THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, ApRil 9, 2009 9 38 Mill St. E. Acton, ON L7J 1H2 519-853-2244 Dr. Dana Selby BPHE, CK, DC Rehabilitation Centre Chiropractic Rehabilitation Acupuncture Kinesiology Custom Orthotics Foot/Nail Care Diabetic Footcare Custom Orthotics Home visits 65 Mill St. E. Acton, ON L7J 1H4 519-853-8557 Deanna Wilson BSc. DCh. Chiropodist Foot Specialist Treatment for: Fibromyalgia Chronic Pain Stress Headaches ...and much more. Naomi Bedell Registered Massage Therapy 65 Mill St. E., Acton, ON 519-853-8557 Churchill Community Church Easter Services The Walk of The Cross April 10, 5:30pm The procession will start at Churchill Community Church and end at Bethel Church where refreshments will be served prior to the 7:30pm Service. Sunrise Service April 12, 7:00am The Service will be followed by Breakfast which will be served until 9:45am easter service April 12, 11:00am Reverend John F. Bedell welcomes all to The Church on The Hill By Traci Gardner Stress Relief And More - Actonians feeling the pinch of the economy or just the strain from a long winter can finally get some relief. Kasia Sitarz RMT, pTS has just cele- brated the Grand Opening of her business Body Movements Therapeutics on Saturday, April 4. The offices are located at 15 Willow St. South in what many will remem- ber as the former location of Willow lane Natural Foods. Mayor Rick Bonnette was on hand to present Kasia with a plaque con- gratulating her on her new business. He was joined by his wife BiA To the editor: in Response to Thursday April 2, 2009 MSB land sale on hold until fact in report Where are the facts? i thank Wards 1 and 2 school board trustee Gerry Ockenden for taking a step back. The HDB staff recommendation to put MSB on chopping black was hasty and without supporting evidence. if the Ministry of Edu- cation requires all school boards to review their assets, fair enough. All organizations should regu- larly review their assets and operations and seek ways to become more ef- ficient and effective with their resources. At least now the crumbling Spey- side School is now on the radar. But where are the facts? it has now been 3 months since the motion to put MSB on a list of school with surplus lands and hardly any communica- tion has come from HDSN Facilities staff. Will the list of Surplus land be enough or was it just an educated guess that the seven properties might cover what the funds they need? Were they pulled out of thin air? HDSB facilities senior staff told our school coun- cil that our Mayor and Town should just buy the land if we want to preserve it. Buy what? Mr. Ock- enden is right in telling his fellow trustees that he and Where are the facts the Mayor have nothing to review. What is sur- plus? is it three acres or seven? How much land is at stake? HDSB staff have just dropped a bomb on the Town and sumply said deal with it. Citizens are asking why werent all of the facts brought before trustees bfore they were asked to cite. A delay of motion should have been made in January until all of the facts were before the trust- ees so they could make an informed decision, includ- ing the fact that a proposal to sell surplus ;ands at MSB has previously been debated and declined by the HDSB in 2000. Boards of directors nor- mally requires all of the facts before making a de- cision. if they dont have all of the facts they need, they defer the motion to another meeting. Were the trustees in- formed about the actual property> Were they in- formed as to how it is used by the school and how it is also used by neighbouring high school that is actually below the average number of acres? Were the trustees told how any carving off would impact the schools safety? These, and many other questions, need to be considered. i encourage every child and adult in our commun- ity to join us and sign MSB petition or write letter to the editor to show HDSB that you care and that you deserve the facts. Melissa Secord Chair, MSB School Council. Manager Josey Bonnette, and also Councillor Mike Oleary. in an emotional speech, Kasia thanked all of her family and friends who worked tirelessly over the past few weeks trans- forming the building into the new modern facility. Although the buildings exterior looks the same, the interior has been com- pletely transformed. Those who were familiar with the building previously were in awe at the trans- formation, which includes a beautiful reception desk made from old salvaged stones, a personal train- ing room, along with two private massage rooms and a rehab room where Kasia can perform the many services provided. She is also looking for- ward to the summertime, when clients can stop by and enjoy a coffee out on the front patio. The modern facility and friendly staff are the per- fect combination to help clients suffering from the likes of lower back pain, abdominal pain, sore neck and headaches, fibromyal- gia, post surgery pain, carpal tunnel syndrome or osteoporosis, and many other conditions. Body Movements Therapeutics offers Therapeutic Mas- sage, personal Training, and Sports injury Rehabili- tation. The Rehabilitation services include Hot or Cold Hydrotherapy and postural Assessments. Before moving Body Movements to the new location, Kasia did Mas- sage Therapy and personal Training out of X Marks the Fitness Spot, where she will continue to teach her Boot Camp. in a couple of months, Christian Monti RMT will be joining the business and adding to the services available. Body Movement Thera- peutics can be reached at 519-853-1200, or drop by the office on Willow St. Grand Opening all set to bring people relief A TASTE OF SPRING: Beryle Beanie served up some del ic ious Pancakes and Maple Baked Beans to Joey Landry at the Taste of Spring Pancake Breakfast held at the Limehouse Memor- ial Hall on Saturday, April 4. The breakfast includes pancakes served with fresh Maple Syrup, Maple Baked Beans, and Maple Sweets. Traci Gardner Photo. Walter and Vicky Sitarz (left) and Mayor Bonnette (right) celebrated with Kasia Sitarz at the opening of Body Movement Therapeutics last Saturday. - Traci Gardner photo