THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 13 Conservation Halton releases report on public accountability Conservation Halton has released its 2009 Pub- lic Accountability Report, an annual Report that is a snapshot of the environ- mental agencys programs and services over three years (2006 to 2008) and how these services are funded. The report includes facts and information on how Conservation Halton has been protecting the natural environment - for- ests, water and land - of its watershed. There are sta- tistics on budgets showing the sources of revenue and what expenditures they are used for. The Public Accountability Report shows Conservation Hal- tons stakeholders and its municipal partners how funds are spent to benefit residents, and what con- servation activities have been carried out. The Public Account- ability Report is a measure of our finances as they relate to our programs, ser- vices, and future needs, said Ken Phillips, CAO of Conservation Halton. Conservation Hal- ton delivers essential environmental services, such as flood protection, floodplain regulations, ecological monitoring, forestry programs, edu- cation, and recreation that are efficiently structured and managed, said Brian Penman, Chair of Con- servation Halton. One of the most rewarding areas of growth in our organ- ization is the number of children who have had the opportunity to learn about nature through our educa- tion programs. As noted in the report, Conservation Halton has experienced growth in the number of children that have participated in education programs at the Conservation Areas. The number of children enjoying the benefits of outdoor education has risen from over 51,000 in 2006 to more than 61,000 in 2008. The number of commun- ity volunteers involved with Conservation Hal- ton continues to be strong with nearly 1,700 people assisting with programs in 2008. In 2008, Conservation Halton Parks continued to be busy with close to 600,000 visitors enjoying the six conservation areas (Crawford Lake, Hil- ton Falls, Kelso, Mount Nemo, Mountsberg and Rattlesnake Point) as well as Glen Eden Ski and Snowboard Centre (numbers for 2008/09 season). On the regulatory side, watershed management staff continued to pro- vide assistance on matters related to ecology, flood control, forestry and water quality while ad- ministering the various provincial regulations. In 2008, there were over 900 permit reviews, inquiries and planning applications processed by staff. The municipal funding received by CH is used primarily to fund pro- grams and operations for environmental planning, flood protection and con- servation programs. Tax dollars (municipal or provincial) are not used to support recreation programs at CHs Con- servation Areas, which includes the Glen Eden Sk i and Snowboa rd Centre. Revenue from annual pass sales and other park user fees fund the operations and capital infrastructure needs of all Conservation Areas. The Accountability Re- port can be viewed on Conservation Haltons website at www.conserva- in The About Us section (click here) or by calling 905-336-1158 to receive a copy. Please note, the 2009 statistics will be available later in the year. TANNERS SCOREBOARD OMHA Playdown Games Jan 30 Atom BB 4 vs Erin-Hillsburgh 1 Goals: Marshall Harkins, Cameron Hampton(2), Sean Caruso. Assists: Tannor Toste, Alec MacCal- lum. Peewee AE 1 vs New Hamburg 4 Goal: Adam Coltson Peewee BB 3 vs Erin-Hillsburgh 4 Goals: Neil Mowat, Jordan Clarke, Nicholas Molin- aro. Assist: Molinaro. Bantam AE 3 vs New Hamburg 2 Goals: Jake Dunn, Will Richards, Brodie MacFar- lane. Assists: Jesse Keough, Tyler Kirkpatrick(2). Major Midget 2 (OT) vs Erin-Hillsburgh 1 Goals: Ben Roelofson, Brandyn McCarthy. Assists: Joshua Tremblay, Christopher Mah, Roelofson. Jan 31 Atom BB 2 at Dundas 5 Goals: Alec MacCallum, Garrett MacMillan. As- sists: Marshall Harkins, Cameron Hampton(2), Talon Fife. Peewee BB 3 vs Erin-Hillsburgh 5 Goals: Nicholas Molinaro, Michael Kri, Jordan Clarke. Assists: Kevin Giordano(2), Sean McIntosh, Molinaro. Feb 01 Peewee BB 7 at Dundas 5 Goals: Nicholas Molinaro(2), Michael Kri(2), David Lafrance(2), Bret Allonby. Assists: Lafrance(2), Al- lonby, John Matthews(2), Neil Mowat, Molinaro(2), Kevin Giordano. Feb 02 RBC Acton Branch Novice 5 at Brampton 1 Goals: Luke Miehm, Michael Holmes, Caleb Downs, Dylan Palmer, Nicholas Jones. Assists: Jones, Daniel Nascimento, Holmes, Stuart MacDonald, Joshua Ham- ilton, Miehm. Acton Firefighters Bantam BB 6 vs Erin-Hills- burgh 1 Goals: Brad Bollert(2), Zach Vanderlee, Jasson Lock- yer, Dylan Schouten, Todd Ratchford. Assists: Jasson Lockyer(2), Adam McCoy, TJ Baker, Bollert, Nicholas Molinaro. Feb 03 Bantam AE 1 vs New Hamburg 3 Goal: Kyle Crossman. Feb 04 Acton Firefighters Bantam BB 4 at Dundas 0 Goals: Carter Ebbinge, TJ Baker, Adam McCoy, Kendra van der Eyken. Assists: Dylan Schouten, Jas- son Lockyer. Personal bests for Ducks at swim meet Members of the Acton Aqua Ducks competed re- cently in the 33rd Annual Cindy Nicholas Swim Clas- sic in Scarborough against swimmers from around the province. The Ducks had many first place individual finishes and many swim- mers beat their personal best times. Acton Aqua Duck results: Girls 10 & Under Victoria Scott - 4th 100m breaststroke. Girls 11 & over April Barnes - 2nd 50m backst roke, 3rd 100m breaststroke, 6th 50m free- style. Kaitlyn Barnes - 1st 50m backstroke, 4th 100m breaststroke, 5th 50m free- style. Emily Bundy - 1st 50m butterfly, 5th 100m breast- stroke, 6th 50m freestyle. Darian Kavaner - 1st 50m backstroke, 6th 100m breaststroke. Alexandra Kroezen - 3rd 100m butterfly 5th 200m breaststroke. Laura Lobelio - 1st 50 freestyle, 1st 50m back- stroke, 1st 50m breaststroke, 2nd 200m individual med- ley, 2nd 100 freestyle, 4th 200m freestyle. Lili Paradi - 1st 100m free- style, 1st 200m breaststroke, 1st 200m individual medley, 2nd 50m breaststroke, 4th 100m backstroke. Sarah Scott - 6th 100m freestyle. Boys 11 & over Justin Gardipy - 1st 50m butterfly, 4th 50m freestyle, 5th 100m breaststroke. Matthew Hansen - 1st 50m backstroke, 6th 50m freestyle, 6th 100m breast- stroke. Adam Hollings - 1st 50m backstroke, 4th 100m breaststroke. William Russell - 1st 50 m butterfly, 1st 200m in- dividual medley, 2nd 50m freestyle, 2nd 50m breast- stroke, 3rd 100m freestyle, 3rd 100 breaststroke. Peter Schmidt - 2nd 50m breaststroke. Girls 15 & Over Emily Hansen - 3rd 50m butterfly, 4th 50m freestyle, 5th 100m breaststroke. Nicole Merritt - 2nd 100m freestyle, 4th 100m back- stroke, 4th 200m individual medley. Szilvia Paradi - 1st 100 m breaststroke, 3rd 200m free- style, 5th 50m freestyle. Chloe Russel l - 2nd 50m freestyle, 1st 50m backs t roke , 4 th 100m breaststroke. Joanna Sadgrove - 5th 100m backstroke, 4th 100m breaststroke. Erika Shardlow - 2nd 50m backstroke, 3rd 100m breaststroke, 1st 50m butter- fly. Sarah Waldie - 3rd 100m freestyle, 2nd 100m back- stroke, 2nd 200m individual medley. DUCKS MAKE A SPLASH: First place finishes and personal bests were wracked up by members of the Acton Aqua Ducks swim club at a recent meet in Scarborough. Submitted photo