THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 11Warren family files civil suit in daughters deathThe family of Isabel Argue and his firm R.J. Warren, the 14-year-Burnside and Associates old Rockwood girl who Limited, Guelph archi-died when a washroom tect Lloyd Grinham and wall crumbled on her his firm L. Alan Grinham in June of 2009, has Architect and Harrington filed a $2.8-million law-Construction Ltd.suit naming the City of In a statement of claim, Guelph, two architects Warrens family claim and a construction com-damages over a pro-pany.found and permanent Warren died when a loss of companionship, cinder block wall at the care and guidance as a South End Community result of the death of Park collapsed on her Isabel.ALL ASHORE: Dad Jeff, mum Lisa and son Stephen White, from Hamilton visited the Rockwood Con-during a break in a phys-None of the claims have servation Area last weekend for some family time. The threesome enjoyed the tranquility of camping and ed class with her Grade been proven in court. boating in September. The park remains open through Sunday, October 17. Denise Paulsen photonine class from Bishop In addition to the War-Macdonell High School. ren familys civil suit, Festive spiritTownship Council gave AlThe statement of claim the Ministry of Labour ong with usual logis-permission to use its roads filed with the Ontario charged the City, engin-tical help handling Township Digestfor the Ride for Refuge Court of Justice names eer and architect who road closures, insurance Bike Tour, which will the City of Guelph, will be in court on Octo-needs and communica-will handle include getting We had some push raise money for the dis-Guelph engineer Larry ber 18 for a hearing.tions Guelph/Eramosa approval to close High-back from parishioners at placed, vulnerable and Township Council will way 7 and County Road several churches where exploited.give $4,025 to organiz-27, adding the County and it took them half-an-hour Hoops house leagueers of this years Parade Ministry of Transportation to get out of the church Calling all eight to of Lights. The Parade is to the Townships insur-parking lot because a bike 13-year-old Rockwood/staged by the non-profit ance to cover the event, tour was going by, said Eramosa basketball play-Rockwood Farming Com-chairing a traffic control Guelph/Eramosa Mayor ers who want to develop munity Committee and planning meeting, arran-Chris White, adding they their skills with weekly involves stringing Christ-ging for and installing road need to develop a policy co-ed house league play. mas lights all over farming closure signs, detour signs, to deal with the interfer-For the fourth season, implements and driving and traffic barricades.ence.All-Starz Basketball, in ????????? ????? ? ???? ??????????them through the village.The Townships $4,025 The issue arose with conjunction with Ontario Its a really important in-kind donation includes a request from Inter-Basketball, will run its event in our commun-91.5 employee hours for national Teams Canada program on Thursdays, relax refresh renewity the kids love it, $2,406 and equipment for for permission to use sev-from 6:30 to 8:p.m., at Guelph/Eramosa Mayor 66.5 hours with a value of eral Township roads for Rockwood Centennial Chris White said on Fri-$1,619.a charity bike event on School, from October to day, adding the Township New policy?October 2. The ride be-March.also supports a Rotary Another request by a gins and ends at Lakeside Registration takes place Yogatree planting program non-profit group to use Church on Conservation tonight (Thursday) at the and waived rental fees Township roads for a char-Road in Guelph, and de-school from 7 to 8 p.m., at Rockmosa for a breast ity bicycle ride prompted pending on the length of and again October 7 from in Rockwoodcancer fundraiser.Guelph/Eramosa Town-ride chosen, uses several 7 to 8 p.m. For details For the Festival of Lights ship councillors to decide Township roads including call 519-856-4491 or vis-Starting week of October 4thon December 9, some of it may be time for a formal Jones Base Line and Wel-it www.allstarzbasketball.Monday - 6:45 to 8:00pmthe items the Township policy.lington Road 38.comIntermediate with CarolineTuesday - 9:30 to 10:45amBeginner/Intermediate with CarolineBasketball ROCKS Stolen truck foundWednesday - 7:00 to 8:30pmBeginner/Intermediate with LorriIN ROCKWOODGPS technology led OPP to a stolen tractor trailer Thursday - 9:30 to 11:00amAll-Starz THURSDAY NIGHT Basketballin the Trafalgar Road/ Wellington Road 124 area near Gentle with LorriBrisbane at 5:47 on Monday morning.Rockwood Centennial School10 Week Session $135The thief who stole the 2005 International Tractor 8-13 year olds (co-ed) 6:30-8:00pmand flatbed loaded with four Kubota lawn tractors Ask us about our other offerings: kids, abandoned it in the west ditch, and took off on foot, Register: Thurs. Sept. 30 or Oct 7 at the teens, restorative yoga and yoga dance.eluding Wellington from 7:00 - 8:00pmPlease contact us for more information:There was no damage to the truck or load which were picked up later that day by their owner from Hunst-For more information visit:Caroline 519.856.0070 orville.caroline06ca@yahoo.comwww.allstarzbasketball.comAnyone with information about the theft can call Lorri 519.856.2596 orConstable Stephen Thomas at the Rockwood OPP of-or call 519-856-4491lmrockwood@gmail.comfice 519-856-1506.