AUCTION SALE The Acton Free Wednesday September OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ANTIQUES CAR GLASS CHINA SOME OLD LAWN GARDEN AND HAND TOOLS GARDEN TRACTOR APPLIANCES MISC ETC Ballinafad Cemetery cairn ready still need donations for the Estate of the LATE JIM DOUGLAS SATURDAY SEPTEMBER at 12 Noon Chesterfield and 2 chairs upholstered armchair occa sional chairs chrome table and chairs oak dining table buffet and chairs nut china cabinet Mason and piano and stool double steel bed and mattress rack card tabic aide table walnut wall mirror table lamps floor lamps smoke stand some flo wer tables chaise lounge double steel bed with brass rug scatter rugs and china Including complete set of Johnson Bros dinner- ware for refri Moffat burner stove burner elect stave wringer washing machine good one Sunbeam Motorola TV Marconi old time ro- ByMnRShortm Water Mr and Mrs Morgan Madill have returned from a motor trip to Ottawa where they called on their Mrs Barbara Davidson While In the vicinity they enjoyed a bus tour of the small beautiful region around Ottawa They viewed the changing of decipher Need donations Donations are urgently required for maintenance and irking well plus electric appliances Hudson Pathfinder car guards visited the House of only miles excellent co- Gammons the Library Official selling with rood-wor- and all the beauty thy certificate Parliament Hill Garden tractor with plow An enjoyable evening was cultivators power lawn spent by them visiting the Ross mower and the regular lawn Short lis In their home in garden and hand tools ex suburb tension ladder Then on to Kingston they ANTIQUES Small pine motored from there taking the wash stand steamer trunk boat trip through the Thousand spooled nursing rockers large Islands of the St Lawrence leather upholstered rocker Bo- On their trip home they called ston wicker Tern stand on relations at Dunsford and hall tabic old couch Keswick returning to Ballinafad oak bedroom dresser hall tree Sunday a oak hand carved hall rack Calm completed good one old books oak Wc flt has cherry rocks and Much A service will be held In the hard work and foresight by the near future so watch for the date trustees and others nave been Mr and Mrs Foster and done to make It look as it now fa hoys moved on Saturday to a Work still la needed Many of the temporary realdence Later they beautiful old monuments are will move back to the Scotadale leaning and need repairs Also Farms where Robert is much of the lettering is hard to employed Kirkwood In preparation for fair of the Spear family exhibits attended the wedding in A number from here attended of Beth and the auction sale of late Mr Spear Congratulations John extended to the hist win Monlh AT ACTON HYDRO money Just has to come from somewhere otherwise it will return to its unkept state Limehouse erne Rankin has returned We are glad to report his health is Improved The W I held a fairly suc cessful roadside bake sale on Friday The ladies are busy quilting at the home of Mrs Ada Weddings trips ash stand dresser with oval mirror hand made quills other bedding and linens clock large pictures and frames TERMS ARE CASH Sale necessar to settle Estate Executors or auctioneer not responsible for accidents Selling bid number Auctioneer CHRIS A SCHOUTEN By Mrs A Benton Mr and Mrs Richard Curtis Just home from a ten day trip to England by air are spending a fewdayswiththeirunclcMr Ron la built Is a beautiful white Thomson his wife and family and small rock home at q imported and will retain Its beautiful white appearance lastingly Mr Ken took great care to design the calm and we congratulate him on his fine craftsmanship In the structure it enclosed the stone block of the former Methodist Church with year inscribed on the top rests the historic plaque which the Ballinafad Institute had made By Doris Fine Mr and Mrs Bud Devons and Mr Marvin Cox of Islington and Mr John Sim of Toronto visited with Mrs David Stewart Sunday Mrs J Jacksons visitors this week Included Mr and Mrs Gordon and Miss Vera Dryden of Gudph Mrs Laura Wilson and of Detroit Mr Fines also Mr and Mrs Wm H Russell of Detroit visited on the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bert mM two years ago This plaque has an SSTVtTilSr neole history tori on which cemetery community centre etc now are on land first j settled in 1820 and donated by little SeMdZvSfted jtatWerrfErintoinrthK Nathanael Mitchell and Mrs Sanford The cemetery presents a fine summer Moss Hardware appearance this Sunday morning home near Waubashlne Sept and we who live at the corner really enjoy Its Mr and beautiful lawn like appearance on the arrival of their little son a week ago Mr and Mrs Gordon have relatives resting there can feel quite complacent about It Not so many years back It was a Jungle of thorn bushes wild Bach on Leech Lake near Mr and Mrs Gordon spent Canada VUlagt with their son and daughter-in- law Mr and Mrs Sherlock at Ottawa Mrs Robert Ellis and j Ellis as leaders of SUSAtSSSSSi Trimble and baby Noel for ttefKroiect Ken Graham who Mississauga Mrs Lionel Watson Mrs Laurel and Mrs Staufford of viietstra and Susan Jackson are Mr and Mrs Tom Aitken of attending training school for visited friends the j village one day tnu week A very good game of Softball was played on the school last Monday evening when the Era trounced the oris A return match be played this week Last week picture showed coach Dudmk for the team The other two coaches Mrs Jim Taylor and Natalie Dudmk missed the pic- tare Mr and Mrs a Russell of Detroit Michigan are visiting week with Mr Russell s sister and niece Mrs Thomas Fines and Dons and other relatives in the area Mr and Mrs Ross Ferguson Thomas Fines Miss Doris Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Danny Spear nee Beth who were married by Rev Barrow In Presbyterian Church on Sat with the reception following In Memorial Hall Relative dies We extend sympathy to Mrs Osbum In the niece Mrs Wm Credit area last week Also to the who are cousins Mr and Mrs John spent a week with the Rev Andrew McKenzies at their cottage in the French River area Little Gerry accomp- Sunday Margaret Horn an holidayed with relatives at recently Mr and Mrs George Morrison spent holidays with her parents at Richmond Quebec In July and a recent weekend with relatives at Pembroke Jimmy Morrison spent the summer Richmond and Danny spent his Pembroke City wedding Mr end Mrs Randy Banish were guests at the McKechnle wedding in First of her Unitarian Church Toronto and of the Port the reception In the Banquet Hall Scarborough on Sat Mrs Banish PASSERSBY catch a glimpse of the hockey games In the bank window color TV courtesy USED CAR SWEEP OUT We are selling our Used stent savings to moke way for the 73 models arriving dally If youve been seriously thinking of o new car now is the time to buy during our sweepout sale Maverick almost like new miles Lie Meaford and Mr and Mrs Jack Robbie and Tracy of Georgetown visited Mr and Mrs Bert Benton and John on There were several from Acton at the thrilling Canada Russia hockey In Maple Leaf Gardens Some had won tickets in draws 67 Ford red In P radio Lie L7W85 Maverick 302V8- speed Hurst shifter Headers wide ovals fully loaded 14000 wig miles lie 68 Volkswagen wgn YOU COULD WIN Fill out your Free Ballot at I Ford Sales display at the Acton Fall 1- air and you may win used car for your family Draw will take place Saturday morning Oct at 30 at Ford and you must be present to Contest open to any person over and must have a valid driver license One ticket per person Ford Sales employees and family not eligible BONANZA TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS Retractable Blot Ink Only BALL POINT PEN 05 Offer Fine Medium 2 PENS FREE 37 Campus Sheet iVj LOOSELEAF REFILL Fife Covers tic DUOTANG 17 77 Ftair NYLON TIP PENS 33 Utile Red 11 Ruled JUMBO PADDED REFILL 77 Roll On ScntM or BAN SUPER DRY LOTION 73 Bayer CHILDRENS ASPIRINS 27 BUFFERIN TABLETS 89 Colaat with p Super tin DENTAL CREAM 107 Giant CREST TOOTHPASTE 63 Ouchfeii imp BANDAGES 88 lice NASAL MIST 93 DRISTAN TABLETS 94 or Tabliti ids GERIT0L LIQUID 288 RIGHT GUARD 111 AIR FRESHENER DISINFECTANT 107 or Mint Flavour MAGN0LAX 94 Nice HAIR COLOUR 139 SKIN CREAM 99 Rod On DEODORANT 94 Pearl Drops St ml TOOTH POLISH 144 Spray Mitt FEMININE DEODORANT 149 Spray Powder FEMININE DEODORANT 149 Scope MOUTHWASH 99 Snow Whit Ply Attorled Colours BATHROOM TISSUE 6r88 99 for Hair Tuba VITALIS DRV TENURE 117 awl DMG HUT YOUR CHILDS FUTURE IN MUSIC STARTS HERE THE PIANO ROOM at CW KELLY SON Pianos IN rich in it n a it rrUa la 4 actMialHlMMM it r Chmn MnnM llch la ay tit 100 fiaM THI Of THI TO THI OP T1AINIO ARTIST Tm mason toni and touch HAS TO A PIANO THI or and styling tiult MASON PIANO WHIN YOU A PIANO HOW CAN YOU 1 Haw it it will a mW t Haw ka aa4n fit aaH Ward aia cat aarN aat aaM la Haw HTM that af will far Haw rw ka a at MHy a4 aanlca alaaar Haw yaw tar raw avar Bad a aramlwai la Haw yaw ma By Mn7 buy HEINTZMAN and be sure JO Piaaaa ia la aaiaarf yaar afrar by yaw Taft M MaM panaoaal at C Kaffy IM you to plan iii of built pianos a ho in our salon Their Future Deserves The Finest bring your child to Kelly Son Ltd TODAY I