THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2010 9GRAPEVINEGoodbye MajorsFade to blackMembers of the Acton Salvation There are some great deals for Army Corps said goodbye to Ma-movies and games at Actons Mov-jors Dean and Margaret Locke on ie Gallery, which began selling all Friday at a reception in their hon-of its stock at a discount on Satur-our. The Lockes, in Acton for five day part of liquidation sales at years, have been transferred to a 131 stores across Canada, 29 of Corps in Picton Major Locke de-them in Ontario.livered his last sermon on Sunday.Movie Gallery officials blame The Lockes said one of their main strong competition from cable pro-accomplishments in Acton was to viders, Internet, kiosk operators and move and expand the Thrift Store. subscription-based mail delivery Locke also said he enjoyed the services for the decline in at-home fellowship of the Acton Ministerial video rentals. All of the stores will Association that made working in be closed within six weeks. No Acton all the more enriching.word from company officials what The Lockes are trading places happens to the existing staff.with Majors Sam and Shirley With the planned July 31 clos-Roberts, who currently are based ure of Actons only other video in Picton.rental store Video 99 in mid-Unsafe swimmingJuly when the lease is up, Acton For the second week in a row, residents will only be able to rent FEATHERED FRIENDS: Actons Arianna McGill, 2, ate a lot of the bread meant for four ducks high bacteria levels forced Halton movies and games at several local that have taken up residence on the front lawns on Danville Avenue for the past month. to close the Old Beach at Prospect variety stores. Frances Niblock photoPark. Five water samples taken last Santas elves never sleepMonday contained too much E.coli Organizers of the annual Acton that can cause intestinal and res-Santa Claus parade want you to Taxation or simply robbery?piratory infections.mark Saturday, November 20 on Last year, the Old Beach was your calendar so you dont miss the So, I received my first, of two, The federal Tories are partners only closed for two seven-day 26th edition of the parade, spon-H.S.T. rebates (A.K.A Daltons in this theft. They may not be periods because of contamination. sored by the Acton Firefighters The Waybribe) last week. A hundred holding the gun on us but they In 2008 it closed six times for Association.I See Itbucks, Wahoo!!! A case of beer have the getaway car idling at almost half the swimming season Head elf, Bill Spielvogel, said for a total of 42 days.and four tanks of gas should the curb. The feds have been letters have already been sent to The Old Beach is one of seven several anonymous companies that pretty well take care of that after lobbying the provinces to com-withrecreational water areas tested make donations each year to the pa-July 01, when the H.S.T. kicks bine the G.S.T. and provincial Mike OLearyweekly by Halton. Beach water rade, and shortly he will be lining in. After thats gone were on P.S.T. for years. The G.S.T. now quality information is available by up the bands that help make the pa-our own to figure out how to pay is one of the primary sources of calling 311, or 1-866-442-5866.rade a success. The theme this year ran it next month, it would cost for little things like heating our revenue for the feds. With the Fire hazardis A Comic Book 8 percent more. My particu-houses and keeping the lights on huge federal deficit no wonder The Maytag repairman just got Youth Cliniclar beef is with the waiter who next winter.Finance Minister Flaherety is busy. Maytag is recalling seven Acton area youths applying for aspires to be an actor/waiter in A number of people have been misty eyed with anticipation.dishwasher models because of a their first social insurance card can Hollywood. No wonder. Theres wondering why Dalton (No new My hope is that the people of serious fire risk due to a poten-use a Service Canada mobile out-no H.S.T. in California. Id move taxes) McBandit chose July 1st Ontario exact their revenge on tial electrical failure in the heating reach program on July 6 from 10 there too if the government gave as the date to institute this mas-the McGuinty government next element that has started 12 fires to a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Acton Hub at me enough money to drive my sive tax grab. At first blush, it year the same as Canadians did date, one which did extensive dam-McKenzie-Smith Bennett School. V.W. Bus down there.seemed like a cruel Canada Day on the Mulroney conservatives. age to a kitchen.A lack of space forced Service The woman who brags about joke. It occurs to me though that Take them from a majority to If you have a Maytag, Amana, Canada out of its weekly location her kid and sweet tooth that only Jenn-Air, Admiral, Magic Chef, at Links2Care on Mill Street, but he chose Canada Day because two seats.Performa or Crosely stop using services are still available with the Gummy Bears can satisfy also we arent heating our homes and I suspect that if McGuinty sees it, and call 1-800-544-5513 or outreach programming.irritates me. Shes on the radio the longer days mean less electri-a sustained anger in people as the to verify On July 12, Service Canada will so often her residuals will keep city consumption for lighting.election draws near, hell pull if your dishwasher, bought between be back in Acton offering a youth her in Gummy Bears until she Its amazing that people in On-a Mulroney and quit. It didnt February 2006 and April 2010, is clinic to provide job search help weighs 350 pounds. Either that tario have still not reacted like save the federal Tories but Lyin included in the recall.and resume critiques, along with or she and her fictional rug rat the people in B.C. have. On the Brian managed to save face and MS pedal powerfirst time only social insurance card will have to live on stinking west coast there have been large let poor Kim Campbell suffer Like any good summer guests, processing. At that clinic, which Gummy Bears when next win-public protests and it looks like the humiliation.reps of the Multiple Sclerosis So-runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the ter rolls around.the current government will fall Dont expect a Hudack gov-ciety gave Acton business owners, wheelchair accessible Christian The thing I resent most is that in the next election. Here in On-ernment to dismantle the H.S.T. lots of advance notice of a planned Reformed Church, staff will also Dalton and his doofuses assume tario its ho-hum, what can you if elected next year. A conserva-August visit to Acton, and back. hold a Canada Pension Plan/Old the rest of us are na enough do? Governments will do what tive government will realize At a MS-hosted breakfast at Age Security clinic to help people to believe this garbage. A few they want anyway. Friends, its what a cash cow the H.S.T. will Roxy Coffee yesterday (Wed-who want to apply for those bene-hundred dollars will not offset nesday) ofbe and they will inherit a large ficials announced that fits.attitudes like this, that plant the Prospect Park would be the effects of the H.S.T. To those the start/Skateboard anniversaryseeds of dictatorship.deficit. Remember Chretien finish of the RONA MS Bike Tour, The Town will mark the third who believe that business will In Canada, the definition of promised at one time to revoke slated for August 14 and 15.anniversary of the opening of the reduce prices voluntarily, I have dictatorship is a political party the G.S.T. in his first term. Im Earlier, MS spokesperson Laura Three Musketears Skatepark on one question. What colour is the elected with a majority. Once in afraid that after July 2 this year Franklin said, 600 cyclists will Monday, June 21 with a party at sky in your world? Business has poser, they can ram through any well be stuck with the H.S.T. descend on Acton for the tour to the facility.gone through several difficult legislation they choose unless forever.Waterloo and back, and she wel-Local politicians, members of years. Im not looking for any they offend the sensibilities of Probably the best we can hope comes getting local merchants and the ASAP (Acton Sports Action big deals coming our way.backbenchers. Witness Mulro-for is that a provincial conserv-groups involved so they can enjoy Park) committee and members of I only hope that people will re-ney and the G.S.T., which was ative government will reduce and benefit from the tour, expected the Three Musketears group will be member the arrogant attitude of opposed by almost 90 per cent the H.S.T. rate and cut taxes to raise $370,000 in pledges and on hand as a DJ, give-aways and a the McGuinty government when of the general public. Now Dal-through other methods. We all donations.scavenger-type event are held.the provincial election is held ton and his dummies are making know we have to pay taxes. No Splish splashThe event is funded by a dona-next year, as well as the eHealth a bad situation worse with the tax is popular. We simply ex-The Towns new half-million tion from the Three Musketears blown billion, the mess at the H.S.T.pect government to spend our dollar Superior Glove splash pad golf tournament, an annual event lottery corporation, bureaucrats facility in Prospect Park will of-in the name of three Acton teens I for one am outraged at the money wisely and not extort it ficially open on Monday, July 19. that died in a train/car accident. expenses, the $250-million for intense advertising blitz being from us.The state-of-the-art water park Golf tournament organizers do-P.S.T. auditors who did not lose conducted this month. The only McGuinty has gone too far facility will replace the wading nated $30,000 to help get the skate their jobs and on and on.good thing about it is that if they this time.pool.park built.