THE BRIDAL SPECIALISTS 905-457-3363 389 Main Street North, Brampton Between Vodden & Williams Parkway Feb. 9-23 Only No Appointment Necessary Save up to 70% Ten Time Best Bridal Boutique Brampton Guardians Readers Choice Award Hundreds of Wedding Gowns - Prices Starting at $199 Sizes 4-28 All Name Brands: Maggie Sottero, Paloma Blanca, Alfred Angelo, Mori Lee, Sincerity, Jai International, Alfred Sung, & More Shop Early for the Best Selection! Lots of Free Parking! IN-STORE BRIDAL BLOWOUT! 9 O U R W E D D I N G Y O U R B A N Q U E T Y O U R S P E C I A L E V E N T & A C I L I T Y 3 E R V I C E S 5 R R P V W K D W F D Q D F F R P R G D W H S H R S O H . L Q V P H Q + D O O 5 R W D U \ % R D U G U R R P / D Q G V F D S H G ) U D V H U & R X U W \ D U G 0 X O W L 3 X U S R V H 5 R R P . L W F K H Q % D U 6 H W X S W D N H G R Z Q V H U Y L F H $ X G L R Y L V X D O H T X L S P H Q W W W W H A L T O N H I L L S C A G E L L E R T 3 O D Q W R F H O H E U D W H D W W K H * H O O H U W ) R U P R U H L Q I R U P D W L R Q F D O O H [ W * H O O H U W & R P P X Q L W \ & H Q W U H ( L J K W K / L Q H + D O W R Q + L O O V * H R U J H W R Z Q 2 1 / * 6 / R F D W H G L Q E H D X W L I X O + D O W R Q + L O O V * H O O H U W E R D V W V E H D X W L I X O O D Q G V F D S H G \ D U G V I D Q W D V W L F Y L H Z V D I X Q F W L R Q D O F R X U W \ D U G N L W F K H Q I D F L O L W L H V D Q G D P S O H S D U N L Q J / D U J H R U V P D O O \ R X U U H F H S W L R Q R U F H U H P R Q \ H Y H Q W Z L O O V X U H O \ L P S U H V V \ R X U J X H V W V * H O O H U W & R P P X Q L W \ & H Q W U H Q R Z D F F H S W V V S H F L D O R F F D V L R Q S H U P L W V I R U W K H X V H R I R Q V L W H E D U I D F L O L W L H V $ V S H F L D O R F F D V L R Q S H U P L W D O O R Z V \ R X W R K R V W D O L F H Q V H G H Y H Q W D Q G S H U P L W V \ R X W R V X S S O \ \ R X U R Z Q D O F R K R O L F E H Y H U D J H V < R X U 3 O D F H W R & H O H E U D W H W E D D I N G A D Q U A R T E R P A G E S O P P D F 0 - Brides, Wednesday, February 20, 2008 3 As a bride-to-be, you feel stressed and worn out from the plentiful parties, bridal showers and appointments for the big day. On top of the stress, youre watching every bite you put into your mouth in anticipa- tion of looking super slim walking down the aisle. In an effort to look their best on the big day many brides, bridesmaids and other members of the wedding party make poor health decisions that can have an effect on the wedding day. In fact, a poll on found that 14 per cent of brides said they would eat nothing for breakfast on their wedding day-and most likely faint at the altar! Nutritional Mistake #1 Unhealthy dieting habits: Many brides-to-be starve themselves, radically cut calories or carbohydrates or exercise excessively to look their slimmest for their wedding day. In fact, statistics show that about 70% of brides follow crash diets or starve themselves preceding their wedding date. Unfortunately, these are not healthy weight loss practices and can leave brides with poor energy and looking malnour- ished. A safer way to lose weight, look healthy and feel your best for the big day is to eat smaller portions throughout the day to keep your metabolism and energy up. It is advisable to eat meals and snacks con- sisting of 30-40% Carbohydrates (whole grains, fruits & vegetables), 40% lean pro- tein (poultry, fish, lean meat, eggs) and 30% healthy fats (olive oil, flax, avocado & nuts) . This will keep your blood sug- ars from fluctuating and therefore main- taining your energy constant without cravings and periods of low energy. Nutritional Mistake #2 Not eating on the wedding day: Between hair and makeup appointments and posing for endless pictures, most brides and members of the bridal party dont eat on the wedding day. Not only does this result in you feeling more ner- vous and anxious, it can also trigger you to faint at the altar due to low blood sugar levels. To prevent this from hap- pening, keep these points in mind: Be sure to eat breakfast on the wedding day-it will give you the energy you need to start your busy day. Whole grain bread with cheese, a power protein smoothie or yogurt with fruit and nuts are all good breakfast options. If your wedding is late in the day, be sure to have food around for you and your wedding party to nibble on. Fruit, cheese and party sandwiches are great ideas. Try to avoid salty, processed foods, which can make you hold on to water and feel bloated. You also might want to avoid drinks with caffeine such as coffee and pops, which may make you feel jumpy and give you energy highs and lows. A secret bridal tip: Place candies in the bridal bouquets in case you or your bridesmaids feel faint when standing at the altar. Eating the candy can help boost blood sugar levels and avoid fainting. Nutritional Mistake #3 Dehydration: Not drinking enough water (at least 6-8 glasses per day) before and on your wedding day can leave you NOT looking and feeling your best. Water is involved in every aspect of the bodys functions, which is why staying hydrated is so important. Be sure to have bottled water available on the wedding day. Also remember that drinking too many alco- holic drinks can dehydrate you, leav- ing you with a headache and feeling tired. If you do choose to drink, alternate alcoholic beverages with water. Nutritional Mishap #4 Forgetting that beauty comes from the inside, out: Many brides depend on expensive beauty products to make their skin glow, their hair shine and their nails strong for the big day rather than focusing on inex- pensive foods. You are what you eat-so add these foods to your diet to look your best for the big day. Fish contains essential fatty acids that are needed to preserve healthy skin. These fats will help add shine to your complexion and replenish moisture in dry skin. Include oily fish, such as salmon, herring, macker- el and sardines, in your diet. Avocados contain vitamins A, C and E, iron, potassium, niacin and protein, all of which make avocado a favorite in the beauty world. Try an avocado facemask or use Burts Bees Avocado Butter hair treat- ment. Vegetables, especially bright orange and dark green vegetables, help brides look their best. Orange vegetables, such as carrots, squash and sweet potatoes, and dark-green vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach and kale, are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for the growth, development and maintenance of healthy skin and teeth. It also keeps the immune system functioning properly so you dont get sick before your big day. Include orange or green vegetables with lunch and dinner to reap the benefits. Fruits contain antioxidants, which help fight cell-damaging molecules called free radicals. To defend against cellular dam- age and keep you looking your best, eat fruits that are rich in antioxidants, such as berries, tomatoes, grapes, citrus fruits, kiwi, cantaloupe and melon. Flaxseed provides the body with essen- tial fatty acids, amino acids and antioxi- dants to help repair nails, skin and hair for your wedding day. Add flaxseed oil to smoothies or yogurt, or use it as a hair treatment to restore shine and manage- ability. Other healthy wedding day tips Get the right amount of sleep, learn how to cope with stress, exercise safely and take supplements for good health. Article submitted by: Cynthia Simmons, Doctor of Homeopathy and Natural Health Professional HEAL THYSELF CLINIC- Natural Health Care & Education Centre. 519-853-8950 Brides-to-be should remember to eat right before the big day