THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2007 15THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY,DECEMBER 13, 200714 ???????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????????????????? Blue Springs Funeral Home Yesterday, Today and Forever, Celebrating Jesus, The Son of God, Who came to set us free Merry Christmas and A Blessed New Year ENJOYING DINNER: 18 Gals on the Go and two brave men, (members of Acton Seniors Centre) enjoyed the Dinner Theatre at the Arboretum on November 30. Barb Weldon, Marj Allen, Betty Holmes, Nettie Field, Julie Conroy, Jane McAllister, Joan Morris, and Renata Staufenberger are looking forward to enjoying their dessert. Julie Conroy photo ????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????? ?????? It was full house on Friday, Dec. 7 at the Acton Seniors Recreation Centre Christmas dinner with 144 members and their guests. Mayor Rick Bonnette brought greetings from the Town, Councillors Jon Hurst, and Clarke Somerville, Terry Aly- man director of parks and rec, and Joy Thompson, manager of Recreation Services also attended. All enjoyed a wonder- ful Christmas dinner. Some members were disappointed when they were unable to purchase tickets, but there are restrictions on how many can be seated comfortably and safely. The turkey dinner was catered by M&J catering from Eden Mills. Our Mon- day morning craft group made beautiful white Christmas tree center pieces, and everyone received a beaded Christmas tree thanks to their nimble fingers. Wendy Krever, our hard working co-coordinator, and Sherry Mitchell, our admin- istrative assistant, served the punch, which helped put everyone in the festive mood. All the Board members helped decorate, greet people, clear the dishes and keep ev- erything running smoothly. It is one of the times when the social committee takes a well earned break, relax, and enjoy dinner. Th e c h o i r f r om S t . Johns Anglican Church in Rockwood made a return visit and entertained us afterwards with some lovely Christmas music. Eighteen people (including the mayor) went home happy after their names were pulled for door prizes and the 50/50 was won by Marion Pascoe. The Santas Sleight of Good- ies was won by Deana Wilson, and the happy winner of the Painting donated by Maria Sallay was Ken Byers. The next social dinner will be a Pot Luck on Thursday, Jan. 17 at 6 p.m. Watch for a sign-up sheet and more infor- mation. There will be limited amount of seating, so please sign up early. If you have recently be- come a member of the Centre, you will get a phone call invit- ing you to the new members lunch on January 16. This is your opportunity to meet other new members, and board members, and have your questions answered. Dont forget the Centre will be close at 4 p.m. on December 21 and reopen on Wednesday, Jan. 2. Line dancing will resume on January 7 is there is enough interest, and the Wednesday art class will resume on Janu- ary 23. Is your name down for the annual Tour of the Lights on Thursday, Dec. 20? Any- one 55 and over, and their caregivers are welcome. The bus leaves the Elizabeth Drive apartments at 6:30 p.m., the Birchway Legion apartments at 6:40 p.m. Church and Ma- ria Street apartments at 6:50 p.m. and the Seniors Centre at 7 p.m. (A misprint in last weeks advertisement in The Tanner. It had 8:30 p.m. for the Elizabeth St apartments. Obviously it should have been 6:30 p.m.) Following the tour there will be a hot drink and good- ies at the Centre. If you wish to go, you must sign up at the Centre with your name and pick up point, (a phone call will do 519- 853 -5951) as we need to know how many people wish to go. This is a joint project by Ted Tyler, his drivers, and the Acton Seniors Centre The last evening euchre for 2007 will be on Wednesday, Dec. 19 at 7 p.m. Hopefully the avid euchre players will take the time to come in, play and forget all about the Christ- mas shopping and all the last minute things that still need to be done. Elma Braida had three mooners at last Thursday afternoons euchre game. A hat trick! Well done Elma. Dont forget there will be no trip to Rama in December. The next Rama trip will be Wednesday, Jan. 30. The weekly 50/50 was not won again this week. Recreation & Parks offering programs for emergencies Programs being offered by Halton Hills Recreation and Parks this winter are designed to respond to medical and safety emergencies. A Halton Emergency Medi- cal Service paramedic will teach Infant/Child First Aid & CPR Training along with the prevention of the most common childhood injuries. This is valuable information for at home, but also for any- one who works or volunteers with children. Simple tips and techniques are taught to effectively manage the first few vital minutes of a medical emergency. Its well worth setting aside just two Monday evenings next February 18 and 25 at the Acton Com- munity Centre. Standard First Aid is a com- prehensive course covering all aspects of Emergency First Aid and CPR for those wanting a more in depth un- derstanding, including the legal implications of admin- istering treatment. Upcoming weekend courses are on De- cember 15 and 16, or February 9 and 10, both at the Gellert Community Centre. If you only need to be recertified in Standard First Aid, a recert is being offered Sunday, Feb. 17 at the Gellert as well. To further build on CPR skills, Recreation and Parks is offering a program on how and when to operate a defibrillator. Defibrillator Training will teach how the heart works and what is going wrong when this machine is needed. This is a free program for adults that runs February 6 at the Gellert. Registration easy on-line Recreation and Parks joint learning program, Self-Defence for Parents and Children (ages 8-11), is offered on Tuesday eve- nings, January 15 to March 4, at Centennial School in Georgetown. Drawing upon various martial disciplines, the trained instructor provides an overview of self-protection strategies including how to avoid potential danger and when a response is warranted to protect oneself. One adult must attend with a maximum of two children. Registering for these train- ing programs is easy on line with Rege at www.hal- or by phone with Tele-Reg at 905-873-2498. Registrations can also be faxed to Recreation and Parks at 905-873-1587 or dropped off at the Halton Hills Civic Centre, Gellert Community Centre, or Acton Community Centre. For all the details on these and other winter Recreation and Parks programs, see the Town Of Halton Hills Com- munity Activity & Service Guide, the Town website at or call the Program Hotline at 905-873- 2601, ext 2275.