THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, JULY 29, 2010 9Dont be a victim of EWCS NEWSFood Bank needs youpossible. Please contact Everyone who is 55 years Quick Change scamOur colleagues at the Sherri Plourde at 519-833-old or more and lives in Rockwood Food Bank tell 0087 to reserve your seat or either the Town of Erin or Recently, Wellington the cash register by asking keeping more money than us they are running low on for more information.the Township or Guelph & OPP offi cers responded to questions while the main was paid and then walking a few items: canned fruit, Our Annual Fashion Eramosa should complete a a business in Mount For-con-artist pulls the scam.out with it.canned salmon/tuna, Kraft Show will once again be survey. This is your chance est for a reported theft. Be cautious about cus- Dont give back the Dinner, rice/Sidekicks, cof-taking place this October. to have a say about the pro-The victim reported that tomers who pay for small money, until they hand fee, toilet paper, toothpaste, So many amazing items grams and services offered two women entered the items with large denomin-over the change you gave. and diapers size 4/5. EWCS come into our New to You in the area!business and made a small ations. The typical quick Count it all before re-encourages the public to stores. This event show- 55 Alive Driving purchase. The women then change con-artist pays for turning their All donations greatly cases our selection. We Course. Wednesday, August wanted to exchange some a low-cost item with a $50 No matter how many appreciated!welcome and are now ac-25th is cancelled.larger $50 bills to smaller or $100 bill and asks for times the con-artist chan-News & Eventscepting your extra special Book Club. Would you $5 ones, then they changed change. Many businesses ges their mind, focus on If you are 55 years or items including wedding be interested in a Wednes-their mind.avoid this scam by only collecting the customers older and live in the Town-dresses!day morning or afternoon After all was done, the accepting denominations money and making correct ship of Guelph Eramosa Seniors Newsbook club? EWCS Active suspects left and the clerk of $20 or lower. change.or the Town of Erin, your Please contact Sherri Seniors is hoping to start a was short about $100. The Try to stay focused Keep the bill he gives chance to have your say Plourde for more informa-regular book club. We are suspects are described as when giving change to you on the register in front about services is almost tion on any of the following also looking for a volunteer looking Middle Eastern, customers. The con-artist of you. If a co-worker isnt over. EWCSs seniors seniors programs or events to take charge of this new wearing skirts with light will try to confuse you by busy, signal them to stand survey is available on our 519-833-0087.program. The club would tops. Both are described as telling you that they want near the register while you website and is open until The 2nd annual Seniors meet at the Seniors Centre having some gold teeth.the change in a different deal with the customer. early August. It will only Wellness Expo is coming. in Centre 2000, Erin. Please How to Spot Quick way or that they changed These types of scams take a few minutes to com-August 18 at Centre 2000 contact Sherri at 519-833-Change Scamstheir mind and want to pay increase over the summer plete and will infl uence the and September 13 at Rock-0087 to sign up. Typically, two people with a smaller bill instead. months when businesses recreational, housing, med-mosa. Please come out and How Can I Do This? A will work this scam This usually comes after have more senior staff on ical, and other services that see what our Region can of-two day seminar focused on together, and they may you have handed them vacation. If you feel you may be brought to our area. fer seniors with daily living Caregivers brought to you have help. Be wary of the change for the initial have become a victim of Paper copies of the survey and well being. Demonstra-by the Alzheimer Society people distracting the payment. They will try this type of scam, contact can be picked up at EWCS tions and guest speakers of Guelph-Wellington and worker and customers near to confuse the cashier by your local police.offi ces as well as doctors, will be on stage. Admission EWCS. Caregivers are not dentists and free with a canned good alone when looking after Seniors Day Trip to donation.someone that has lost the Famous People Players EWCSs Seniors Ad-ability to look after them-Theatre will take place on visory Committee has been selves. Seminars will offer Wednesday, Sept. 22. to busy distributing senior strategies and coping tech-see She Did What? Cost surveys. Please check the niques. Wednesdays August is $100, which covers your local libraries and county 4 and 11 from 1 3 p.m. in coach, lunch and admission buildings if you havent had EWCS Seniors room, Erin price. We will be using the a chance to fi ll one out yet. or - Mondays September 20 Great Canadian Coach Line You can also get a survey and 27 at Rockmosa, Rock-and require a minimum of from EWCS main office wood. Please call Sherri to 35 people to make this trip or EWCS Seniors Centre. register @ 519-833-0087.Candidate Information Session on August 12If youve thought about returning candidates, on form for Council, candi-putting your name forth the nomination process, dates need to come to a in the upcoming Munici-key dates, eligibility, municipal office during pal election on October duties, campaign rules, regular business hours 25, are you working on a fi nances, compliance aud-but no later than 2 p.m. campaign team assisting a its, the list of electors, the on Friday, September 10, candidate, have questions various roles and respon-2010. A fee of $200.00 about what would be in-sibilities of participants in for Mayor or $100.00 for volved or trying to fi gure the election and the voting a Councillor is required out who to ask, your op-method.along with the nomination portunity is coming in the With Wellingtons form. The fee can be paid next few months and an-Clerks working together by cash, certifi ed cheque swers to your questions with Ministry staff, in-or money order. For the even sooner.cumbents, candidates and location of those Clerks A partnership of the interested residents will receiving nominations Clerks from the area mu-have an opportunity to for school board trustees, nicipalities in Wellington gain a wealth of munici-please check with your County along with the pal experience, yet having municipal Clerk.Ontario Ministry of Muni-one event is an efficient If interested in attending cipal Affairs and Housing use of staff time and tax-the Candidate Information is presenting a Candi-payers money. Hopefully, Session, please RSVP to date Information Session this session will also en-Patty Sinnamon, CAO/in the Countys Council courage participation in Clerk for the Township of Chambers on Thursday, the upcoming municipal Mapleton at 1-800-385-August 12 beginning at election advises Donna 7248 or 519-638-3313 or at 7 p.m. This session will Bryce, Clerk for Welling-PSinnamon@town.maple-provide information, ton by Wednesday, useful for both new and To file a nomination August 11 at noon.