NinetyFifth Year No 33 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY II 1970 HON Residents will join council visit Sarnia disposal plant MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS MINISTER Darcy with one of his assistants as Halton East MPP Jim met with Esquesing Council in a private Snow and Esquesing reeve George Cume session Monday afternoon Mr speaks listen Staff Photo meets Nassagaweya Final decision by June 30 on regional government A Peel form regional government is almost inevitable and Ontarios minister of municipal affairs says he will have to make a linal decision by April I Mr McKeougli made this comment after a twohour closeddoor session with members of Council Friday afternoon at The meeting was held the ministers request to enable him to hear from municipal governments in the area on stands on regional government The minister said his discussion with the council was a great help to him in making the final decision and he claimed some of I lie things he learned from the council could be included in the municipal government legislation He conceded there will have to be a twotier of government similar to that in effect in OttawaCarlclon although he anticipates some trouble from Oakville council which is still calling Tor a form government but I tcel lot better after today he said emerging from the session with the council think the problems weve encountered before were not due to any misunderstanding but rather to a lack communication Asked some of the problems he has encountered before could have been alleviated by talking o the people concerned in replied he sure it had been physically possible for him to luve had over the regional take cr before this date Mr McKeough explained briefs arc still coming in from different sources and he has 17 meetings to attend similar to the one with Nassagaweya Council before any firm decision is made He stressed that it will have to be made soon to allow the bill to be given readings in the house and gam royal assent the provincial I eg i si mire adjuurns on June the BIG REDUCTION IN WOMENS DRESSES AND MOST FABRICS NOW UP TO Reeve Mrs Am MacArthur seemed anxious about the encounter but she appeared to be relieved alter the meeting as did other council members Also on hand lor the meeting was George Kerr Minister of Energy and Resources and Wests MPP He left early and on Ins way out told wailing members of the press that Nassagaweya Township probably will retain its own individuality a factor which was a stumbling block between the muniLipal department and Mrs MacArthur Mr McKeougli met with Council Monday and met with Milton Council this mom Wednesday in Toronto KEEP THEM FLYING A perianal to the flyers of and an tin Georgetown Alton and vicinity t and our ship is e up lime lot retreat be proud our and silence ilicm ations This is our on is victory and surrounding port activities to Pilots you aie aware ol the closure to be imposed on implications Our opponents who are invisible have scored a hough we face deleat powerful we must My orders are lull steam ahead and find our adversary This is Let not be said our ship went down without lighting Lei airport and in a united attack face our opponents lor a second time Let us be marc our position We have been dealt a blow but we an still afloat Man your last stand and lit message Prepare yourselves lor action Our miss Tins is a direct appeal to the Georgetown and Acton vicinity to join with our pilots and those associated with me in our J unite an to obtain a reverse decision the DOT allowing our auporl to continue in operation In our first years operation we proved to the neighbouring community thai the anticipated noise pollution nuisance and land value depreciation lias not taken place although we have almost reached the desired proportion ol air activity with the exception of more tic downs Let me point out thai because of your towns rapid growth an airport can be a great asset We arc the age of executive aircraft Industrial magnates will consider locating near an airport like to think of Georgetown as my home town and that you would not Hand idly by and let our disappear for this is your airways too is proud of its airport which is owned and operated by Mr Leu Arris whose I admire The towns of Georgetown and Acton have nothing to lose and so much to gain an airport of tins nature What can you do Time is running out by Mar I our operations will cease permanently Every person who can sacrifice a little time to write a personal letter to the DOT The Hon Don Jamie son Minister of Tjansporl The Parliament Buildings Ottawa or the of Transport Civil Aviation Toronto Dominion Centre Box King St W Toronto Ontario to them giving your reasons why you favor ihc continued operation of our airport We are not asking tor financial support Public moral support and interest will save our airport There is no other way You can save our ship from sinking Captain J RossSOS SS The Outlaw A small group ol residents from the area mar Highway just south of will join members of Council next Mondiy visiting North Americas first efficiently operating centralized waste disposil plant near Sarnia About residents the area attended Mondays meeting on the invitation of council to hear Bill Lombard recall explain plans for the establishment of a similar waste disposal plant on the former property on the east side Highway Mr Lombard had revealed plans to council at a meeting last week Wayne Moss a resident of the west half of Lot Concession 3 acted as spokesman for the deputation Mr Moss made clear his group had come to the meeting as listeners and could neither object to nor condone the proposed plant until they knew more about He asked residents be given copies of Mr Lombards written proposal to peruse Mr Lombard explained the proposed plant would be able to dispose of a high quantity of liquid industrial wastes some of which arc now being dumped on open properties and others that arc being dumped illegally into Lake Ontario Industrial wastes would be received from Hamilton and Metropolitan Toronto and the heat latent in them would be used to help burn municipal garbage from Acton Georgetown Milton and the northern part of Oakville The ash left over after burning would be buried on the properly Mr Lombard told the group Hut the ash would be completely inert material and would not attract rats or flics Mr Lombard said Ins company owns acres land in the area arid would construct the plant approximately 1200 feet back from the Highway He described the properly as an ideal location for a centralized waste disposal plant The plant Mr explained would no odor smoke or noise Lombard an would pollution laws laid down by tin plant would be equipped with standby generating capacity he Mr Lombard said the plant is watched constantly by inspectors of the Department L g y and Mai i ted govi t He admitted tr increase but added that of I he traffic would be in daylight Mr Lombard told the proposal had not yet been made lo council but that his would submit one immediately Reeve George assured Mr Moss copies of the proposal would be made available to residents Anything made available to tins council will be made available to you the reeve promised This garbage disposal is getting to be a must he added Mrs Leyland wauled to know how deep the ash would be buried As a resident the adjacent properly she warned that a layer ol rock lay only three below the surface Mr Lombard hoped the ash would be buried at a depth of about six to eight feet but admitted Ins company had not yet tested soil Another resident Dennis Kelly was concerned about the possibility ash seeping into underground streams Mr Lombard said that underground streams to the best Ins knowledge were at a depth of about to 100 feet Gordon reminded Mr Lombard thai there have been power interruptions in the area lately In the event of a power failure Mr Lombard admitted thai a temporary odor could result but assured residents that machinery would be shut down delegation visit die plan Tins plant operates every iy and nothing to hide lie Letts tin Wis Management Branch the Department I Resources Management Minister George Kerr and the clerk Moore township hi which the plant is located supported Mr Lombards If construction on the p ml will begin this summer It would be ready for by September or October would first have amend Us agricultural holding bylaw Alter inspecting the plant residents ate to give their impressions at a future meeting council MB students win shield TED HANSEN Ted Hansen resigns will resume teaching admin The leld alter mutes ill he presented Wednesdiy lodiy lo the Ml school lor the best school safety record lor the moil Hi Jimmy police oil iters are very lo spend equal tune in school area but during month I hey recorded seven Hid ictions agimst Robert siiidenis not a single spoiled among the MB pupils lour R I students were seen one day the street down Iron ilie crossing guild md were reported lo die pniicipil The MZB students had vowed theyd win the shield this Dragway could be great thing avid Georgetown racer says Irmupil led Hansen his resigned Id yens isheid High School A of resignation wis it id it i niteting the Bond I list in which Mr Hansen said In hid been considering the nutter lor some tune from ion to classroom le idling He Ins served Acton school system I or ye ir under meeting very good- Hill Esquesing deputy reeve Tom Hill described Monday afternoon moating of Esquesing Council and Municipal Affairs Minister a vary good meeting The deputy reave would not elaborate on the events of the minute private meeting but did Wo know a lot more now than we did before East Jim Snow also attended the mooting our bonds He joined t September IJ lined by he public school hoard in turn gave way slorlh Hilton board split ip into three irate bodies the Acton school the lurisictiuii of the High School way lor the Adori which dissolved Cm I here were I Mr Actoi 1 the old nd I Indent enrolment swell to tethers almost students lie headed the high school through sumo of the most and change in die history ol education in the province A successor will be picked very soon with the In teachers presently in Mr Hansen emphasized that he will be le idling with the but possibly in This drag strip could he i great thing lor he municipality Thompson a Brampton secondary school teacher who resides in Georgetown told council Monday night Reeve George allowed Mr Thompson an avid drag racer lumsell to speak on the effects the proposed Golden Horseshoe could have on Sixth Line resident Peter Bowman one of the duel opponents ol lie questioned reeve iction m allowing Mr Thompson to speak He reminded the reeve thai only residents of were allowed to speak at a special meeling about the dugway January However reeve informed Mr Bowman Mr Thompson had arranged with councillor Ken Marshall lo appear council and that dollar cars he would be given 10 minutes to He explained thai there ire speak disses racing lor Mr Thompson lold council modified cars and slitel driven racing competitors are ol ears with no modifications the highest calibre When asked him They rt not the grubby ii there were any buildings near grease monkey types he said the lyuga Drag strip Mr He went on to say he had Thompson mentioned iherc was never seen any drinking or drugs a church i hill mile up the being used at any of the strips he I know the church people it bother I lyug i perm heel idded Hi it imping mil hid been use Russell Miller mini the strip icil commented gin is in idenl who spoke They get their kicks from the cars Mr Thompson May 1 ask Mr Thompson why he moved out closer to Mr Bowman interrupted Mr Thompson said he already had i house in Georgetown He said he could understand persons living dose to the drag strip complaining but others lurthcr away The sport is safe Mr Thompson continued Teenagers dont compete against and thousand Theyre at I hey re Antique Corner B FROM Y0SEF DRENTERS COLLECTION Your Baker may think of you as a number but to your Safeco Agent youre a person not a number For special Hood Student Discounts on your family Auto Insurance all DENNYS INSURANCE AGENCY 17WlStWt ACTON Phono SAFECO INSURANCE Tolewarc was usually made by the village tinsmith who was hi the business of making stovepipes drainpipes basins and roof flashings etc but would fashion the tinware household commodities m his spare lime It is interesting to note that the box with the key hole is duplicated in many museums as an early Canadian poison box be locked to pievent children from getting into them Winter evenings were the times when experts would create replicas of the pedestal jewel box as shown which pit milk pitchers measuring cups muffin tins pic plates and cookie cutters etc also made by hand in Tin hand pa i beautifully sophisticated Gallon type of pioneering iiiuustry should not be underestimated because such hand creations gave birth to the final manufacture of household items in mass production