THE NEW TANNER6THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2010 Editorialwith Frances NiblockA looming deadlineIn order to receive federal and provincial stimulus fund-ing to help pay for the new Acton library, the building must be substantially finished and useable by March 31, 2011.The tight deadline is one of the conditions for receiv-ing some of the $4-billion budgeted for the Canadian infrastructure program to help stimulate a sluggish econ-omy some of which wont be spent because projects were LIBRARY TAKES SHAPE: Beam by beam, girder by girder, a new multi-million dollar library not shovel ready and able to be completed to meet the is taking shape beside the existing Acton library which remains open during construction on timeline.River Street. To qualify for two-thirds government funding, the project must be complete by As the steel skeleton of the River Street building takes March. Ken Baker photoshape, Acton officials are confident they will beat the dead-line, and the library will be operational by December, or Declining phytoplankton another signmid-January.Some other projects are not moving as fast in other parts By David Suzuki phytoplankton declines are another Sciencewith Faisal Moolaimportant dimension of global of the country the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Machange in the oceans, which are ttershas asked Ottawa to be reasonable and show some flex- By David SuzukiAs we wrote recently, nothing already stressed by the effects of ibility with the deadline but so far the deadline continues would please us more than if cli-fishing and pollution. The report, included exaggerated loom.mate change deniers were right. published in the July 29 edition of Another recent report, published It isnt fun to delve daily into the Nature, states that phytoplankton by the U.S. National Oceanic and If projects were worthy of the stimulus funding, then ever-mounting evidence of the cat-have declined by about 40 per cent Atmospheric Administration, looked whats the harm is extending a deadline when a project is astrophic consequences of climate since data from 10 climate indicators needed and possibly like the Acton library long over-change. And life would be easier We cant live without them.measured by 300 scientists from 160 due?if we didnt have to spend it trying We all have a responsibility to research groups in 48 countries. It to get stubborn governments to do do everything we can to reduce our concluded that human-caused cli-something about the problem, and own emissions, to vote for govern-mate change is undeniable and is trying to get the public to care with-ments that make climate change a increasing.out driving them to depression.priority, and to make sure those gov-And so ice in the Arctic and in Facing daily attacks from people ernments focus on real solutions. We glaciers continues to melt, ocean Looking Backwho deny reality isnt much fun know that conserving energy and temperatures and sea levels continue either.shifting to cleaner energy will not to rise, ecosystems and wildlife habi-But evidence that the world is just help solve the climate crisis but tats continue to shift or degrade, and Ten Years Agoclothing and using a bug warming, mainly because of our will also resolve many pollution-extreme weather events continue to Prime Minister Jean repellent with DEET.fossil fuel addiction, and that this is related health issues and may even become more frequent.having increasingly disastrous ef-give economies a boost.On top of that, a recent study by Chren visited the Blue Five Years Agofects on our health and on the health The fossil fuel industry, which Dalhousie University oceanograph-Springs Scout reserve to A record breaking crowdof of the planets ecosystems, keeps continues to reap multi-billion dol-er Boris Worm and his team found speak to thousands of Scouts over 10,000 people jammed growing.lar profits, has spent millions to that phytoplankton populations in The latest blow to the deniers of Polishsupport a handful of deniers, right- decent from all Mill Street for the annual the ocean are declining at an alarm-came when the U.S. Environment-wing think tanks, and websites that ing rate because of human activity over the world attending Leathertown Festival which al Protection Agency examined in call climate change junk science and climate change. Why should we the annual Polish Scouting featured new events includ-detail 10 petitions challenging its and deny human activity is influen-care? Well, these microscopic plants World an Acton Idol contest and 2009 finding that climate change cing global warming.are the base of the food chain and is endangering the planet, that it Its time we all started ignoring Although Acton lost itsaccount for half the production of the crowning of the first Fes-is largely caused by burning fossil the insane blathering of the deniers. organic matter on Earth. They also Canadian Tire store it tival Ambassador.fuels, and that it threatens human Weve already wasted too much remove carbon dioxide from the air gained a high profile exec- Acton High athlete Kait-health and the environment.time on them and we dont have and produce more than half the oxy-utive with Canadian Tire lin Andrews, 17, continued In every case, the EPA found that time to waste.gen we breathe.the petitions misinterpreted data, Learn more at www.davidsuzuki.According to report co-author when Acton resident Wayne her winning ways earning contained outright false claims, and org.Marlon Lewis, Climate-driven Sales was named president two Gold medals at the Can-and CEO.adian Legion National Track Due to a breakout of and Field Championships in West Nile Virus in New Alberta.York, Halton health officials Acton Councillor Mike caution local residents who OLeary believes that the travel to the north eastern Towns new bylaw that pro-U.S. to use personal pro-hibits idling your vehicle for tection measures, including more than three minutes is wearing light coloured unenforceable.Distributed to every home in Acton and area,EditorPublisheras well as adjoining communities.Ted TylerFrances NiblockEvery effort will be made to see advertising copy, neatly presented, is Editorial Contributorscorrectly printed. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors or omissions in advertising, but will gladly reprint Mike OLeary Angela Tyler Denise Paulsenwithout charge that part of an advertisement in which an error may occur provided a claim is made within five days of publication.373 Queen Street East, Unit 1Advertising and Circulation Acton, Ontario L7J 2N2 All articles, advertisements and graphic artwork appearing in The Marie ShadboltNew Tanner is copyrighted. Any usage, reproduction or publication email: thenewtanner@on.aibn.comof these items, in whole or in part, without the express written consent Composing Ken Bakerof the publisher of The New Tanner is a copyright infringement and (519) 853-0051 Fax: (519) 853-0052subject to legal action.