Erin teacher carries banner At years of age Carolyn a yet a neophyte In the maledominated world of federal polities But neither her sex nor her age will Intimidate her during the election war she la waging on behalf the Halton In the October 30 election race Nominated last month when youthful candidate Steven resigned Mrs was the last of the three candidates to enter the election race While the subject of women rights la sure to find a spot close to her heart other Issues like Canadian independence and electoral reform and changes in what she suggests Is unfair taxation arc thekey issues in her mind On Canadian Independence Mrs points out the nation cant make Independent political decisions when It dominated economically by an outside Influence She claims such domination was Illustrated when a Canadian based firm contracted to supply trucks for China and was overruled by the American parent company and told not to fill the order Noting surveys show sub sistence level of living costs 140 per month the suggested increased allowances for pensioners should be Introduced soon Being a woman 1 ve received a number of complaints from women concerning women rights A school teacher applying for work in a Peel County school was accepted subject to producing her marriage licence according to Mrs She points out men would never be asked to produce such document Rich win easily reform should put an end to a period where the richest party has the greatest chance of getting elected says Mrs She argues that elec tions be decided on slick advertising promotion People don hear or see as much of our party because we don t have the money she said She charges the Liberal government promised election reform In and again in but so far It has passed no leg Is lutlon but simply appointed committees and a Royal Commission on the matter Although she concurs with leader Lewis charges against large corporations not carrying their fair share of taxes she feels incentive grants to firms In genuine need of help should be available A land bank to protect family farms from speculation and trend towards corporate farming should be initiated Mrs feels Born and raised on a family farm In Mississauga Mrs quotes her father when she land costs in excess of acre put the proposition out of reach for farmer who wonts to make a living on it Suggesting the NDP policy on nationalization has been widely misinterpreted Mrs pointed out only those floundering or those offering essential services to the nation would be considered for national tuition Minority government Commenting on the makeup of the next parliament Mrs said she favor a minority rather than majority government regardless of the government party stripes strong opposition could be assured Horn and raised on a century form problems of the farmer ore dose to her heart Mrs attended elementary and secondary schools ami later graduated from University of Western Ontario Ironkully enough Terry Connor also picked up his degree at the some Institution Brian Carolyn husband Is his wife on the campaign tour and acting us her campaign manager Carolyn will work full time on the campaign from now until Oct Carolyn and ilrlan live In Township Year No ACTON WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1972 Second Section Terry Hon nor will appear on on Wednesday October from 15 to Channels He will be Interviewed by news reporters CAROLINE works closely with husband Brian during the campaign Both arc school teachers and have been NDP followers for time Photo by Burti OConnor says MP more than Halton rep TERRA O CONNOR takes morning call from a party worker Connor is accurately labelled as a top notch organization man Photo by B Burtt In March of this year Tories decided Terry O Connor was the man they wanted to tack lc Liberal MP Whiting Six months and about doors later Connor and his Tories are ready to head Into the final weeks of the battle O Connor has all the tials of a top flight politician He young intelligent dedicated ambitious and in short politics form a very substantial port of his life and have ever since boy hood While headquarters offices ore set up in four different areas the office in OnkviUe will be the Tory control centre for the election O Connor has been branded as an organizer In an interview he suggested the classification had a plastic type of connotation Meeting people Plastic or not the PC candidate Is highly organized A laree map in one room of party head quarters is dotted with buttons denoting the polls he has per canvassed He divide tune between the various areas of the spending the most tune in the areas with the most people A jreat organization with good filing systems and good unication leaves him free to and door knocking You can do that for 15 or 11 hours a day Connor schedule Is planned by committee that tries to fit him into all pockets of the riding arranges interviews and plans his mornings alter noons and evenings The Issues in this federal as in most arc vague However Connor feels and Inflation will top the list Higher In east that while has reasonable rate of em cent without Jobs and the limes about 14 per ecnl Because is a prosperous county it pays a larLe tax share and Connor chums this shore could be reduced when unemployment is eontrolled all over Canada Inflation Is a real problem People 1 talk to ore concerned about this They see it as a never ending problem Continually In creasing costs of food and kids hurts Inflation hurts es pecially those on fixed incomes and those who members of unions thut can protect them Connor sees price and wage controls as the only real solution to unemployment even though It t a paluteable suggestion Major changes have to be made in our leaky welfare system There should be to make it better for a man to work for than have it given to him Jobs e m that wo I men especially single men to move from irens where jobs are scarce to areas where Jobs exist Hie answer to regional dls parity to dole out millions to firms in one area to provide Jobs if other Jobs ore Just going to dry up in another area Connor disparity cunt be licked just by providing a job Vou have to make the place a better plait for a guy to live whether than means providing transportation service re or housing the plan has talked to death the Issue most apt to sway the uncommitted aver voter will likely be leader ship Sincere Image linage Is that of a sine ere in liwdual ind the kind of most would welcome as neighbor and rtspeet him for his intelligence Most Conservatives would rulher see and Stunfleld fight It out In a written rather than oral eumpaign what he says not the way he delivers Conservatives will say of their leader What do you want a movie star orator or Connor asks We all recognize Hud Whiting Is nice guy but is that what you want Connor asks The role of an Ml should be three fold and Whiting he claims has handled the first of the three adequately That is taking cure of the routine day to duy things that have to do with constituent problems like getting a passport In three days fixing an immigration problem or other constituency problems Whiting has spent the entire four years to get re elected the little things for people to get buck In You have to do these things Connor says with a shrug Hole of MP Hut according to O Connor the role of the MP has to go further An MP should take a particular ml en at In a field learn all there Is to learn about that field take a standundnrgucit In in the media and on the public plat form My Interest would be justice Already 1 done more along Hut line than has Connor chaired the on for the PCs In and claims ho was well received and many of his Ideas were accepted Hud can t point to this he sold Hie third duty or the MP should be to act as communication link I keep Ins riding informed and exi lain his riding attitude and the Issues are MP Whiting seeks reelection Alter almost five years of working as Halton MP Whiting still finds himself rapping on doors of riding residents looking for their mandate won the Liberal nomination last term against Oak villi Mayor Mac Anderson and former Milton grocer store owner Mike Led with and went on to defeat PC candidate Peter Williams and New Democrat Murray During the past four and a half years Whiting has served the day to day needs and queries of constituents and taken an interest on the national scale in a variety of ways He served one on the federal labor manpower and immigration committee one year on the National Resources and Public Works Committee two years on the regional development committee is currently vice- chairman of the public accounts committee and a member of the committee on environmental pollution Parliamentary observer Whiting attended the United Nations for two weeks as parliamentary observer and arranged meetings with and Nigerian representatives and the Canadian delegation while he was there hosted the seminar in some tune where 160 riding business men heard addresses by repre sentatives of government departments and were advised of government services aviilablc to help businessmen Looking back over the past term Whiting sees his role in helping bring Corporation to Milton as the most satisfying of all his achieve ments The corporation will employ around During the an opponent has suggested Whiting spends too much time on constituent matters and not enough on the affairs of the nation In answer to this Whiting says I hive close to the needs and aspirations of my con and tried to convey the message the federal government was only as far away as the phone or the writing pen I do care ind I will help National scene On the national scene I have Liken an interest in public ac counts and how the money from the public purse is being spent 1 am v ice airman an elected position by committee mem Speaking about tax reform said he and the people of played a role in it tic said he was able to bring Edgar Benson to the riding and held a number of discussions on the white paper and in the final draft OConnor starts day with two mile run federal PC candidate Terry Connor the campaign trail starts with a two mile run every morning The year old and father of four girls is well accus tomed to a busy schedule Commenting on the run O Conn or noted you have to be fit to stand the pace tor five years O Connor prac ticed law and then joined the staff of Allan as executive counsel to the Minister of Justice Connor claims his term with Lawrence provided experience in working with constituent prob lems speech writing and policy lems speech research HALTONMP Whiting sweetened his flo offered day at the Acton Fall Fair with a bit of candy by five year old Michelle Photo by Gibbons Busla cm experience As secretary director and part owner of National Heritage Foundation O Connor has extensive business experience as well The firm restores old forts monuments and historic 000 project at Old Fort William at the Lakehcad Even with a busy schedule Connor finds time to take to 10 days and explore the far reaches along a number of rivers in the far north with five or six friends Until this summer he has played a lot of golf and squash He and his wife Carol Ann and their four daughters live in Oak He graduated from of Western Ontario in and Osgoode Hall in 1366 and lectured at Kail in Busy for party In addition to working in every federal and provincial election since he chaired the Ontario policy research council in chaired the trans study section Ottawa and cities council in 1970 the election expenses committee In policy committee of Allan Lawrences leadership many of the tears riding people expressed through him were deleted from Benson White Paper Dunne the economic crisis wlen President Nixon invoked the 10 per cent surcharge on goods into the Sates Hal I on MP was in touch with numerous businessmen and help for some Court here Whiting was also fundamental in bringing a citizenship court to County making it possible for immigrants to take out citizenship without travelling out of the county to do It For Whiting this campaign Is even more gruelling than his first because of the added load he curries still dealing with the problems of an MP Prior to into politics was very active In community activities Charter president was the first president of the Young I Association in and worked In key positions in a host of elections both federally and provinclally Ik served with the Children Aid Society as vice president was a member of the Halton Region Conservation Authority the United Appeal and Junior Chamber of Commerce Prior to going into politics in 1968 worked as a public relations and sales representative for Nelson Crushed and prior to that worked as a farm Implement dealer is years old married and lives with his wife Anne and the it children Jamie and Tracy on Riverside in The firm has full campaign in and was elected time employees They arc of the East currently working on Tones in 1972 THE ELECTION campaign of Judy offered the a hand Progressive Conservative candidate Terry at the Acton Fill Fair Connor received a big boost when pretty Photo by Gibbons