#Lim ited time leas e off ers b ased on n ew 2 008 Acc ord Seda n LX ,mo del C P25 38E / 20 08 C ivic Seda n DX ,mo del F A15 28E X / 2 008 CR- V LX ,mo del R E38 38E / 20 08 O dyss ey D X,m odel RL3 818 E av ailab le th roug h Ho nda Fina ncia l Ser vice s on app rove d cr edit. 2.9 % / 1.9% / 1. 9% / 1.9 % le ase APR for 48 / 60 / 48 / 48 m onth s.M onth ly pa yme nt is $298 / $1 97.99 / $2 98 / $396 .99 w ith $1 ,561. 07 / $0 / $2,66 5.76 / $0 dow n pa yme nt or equ ivale nt tr ade, $1,39 0 / $ 1,295 / $1 ,540 / $1, 540 f reigh t and PDI, first mo nthly pay men t and $0 / $0 / $0 / $0 s ecuri ty de posit due at lea se in cept ion. Tota l lea se o bliga tion is $1 7,927 .53 / $13 ,423. 72 / $18,1 75.83 / $2 1,532 .74.T axe s,lic ense ,ins uran ce a nd r egis trati on a re e xtra .96, 000 / 12 0,00 0 / 9 6,00 0 / 9 6,00 0 kil ome tre a llow anc e; c harg e of $0.12 /km f or ex cess kilom etres .Reta iler m ay le ase for l ess. Reta iler o rder / tra de m ay b e ne cess ary. Lim ited t ime fi nanc ing o ffers base d on new 2008 Hon da m odels .0.9% APR for up t o 36 mo nths on n ew 2 008 Acc ord, Civic ,CR -V a nd O dyss ey m odel s.Fi nanc e ex amp le ba sed on n ew 2 008 Civi c Se dan DX, mo del F A15 28E X av ailab le th roug h Ho nda Fina ncia l Ser vice s on app rove d cr edit. MS RP is $16, 990, plus $1,2 95 fr eight and PDI,fi nanc ed a t 0.9 % A PR equa ls $5 14.99 per m onth for 3 6 mo nths. Cost of b orro wing is $2 54.82 for a total oblig ation of $1 8,539 .82.T axe s,lic ense ,ins uran ce a nd r egis trati on a re e xtra .N o pay ment s for 90 d ays o ffer a pplie s to purc hase fina nce offer s on all n ew 2 007 & 2 008 mo dels ,and Hon da C ertifi ed U sed Vehi cles pur chas ed a nd d elive red by M arch 31s t,20 08. Offe r ava ilabl e on ly th roug h Ho nda Fina ncia l Ser vice s on app rove d cr edit. Mon thly paym ents are defe rred for 90 d ays. Con tract s wi ll be exte nded acc ordin gly. Inter est c harg e (if a ny) w ill no t acc rue duri ng t he fi rst 6 0 da ys o f the con trac t.Aft er th e 60 day s,in tere st (if any) starts to acc rue an d th e pu rcha ser w ill re pay prin cipa l and inte rest (if an y) mo nthly over the t erm o f the contr act.R etail er m ay s ell fo r les s.Re taile r ord er / trad e ma y be nec essa ry.# /// Of fers v alid f rom Marc h 1st ,200 8 th roug h Ma rch 3 1st, 200 8 at par ticip ating Hon da r etail ers. Offe rs su bject to ch ange or ca ncella tion with out notic e.Se e yo ur H onda reta iler f or fu ll de tails .As rep orte d by Aut omo bile Jour nalis ts As soci ation of C anad a,No vem ber 200 7.Fo r de tails visi t ww w.aja c.ca. As rep orte d by Can adia n ma nufa ctur ers for cale ndar yea r 20 07. You ma y be elig ible for t he G over nme nt of Can ada' s ec oAU TO R ebat e Pr ogra m. Civic mod els w ith 1 .8L e ngin e an d m anua l tran smis sion qua lify f or a $1,00 0 reb ate.F or m ore deta ils,v isit w ww. eco actio n.gc .ca. As rep orte d by the Insu ranc e Ins titut e for Hig hwa y Sa fety, Nov. 200 7.Vi sit w ww. iihs. org for m ore infor mat ion. As r epor ted b y Ca r an d Dr iver, Mar ch 2 007 .Vis it ww w.ca ran ddri ver.c om for deta ils. Civic DX Sedan model FA1528EX Accord LX Sedan model CP2538E ACCORD LX $25,090 MSRP 298$PER MONTH FOR 48 MONTHS ON APPROVED CREDIT WITH $1,561 DOWN. LEASE FOR # @2.9% LEASE APR All-New CIVIC DX $16,990 MSRP 198$ PER MONTH FOR 60 MONTHS ON APPROVED CREDIT LEASE FOR # @1.9 0 % LEASE APR Best New Family Car 2008 LEASE DOWN PAYMENT Odyssey DX model RL3818E Car and Drivers 5Best Trucks for 2007 3rd Straight Year! NOWS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR HONDA. Civics bold styling, fun-to-drive attitude and squeeze every litre fuel efficiency never fail to lift your spirits. Continuing to set the standard for versatile seating, cargo room, safety and fuel efficiency. Everything you could ask for in a minivan and more. From its flawless aerodynamics to its powerful new engine, the all-new Accord delivers no-compromise driving. ODYSSEYDX $31,490 MSRP 397$ PER MONTH FOR 48 MONTHS ON APPROVED CREDIT LEASE FOR # @ 1.9% LEASE APR Choose a Winner. Choose a Honda. 0.9% PURCHASE FINANCING as low as up to 36 months on approved credit Top Safety Rating for Front, Side and Rear Impacts When you do your huge month-end grocery shopping, head out for a ski getaway, or stop by the home improvement store youll love how your CR-V handles every situation. CR-V LX $27,790 MSRP 298$ PER MONTH FOR 48 MONTHS ON APPROVED CREDIT WITH $2,666 DOWN LEASE FOR # @1.9% LEASE APR CR-V LX model RE3838E Ask About CASH INCENTIVES Best Selling Car in Canada 10 Years in a Row $ 0LEASEDOWNPAYMENT$ NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS You may be eligible for a $1,000 rebate From the Government of Canadas ecoAUTO Rebate Program ? Independent & Free Press, Wednesday, March 12, 2008 11