THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, MARCH 4, 2010 5 To learn more and to get an application, come out to Habitat for Humanity Haltons information session on... Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 7 pm Salvation Army Church 114 Mill Street Acton, Ontario For more information or to register call 905-637-4446 Registration not mandatory, but appreciated! Habitat for Humanity Halton 1800 Appleby Line Burlington, ON www. You Deserve... A Simple, Decent, A ordable Home Are you a family with 3-4 children? Habitat for Humanity Halton has a home in Acton that might make homeownership possible for you and your family. INDIAN RIVER DIRECT CITRUS TRUCKLOAD SALE ACTON WED. MAR 10TH, 12:30PM - 2:30PM THE HIDE HOUSE PARKING LOT (Eastern & Mill) 20 LB BOX OF FLORIDA Seedless Navel Oranges or Ruby Red Grapefruit $22.00 PER BOX Queen of Credit I WILL FINANCE YOU! Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere ILL MAKE YOUR FIRST 3 PAYMENTS 100% APPROVAL RATING! YOUR JOB IS YOUR CREDIT Vehicles from $5000-$25000 whatever you need! IF YOU HAVE AN INCOME ...YOURRE APPROVED! PROBLEMS = SOLUTIONS On Disability Divorced Late Payments 0 Down No Credit Bankrupt No Money Lowest Interest Rates Credit Counselling YOURE APPROVED 1-866-367-7390 IF WE DONT HAVE IT - WE WILL GET IT! Specializing in 100% Credit Re-establishment GIANT USED CAR CLEARANCE TRUCKS VANS SUBS CARS WHATEVER - 2,500 TO CLEAR Low as $37 perwk. $0DOWN! SAMEDAYDELIVERY ? Ask forCasey Tickets are now avail- ab l e fo r t he Ha l ton Regional Chairs Break- fast on the Environment, to be held on Tuesday, April 20, 7:30 a.m. at the Burlington Convention Centre. Guest speaker Craig Kielburger, found- er and chair of Free the Children, will be there to celebrate the winners of the Chairs Environmental Awards. Sponsored by Bell and TD Friends of the En- vironment Foundation, The Regional Chair s Environmental Awards support Haltons youth in achieving environ- mental excellence in their schools, community and future academic studies. These awards foster an appreciation for the environment in Haltons youth and raise awareness of local environmental initiatives, said Halton Regional Chair, Gary Carr. Preserving the en- vironment is a priority for all of us and Im thrilled to encourage our innova- tive young leaders to think green. Awards are given out in two categories: the Halton Youth Awards for Environ- mental Excellence and the Halton Youth Awards for Environmental Schol- arship. The submission deadline for both categor- ies is March 12, 2010. Complete award entry details, including applica- tion forms, can be found at Organizations and in- dividuals are invited to show their support for the environmental ef- forts of Haltons youth by sponsoring an award or purchasing a table. Further details on sponsorship op- portunities are available at By participating in this breakfast, local com- panies wi l l have the opportunity to be part of an important initiative, Carr said. With these inspired young people taking a proactive lead in protecting and preserving our environment, we have an opportunity to gain in- sights from our Halton students. Craig Kielburger is the founder and chair of Free the Children, a unique international development and youth empowerment organization. Since its founding in 1995, Free the Children has become the worlds leading youth- driven charity, inspiring an entire generation to stand up and have their voices heard. Craig is also the co- founder and director of Me to We Social Enterprises. The goal of Me to We is to encourage ethical living and social responsibility, while also helping Free the Children achieve fi nancial sustainability. For more information on the Regional Chairs En- vironmental Awards contact Halton Region by dialling 311 or 905-825-6000, toll free 1-866-442-5866, TTY 905-827-9833 or visit Nominations open for Haltons Youth Environmental Awards Craig Kielburger helps celebrate WINTER FUN: A number of kids in the Beardmore Crescent area south of Highway 7 spent Saturday getting creative with the snow. Submitted photos