THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2009 16 To the editor, I grew up on a farm out- side of Acton in the 50s and 60s. Acton was where we shopped for groceries (Ledgers IGA) and went to the public library, (only open Friday evenings and Saturdays) and where we went to church on Sundays (Knox Presbyterian, Rev. Mr. A. Mackenzie.) It is also, where we ordered our mail order catalogue ward- robes at Eatons or Simpson Sears offices. In the sum- mer, we swam in Fairy Lake. The Acton Fall Fair was entertainment we looked forward to every Septem- ber. My father worked in the Beardmore tannery. Ken Melamed, Mayor of Whistler, B.C., spoke at the Halton Community Sustain- ability Forum on Thursday, January 8 to an audience of over 130 people, which in- cluded regional councillors, environmental groups, and members of the public and media. He passionately shared his experiences leading Whistlers actions toward community building and global change with their community sustainabil- ity plan, Whistler2020. He also talked about the steps Whistler is taking to make the 2010 Winter Olympic Games the most sustainable games ever. Prior to the Mayor s presentation, more than 15 environmental groups and Regional green initiatives were showcased outside the Regional Centres Auditor- ium. After seeing the response to the Forum, I am confident we are taking the right steps toward building a sustainable future here in Halton, said Regional Chair Gary Carr. Mayor Melamed shared some very valuable insight with us and I look forward The New Tanner invites game reports from the various hockey teams and the sports groups but they must be short and concise. When goals are scored, were asking that they simply say who scored, un- less they are exceptional plays which might occur perhaps once in a game. Space is limited and long reports of a game will either have to be severely limited or wait until theres ample space. JUST WIDE: Tanners BB Midget Forward Jessey Kuenzigs last second scoring bid in a home win over Elora - Wellington recently is high and wide. - Charles Tysoe photo Make reports concise I have wr i t t en and published a book, A Ka- leidoscope for June, which is set in the late 50s, on our old farm. My website is www.kaeidoscopevilla. com. I currently live in WA State but will be in Ontario from Jan 17/09 through Jan 27. On Wednesday, Jan. 21, I will be holding a read- ing at a book club meeting at the home of Mary Ann Austin in Acton. On Thurs- day, Jan. 22, a reading at Wayne and Margaret Ait- kens home, next door to the farm where my book is set. Antoinette Tryssenaar Villa, WA State. Washington woman writes about growing up in Acton and area Whistlers mayor shares experiences with 2010 Olympics to our ongoing connection as we continue the Regions sustainability planning. Mayor Melamed has be- come a leader in promoting community sustainability planning across Canada, emphasizing the importance of engaging both business and the general public with local government to ensure success throughout the pro- cess. Whistler2020 is city led, but community owned, he said. It is our vision to sustainability and it takes a systematic, community-driv- en approach to weighing and measuring decisions equally against economic, social and environmental impacts. This vision has also informed how weve approached our planning for the 2010 Win- ter Olympic Games. Whistler uses a Frame- work for Sustainability planning which was de- veloped in Sweden, and can be applied to any organ- ization: business, NGO, or government. The framework takes a strategic approach to dealing with complex chal- lenges and is grounded in a science-based definition of a sustainable society.