Stay Safe, always! Main Store and Dispensary 905 877-2711 Home Health Care 905 873-4021 Post Office 905-873-7798 47 Main Street South, Georgetown, Ontario L7G 3G2 This message is brought to you by these community minded businesses. One too many for babys health Of course, you already know that pregnancy and alcohol do not mix. However, what do you know about the risks and the consequences? Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Month aims to educate us a bit more on the subject. So, true or false, what do you think? One bottle of beer is as harmful as a glass of wine to the fetus. Alcohol remains in the system of the fetus longer than the mothers. Consuming large quantities at one time (5 drinks in one evening) is as dangerous as regular consumption (2 drinks every day). Exposure to alcohol can harm the fetus at any time during pregnancy. Alcohol consumed by the mother is also present in breast milk. Alcohol can cause permanent damage to a fetus. Health profes sional s can he lp you preven t fetal alcoho l syndro me. Alcohol consumedby the mother is also present in breast milk. Yes, all of these statements are true. The consequences of FAS/EAF (fetal alcohol syndrome and the effects of alcohol on the fetus) are generally quite serious. The most notable effects include slower growth, abnormal appearance, damaged internal organs, diminished intellectual capacity, behaviour problems, mental health issues, etc. An upsetting fact is that FAS/EAF represents the main cause of mental deficiency in Canada. Yet, it is totally preventable! All pregnant women, as well as those who plan to become pregnant, must stop drinking alcohol, in any form. With no pre-set limits, abstinence is the best way to protect the health of the baby and the happiness of the entire family. 92 Guelph St., Georgetown 905 7 0 2 74 00 Dr. Segal is accepting patients at the Guelph St. location. Specializing in Periodontics Services: Implants & Periodontal Surgery No Referrals Required From your friends at Acton Home Hardware 519-853-1730 362 Queen St. E., Acton OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK High Pressure Drain Flushing 2 Trucks to Serve You - Radio Dispatched P.O. Box 64, Ballinafad, ON N0B 1H0 519-853-0500 Office 905-878-6869 905-877-0514 Answering Service Fax Robert Noble Limited SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Services covered by most insurance plans. TLC Family Footcare Centre Georgetown Professional Medical Building, 99 Sinclair Ave., Suite 202 Acton Medical Building, 93 Mill St. E. 1-877-TLC-FOOT / 1-519-925-1008 Call today to book your appointment Giving your feet some Tender Loving Care Stephen Thompson B.H.Sc (Hons), D.Ch Chiropodist / Foot Specialist HEALTH CARE - Wednesday, September 26, 2007 5 Have you had your flu shot this year? If you live in Ontario, chances are pretty good that you did or are planning to get one soon. Convincing people to roll up their sleeves every fall for a flu shot is a big chal- lenge. People often forget, dont get around to it, dont like needles or just dont think its really necessary. But vaccination is one of the most effective ways to avoid this sea- sonal illness, and public health officials are constantly searching for ways to get people immunized. In 2000, the Ontario government insti- tuted the worlds first large-scale universal influenza immunization program (UIIP), offering free flu shots to all Ontarians aged six months or older. Dr. Jeff Kwong, a Canadian Institutes of Health Research- funded scientist at the University of Toronto, has been studying the impact of this pioneering program. He has found that in UIIPs first year, Ontarios flu vaccination rate for residents over the age of 12 jumped from 18% to 36%, while the vaccination rates in the rest of Canada rose from 13 to 21%. Most other provinces offer targeted flu vaccination programs, meaning that they provide free shots to health-care workers and people with a high risk of getting seri- ously sick if they catch the flu: the very young, the very old and people with chron- ic illnesses such as diabetes or heart dis- ease. People outside of these target groups tend to opt out of getting their annual shot Its true that most young, healthy peo- ple will just have a minor sickness if they catch the flu. But you have to remember that you can transmit the flu virus to peo- ple in higher risk groups, explains Kwong. So, one excellent reason to be vaccinated is to protect the people around you. Kwong is now studying how effective UIIP has been at preventing illness, reduc- ing the burden on the health-care system and saving lives. Offering a universal program is one tool to vaccinate as many people as possi- ble, says Kwong. It also builds infrastruc- ture, so that in the event of an influenza pandemic wed be ready to vaccinate large groups of people. News Canada, photo courtesy Flu vaccinations for everyone 519-853-5133 8 Main Street North, Acton, Ontario L7J 1W1 IN THE GIANT TIGER PLAZA Customer Service at its best. With 25 years experience & excellent value, dont buy anywhere else until youve visited Actons Award-Winning Optical. Designer eyewear at affordable prices A great selection of high quality, high fashion sunglasses Packages starting at $99 Eye appointments arranged Nancy Wilkes, registered optician