ing diesel, dont go into the commercial line. Its a good way to experience road rage first hand and maybe get swarmed. And most impor- tantly, you may save a few bucks or get something you really want, but in the end, it is just so much easier to shop at home. Thanks Mayor I congratulate the Mayor and all the helpers on the distribution of the energy efficient light bulbs. In our house its a bit late, since we changed over about two years ago. One thing I do not un- derstand - I have given information re a device that would cost about $250 to our Mayor, that would save between 15-25% of a house- holds hydro use. This is a very significant saving, and Continued on Page 11