THE NEW TANNER8THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 2010 Tanner photographers Rotary works to eradicate Poliospent last Thursday even-Did you know that for the August 8, the Acton Rotary tary Club members will be Throughing exploring the sports past 25 years, Rotary Inter-Club, with the generous there to sell these hot dogs fields at MSB - Prospect national has been working help of Maple Leaf Foods, to festival-goers and to The Park and Acton Sports on a program to eliminate will be doing their bit to collect one dollar for their the disease of polio from help raise money to sup-Red Hots and two dol-Park. It looks like soccer the entire world? Are you port Rotary International lars for the Juicy Jumbos Lensand baseball were the jeu aware that this program in their battle against polio. dogs. They will also pro-de jour that evening.has been largely effective, Maple Leaf Foods will be vide free drinks. 100% of reducing the incidence providing the Schneiders all proceeds from the hot of polio in most affected Community Cruiser, dog sales will go to the Ro-BASE HIT!areas to less than one per whose professional staff tary fund to help complete cent of what it had been in will be preparing both the objective of eliminat-1985?regular (Red Hots) and ing polio worldwide.At the Acton Leather-jumbo (Juicy Jumbos) We are hoping for a huge town Festival, on Sunday, sized hot dogs. Acton Ro-turnout at the Leather-town Festival in 2010. (It just seems to get bigger every year!!!) If you are there and you buy a hot DE MELO CHIROPRACTICdog from the Acton Ro-& WELLNESS CENTREtary Club, you will be able to say that you personally FOOT POWER!Dr. Dave de Melo, Chiropractorhelped to rid the world of Dr. Jim Giancoulas, Chiropractordreaded disease polio.SWING & A MISSAnyone who wants to Amy Spiers, Massage TherapistGoaltending...find out more about Ro-tary Internationals Polio 10 minutes of SAFE, GENTLE CHIROPRACTIC CAREEradication Program can boredom followed COMPUTER GENERATED SPINAL ANALYSISgo to their website at http://by 30 seconds of EMERGENCIES & WORKERS COMP ACCEPTEDpanic.If you are from Acton, NEW PATIENTS WELCOMERockwood or surrounding areas, and are interested in GOOD GAME...GOOD GAME...GOOD GAME...joining the Acton Rotary 25 Main Street North, Actonclub to participate in their Across from Giant Tiger Plazagood works, please visit (519) 853-3460our booth at the Leather-No Referral Necessarytown Festival or call President, Robert Bedard EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLEat 519-853-5858.WINDOWDISPLAYActon Minor BallCONTESTBlastballball with determination. Way to go Green Herbal Magics Green team was show-team!! The Acton Agricultural Society invites Acton Merchants to take part ing off the all the hard work they have It was another exciting game with the in a Window Display contest to help promote the Acton Fall Fair and been putting in this season. Keira Norris Yellow Blast Ballers coming out strong. your business.demonstrated marked improvement in Brooklyn Heller had some big hits this her running speed while racing around week, giving her the opportunity to stroll Rules: May be 3D or Poster - Must be clearly visible in window.the bases. She was also hitting better around the bases carving her name at each Contest to start Sept. 1/10 and may be removed Sept. 20/10than ever thanks to batting tips from base with a Popsicle stick she found on Contact Fran Morris for an applicationCoach Ria. Riley Targett was swinging the ground. Conner Shoebridge showed Phone (519) 853-4985 or email spiritdown@yahoo.calike a pro this week and showed lots of some amazing defense getting in front of Deadline for submissions is August 24/10skill in the outfield, chasing down the the ball and throwing it home. The display is your own creative idea but must contain the following: 1. Acton Fall FairACTON 2. Sept. 17, 18, & 19 3. Wheat - Outstanding in our FieldMOTORS 4. A selection of wheat and wheat related items8531280Judging: Judging will be on Monday, September 13/10 by Acton Agricultural Society members. Prizes to be presented to the winners on Tuesday, September 14/10.ON 1st Prize: Five - one day pass for two + rosette 2nd Prize: Three - one day pass for two + rosetteVACATION 3rd Prize: One - one day pass for two + rosetteA commemorative certifi cate will be presented to the winners dur-ing the offi cial opening ceremonies of the Fair on Friday, September 17/2010. All participating merchants will have their names listed on a sign at the Acton Agricultural Fairgrounds for the duration of th Fair.Re-OpeningThe Acton Agricultural Society thanks everyone for participating in rdAugust 23this contest and helping to promote the Acton Fall Fair.