THE NEW TANNER4THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2010 Here! - Help going greenThe Halton Environ-focus on solar and geo-thermal systems. Braekevelt successes and allow other mental Network (HEN) is thermal technologies for will be handling solar ther-people to follow in their pleased to announce receipt the remainder of 2010. It mal and geothermal issues. footsteps.of a grant from the Ontario will also reach beyond the HERE!s role is to en-HERE! will be holding Ministry of the Environ-residential sector to include sure that Haltons residents two workshops as part of the ments Community Go religious institutions, con-first experience with renew-Oakville Conserves Energy Green Fund (CGGF) to help dominium corporations, able energy is a positive Fair on Saturday, May 29 at people to reduce greenhouse and small, says Flint. We are Oakville Town Hall. Flint gas emissions. CGGF funding has en-HERE! to take the mystery will address solar PV at Interest in solar has been abled the hiring of two out of renewable energy 10:00 a.m. and Braekevelt growing steadily since the Renewable Energy Tech-projects.will speak on geothermal introduction of the Green nology Specialists on a HERE! helps with the and solar thermal technolo-Energy Act last year, said part-time basis. Graham full lifecycle of these pro-gies at 11:00 a.m.Project Coordinator Lisa Flint is an electrical en-jects, continues Flint. HEN is a non-profit Seiler. Our solar tours gineer whose 10 kW We educate about the pro-umbrella group for en-are drawing 50 to 60 new ground-mounted solar PV grams and technologies, vironmental non-profits in people each month, and system in rural Halton has we facilitate the introduc-Halton. Its mission is to HAIR TODAY: Regional/Acton Councillor Clark the number of Halton resi-recently been connected to tion to vendors, we assist make environmental con-Somerville will lose his newly dyed locks at the dents who have contacted the grid. with evaluating proposals, nections in Halton. HEN is Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) con-us about other types of Chris Braekevelt is a we support people through pleased to have the funding ference this weekend, to raise money for an FCM renewable energy is also mechanical engineer with any challenges with the pro-to be able to help people scholarship program. Submitted photogrowing. HERE! will experience installing geo-cess, and we celebrate the connect to green power.Are you environmentally savyOur quality of life de-Canadian Environment by how much percent?ant than poultry in terms may be banned in CanadaAnswer: d. 158,000 pends on adue to their known ad-tons clean and Week. It is the perfect a. 15 percentof human nutrition.healthy environment weverse health effects. opportunity to learn about b. 25 percenta. TrueThese devices contain owe it to ourselves and5. Setting your thermo- what you can do to mini-c. 35 percentb. Falsesignificant quantities of our children to preservestat just two degrees lower mize your environmental d. 50 percentAnswer: a. Truepollutants such as lead and protectin the winter and higher the living net-footprint.Answer: b. 25 percentBees are an essential and mercury, some of works and systems thatin the summer could save 1. Adding insulation to This is done by reducing part of biodiversity. Bio-which eventually leach provide us with health,you approximately how your walls and attic, and the amount of energy you diversity can be defined into our water systems. wealth, food, fuel andmany kilograms of car- installing weather strip-need to heat and cool your as being the variety of all They also contain recyc-the vital services that our ping or caulking around on earth. There arebon dioxide each year? lable materials such as lives depend on.doors and windows can 130,000 plants that needa. 450 kilograms copper, steel, aluminum May 30 to June 5 isb. 680 kilograms lower your heating costs 2. Bees are more import-pollination by bees to and plastic. Donate elec-live. Unfortunatelyc. 910 kilograms, bees tronics that you no longer haved. 1500 kilograms suffered dramatic need to Computers for declines in recent years,Answer: c. 910 kilo- Schools, or contact your mostly from pesticidesgrams local waste management introduced by humans.In the winter, turn down facilities for an electron-3. Driving a new carthe heat while youre ics recycler in your area.betweensleeping at night or away 320 and 480 kilo-10. What is the term metres is equal to driving during the day. During the used to describe some-your gassummer, keep your win- powered lawn-thing that will break down Introducing, and welcoming mower for how long?dows open at night and naturally?a. 15 minutesclose them with the blinds a. Compostableour newest team member,b. Half an hourdrawn during the day. b. Organicc. One hourKeep temperatures mod-c. Biodegradabled. Two hourserate at all times to save d. DegradableJODIE SHEPPARDAnswer: c. one houron heating and cooling Answer: c. Biodegrad-To reducecosts and help reduce air pollu-able tion, you should limit the 6. A single dripping hot Through the action of *use of small gas-pow-water faucet can waste a microorganism such 25% off to any ered machines such asup to how many liters of as bacteria or fungi, bio-lawnmowers,water a month? leaf blow-degradable products will clients who book an ers, chainsaws and snowa. 200 liters break down over a per-blowers.b. 405 litersiod of time. Any product appointment with Jodie for 4. Purchasing locally-c. 670 litersthat comes from nature producedd. 800 liters food benefits (plants, animals, minerals) the months of May and June.Canadians by:Answer: d. 800 literswill return to nature. But a. Reducing pollutionThat not only increas- man-made petrochem-resulting fromes water bills, but also the ship-ical products like plastic Jodie Sheppard*Off er applies to regular priced services of food around theincreases the gas or elec- cannot, leaving them on worldtricity bill for heating the the earth for centuries to b. Helping maintainwater. So, get that leaky come.farmland and green spacefaucet fixed. Thank you for taking our communities9. Every year Can-the time to take our quiz. c. Supporting our localadians bury or cremate This is the first step to get Now Open Mondays!economyhow many tons of dead informed. Now you have d. All of the aboveand obsolete computers, to get involved and act Answer: d. All of themonitors, printers, fax now.abovemachines, TVs, mobile We all can make a dif-Sophones and similar prod-, eat locally! It is ference by taking simple also saferucts?, as food grown steps as part of our daily in other countries isa. 50,000 tons lives to protect and pre-519-853-8859As an exclusive Aveda spa,underb. 72,000 tons different regula-serve the life support tions regarding the use of c. 114,000 tonssystems we rely on every-your hair deserves the best.9 Mill St. E., Actonchemicals, some of whichd. 158,000 tons day.