THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2010 3 38 Mill St. E. Acton, ON L7J 1H2 519-853-2244 Dr. Dana Selby BPHE, CK, DC Rehabilitation Centre Chiropractic Rehabilitation Acupuncture Kinesiology Custom Orthotics WANTED For ST. PATRICKS DAY MARCH 17th 100 Fun Loving, Beer Drinking, Jig Dancing, Tale Telling, Music Loving PATTYS No experience required! We will train you at MILL STREET CROSSING Live Entertainment 137 MIll St. East Acton, ON Until the end of March, t h e C a n a d a R e v e n u e Agency (CRA) is issuing weekly tax tips with in- formation geared towards specific groups that are most affected by new and existing credits, deductions, and benefi ts in the 2009 tax- filing season. This tax tip focuses on seniors. There are credits, bene- fits, and deductions to which you may be entitled. Some of these are: Age amount: If you were 65 years old or older on De- cember 31, 2009, and your net income was less than $75,032, you may be able to claim this non-refundable tax credit. Pension income amount: If you reported eligible pen- sion, superannuation, or annuity payments on your return, you may be able to claim this non-refundable tax credit. Pension income split- ting: If you and your spouse or common-law partner split your pension income by completing Form T1032, Joint Election to Split Pen- sion Income, you (the pensioner) can claim a deduction for the elected split-pension amount. Registered retirement savings plan (RRSP): You may be able to deduct your RRSP contributions. Medical expenses: You may be able to claim a non- refundable tax credit based on the cost of medical ex- penses for any 12-month period ending in 2009. Goods and services tax / harmonized sales tax (GST/ HST) credit: Low- and Thinking about sum- mer yet? Well, the Town certainly was as it broke ground on Monday in prep- aration for a new splash pad to be constructed in Prospect Park. Council was pleased to support this capital pro- ject as it offers great play value for all members of the family, said Mayor Rick Bonnette. We need only look at the success of the Towns other splash pad facilities at Gellert and Dominion Gardens Park! The people of Acton had expressed the need for a Splash Pad and it was con- fi rmed through the Towns Recreation and Parks Stra- tegic Action Plan, said Regional Councilor Clark Somerville, a member of the Strategic Plan Steering Committee, The total project budget is $540,000 with $100,000 to be raised through dona- tions and sponsorships. The Town is pleased to announce its fi rst contribu- tor to this exciting project is the Geng Family who own and operate Superior Glove in Acton. Given our deep connection with Acton and long history in town, we were looking at a way that we could give back to the community, said Tony Geng speak- ing on behalf of the Geng Family and Super ior Glove. The notion of con- tributing to the splash pad program at Prospect Park struck us as being a very special project that would bring families together in this great park setting. The amount of the Geng Family contribution has not been fi nalized at this time. Wi th over th i r t een ground water elements the variety of jets will provide play for a range of ages in a fi shthemed splash pad. The central elements of a leaping fi sh and fi shing pole will be a fantastic addition to the Prospect Park setting on Fairy Lake. The splash pad is schedule to open in July. April is Cancer Month modest-income individuals and families may apply for this quarterly payment by completing the application on the first page of their 2009 income tax and bene- fi t return. Disability amount: If you had a severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions in 2009 and meet certain condi- tions, you may be able to claim this non-refundable tax credit. Public transit tax credit: If you use public transit and have bought certain transit passes or electronic pay- ment cards, you may be able to claim this non-refundable tax credit. Home Renovation Tax Credit: If you are a home- owner, you may be able to claim a non-refundable tax credit of up to $1,350, based on eligible expenses in- curred for work performed or goods acquired after January 27, 2009, and be- fore February 1, 2010, in respect of a renovation or alteration to an eligible dwelling. The credit ap- plies to expenses of more than $1,000, but not more than $10,000. In addition to these, other credits, deductions, and benefits may be available to you. For more informa- tion, go to seniors. Pay tax by instalments If you receive income that has no tax withheld or does not have enough tax withheld for more than one year, you may have to pay tax by instalments. This can happen if you re- ceive rental, investment, or self-employment income, certain pension payments, or income from more than one job. For more informa- tion, go to instalments. Take advantage of the CRAs electronic services Use electronic servi- ces such as NETFILE and TELEFILE, My Account, My Payment, and direct deposit to fi le your return, manage your tax affairs on- line, make online payments, and get your refund and benefi ts deposited into your bank account, respectively. For more information, go to Get help fi ling your re- turn If you qualify for the Community Volunteer In- come Tax Program and have a simple tax situation, a trained volunteer will help you complete your 2009 in- come tax and benefi t return. For more information, go to or call 1-800-959-8281. Its tax time By Frances NiblockLike a well-oiled ma- chine, Canadian Cancer Society volunteers are pre- paring for Cancer Month in Acton with a door-to-door canvas, special events and daffodil sales to raise money for cancer research. Many of the Acton volun- teers are campaign veterans, and many are cancer sur- vivors living proof that cancer can be beaten. Campaign officials are currently looking for can- vassers people who are enthusiastic, optimistic, somewhat organized and committed to the cause of raising money to fi ght can- cer. The job takes approxi- mately four hours, and routes of 15 to 20 houses can be canvassed any time during April. Approxi- mately 200 canvassers are needed, and Acton Branch president Cathy Gerrow said routes are available, including in the subdivision south of Sobeys. The door-to-door canvass brings in approximate- ly $35,000 annually. An annual dance generates ap- proximately $4,500, while the Acton Branch receives $10,000 annually from me- moriams and the Paul Murr Golf Tournament raises approximately $50, 0000 annually for the Cancer Society. Gerrows favourite cam- paign job is to organize the Daffodil sales for the last weekend in March. Its a fun thing to do daffodils are so symbolic, and some people get quite emotional when they buy them to me, it feels good (to sell them) youre out there raising money and its making a difference, Ger- row said on Friday. She orders 22 boxes with 50 bunches of daf- fodils in each box from a grower in British Col- umbia and will sell them on March 25, 26 and 27, raising approximately $7,000. Each year, grateful Ac- ton Branch offi cials treat their volunteers to a cam- paign kickoff dinner. It is March 24 at 6 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church. The Wellington Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society administers all proceeds from Acton Can- cer Month activities. For more information or to volunteer call Cathy at 519-853-1424. Splish splash in Prospect Park SPLISH SPLASH IN PROSPECT PARK: It was fi tting to have the offi cial ground- breaking ceremony for the new splash pad in Prospect Park on the warmest day of winter this year. Attending the ceremony were (left to right) Steve Need of Marshall Finamore Construction, Councillor Jon Hurst, Councillor Clark Somerville, Joe Geng of Superior Glove, Councillor Mike OLeary, Mayor Rick Bonnette,Tony Geng of Superior Glove, and Paul Finamore of Marshal Finamore Construction. The new splash pad is scheduled to be opened sometime in July. Ken Baker photo