THE NEW TANNER8THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2010 Township DigestBy Frances Niblock the calls were made to the weeks and candidates must Countys 911 first point of be available for daytime Emergency responseanswer in North Bay, a tape rehearsals and matinee per-A Township grader driver would be available.formances.whose window was smashed Dickson said new Both plays will be cast by a rock this spring called technology including before Christmas. For infor-the OPP, not 911 for help, enhanced 911 for wireless mation call 519-855-4586 so the call can not be traced is making it less frustrat-or visit www.centrychurch-FAMILY AFFAIR: The Najafova family from Toronto enjoyed a festive Thanks-by Wellington Emergency ing to locate people who theatre.comgiving weekend together at the Rockwood Conservation Area. Having a fun Management Co-ordinator mistakenly believe 911 Warnings removedtime in the October sun were relatives from left: Minara, Tony, Timothy and Linda Dickson.operators know where they Caution all boaters Elizabeth. - Denise Paulsen photoShe was asked by are calling from. She rec-Grand River Conservation Guelph/Eramosa Town-ommends that if you have a Area (GRCA) staff is re-ship councillors last week choice, use a land line, not moving warning buoys and Successful season at why police went to Third a cell phone, to make a 911 booms this month in prep-Line Erin instead of Third call.aration for the winter.Line Eramosa for that call Thespians wanted The buoys and booms Rockwood Conservation Areaand a couple of similar The Century Church The-are installed in May to warn responder mix-ups. On atre in Hillsburgh is looking boaters about the danger of By: Denise Paulsencountedadvance. It keeps down for the boost in Friday. Dickson said with-for actors to audition for its approaching various dams the last minute crowd. revenues last year. out more information she 2011 Professional Summer on GRCA waterways.TowerOPP regularly patrol the ing limestone The conservation area cant investigate Councillor Festival that will feature On October 21, the buoys cliffspark during the camping , caves, a 15,000-year-offers several camping Doug Breens contention two comedies, one play-and booms will be removed oseason. Dickson said no ld glacial pothole one options, including 16 sites that vehicles went to ing next July and another at the Rockwood Dam, ofmajor incidents were re- the worlds largest that are fully serviced with the wrong addresses on a in August.Everton Dam and Guelph secported this year. luded camp sites and water/sewer and hydro for couple of nights. She said if Contracts are for four Dam.a Restoration work is gently sloping beach larger trailers at $48.75 per aunderway at the Har-ll drew large crowds night). Forty-five sites are ris Woollen Mill, built this season to the Rock-serviced and 44 are natur-wood Conservation Area, alin 1867 in what is now . There are four ground Guelph/Eramosa79-hecthe conservation area. tares of natural and camping areas for hard-recreaDeemed unsafe for public tion land owned by core outdoor enthusiasts access last year, the res-the Grand River Conserv- those in tents. Camping Tree Plantersation Authoritytoration work should be .costs jumped 13 per cent, Fifty-thousand campers including the new HSTcomplete by the end of .Notice of Urban Native Tree * Subsidy Programandthis year. day-trippers sought No tax dollars are used to refuge In an effort to make the from the hot and run any of the Grand River Guelph/Eramosa Tree Planters is a volunteer group organized in 2001 with the humbeach cleaner including-id temperatures this Conservation Authoritys specifi c mandate to increase tree plantings within the boundaries of Guelph/ Eram-summergetting rid of Geese and , including Julys watershed facilities, but osa Township. The current subsidy program is funded by the Township of Guelph/fgulls that scavenge for irst real heat wave in rentals for film, TV and Eramosa and supports the Townships resolution to increase the urban tree canopy food and foul the water three years. Once we magazine ads shoots are start and shoreline. Canadian to get over 28 de-a much-welcomed source coverage of 40% within the next 50 years. greesWildlife Services issued a , people come out of revenue not only for The program: Open to homeowners residing within the townships village and Scare Permit allowing of-to the park, Jack Griffin, the Grand River Conserv-hamlet areas of: Rockwood, Eden Mills, Everton, Marden, Eramosa, Ariss and Ous-Manager of Conservation ation Authority but also ficials to discharge blanks tic, Cross Creek Hamilton Drive, Hartfi eld, Walkerbrae, Blossom Hill & Brucedale, Areafrom a firearm, or to use Operations, said re-to bolster Rockwoods Beech St. Hamlet, Gazer/Mooney Hamlet, Crewsons Corners Hamlet, Skyway Dr./centlynoisemakers to scare the . economy.Hwy. #7/Jones Baseline Hamlet, Barrie Hill Hamlet, Lake Road Hamlet.Swbirds away.imming, canoeing/The site is popular with kayaking, paddle boating, Guelph/Eramosa resi- All of the serviced Trees must be planted within the above village and hamlet areas on the homeowners picnicking, an 18-hole dentssites at the conservation and also those in propertymini golf course and fish-Guelph, Hamilton, Hal-area were booked for the Subsidy applies only to native species trees * with an approximate height between ing are popular activities. ton (Oakville/Milton/Thanksgiving weekend 6 and 8 feet.The waters are stocked Burlington/Haltonas brilliant sunshine and Hills), Trees must be purchased on or before October 31, 2010 from a recognized nursery annually with Rainbow Mississaugadry weather conditions al-, Brampton within the Township of Guelph/Eramosa or City of GuelphTrout, and Carp, Bullhead, and residents of Toronto. lowed campers and visitors Subsidy of 75% of the cost per tree (excluding HST) to a maximum of $25.00 per tree Largeto enjoy the amenities, and Smallmouth Alcohol bans imposed and a maximum of 4 trees per property ($100.00). One application per property.Bass are also found in the onexcept watercraft rentals the Victoria Day and Applicants must apply for and obtain a subsidy approval number prior to purchase, Eramosa River. Labourwhich are closed for the Day long week-Deadline for applications October 23, 2010 Overall, park revenues endsseason. The conservation had little effect on Application forms are available from the Guelph/Eramosa Township website www. admission fees, camping camperarea closes for the season turn out. It (the get.on.carates, boat/kayak rentals, ban) was generally well-on October 18. Funds are limited and applications will be processed on a fi rst come, fi rst served pavilion bookings, and receivedWe love this park. . It keeps the basisfunds for miscellaneous rowdinessWeve been coming here factor down and Information on native tree species can be obtained by contacting mikenagster@gmail.compurchases such as fire-steersfor four years, said Min- those away from the wood were down this park that arent necessar-ara Najafova of North season compared to last, ilyYork in Toronto, who family oriented, said Guelph /Eramosas Tree Canopy Cover Goalalthough visitors to the Brad Dickson, the con-came with her entire facility were up by 10 to versationfamily for Thanksgiv- areas Assistant 15 per cent. A major film Managering weekend. Its such a Our client 40% In 50 Yearsproject last summer ac-basebeautiful spot. usually book far in