THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2010 13 THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS Your time and talents are greatly appreciated Georgetown: 905-873-6502 Acton: 519-853-3310 Oakville: 905-878-6403 8 Main Street North, Acton, Ontario, L7J 1W1 Tel: 519-853-9615 Fax: 519-853-9277 Please give generously Your one stop party store for party needs, pre-made loot bags, helium ballons 372 Queen St. E., Acton 519.853.1960 Please join in the fight against cancer and support the Canadian Cancer Society. Acton Market Place Plaza Ready to serve Mayor Rick Bonnette and Council fully support the 2010 Cancer Campaign and hope you will too! Fast, friendly healthy lunch! Ph: 853-5531 Fax: 853-5366 Mill & Main Plaza Help find the cure for cancer PLEASE HELP in tHE figHt AgAinSt cAncEr. Acton Home Hardware 519-853-1730 264 Main St. N. 853-1970 Serving Acton & area since 1992 When canvassers call, Please give generously 60 Commerce Cres. 853-3540 Help find the cure for cancer Help find a cure. Please give generously. 12 Main Street North, Acton Vintners Acton 41 Mill St. East Acton, Ontario Tel.: (519) 853-2255 L7J 1H1 Fax.: (519) 853-9574 Wine Making on Premise Help the fight against cancer, Please give generously METRO PAVEMENT MARKINGS LTD. 69 Commerce Cres. Acton L7J 2M1 Ph: (519)853-3650 1-800-563-6656 FAX: (519-853-1036 Truck: (416)579-7228 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Cancer can be beaten ... Help find the cure! Acton Mews Plaza, 56D Mill St. East, Acton 519-853-0811 Hair Salon SILVERCREEK SPA & Your Donations are Needed! Please Give Together we can find a cure. Please Give Generously when a canvasser comes to your home Cancer awareness and fundraising month The New Tanner and the following advertisers urge everyone to Please, Give Generously. Chances are Cancer will touch someone you love. These pages are dedicated to awareness and education in the fight against cancer. Current research shows that at least 50 per cent of cancers can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices and policies that protect the public. But we need to learn more so that fewer Can- adians will be diagnosed with this disease. This is why funding pre- vention research is an important focus of the Canadian Cancer So- cietys efforts to understand more about how the disease develops and how we can stop it before it starts. Our current prevention research efforts include: The Prevention Initiative: The Initiative allows investments that will increase cancer prevention re- search activities across Canada. The Canadian Cancer Society will give approximately $17.5 million to this initiative over the next five years. Individual research grants: This program supports the most prom- ising projects, which are chosen through a world-renowned peer-re- view process. Additionally, it offers opportunities that train, develop and support the next generation of cancer researchers. This year, the Society is funding close to $3 mil- lion in prevention research ranging from clinical trials to behavioural research to molecular and genetic studies. Clinical trials: The NCIC Clinical Trials Group leads and participates in clinical trials across Canada and around the world. It carries out clin- ical trials in several areas, including prevention. Fighting cancer by funding prevention research.